Brother Zork!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

In Zork’s Room

Zork is out of the infirm, and has even done a small bit of work on the gates, a very small amount as he still needs to take it easy but he has all the needed measurements to make the hinges and such for the gates. Right now he is finishing up wrapping something in a cloth.

There is a knock at the door and Lee pokes his head in. "Oy, 'ello Zork. Somebeast tol' me ye were 'ere."

Benar raises his hand from the open doorway, which Lee didn't have to open as it was already open as Lorimis and Benar are standing in it. "We are here Zork what is it you wanted to see us about?" The grey squirrel asks, a large garden rake leant over one shoulder, his habit dusty from the work outside.

Zork looks over as he hears a knock at his door and waves when he sees Lee and then Lorimis and Benar, he nods "Yeah ello, I been doin' some thinking on some stuff and de dream I had and I had a lot of time ta think and..." He looks at his chest on the floor and back to them, something is already in the chest and he holds something else in his paw, right now wrapped in cloth.

Lee frowns slightly. "Dream?"

Benar smiles at Lorimis, "We know of your dream Zork, Martin spoke to both of us and Zinnia and asked us to support you in this endeavor."

The abbot walks forward and places a paw on the badger's arm, "We'd have supported you without Martin's asking as well."

Zork smiles, he nods to Lee, "Aye..I told ya a little bout it, I think." He looks at the wrapped object and what’s in the chest, he points to the chest "Me armor...all of it, and this" He carefully unwraps the blade of the Northwind Storms and stands slowly holding it, "I am putting it in de chest as well, and...well makin' a vow not ta touch it again as me warrior days are over." He carefully re wraps the blade and places it in the chest and slowly closes the chest and locks it, he then places the key in a small drawer and closes the drawer and looks at the three beasts. "I'm..gonna join de order, if I am allowed ta"

Lee nods, smiling. "I'm proud o' ye, mate."

Benar smiles and inclines his head as Zork locks the chest, "Of course you would be welcome Zork, you are old and wise, not to mention our Blacksmith.”

Lorimis nods his head, "Indeed, we'd be more then willing to offer you the chance to join the order Zork. You'd be most welcome and I would be proud to call you Brother."

Zork smiles, "Thanks Benar and Abbot Lorimis. I even already know de charter, have known it fer a while now. I helped Zinnia learn it in fact."

Zork says, "To be Brothers and Sisters of peace and goodwill, living together in harmony under the protection of Redwall Abbey, forsaking all unnecessary forms of violence, not only to Mossflower, its trees, grasses, flowers, and insects, but to all living creatures. To help and comfort the dispossessed, harbor orphans and waifs, offer shelter to all creatures alike, give clothing, warmth and food to any beast or creature that is deemed in need of such. To educate and learn, particularly in the healing arts, comfort the sick, nurse the injured and help the wounded. To take our food from the earth and replenish the land by caring for it, husbanding crops and living in harmony with the seasons always. To honor and protect our friends and brethren, only raising paw to do battle when our life at Redwall is threatened by treachery and the shadow of war; at these times every Redwall creature should show courage, fortitude and obedience to the Father Abbot. Albeit the taking of another life must always be justified and never carried out in a wanton manner."

Lee listens

Benar asks, "That sounds like the charter to me, what do you think Father Abbot?"

Lorimis makes a great show of stroking his fuzzy chin then grins, "Welcome Brother Zork, Blacksmith of Redwall, Brother of the Order of Redwall."

Zork smiles as he hears the words spoken by the abbot and goes to hug him, carefully of course, "Thank ya!" He also hugs Benar and so he doesn’t feel left out, Lee gets a careful hug too.

Benar says, "Congratulations" the squirrel smiles and hugs Zork, "I couldn't ask for a better brother or be prouder to have you by our side""

Lee smiles. "Brother Zork. It suits ye, mate!"

Zork smiles and chuckles, "I could get use ta it and I am in de progress of fixing de gates, making the hinges and planning on making sure it be stronger this time, also making some pans and pots for de friar"

Benar says, "Thank you Zork, the Foremole tells me they'll have the damage to the south wall fixed by the end of the autumn as well."

Lee nods. "I'm sure Lacota will like that."

Zork says, "It’s good the wall will be fixed soon, and beasts are recovering from de fight also, by the way when is de feast by the way or has a date been set up yet, hee I am sure Lacota be excited about a feast"

Benar says, "The feast will not be for a few weeks I am afraid."

Lorimis nods his head "Indeed no feast until the walls and gates are fixed and the Abbey is back in order and we have a remembrance for those who were lost"

Lee nods as well. "Aye, Lacota 'imself said 'e needed some time ta settle back in."

Zork nods "That sounds wise, it could be a large Fall feast maybe"

Benar says, "Maybe we will even wait that long, it depends on how long it takes to repair everything really. But I am sure we'll have an amazing feast as soon as we are able to do so."

Zork smiles "I can have de gates fixed...hmmms well I can try ta have it fixed as soon as I can, also need someone who works with wood as well but probably before end of Fall season for sure, can’t say beginning of Fall but can try"

Lee says, "Speakin' o' breaks... I plan ta take me fam'ly ta Camp Willow for a little vacation."

Benar asks, "Oh?" Turns and smiles at Lee, "Have a lovely time, it is a great place I used to love visiting Camp Willow when I was small."

Lorimis nods his head and smiles, "Yes, you have earned a rest. I am glad you were able to lead things here at the Abbey alongside Flicktail. One day in the future when Flicktail departs for Dark Forest I am sure I know who will be named to replace him. But that day is many years away I am sure." He turns to Zork then and smiles, "Thank you too Zork for all your hard work on the gates. I am always nervous when they are damaged."

Zork nods "I will make sure they are fixed up good and strong Benar, have no fear in that."