Bring Back the LP

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 23, 2015 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Magramba. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 5 replies.

Tue, 06/23/2015 - 09:53

Hey guys,

Yes, it's still me and I'm still trying to stir things up. I remember having a lot of good times on this server and I'd like to see some of the things that made the Muck a fun and special place come back.

A major (get it?) piece of that is the Long Patrol. These fighting hares are the defenders of the coast against pirates, primarily (something else that could use a resurgence), but they've also been stout defenders of Redwall Abbey and Mossflower Woods. Back in the day, the LP numbered around 20 or so active characters and was one of the most thriving subcultures on the Muck. Now there's a room full of idle characters and nothing more. Sebastian has tried to rebirth the LP, but so far unsuccessfully. I think it's well past time to restore the mountain to prominence in our RP and bring back the primary military force for good on the Muck: the Long Patrol.

Getting to Salamandastron is easy; Portal, PWL, D, D, D, TNFM, W, TM, Enter, and then Agree to the rules, and you're inside. So basically, portal to the western lands, downshore till you see it, then around to the west side and just keep going toward the mountain.

There is a +skills group that you can join by requesting permission. Sebastian hasn't been around much because there hasn't been any need for him, but if we change that I'm sure he'll be around more often. If you have an old LP hare, get online or recreate them. If you don't, make a new one and page #mail Sebastian to get official clearance to join. Let's make the Muck great again, starting with the LP.

Keep the Light,

