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From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated February 10, 2015 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 8 replies.

Tue, 02/10/2015 - 11:32

I decided to make a forum topic where players can request rp for their characters or request others to create a character for their rp (minions, family members, etc etc.)

Feel free to also post potential story ideas you have but lack players to make it possible.

To start us off.

Bandit - I'm looking to make Bandit the (possibly corrupt) sheriff of a town or settlement. For those who have not met Bandit, he is a very well rounded (fat) brown fox, an ex pirate and part time adventurer. He would be considered neutral as far as alignment goes. I just...need a town to make him sheriff for.

Possible snake rp - I have 3 snake npcs currently alive in mossflower. Ageless, Tulip and Basilisk. Tulip is...insane to say the least, she collects cut and fury pets (woodlanders and vermin) and eats them when she gets bored with them. Basilisk is currently a shared alt with Blisa, actually I think it's officially her npc now ^^ although sometimes I borrow him to do snaky shenanigans in Ferrevall. Ageless is just...really old.

Tulip can appear anywhere, Basilisk is in Ferravall as the cheiftains daughters pet. Ageless is around camp willow. All three could use some rp and ageless has been used to dispose of unwanted alts in the past.
