DO You Want The good News, or the Very Bad News Frist?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]


Leon lays in one of the cots on the far side of the room. He is in a deep faint and his right paw freshly bandaged as the healers did what they could for it and he still has a high fever as well.

Angelo walks in and frowns. He learned what happen or at least an idea of what happen and looks Leon over frowning more "Lad..." He says quietly and sighs looking around the room to see who else is in here.

Zork pokes his head into the room and walks over using his cane "How be Leon?" Concern is in his voice as he asks.

Angelo looks up at the badger and shakes his head "Not good I am afraid, only thing is wot bally well happen?" He decides to check the paw after giving something for fever.

Leon paw is worse than it was and no signs the fever will go away anytime soon, or waking anytime soon either.

Zork frowns, "I don't know, he passed out yesterday morni' and I gots him ta de infirm really quick and..I gots no clue if he has even woken up since then, I don’t think so"

Angelo nods and examines the paw and frowns deeply, "When did this happen? Any idea where he bally well was before yesterday morning like night before maybe?"

Zork sits down in a nearby chair, "A novice mentioned he were just in de infirm and he helped ta find a couple dibbuns who were hiding in de attic and he ate dinner and went home right were fairly early de next day I saw him"

Leon basically doesn’t respond to anything or anyone around him, he is alive yes but deeply unconcious.

There is a light knock at the door, and it opens slowly, to reveal Lee and a rather tired looking Streamheart. Lee peers around, then guides his wife into the room. "Oy, I 'eard about Leon, mate, an' I really 'ate ta disturb ye, but Stream'eart be feelin' rather poorly this mornin'..." He waves a paw at Zork, as he guides Streamheart to a nearby chair. "Sit down 'ere, alright? Per'aps a novice can get ye some tea, dear..."

Angelo does what he can, for now, cleaning and tending to the mouse's paw and applying a couple herbs he has with him and bandaging the paw, he glances at the otter maid and walks over" How long has she been feeling ill?" Yes he is concern about Leon but he is also a healer and the only main one here right now.

Zork looks over at Lee and Streamheart "Everything be ok Lee?"

Lee helps Streamheart to sit, and she does look poorly. "Well, sir, she been feelin' poorly for a week or so, an' this mornin' she were vomittin'... Isn't that right, dear?" Streamheart nods tiredly. "Could it be a stomach bug?"

Angelo hmmms and looks the otter maid over "Any coughing or sneezing?" He doesn’t see anything out of place, but checks anyways and for a fever as well" Maybe...but you don’t seem ill..could be something else also that not be so bad wot"

Zork lets the hare help as he glaces at Leon quietly.

Streamheart shakes her head. "No fever, sir... Just more tired than usual, and then like Lee said, I was nauseated this morning..." She looks up at the hare, as Lee places a paw protectively on her shoulder.

Angelo nods, he hmms and checks a couple other things as he seems to have an idea what it could be" Tried....not feeling so great in the mornings but clears later on in the day, wot" He nods "And no one else is ill you say and no fever, I say she will be just jolly well fine just some rest, maybe light food when stomach upset.."

Zork looks over at them curious, he decides to not disturb them and lets Angelo tell them what ever is wrong as he sits by Leon.

Lee hmms? He looks down at his wife, then up at Angelo, blinking in surprise. "Wait... Are ye sayin' wot I think yer sayin', mate?"

Angelo smiles "Well depends on how you jolly well take it, whether it be good or bad news, I say good or least much better news than other news...your gonna be parents"

Zork manages a smile at some good news, "Congrats Lee and Streamheart"

Lee smiles! "My! My oh my! Our second child, dear! Konrad'll be a big brother!" He beams, leaning down to kiss Streamheart's cheek gently.

Angelo keeps the smile as he is happy for the two otters, but a faint frown still as he glaces back to Leon. He clears his throat "Yes congrats to the both of you. Try to eat healthy food and if needed just something light the morning sickness should pass in maybe a week or two"

Zork chuckles some, he also keeps the smile.

Streamheart nods, smiling. "I'll remember that, sir. If it's ok, I think I'll rest here for the moment." Lee glances at Leon, his happiness hampered by worry. "Wot, ah... Is Leon gonna be alright? Any clue wot be wrong?"

Angelo nods "course lass rest be best" He waits till Streamheart lays down and looks at the others, "I cannot answer truefully that question, right now he be far from alright."

Zork listens as Angelo speak" He'll get better right?"

Lee helps his wife to rest on an empty cot, frowning slightly. "'Ow could this 'ave 'appened? 'E were fine, last I 'eard... Course, I ain't seen 'im awhile... Didn't 'e go south not too long ago?"

Angelo nods "Yes visited the I examined his paw and from wot heard in here and from a couple talking novices..think can confirm wot happen. A bite from a spider, yeah something a bit small can more more dangerous than a vermin, not all are poisonous but this one was and right now not bally well sure how to help him. Have an idea but not sure how well it will help the lad." He frowns as Zork speaks " And I ..I don’t know if he will get better or not, he could.." Well he stops there.

Zork mainly listens and frowns "Could wot ? Ya don't mean he could...." He frowns, he rather not say any certain words either.

Lee shakes his head, letting out a sigh. "This is... Very bad. Does DoraRose know? I should send a guard ta fetch 'er... An' we need ta inform Lorimis an' the Elders. This be a very serious situation, mate."

Leon still remains in his deep faint, his pulse low and breathing is a little low right now, otherwise not much of a change, that’s good anyways.

Angelo frowns "I do not know if Dorarose knows I am thinking she would, though maybe they were waiting to say something to her till they better knew wot was goin' on"

Zork sighs, "This tis not good. I am no healer but I do know Leon has gotten worse since yesterday."

Lee waves a paw in the air. "I feel she needs ta know, as soon as possible. Leon is a vital member of the Abbey, this be an emergency, mate."

Angelo nods "I know..I know. Right now it doesn’t look good and..." He looks at the paw again, even if he bandaged it he knows what it looked like and how much worse it could get, "Something could maybe help but..would be a major change if he was to...survive this"

Zork nods "She may be in de gatehouse maybe and do wot? Wot could help Leon?"

Lee leans in. He knows where this is going. "Amputation? Aye, that would be a very major change, mate. I've seen it done before, to stop something called gangrene."

Angelo nods slowly "Also would stop any further poison from entering the body, some has yes but still a lot of it in the paw where the bite was..." He looks at Lee, "It would help in that way. I will say this without possibly doin' that.." He shakes his head, "He is slowly getting worse chap, and not gonna lie and say things will be just fine, they won’t he is dyeing and that’s the still a chance to try to save him if possible."

Zork frowns, "But, wouldn’t it cause other problems and how would ya do it without making this any worse.?"

Lee frowns grimly. "We need DoraRose... But in lieu of 'er permission, I say do it. We cannot just sit here an' watch 'im die... Meanwhile, I'm informing the Abbot."

Angelo seems to have an answer for that, "Well...there is a way to prevent Blood lose or least a great deal of it" He sighs "You use something sharp course and be quick and use something very very hot to..basically seal off the wound right’s not pretty but it heals and . He learns to get use to useing or not useing can be can still do things with just one paw just takes time to learn and get use to"

Zork nods looking worried, he frowns as he seems to think about what the hare just said.." Something real" He sighs, "I think I understand where ya goin' with this but ya can’t very well move him and not like thar a bed thar sir hare"

Angelo looks serious "Movin' him will make no difference at all chap, and be easier than doi' something in here and someone can move sheets, covers..wot ever and he can always be brought back inta here."

Leon shivers a little seemly maybe getting worse as time goes on, making no clear clue he hears anything that’s happening around him.

Lee waves a novice over, and whisper to him. The novice nods, and scurries out of the room. Lee sighs, crossing his arms. "I can move 'im, with another of me guards. The forge is a highly unusual place ta perform a medical procedure, ye know."

Angelo looks between them "Any other bally ideas? No way ta keep a hot bit of metal as hot goin' from there to here again or as hot as should be"

Zork listens but doesn’t seem too happy on it as he stands "I..will help" Yeah voice gives it away he rather not but knows he needs to and the only one who could help with it right now possibly.

Lee shakes his head. "No, yer right. It 'as ta be in the forge. But we'll 'ave ta keep other abbey beasts outta the Kitchen Yard, though. This be life or death..."

Leon shivers a little seemly maybe getting worse as time goes on, making no clear clue he hears anything that’s happening around him.

Lee waves a novice over, and whisper to him. The novice nods, and scurries out of the room. Lee sighs, crossing his arms. "I can move 'im, with another of me guards. The forge is a highly unusual place ta perform a medical procedure, ye know."

Angelo looks between them "Any other bally ideas? No way ta keep a hot bit of metal as hot goin' from there to here again or as hot as should be"

Zork listens but doesn’t seem too happy on it as he stands "I..will help" Yeah voice gives it away he rather not but knows he needs to and the only one who could help with it right now possibly.

Angelo room-pages, "may need to pause this but it can end part one with them heading over there and then part two after lunch".

Lee shakes his head. "No, yer right. It 'as ta be in the forge. But we'll 'ave ta keep other abbey beasts outta the Kitchen Yard, though. This be life or death..."

Angelo nods "Then that can be your job, you are the head guard after all"

Zork sighs, he decides to go on over to the forge area and, well get ready he guesses.

Lee checks Streamheart, to make sure she is resting well, as he replies, "Aye, I am."

Leon meanwhile shivers as he stays in his deep faint.

--To Be cont. in another log--