Can We Talk?..:Lorimis Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Happen in Infirm, Lorimis,Braxton and Flicky chat of..stuff...=

Lorimis is in the hallway, right before the infirm and so heads inside the infirm

Braxton sniffs, he is upset right now so looks at the wall, the dull wall.

Flicktail just asked Braxton if Braxton would help Flicky to understand Braxton

Lorimis looks in the infirm when he hears voices, he had just been talking with some novices and nods, "Good eve all beasts"

Braxton frowns, he sniffs, "You not be able one helps"

Flicktail asks, "Hello Father Lorimis, I was looking to ask you a Question, Why you told Leon he could not go to Ferravlle to see his mate, and Braxton, you don’t want me ta try?"

Lorimis waits to speak, "Ah yes I have heard Dorarose is in Ferravale, and yes I told Leon not to go, he was going to go alone and I forbid it, he is not allowed to go rushing off alone, he had also just passed out and I was concern over that and told him to rest which I hope he listened too." He looks over at the badger "And I have meet Braxton, him and Zinnia got into an argument over some issues during a lesson"

Braxton frowns, he looks at the abbot glaring slightly, "Zinnia is meanie, hate her..she lied and said thought I was dead, she just lied and..and didn’t wanna help me.."

Flicktail looks at Lorimis "Then I will take Leon to see her, he will not be alone" He sighs at Braxton he offered to understand but will just have to wait for the Dibbun to decide to explain or not

Lorimis remains calm as he listens to the badger, "From what she told me, she did believe you dead. Nightfur had told her you were and that is why she didn’t come back, Zinnia was very upset over you hating her so.." He looks at Flicktail "That would be best Flicktail, thank you my friend, please let him know and that he waits till you and him go -together- abbots orders ."

Braxton frowns, he faces the wall again and mutters something, he sniffs again and whimpers a small shiver and he ends up falling asleep muttering something...probably not the best words for a dibbun.

Flicktail looks at Lorimis "Father I would like to speak to you...”

Lorimis frowns at some of the words and sighs, "Young Braxton needs help and friends very much" He nods to Flicktail "What is it Flicktail, please say no bad news"

Flicktail says, "not bad news but I wish ti understand things and maybe have you tell the other beasts, or of course correct me"

Lorimis asks, "Correct you on what and help you understand what?"

Flicktail says, "I'm gettin to that father. In the past, The Guards and the Defense of the Abbey, has always been the Champion in Charge, and the Champion is second only to the Abbot in matters of defense and helping beasts when someone is missing or at still how it is Father?"

Lorimis listens "All beasts can help look for anyone lost, The head guard is in charge of the guards and the champion helps, if needed and such was the case during Nightfur, but couple others helped, the badger father helps if you are unable to, why do you ask?

Flicktail asks, "Father, are you saying, the Head Guard be ABOVE the Abbey champion? I was the one who Appointed Head guard?" He asks reasonably.

Lorimis says, "But it doesn’t mean ONLY the champion is in charge of defense, what is this about out Head guard has done a very good job and you were wise to choose him"

Flicktail says, "No Father, but, every beast is criticizing me, Benar scolds me saying I should go out looking fer vermin, Zork and Oz scolds me that I should stay in. When you give an order Father We all follow it, when I give one, I want the same...."

Lorimis asks, "What order was given?"

Flicktail says, "Any order"

Flicktail says, "I Told Lee NOT to go out alone looking fer Nightfur..he disobeyed..."

Lorimis says, "Whom did not listen....ahh Lee, yes me and Benar told him to go ahead with a group he formed to find Nightfur, the squirrel oak had a map that led to it and plans were worked out and Lee did very well with them, slaves were saved and Nightfur..Nightfur was slayed."

Flicktail says, "Father, I am not saying Lee did NOT do very good, or that I am NOT proud, I just would like you to tell the beasts when I am defending, your the only beast higher then I am...."

Lorimis says, "Yes that is true, I am higher up than you and me and Benar did discuss it, along with some info Flamefur gave, she headed south after that and so far has not caused an issue, she stayed out of the final fight"

Lorimis says, "An otter named Powell, also had good info, sadly he did leave alone and died in a fight"

Flicktail says, "I know all about Powell, Father, your looking ONLY at Nightfur, I am not making a complaint, I just do not think the other beasts, Especially Benar and Oz, realize my rank in these matters"

Lorimis says, "I am sure they do my friend , but when you are not around to be in meetings it falls on me and we could not wait till you came back, we needed to act quickly, and a message should of been sent to you, it’s possible one was and the messenger killed, we did lose some sparrow and it was decided to have them stay at the abbey instead. The abbey remained safe as it seemed Nightfur wasn’t interested in the abbey at the time, he had looked for Lee once, but that was it"

Flicktail says, "Yes Father I already know about that" he sighs "I just thought you could...REMIND them for when I AM around, it would ave just been nice"

Lorimis says, "The only other advice I could give is talk with Benar and Oz if needed, I know Oz was very worried for his brother going off like he did and yes when you are around they do try and include you in meetings, you should know this my friend"

Lorimis says, "Was there anything else on your heart you wised to speak of, I am here to help"

Flicktail says, "No that was all Father" The fox still looks disappointed.

Lorimis frowns "There is still something that upsets you, speak and let me know so it no longer troubles you”

Flicktail says, "I am sure you will Speak to Benar and Oz and lee as well Father, it be fine really"

Lorimis nods "I will speak to them, but I also like to make sure you are ok. I have dealed with a lot as well..Zinnia and Braxton being one issue, some woodlanders from the woods another, staying here for the winter and making sure all of them get along"

Flicktail looks happier when Lorimis says he will speak with them "I am ok Father I was a slaver you know, I still have vermin connections, and they kin help if used right”

Lorimis nods "Do be careful with that, some may not be as helpful as you think, some of those connections may see you as a traitor to them for changing your ways, so be careful and be wise in whom you speak to alright"

Lorimis says, "I also ask a favor of you, if you would"

Flicktail says, "of course Father"

Lorimis speaks, "If he will allow it, speak with Zork. He is the one who brought young Braxton here, he could help the child but feels he has done wrong, it seems the lad dislikes Zork now..then seems the lad dislikes a lot of beasts, I have heard very little on Braxton, a recent thing is he fell in the pond, got upset when he got a new tunic but I will let Braxton explain that perhaps"

Flicktail says, "I already Know Father, Zork seldom listens to me, but I used to be a Dibbun slaver, I know wot Braxton went thru, you cannot treat I’m like another naughty dibbun, but you cannot let I’m run wild least a little you will have to treat I’m like Nightfur, and slowly change that’s wot e be used to"

Lorimis says, "We cannot treat him like Nightfur Flicktail and..Zork seems one who, I am unsure..hides his feelings from a lot of beasts, I do agree he is hard to speak to but try to"

Flicktail says, "of course I will try, but you HAVE to listen to me too Father, now we do not treat him EXACTLY like Nightfur, but in some ways we will need to... gentle ways"

Lorimis says, "What is your suggestion then, and let Oz know as well as he is the dibbun caretaker and Braxton needs to listen to him as well."

Flicktail says, "Well I don't know We have to figure out how Nightfur treated him, what did Nightfur do to reward the fella"

Lorimis says, "Probably very little, Flicktail I know what a healer mentioned of Braxton"

Lorimis says, "Who does it seem he has talked to most, I know he seems to trust our Friar, it was Friar Lacota that helped save him from the pond as well"

Flicktail says, "well we will work on it together"

Flicktail says, "I just know Dibbuns don't likes change "

Lorimis frowns "This one was a slave most of his life, he has scars on his back and sides, this is why I said I don’t think he got rewards, also mentioned being in a cage a lot and the cell a couple days..he needs time, he needs to know he has friends to trust and will not be harmed here, but he also needs to know not to harm others..Braxton bite a guard, he kicked Oz in the knee, he gave another dibbun a bloody nose, a black eye to another dibbun, he has been given chores yes but as was Jax give chores also"

Flicktail says, "yes I agree e as to learn that but we cannot just make him wash dishes either"

Lorimis sighs "Punishment does need..."A novice taps him on the shoulder and he nods "Be right there, it seems there is two otters fighting over who won a hotroot stew eating contest..." He sighs as he walks off