By The Pond 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Pond

The abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers.

Like small boats trailing down a stream, the leaves of autumn float across the chilled pond. Rippling it with the movement from them. The vegetation has begun to fade, to shrink back towards the earth as autumn takes hold of this small serene area.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards


South Wallgate

Caleb is taking a break from kitchen duties to walk around the abbey, maybe try and catch some grass or tree buds peeking through the snow.

Cynthia is sitting by the pond a blanket she has, it’s the first time she been out of her room, before that the only other place she was, was the infirm, since she was injured in the orchards by Lilymoore. She watches the pond, no one has been on ice out of fear of thin ice in the middle of the pond now.

Caleb smiles as he sees her and walks over sitting beside her "Hello Cynthia, you doing better?" He looks her over to see how she is healing as a novice does know basic first aid.

Cynthia jumps at first, then seeing its Caleb she shrugs "I..suppose. My upper leg is still sore and still have some bruises on my face, it’s taking sometime go away." She then looks at him "Why does your sister hate me? Why did she attack me for?"

Caleb frowns "I..don't know but she is not allowed to do much for a while now so I wouldn't worry. I mean like even be around others for that matter. And I still like you and always will like you your my best friend."

Cynthia sighs and lays her head on his shoulder, "I am glad you’re my friend, I am not even sure who all is my friend around here, if really any beast else"

Caleb smiles and if he can will wrap an arm around her."I think you have others who are. Maybe some order members or even a novice, maybe you could even be a novice one day"

Cynthia manages a smile and allows the arm to be around her, "Well, I don't think I am novice material. I am learning the charter and almost know it, but doesn't mean I want to be a novice or anything like that. Don’t need to be a novice to learn things here like the harp and singing in my case and I am hoping to get in my lessons again as it’s not sore to move around now, my leg a little but that doesn't affect harp playing or singing"

Caleb says, "I like your singing and have heard the harp before, your very good and should for sure still do it"

Cynthia says, "I am glad and I do plan to keep doing what I like as I love music"

Caleb says, "Music is great. I never got too into it for myself, I find cooking fun and relaxing and I enjoy it a lot like you enjoy singing and playing the harp"

Cynthia chuckles a little "You can like whatever you want to like, it makes right?"

Caleb nods "Yes that’s right"

Cynthia smiles more and feels relaxed by Caleb and oddly safe and happy. "It’s a cloudless day, that’s always nice and Spring will come soonish as well"

Caleb says, " clouds right now and spring will be nice. Green grass and pretty flowers growing and leaf buds on the trees"

Cynthia says, "clouds are ok sometimes, I mean we need rain...not sure of snow though, but rain helps things grow and provides water for us to drink."

Caleb says, "Flowers of all colors will grow and the grass and trees"

Cynthia nods slowly and seems to be tried and she is soon asleep beside Caleb.

Caleb smiles and gently goes to carry her back to her room and then he will get back to doing kitchen duties.