Clients and Clifftops

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Darkwatcher is crouched here by the fire, however, he is extinguishing the flames swiftly as if he's in a hurry.

Gildor is a littel ways away sitting just in reach of the waves
Darkwatcher gestures for Gildor to join him.

Gildor prowels over "Yes?" he is purring slightly

Darkwatcher doesn't move his gaze from the dying flames. "Gather your things. We need to move." Dethwing circles above, and, at a silent signal from Darkwatcher, swoops down to land on the fox's paw.

Gildor looks around the area and stops purring "whats the rush?" he does not really have anything to gather

Darkwatcher, with the crow-less paw, points northward. Dethwing imitates his gesture, directing his deadly beak north.
Gildor looks north as well "whats north?"
Darkwatcher murmurs, "Enemies..." He rises to his feet and Dethwing flutters off his arm, flying west over Marshank. The black fox silently sprints west, saying, "Follow me!"
Gildor nods at Darkwatchers words "figures" he shrgs and runs after Darkwatcher
Darkwatcher crouches on the clifftop and readies his longbow.
Gildor asks "are you going to try to fight them all off by yourself?"
Darkwatcher laughs coldly. "Of course not. I'm just getting ready to nail any fool who gets too close."
Gildor nods and mutters somthing about giving away there position
Darkwatcher shakes his head, picking up Gildor's comment. "Not if I aim for the throat. Silent and swift."
Gildor shrugs "suit yourself." he sits down and looks slightly glum "to bad I never learned to use a bow."
Darkwatcher turns to face him for a moment. "Always time to learn...Just have to.../acquire/ one."
Gildor nods "I will have to find one"
Darkwatcher gestures to the enemy force below. "There will be plenty of opportunity in the days ahead."
Gildor nods and his paws start to move restlessly "do you ever crave a good fight?"
Darkwatcher shrugs. "Occasionally I grow bored with incompetent foes...However, I'm no beserker. I simply /kill./ I do it quick, efficent, and skillfully."
Gildor nods "I have never KILLED without reason. do you always do it quick? do you never do it slowly?"
Darkwatcher shrugs "It depends...Some foebeasts are simply fools that stand in my way. Those I finish quick and simple. A stab to the throat, a dagger to the chest... Then he grins maliciously behind his mask. "But some...some are scum that deserve their pain, and more...Those...those I kill /creatively/."
Gildor nods "and what is /creative/ killing?"
"Exactly what it sounds like..." Darkwatcher says. "Slow...painful...inventive."
Gildor smiles "much like some poisons. you should try it somtime."
Darkwatcher considers this, then shakes his head slowly. "Perhaps, but poision isn't my style...It's too.../clean/, for a start. A drop of liquid and they die...Me...I prefer doing it by hand."
Gildor shrugs "suit youself. I think /clean/ is better than chunks of bloody meet, but we all think different"
Darkwatcher smiles slowly. "Ah, but you forget. I am speaking of when the victim's agony is intended."
Gildor shrugs "I guess. there is a question I have wanted to ask you, Do you ever take prisoners?"
Darkwatcher finishes readying his longbow and sets it aside. Drawing one of his daggers, he twirls it, saying, "When the job requires it...Yes...But by custom..." He holds it before his face, the hilt level with his snout, in a posture similar to the warrior's salute. "...No."
Gildor watches his do all this than he nods and mutters somthing under his breath
Darkwatcher puts his dagger away and his ear swivels toward his comrade. "Yes?"
Gildor shrugs and smiles to himself "nothing."
Darkwatcher picks his longbow up again and gazes down at the passing horde. "
Gildor keeps smileing like he has some sort of a secret but he nods "I say so"
Darkwatcher suddenly elbows his companion. "Look."
Gildor winces slightly at the elbow in his ribs but eh nods and looks "look at what?"
Darkwatcher indicates the column of hordebeasts below .
Gildor grins "can we go kill than? paw to paw?"
Darkwatcher shakes his head. "Too many. But their leader's a monitor which was why I got your attention. Do you take trophies?" the fox suddenly asks.
Gildor shrugs "somtimes, only when the fight is hard"
Darkwatcher grins. "Should make a fine pair of gloves...or a sheath for your blades...or a belt or cloak."

Morgoth comes up from the south

Darkwatcher hears him coming, and turns to his client, nodding. "M'lord." He indicates Gildor. "I don't believe the two of you have met. This is Gildor, my comrade-in-arms. Gidlor, this's Morgoth, the beast who hired us."
Gildor nods to Morgoth "Hello."
Morgoth says, "hm, well, I hope you can fight Gildor"
Gildor grins "I do my best."
Fuin comes up from the south fallowing Morgoth
Darkwatcher grins, although somewhat angrily. "Don't you dare doubt the capabilities of my beasts." He nods to Fuin. "So...the horde's arrived at last."
Darkwatcher slips off to the north, saying, "Wait here. I'm going to do a bit of scouting."
Morgoth asks, "well, so ware are ya from?"
Gildor shrugs "hither and yon." .
Morgoth asks, "any way, do you know who is leding the other hord?"
Gildor says "One of there leaders is a monitor lizard but I do not know who the main hoard leader is"
"who are ya?" Fuins looking at Gildor
Gildor lets his eyes rove to Fuin "I am Gildor Redriver. you?"
Morgoth says, " you know thare wharabouts?"
Fuin says, "Fuin..."
Gildor shakes his head "nope. I do not know"
Morgoth says, "hm..."
Gildor sighs "so, why do you want to take Marshank?"
Morgoth says, "becous I'm trying to take over the eastern cost"
Gildor nods "do you have a hoard?"
Morgoth says, "well I do"
Gildor nods "where is it?"
Morgoth says, "well, it's here and thare"
Gildor nods "so are you paying Darkwatcher for helping you?"
Morgoth says, "well, he is going to get hafe of all I yes, he is"
Morgoth moves down th cliff
Gildor nods "thats good payment. Is he the only one you are spliting with?"
Morgoth says, "no"
