Brian Jacques: 1939-2011

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated February 07, 2011 in the category Chatterbox by Layne. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 13 replies.

Mon, 02/07/2011 - 13:19

By now, most here have heard the news of Brian Jacques' passing on February 5th. While our devotion to his work varies (and indeed, there are some on the muck who have never even read the source material), we are all united in having him to thank for this place existing at all. No Redwall, no Redwall muck, of course.

I remember when I first read Redwall, a long time ago when the books were quite new to America and I had to order the upcoming volumes from the UK directly to save the year and half between the publishing schedule there versus here. There was something that touched a vein of old mythology and storytelling in the first books. It shared a common feeling of home and comfort with Wind in the Willows but had the energy of Beowulf, and an abiding sense of marchen, the power of the tale. I didn't agree with everything the series became, but to give credit where it's due, Jacques built a world that he wanted to share, and that many of us felt drawn to.

So, to you, Mr. Jacques, good journeys and sunlight on your road. I lift a mug of the finest October Ale in honor of a storyteller.

Thank you for the memories, Brian Jacques.
