Calm before the storm

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Rorgan, Edwin and Vannon prepare themselves for the upcoming trial.

The inside of the Arundal jail house is rather quiet despite recent happenings. So far, workers hadn't replaced the door that had been broken straight down, though they are working hard on it. In the meantime, the inhabitants of the jail simply have to sit in their jails, though there really haven't been too many prisoners since the jailbreak, and as far as Rorgan knows, he is stuck here in jail with no hope of getting out. Shooting that arrow at Tavis probably hadn't been his smartest idea, but hey, he had it coming.

Indeed the only other beast in the jail now was Edwin the shrewish mayor of Arundal in the cell next to rorgan, across from his a young grey fox still dressed in fake tribal gear sits on his haunches. "Ok, ok, this time I got a good one. I spy with my little eye something grey and brick like..." Vannon says to Rorgan through the bars. One can only imagine why Veriken wanted to kill him as Vannon has been going on chattering away like this for the last hour.

Indeed, Rorgan can certainly imagine while Veriken had wanted to kill Vannon by this point, and to be brutally honest, he was heading down that road to the point where the only solace he had was to simply imagine how fun it would be to run a dagger straight through the loquacious fox's throat. Unfortunately, however, he couldn't reach through the bars, and his armor and weapons had been removed, leaving him feeling naked and vulnerable.

"Let me guess...a prison cell." Edwin sighs in exasperation. The fox claps his paws together, "Very good! You have a real knack for this Edwin. Let's see, let's see...I spy with my little eye something, squarish with bars..." The shrew rubs at his eyes, "A prison cell..."

The fox gasps, "It's like you can read my mind!" With a sorrowful groan the shrew says to Rorgan, "If I could take it all back, re due my life over, my one regret would be not simply killing you all when I had the chance...starting with the fox."

Derrin nods slowly in agreement, croaking back, "Aye...I'll second that'un, mate. If anythin', I would kill you an' at least do ye th' kindness of sparin' ye from this torture." He leans back against the wall, groaning to himself. "I swear t' th' stars, Vannon, if ye pull another I spy idea that even relates t' jail cells, I'm goin' t' break yer spine right in half." With the tone of annoyance present in his voice, it really sounds like he would do it.

The otter's threat would carry more weight if was sitting behind two iron bar doors. Crossing his arms the fox replies, "Alright...I spy with my little eye an otter with an apparent grudge against foxes." The fox flails his arms while sitting down, "Ok, I'll bite. What in mossflower did I ever do to ire such anger from the mighty otter clan of Rorgan! You don't see me trying to be mean, and you shot me!"

Rorgan raises an eyebrow, looking up at Vannon with an annoyed look. "I wouldn't have shot ye if ye hadn't even been tryin' t' set fire t' a warehouse t' begin with!" He sighs, drawing his knees to his chest. "Not that it matters anymore I s'pose. Tavis will have us all executed soon. I just hope Derrin an' me parents get out o' here afore that happens so they don't have t' see it.

The fox rubs at his chin, "Yeah, I'm not exactly looking forward to that myself." Inside his cell Edwin sighs, "You know, when we remodeled the jail a few years back Byron came to me all happy like and wanted to install some kind of secret entrance in one of the jails. Not for any other reason than because 'all jails need to have a secret entrance of somekind. It's the principle of the thing.'" The shrew snorts, "Now I wish I actually did have it built. Go figure, right?"

Despite his mood, Rorgan can't help but get a good laugh out of that, and he nods in agreement. "Aye, I'm really wishin' I hadn't taken Byron back t' Ferravale, but he seemed innocent at the time." He sighs again, shaking his head. "I should've known better wid a vermin like him."

"Indeed." The fox and the shrew turn their heads at the new voice. Tavis appears with his arm in a sling, followed closely by several of his militia soldiers. "There will be plenty of time to explain the error of that little mistake at your own trial. For now though you will all be taken with us to the court house." The mouse's cold gaze falls on Edwin, "It's time for your trial shrew." The doors to their cells open and the militia poor in with iron shackled and paw cuffs...