Burn Gero Burn

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Location: Redwall Abbey: Great Hall, Redwall Abbey: Infirmary

Characters Involved: Darcy, Logan, Gero, Magramba, Harper, Antioc

Gero is drinking AGAIN! He stumbles down from the stairs and stumbles towards a chair near the fire.

Oh look, it's Harper. Heeee's walking into the room! With a plate of food.

Gero almost trips up over nothing but he catches himself and slowly sinks into a chair, taking a long drink from his flask...Harper gets a look. "Haaaaaarrrrppeeeee" he waves a bit.

"You. Chair," Darcy directs Logan as she enters through the breezeway, shooing him toward a seat by the fire. Better light over there. Harper gets a brief sort of distracted smile from the doe.

Logan gives a salute regardless of the cut on his shoulder, and still clutching his torn shirt in one paw sits down.

Harper was heading for the fire, but upon seeing the inebriated Gero, he redirects his course for the table. He takes a seat, giving the Novice the most minimal glance possible.

"Harrrrpeeee" Gero waves again...Then takes a long drink. The Mouse yawns and Waves to Darcy And Logan Too..."Hihihi" smile.

Harper digs into food, head ducked.

Giving a nod to the...Drunken....Mouse, the LPFighter glances around the room....Lots of creatures....

Darcy stands near a chair by the fire. "Logan. Come sit down."

Gero watches harper before taking an overly long drink...he even forgets to swallow at one point, which means his mouth over flows and Rum spills onto his habit...that only causes him to laugh like a dibbun. "Hehehe..."

"If I weeere a blackbird," Quiet singing echoes up from the stairs to Cavern Hole, originating from someone who does not understand acoustics. "The wind 'neath my-y wings..." The sound fades into

"Da da daa daa dadaaaa..." as Magramba comes into view. The squirrel pauses, his eyes clicking

almost audibly from person to person, just seeing who's in here.

Harper is! He's eating. Nomnomnom, and so on!

Logan sits down, still slightly nervous, dark eyes roving around the room, it is apparent that every muscle in his body is tense...That bottle of spirits did totally nothing.

Gero slowly stands, heading for Harper...about halfway there, he trips and falls flat on his face. The Flask landed somewhere with a loud clink. "oowwwie"

Harper appears to have finished his meal. He pushes the plate away, wiping his face on a napkin. Gero is, yet again! Given no mind.

Darcy sets her satchel down and quirks a brow at Logan. "Will you relax? It's just a needle." Her ears are up; one twitches toward the sound of Magramba's entrance. She threads a length of twine through the needle she grasps and sets one hand on top of Logan's shoulder, keeping it still.

Magramba's eyes fall on Gero. Then keep moving. Oh- Darcy. The squirrel moves that way, and steps over Gero as though he's not there. A nod of greeting is extended to the two hares. "What


"Javelin. Frog tongues." The big Hare states. Eyes taking in the never before seen squirrel.

Gero frowns and slowly sits up before plopping himself on his rear..."owwie..." he grumbles before looking around for his flask..heh...he's so drunk, he just falls back again.

"He was rug-whacking and a cut I fixed up yesterday started bleeding again," Darce adds onto this, deftly and quickly starting to close the cut with neat, tiny stitches.

Gero sighs and just lays there, too drunk, and too tired to move...he'll get his flask later >.>

"So... Frogs' tongues, rug-whacking, and javelins... /all/ cut your arm." Magramba raises a brow.

"That'll be one to tell the grandkids."

Darcy doesn't look up from the stitching. "How are things, Mag?"

Logan tries to relax to the skin isn't so tight and easier to sew, he glances down, then looks back at the squirrel and past Darcy's head, the look in his eyes isn't very pleasent but he keeps his face passive. "Shoulder." He corrects flatly.

"Oh, yes, of course." Mag peeers curiously at the cut. "Not good. I think I'm having repeated hallucinations of a drunk mouse."

"I'll see if I can mix you up something," Darcy responds with the slight twitch of one eartip. "For.. hallucinations. I'm sure there are a few remedies."

"Like vodka?" Logan offers under his breath, savoring the idea of a nice drink...

Gero Slowly sits up and sighs. "Where flask?" he asks himself before slowly looking around.

"That's not the one I had in mind," the doe mutters, as she finishes the stitches and knots the ends of the twine. Tada. "There." She straightens up. "Done."

Finished with his meal, Harper stands. And, like Magramba, goes to step right over Gero and head for the small grouping, as well. "What's all this?" he queries with a small nod of greeting.

"Make one for yourself, you were there cackling along when I tried to dispel the illusion." Glance to

Harper. "Frog's tongues attacked."

Logan chuckles slightly, observing the slash. "Thankee, lass, er, Miss." He corrects himself, reminding himself that he can't stand Darcy, supposedly.

"Oh that's unfortunate," Harper agrees.

"Uh-huh." Darcy's attention is now on Harper, muzzle twitching in a wry smile. "Got something to talk to you about." Pause. ".. something pleasant. Ish."

Gero slowly crawls over to his flask near the fire...rather close >.> He plops down near the fire and takes a long drink of the flask content that remains from a spill. "Rummy fall out" the mouse looks into the flask. "Someone get me Rum pweese?" he asks the crowd.

The LPBoxer stands and begins to make for the wine cellar. "Noot near as' unfortunate as' th' wine cellars aboot tae roon oout o' spirits" He mumbles.

Harper's eyebrow goes up. He smiles a little bit. "Aye? I look forward to it, then." Gero gets an ear flick.

"Quiet, specter, we're trying to ignore you." Magramba turns back to the hares. Outnumbered.

"Careful Logan," Darce warns, "Barkus is awake again. So Harper." Her smile tugs a little broader.

Gero sighs and stands up, turning away from the fire. "Who.....who..." hiccup. "Who wants ta play?"

Harper's eyebrows go up another fraction. "So Darcy." He looks intrigued.

Magramba is looking at the door. One ear is swiveled to hear Darcy and Harp, but the other is swiveled so as /not/ to hear Gero. And the squirrel continues his staring contest with the door to the kitchen.

"Weather's getting better," Darcy points out, perching on the arm of the chair Logan was sitting in as she brings her satchel onto her lap, and starts rummaging. "Feel like taking a trip in a couple of weeks, mister?"

Harper considers a moment. An ear perks. He tilts his head. "Sala, you mean?"

"Of course. We talked about it," Darcy says, shuffling through papers in her bag, bringing out a large folded map. "Tam. Zoe. Zeraph, Darklett. Fresh ocean air. Or have you changed your mind?"

Magramba supports the hare with a quick arm about his shoulders. "Off we go again..." Careful, he's hot!

Antioc comes walking down the stairs looking rather exhausted, but content. The ferret hadn't been seen much lately. He looks up just in time to get out of the way of Harper carrying a beast in a blanket over his shoulder. Then his eyes get wide and he looks around, rather confused.

Hot and screamy! A winning combination. Harper mutters his thanks to Magramba. And up they go!

Darcy follows, looking... not pleased.

Antioc looks at Harper, "Um...need any help Brother?"

Harper glances back at Antioc. He nods. "Follow us," he answers.

Antioc nods to the brother and follows.

Gero is still screaming loudly...his fur has almost totally burned...and the skin on his face, arms, and chest, where it is Worse of all, is just...rising off...its really...really bad >.>

Magramba swings around to accept Gero's head-end so Harper can lower him onto a cot.

Harper leads the little burnt hare party over to the examining table, where he lowers him. He grimaces at the smell.

Antioc dutifully follows the brother with the screaming bundle and the rest of the procession into the infirmary. He just stands there, waiting for Harper to tell him to do something.

Darcy's whiskers bristle out at the scent of burnt flesh and fur. "You want to captain this or me?" she asks Harper, rolling up her sleeves. She's in Business Mode.

"Go ahead," Harper says, taking a step back. He stands next to Antioc. "Whatever she asks," is his Something.

Gero is set on the table. His Habit is almost totally burned....he's almost totally burned. Bubbly skin, Burned flesh, screams...Burned fur...everything..everywhere.

"Someone put him out," Harper suddenly snaps, a rare moment of irritation showing.

"Harper," Darcy says firmly, "get me a heavy sedative."

Magramba knows a quicker way. But, the squirrel waits to see how long that sedative'll be.

The novice moves quickly, taking what the brother said to heart. He opens one of the cabinets and starts rummaging through them quickly, looking for what he needed.

Harper's eyes shift to Antioc. Aha! "What else do you need, Darce."

Maybe the Mouse's cries will wake Savannah up! Maybe...Gero Finally...continues Screaming. No words...just...screaming...painful painful screaming...

"Water," the doe healer says. "Cool, not frigid, please." She glances at Harper, nodding for him to go.

To the kitchens for that. Harper nods and is off at a run. At least he'll be away from the screaming.

Antioc ah ha's and grabs a vial of something that was already prepared. He turns and rushes over to

Gero's head, looking to Darcy to see whether or not she wanted to pour the concoction down the mouse's throat or if he should.

Magramba putters...

The squirrel sees no reason he would be needed, and... slips out. Harper even left the door open.

Harper returns with the water, and sets the basin of cool water beside Darcy's work area. "What else?" he murmurs.

Gero keeps screaming, waiting for someone to just put out all that pain...its a wonder how he's still awake o.O

Harper looks a little green. Okay. A lot.

Antioc is breathing through his mouth, but for the most part the screams and the scene doesn't seem to affect him much.

Darcy eyes the vial and nods. "Do it. Harper?" Her eyes travel to the buck with concern. ".. help me cool the burns."

Harper nods, silently. He moves forward. Waits for Darcy to direct things.

All they really need to do is just pour it over him, since EVERYWHERE is burned in some way...his chest area, Arms and face are burned the most. Gero still screams...someone...just splash him already >.>

Antioc nods and reaches out to gently hold the mouses mouth open, which wasn't difficult since he was screaming. He bites the stopper on the vial and pulls it out, waiting for the mouse to scream again, can't pour it down while he's breathing in. And.....now, he pours the sedative into Gero's throat, ready to close the mouse's mouth if he tries to spit it out.

Darcy's ears flatten down against the screaming. "Dunk cloths," she directs Harper, "don't wring them out. Lay them over. Don't.. pop the blisters."

Gero swallowed it all. He still screams...then slowly passes out...Not without more screaming though...lots of screaming. Finally...he's out.

Harper's ears relax as soon as the screaming stops. His eyes briefly close. And then he's to work, dunking cloths and laying them over Gero's form. His face is a constant grimace as he works.

Antioc takes a step back and lets out a breath, "Right." Then he looks to Darcy, "What next?" he asks since Harper was all over the dunking of the cloth.

Gero is so badly burned, and is still so very hot, when the water hits him, it hisses. He doesn't even look like Gero anymore

"Thank you," Darcy mutters as the sedative is administered, and Gero passes out. She finds a small knife, using this to slice away the charred cloth of Gero's habit, showing the mouse's arms and torso.

She hands this to Antioc. "Throw this out."

Antioc takes the pieces of cloth and moves over to a waste bin to drop them in. Then he comes back to her side, waiting for her next instruction.

From the look of it, Harper has done all he can do with the cloths. Or it would seem so. Because he's standing there, a wet cloth poised in paw and not doing anything with it. He's staring, transfixed, at Gero's face.

Darcy glances up. "Harper. .. get out."

There's very little left of Gero's face....Very little indeed. Its now almost 100% Guaranteed that if anyone he knew walked in right now and looked at his face, They'd not recognize him at all...poor mouse.

Harper doesn't need to be told twice. "... Sorry," falls out of his mouth and then he's walking, woodenly, towards the door. He exits, shoulders hunched.

Antioc takes a step back and lets out a breath, "Right." Then he looks to Darcy, "What next?" he asks since Harper was all over the dunking of the cloth.

Gero is so badly burned, and is still so very hot, when the water hits him, it hisses. He doesn't even look like Gero anymore

"Thank you," Darcy mutters as the sedative is administered, and Gero passes out. She finds a small knife, using this to slice away the charred cloth of Gero's habit, showing the mouse's arms and torso. She hands this to Antioc. "Throw this out."

Antioc takes the pieces of cloth and moves over to a waste bin to drop them in. Then he comes back to her side, waiting for her next instruction.

From the look of it, Harper has done all he can do with the cloths. Or it would seem so. Because he's standing there, a wet cloth poised in paw and not doing anything with it. He's staring, transfixed, at Gero's face.

Darcy glances up. "Harper. .. get out."

There's very little left of Gero's face....Very little indeed. Its now almost 100% Guaranteed that if anyone he knew walked in right now and looked at his face, They'd not recognize him at all...poor mouse.

Harper doesn't need to be told twice. "... Sorry," falls out of his mouth and then he's walking, woodenly, towards the door. He exits, shoulders hunched.

Harper goes Away From Keyboard.

Antioc steps over and takes the cloth from Harper, "S'okay matey." Then he turns and drapes it over the last spot that was missed.

Darcy looks after Harper with a tense expression, then turns back to Gero. She surveys the mouse

and lifts a hand to rub at the bridge of her muzzle. "Uhg."

Antioc looks up towards Darcy, "Whatcha be needin?"

Gero just lays there, not at all looking him any more...Sigh. At least he'll live...Thats the good thing...poor mousie.

Darcy looks up, and shakes her head. "Nothing. He'll be bandaged later. It's not like I can reconstruct his skin." She shrugs, looking kind of troubled as she heads for the hallway.

Antioc tilts his head and starts to follow her, casting a glance back at the burned form. When he gets up to her side he asks, "Who was't?"

Darcy's glance drifts over to Antioc. "Who? Gero." She exits.

Antioc stops, his mouth going slack. He turns and again looks at the form on the table. He didn't even recognise him. He shakes his head and turns to leave, he had to get ready for his shift in the kitchens.