Chat about Novice Ranks and Memories-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

- Papa Oz talks to Novice Caleb on Novice ranks and then Oz and Caleb help a depressed Cynthia

Redwall Log:


Oz-Papa Oz and caretaker of the dibbuns at Redwall Abbey

Sister Ginney-Spoofed Abbey Sister, she is a hedgehog

Caleb-Novice of Redwall

Cynthia- Abbey Resident

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]


a message (board) with notes tacked to it

Oz is sitting in his chair finishing a story with the dibbuns, this one seems to be about Laterrose, as the dibbuns wanted to hear about her today. "Alright now go with Sister Jenny for snack time" He smiles as the dibbuns head off and he yawns as he is a little tried.

Caleb makes his way into the room, he stays by the doorway till they all head out and walks over to the badger "Hello Papa Oz, you seem tried this morning you ok?" His paws are wet from washing the dishes after breakfast.

Oz nods as he had heard Caleb before he came closer" I am fine, just a dibbun had a nightmare and so didn’t go to sleep till late into the night and Juliana didn’t sleep well either, but I will be fine as I always take a nap later today during classes as Sister Ginny helps with reading and writing classes for the dibbuns"

"Yeah I know, " Caleb says and then adds " Speaking of reading and writing, I still need to do my test for reading and math also but I know I will pass, sort of hoping to get to 2nd rank novice by time the feast is, you think I can?" He sounds hopeful.

Oz listens and smiles "Well Magramba or the abbot be best to ask for the test, as for can you get to 2nd rank. I believe so you did well with the charter and its meanings, have you done a task yet?"

Caleb shakes his head as remembers, oh yeah blind duhhhh...."No task yet, I think Abbot Benar has one in mind for me."

Oz nods "That is good Novice Caleb and I know you have the dark green leaf and light green leaf charms. You still need the rest for getting to 2nd rank"

Caleb answers "Yes sir..I need the yellow leaf charm for math or basic arithmetic. I also need the leaf charm for basic reading and writing and that one is red, and the dark leaf charm is for good work ethic. The white one is for a task from an elder or abbot"

Oz smiles "Yes and then you get your acorn pin after requirements are completed, Your see the Abbot and be given an acorn pin to symbolize your position as a Novice, Second Level. Weather that’s by the Summer Feast or not and I think you do well with understanding work ethic for the white leaf charm but I will let Benar decide that"

Caleb says, "I know, be responsible and get along with others. Follow through with my tasks and finish what I start. Never be late for class...I was late once but I was never late again after that. Also to be helpful and try to keep a positive attitude is good as well."

Oz listens "Yes all important and I know you stick with your chores, and you get along with others from what I have seen."

Caleb says, "It’s also good to tell the true, and to communicate well with others weather it’s an adult or even a dibbun also as they want paid attention to and understood, its important. Also to always do ones best and never half do a task or chore, if one needs help its ok to ask for it and to help others as well then the chore is better done next time one does it."

Oz smiles "You have grown up to be a very good, mature and responsible beast Caleb and your make a fine Brother in the order one day and I look forward to it. I think there is a very good chance your get to 2nd rank novice at the feast."

Caleb smiles wide "Thanks Papa Oz."

Cynthia walks slowly in from the outside , she is up late today and missed breakfast and her head fur is slightly messy but she doesn’t seem to care as she sits in the first chair she finds and talks to no one.

Oz smiles "Your welcome" He listens as Cynthia enters and frowns at the quietness "Cynthia?...I did not notice you at breakfast, unless you were there early perhaps but your usually playing your harp"

Caleb walks over to the mouse maid "Hey, you ok? And she wasn’t at Breakfast Papa Oz, she was elsewhere.." He looks back concern "Why did you miss breakfast, where were you?"

Cynthia is at first quiet and then she looks up "I was in the orchards at first and watching bees go from flower to flower and got me thinking about mom and so I we..I wen..." She is fighting the urge to cry, "Went to the graveyard and sat there for a while...."

Oz stands and walks over to the mouse maid and if he is allowed goes to give her a gentle hug, "It is ok to cry, it is ok to remember...things still remind me of loved ones at times, I may not see things now but things mentioned or certain smells like a tea I make at times...missing the sounds of someone who should be around still and is not now"

Caleb listens and stays beside the two, "You mean Elder Zork...yeah I miss him too, he would give rides to the dibbuns in his wheelchair and was funny and had a way of cheering everyone up no matter what." He seems to want to hug the mouse maid also but stays nearby instead. “Cynthia...I don’t know what it’s like to lose a family member but I know I am still here to help you and so is your other friends and your dad Friar Lacota is still here too"

Cynthia allows the hug from the badger, but just briefly as she gently pushes him away and goes to hug Caleb and lets some tears fall.

Oz steps back and lets the two talk, he nods to Caleb "Yes..Zork, I still miss him very much he was always there for me and then suddenly was not. I knew something was wrong that day even before Zinnia told me. One does not fully get over a eases some but never fully. I still at times cry even now...even about my mate and dibbun, adopted son even and that’s ok to grieve just remember to not let it over take you. Know others as Caleb said are here to help you through this"

Caleb holds Cynthia close and nods "Yeah friends and family..the abbey is one big family in fact"

Cynthia leans against Caleb and manages a small smile" I know...and I am glad you’re here Caleb, I missed you while I was away..missed you a lot, cause...."She stops uncertain of words.

Oz stays quiet. he is there if needed but let’s Caleb help for now.

Caleb still comforts "Cause why?" He asks quietly, he missed her as well and worried about her but he stayed in the abbey and didn’t go out as he was told to stay at the abbey and wait...wait for news and he did.

Cynthia decides to answer, she is a little over a season older than him, almost an adult, half a season away, and he is not that far behind her. "Cause I love you." Plain..simple answer.

Caleb smiles and kisses her forehead gently, he has feelings for her too...maybe that’s why he worried so, why when she returned and was in the infirm he almost paniced, "I...I love you as well Cynthia and will always be here for you."

Oz smiles and lets the two talk as he heads on outside, he has dibbuns to tend to and he best get back to them before they drive Sister Ginny insane, which yes they would do after some time. He will luckily get there in time and they will have a safe and fun day, with a couple more abbey beasts to help, at the in the sun on a summer day!