Cartographer's Map

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Since someone asked, here’s the code I use to display the map generated by Cartographer. It (mostly) avoids function invocation limits by rendering the map in successive chunks. I copied this straight out of the file, so some things will need changing (dbrefs, mostly).

@create Cartographer's Map=me=cartomap
+reg $cartomap:laserbot=$laserbot
+reg $cartomap:laserbot=$laserbot
@act showmap=$cartomap=$cartomap:showmap=$nothing
@succ $cartomap:showmap={lexec:showmap,showmap}
lsedit $cartomap:showmap=showmap
.del ^ $
The device spins to life.\r<< Generating map... >>\rStart point: {name:{default:{prop:_map/1/100/6, #104924},{loc:#104924}}}
lsedit $cartomap:showmap=doshow
.del ^ $
						{set:line2,{&line2}|  {if:{eq:{loc:#104924},{prop:_map/1/{&y}/{&x},#104924}},o, } }
						{set:line3,{&line3}|  {if:{eq:{loc:me},{prop:_map/1/{&y}/{&x},#104924}},*, } },