Could the siblings finally be buring the hatchet? Maybe?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Abbey: First Orchards....

The dark shape burns through the woods, and there's an infuriated roar.

DoraRose chases after the dark shape, running and wincing every time she steps on her injured leg. She might need that walking staff back. "Emyuil? Wait, please." She trips, goes sprawling, pushes throught the pain, and continues her pursuit of her brother.

"Never enough, never," comes a scream from further in the orchards. "It can all burn!"

DoraRose follows the sound of the angered voice, calling over the sounds of his wrath, "Brother! Where are you? I must speak with you!" She has slowed, not because she wants to, but rather because her leg feels as if it's on fire.

Entering a clear space between several trees, and there stands that beast, staring into the distance, blood, his, mingled with that of some unknown unfortunate creature, mats his fur in some places, clenching and unclenching a fisted paw until blood shows fresher.

DoraRose is in some serious pain right now, but she's trying desperatly to not show it. She cautiously aprouches the beast in front of her until she's within arms reach, then murmers, "Emyuil...look at me. I have something I have to tell you. Will you please listen?" She is not scared, though maybe she should be.

Slowly, ominously, Emyuil turns, the blood everywhere, fresh lacerations and scars on his snout just short of losing eyes. "Fine. Speak," he spits out.

DoraRose slowly walks closer until her nose is just an inch away from her brother's. "I know that it probably makes no difference now, but I want to say...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you behind, and if I could do it all over again, I would bring you along. I understand that you'll probably never forgive me, but I hope you'll understand." she pauses, gazing into his eyes, unblinking, then adds, "I didn't want you to get hurt, and I didn't realize that my leaving would hurt you more than anything else." She takes a step back. "I love you, Emyuil, and I know that you won't believe that now, or maybe ever, but it's the truth." she turns, takes a step, and collapses in agony.

Blood still flows, something dies in those dark eyes of the Half-rat. Moment, a slow moment, creeps by before he steps forward, saying, "I understand; tho' I can't forgive you, and won't, I acknowledge that there was no malice, tho' there was remorse." Agony of decision before he aids 'Rose in rising to footpaws, perhaps the first steps toward rebuilding their sibling-hood, but there's still no warmth, no /feel/ in his paws, they're still rigid, pragmatic, calculating...What has Emyuil become?

DoraRose allows Emyuil to help her rise, and that reveals wide, pain-filled eyes, lips set in a firm, white line, and a drawn face, and the paw holding her brothers' is so taught, so vice-like, that her knuckles are white. She somehow manages as small smile of thanks, but as of yet can't speak.

The smile is all that Emyuil needs to recieve the message; emotion returns to his eyes but only for the blink of an eye.

DoraRose gulps twice, tries to walk, and nearly falls over again. The pain wrenches a small cry from the mousemaid, but she stifles it and leans on her brother, still trying to hide what she's feeling, but her mask is cracking, ans she looks like she might faint.

Tho' the other walks alone by preference, the Black Sword still knows how to aid walking wounded after fights. Allowing his older sister to lean on him, adjusting his stance so that her footpaws need not touch ground, Emyuil walks towards the main Abbey building, where tho' he searches for aid for his sister, he'll spurn any and all concern over the abrasions and blood that mar his own form.

DoraRose rests in her brother's arms, almost unconscious from pain, just vagely aware of the blood soaking into the borrowed habit she's wearing and, right now, not caring.