Busy Healer

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

-Dirt Road a little north of abbey-

Leon is walking down the road, looking around and has his new habit on that shows him as a brother of Redwall, the hood part is up as he walks along the road not too far from the safety of the abbey.

Anise is also on the road, traveling at a good pace with a small pack on his shoulders, he slips on a patch of ice and falls onto his side, causing his paw to go under him as he cusses under his breath and grits his teeth, he catches sight of the abbey brother, “Hey you..Chap!” He calls out wanting to get his attention as he slowly stands and holds his now very sore wrist.

Leon walks a little closer to Anise, “Hello, may I help you with anything sir?” He looks the ferret over and asks “What is your name, I am Leon by the way. Brother and healer of Redwall”

Anise answers “Anise, spice merchant and right now looking for a Tabatha, my mate, someone said she was at the Abbey of Redwall and I need to find her good sir, and maybe have my wrist looked at as well.” He then proceeds to let the mouse look at his wrist.

Leon nods and walks over to examine the wrist, being careful but also needing to press down on it, he frowns some “If I am hurting your further I am sorry. Looks like you may of broke it Anise and yes Tabatha is at Redwall, the infirm. She is fine do not worry “

Anise sighs, “Great, I do not need or welcome a broken wrist, fool ice and fool winter, always did dislike it as it makes travel horrible even if one is warmly dressed.”

Leon nods as he listens, “Alright shall we head to Redwall then, your need your wrist in a splint and I will do my best to reset any bones back in place.”

Anise sighs, “I suppose we will need to, besides it’s where Tabatha is, let’s go.”

-Redwall Infirm-

Leon leds Anise into the infirmary and takes a quick look around.

The infirm seems real busy but only with one very worried ferret, "Why is it not crying? What’s wrong? Some beast tell me!" A healer vole tries to calm the ferret maid and it doesn't work. The source of the worry is a slightly smaller than average newborn ferret who right now is not crying, or moving, or..Well anything and the couple healers seem unsure what to do as they have tried to help the child and calm the mother down at the same time.

Anise ears perk at Tabatha's voice but he stays near the doorway as to not get in the way.

Leon quickly acts and gets to where the newborn is, "Move" he tells the vole and checks the infant, cleaning out the mouth and nose as he is in healer mode he is quiet and very attentive to his work, he rubs the infant on the back and the chest some slowly and gently trying to warm them and get some sort of response, he gets a slightly warmed blanket and wraps the infant in it getting a cloth that’s clean and cleaning out more from the mouth and nose and gently patting the newborn on the back.

Tabatha whimpers as no one is answering her and she can't see what the mouse is doing, she calms as a healer gives her some herbs as it’s not good for her to be over worried and her heart rate high from stress, she slowly calms. It seems too quiet for a while and then the quiet is broken by the sound of the newborn testing its lungs; yep they seem to work great!

Anise blinks "Is..Is that -My- child? is it ok?" He stops and quickly gets to Tabatha and holds her paw in his.

Leon smiles as the newborn cries, he checks on another important thing and nods to himself, he speaks to the others, "Ok, gently now make sure the ferret maid is alright, there is just a little more to do after birth of a child." He walks over to Tabatha" Your baby is fine miss and healthy looks like, it’s a girl." The healers nod and tend to Tabatha as Leon speaks to her.

Tabatha smiles as Anise is here, she stays still as the healers finish whatever and then back off from her as she is handed the newborn, she smiles as it wiggles in the blanket, "Her name shall be...Anna." She smiles up at Leon "Thank you, you..you saved my child."

Anise smiles at the infant and nods to Leon as well, "Yes thank you good sir." He has forgotten about his wrist till now and frowns a little rubbing it.

Leon nods "Your welcome" He glances at Anise, "Your wrist still needs reset sir, I should do that now"

Tabatha gets a look of concern, "Wrist? what is wrong with your wrist?" She asks Anise.

Anise lets the mouse do what is needed for his wrist, "I slipped on ice love, and it is fine..I am glad you and Anna are alright."

Leon gets some material for a splint and walks back over, he presses on the wrist, "This will..hurt" He manages to carefully and skillfully reset it best he can and then applies the splint and some sort of paste like stuff over a bandage on the splint already, and nods, "That will dry and..6-8 weeks you can get it rechecked"

Tabatha holds Anna close.

Anise looks over the splinted wrist, "Suppose, well this will put some..slowness to my work, not much though seeing as its winter"

Anise answers, "I will decide by then and thanks again"

Leon sits down, "Yes not too much happens in winter. You can come back here or I can even come to Ferravale and recheck your wrist there when it’s time for the splint to be off."

Tabatha smiles and ends up falling asleep after feeding her newborn, a healer takes the newborn to somewhere nearby to rest.

Anise watches Tabatha sleep and smiles.

Leon is tried now as he stays in his seat.