Brother Harper, Abbey Recorder - 4-9-9

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Well, we have been back to the Abbey for some number of weeks, now. The aches and pains have all healed and I no longer wake up every morning convinced that Redwall is a dream and Ruingate only a wakings away...

Should all things always be recorded, to be passed down and remembered, or should some events just be allowed to pass away with one or two beast's memories? That's the question I've been contemplating these past weeks, with a stack of fresh parchment sitting at my desk and waiting to be written on. I suppose I still haven't made up my mind - or maybe I have, and I'm just not ready yet. There have been enough of sleepless nights thanks to this trip, just lately.

So I will write of simpler things. I'm sad to have missed the visit with my family. It has been seasons since I've seen my mother, or my brother Jacob. It's been long enough, he's grown from a leveret to nearly a full Private in my absence. I wonder what he must think of me, cloistered away here in the Abbey. Though, I suppose one couldn't fairly call my life here boring!

I miss Tameus, as well. I am awaiting a letter from him - something, anything really. I don't like to consider how he must have taken the news that we would not be arriving at the mountain. He is a very strong leveret, but in some ways he is very fragile and uncertain in life. I worry for him. No doubt life will toughen it out of him, but if it was my choice... I wouldn't have it so. There are some lessons I'd rather he not have to learn.

Ah well. My letter to them must have arrived a number of days ago. Hopefully he is not angry with me, and will write soon.

Meanwhile, Spring is blossoming everywhere. The seeds of life have been planted and the smallest of buds push through the freshly turned earth, seeking out the light of day. I believe I will take a lesson from the plants, and venture forth to greet the morning.

- Brother Harper, Abbey Recorder