Cleaning and Checking Supplies

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Honeyfern is in the kitchen humming and cleaning, she is cleaning out one of the ovens and has already cleaned off counter tops and table tops, beside the wall are a broom and dust pan and a mop.

Jake slips in and walks over to her smiling "Hey, so guess her ta help then."

Honeyfern stops cleaning and looks at him and nods "Yes you are...hmmmm I know do some sweeping, your good at that and maybe mop." she smirks a little "I did have one of the brothers helping for a little while and then they had to leave."

Jake shrugs and gets the broom and starts to sweep the floor, he nods "Spring cleaning guess could be worse" He sweeps the floor quietly and places the dust into a bucket nearby, he seems to have started to enjoy spring cleaning or maybe it’s just good to help out around the abbey, he sits the broom and dustpan off to the side and goes to get a mop and bucket for that, "Least this much cleaning isn't done too often, be tiring if it was."

Zoomy bustles in and straightaway heads towards the pantry.

Honeyfern smiles as she watches him sweep and finishes cleaning the oven and looks around "Looks a lot better in here now"

Jake nods as he mops the floor, stopping after a little while to rest and then starts again, after a while the floor is moped as he looks at the floor and grins.

Honeyfern checks a couple shelves and straightens them up some and sighs, but smiles "Well kitchen is clean now, cabinets need straightening a little still but otherwise all is well."

Zoomy rustles about in the pantry, "Now where did I put those nuts..."

Jake looks at Zoomy and shrugs as he puts the mop and bucket away he was using, he hmmms "Somewhere?" he grins and helps him to look in the cabinets, "Kitchen is all clean now by the way. Moped, swept, and..Cleaned up"

Honeyfern chuckles at Jake and shakes her head; he gets a rag and cleans the side of a cabinet and nods, "Yes a lot more clean now,. Maybe look over some supplies and reorder cabinets and should be in good shape."

Zoomy jumps little, "Oh I hadn't noticed anyone else was here. I was so intent on finding what I needed. Thank you for cleaning up the kitchens of course. Now my fur won't be so dusty when I use them."

Jake finds some nuts "What kind. Found walnuts acorns, and some hazelnuts here...little low on chestnuts looks like."

Honeyfern nods "I also heard low on mint leaves, not that that’s a nut." she smirks a little and wipes off a couple other cabinets and looks inside "Seem fairly well stocked and should be some spring veggies around now right?"

Zoomy nods, "Aye I heard the harvest should be coming in soon. I guess I'll have to make due without chestnuts for now. Unless...". He digs around in one of his pockets and pulls out a bag of chestnuts. "Ah there they are."

Jake nods "Well some spring veggies to harvest...they will be planting so crops are there in the fall soon, so it’s also planting time. Plant now so have food in the fall."

Honeyfern nods "Yes and probably will need help with that too, so busy time in the abbey right now and the festival in a couple days."

The kitchen looks pristine now. Zoomy wanders over to one of the ovens and begins stoking the flames, “I should get cooking. Always need to be prepared early!"

Jake hmmms "Yes suppose, I don't mind helping in cleaning, can't help with cooking though. Never was good with that, mainly ate off the land when was traveling or wandering, or ate meals elsewhere or. Well can cook fish over a campfire but that’s about it and..It was burned some."

Honeyfern shakes her head, "I can help cook some if needed. I have cooked at Salamanastron before. Also sew, heal, and can use a dirk..Most of it simple stuff was taught to know."

Zoomy coughs as a bag of flour he was trying to pick up bust in his face, "You know little help would be much appreciated."

Jake looks around and back to them "Think Konnor was gonna help but. Guess he got into adventure or wot not and left" he shrugs "I could make a list of umm..Supplies we have or ones low on, that be easy."

Honeyfern nods "Well I will help cook and hopefully someone else will to. Also there are the ones who cook all the time to help as well and with a head cook now things should go more smoothly."

Zoomy nods slowly, "Let’s hope they do. Now Jake you’re going to need quill and parchment for this list. It will be quite long."

Jake nods and sighs "Fun, alright then where would I find those?"

Honeyfern smiles, she yawns a little as she was cleaning before either of them had come into the kitchen, she sits down "Hopefully other rooms won’t be so hard to clean up"

Zoomy says, ""I think you can find quill and parchment in the Recorder's rooms. I doubt he or she will mind if you borrow some.""

Jake nods "Alright I will go get thatnow, be back soon." He slips off and returns soon with the quill and paper.

Honeyfern listens as she stays in her seat and rests, she then asks "So wot else needs ta jolly well be done before the festival?"

Zoomy twitches his tail, "Mostly cooking and all that."

Jake looks between them and looks about the pantry and cabinets to see what they are low on mainly and what still have a good amount of and even the in between stuff too as they talk.

Honeyfern nods "That’s good, you know if Silver and Biff are getting married we are gonna need a cake for them, a nice cake"

Zoomy scratches his head thinking, "I wander what all they want on it... Maybe meadow cream icing, then some sliced strawberries around the edges..."

Honeyfern shrugs as she glances around the room "You should ask them maybe."

Jake nods "Yeah ask maybe or just surprise them" he looks around "As for strawberries will have to find some, should be some around now and I can go get some."

Zoomy nods, "Well I hope you all don't mind, but I must immerse myself in the task at hand."

Jake sighs a little as he jots down some things and checks a couple other things muttering to himself as he makes a note "Get strawberries....hmmmm, they are low on nutmeg too, but should be enough for the festival."

Honeyfern smiles and stands up "That’s good" she gives him a hug "And thanks for all the help the past couple days Jake you were really helpful."

Jake smiles at the hug and nods "But of course I am helpful, I Am al..Well almost always helpful around the abbey with guarding mainly, but well cleaning and checking supplies is ok too, little change of pace sort of speak. "

Honeyfern chuckles some now and smiles at him "Maybe I will join you up on the wall tonight, sit and chat with some hot cider"

Jake nods "Sounds like a good plan" he gets back to looking over the supplies and writes down some more, "Low on chestnuts. Lots of walnuts and a lot of sugar and flour far nothing is dangerously low at least."

Honeyfern nods "That’s good to know; when you’re done you can give the list to the abbot and guess one to Zoomy too."

Jake nods "Yeah I know," he finishes the list and places it and the quill in his tunic pocket "I can make a copy later and give each one"

Honeyfern nods "Alright, I am gonna get cleaned up and take a nap. Talk later" and she exits the room.