Book Care in the Library

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Library

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Here lies the collective efforts of a few good, intellectual hares of the mountain. Over the seasons, this room, which was once little more than a storage room, has been converted into a quite functional library, filled with books of all sorts. The room is staggered with bookshelves, all crafted within the mountain, which reach very nearly to the ceiling, with only a foot or two of space above them, in most instances. And, surprisingly, the shelves are basically all full. Apparently, over the seasons, hares have donated books, and books that were previously stored elsewhere have been brought here.

Some books are older than any of the hares alive in the mountain, and, even more, some are nearly as old as the mountain, itself. These sort are usually journals and records - histories of the mountain. In fact, there is an entire section of this, in a corner of the room, which one can only get to by making their way through the maze of bookshelves to that corner, which is quite like a room in and of itself, closed in by walls on two sides and bookshelves on the two others. However, in the center of the main room, there are two tables set, and upon these books like, some open and some closed, despite the efforts of the librarian hare to keep them on the shelves.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Just after lunch and Quinten is tucked away inside the library, the Recorder is sat at his desk writing, humming to himself as he dips his quill pen, his tuneless thrum joined by the scratch of his quill against parchment as he writes something down.

A little deeper into the library, between the shelves, Dagda sits, his satchel lying open at his side and books stacked by information type in a ring around him. The buck's legs are crossed, an open book in his lap, one paw supporting the spine, one paw turning the pages as his scanning eyes reach the end of one and proceed to the next.

Quinten finishes what he is writing and shuts the log book. He stands up, stretches and moves past the shelves to the windows. He pauses when he spots Dagda and leans against the window sill as he pushes the casement open. "Studying hard Dagda? Do you have everything you need?"

Dagda looks up, shocked out of a reverie. "Oh, aye, sah. Thank you." The healer turns his eyes back to his book, squinting at the pages. "Sorry if 've made a bit of a mess..."

Quinten chuckles, "No no it is fine." he moves to the stacks and starts to pick up some of the books. "If you are done with these I can put them back. you made less mess then my morning Leveret class does."

Dagda starts to reach out to prevent the Recorder, but relinquishes the stack with a sigh, instead moving to draw remaining books closer to him. "Indeed, sah."

Quinten tilts his head, "If you're not finished with these you can keep them. Just the way you had them stacked made them look as if you had finished with them."

What do you want to whisper?

"It's more an organ-i-zational scheme, sah." Dagda's position on the floor forces him to look up at Quinten. He pulls three or four books from behind himself and proffers them to the other buck. "These," he says, "'m finished with."

Quinten sets the pile down on a table and takes the proffered books. "Also sit at one of the desks Dagda." he points to the tables dotted around. "It is not good for the books or your body to sit on the ground hunched over so."

"'ow's it bad for the books to sit on the ground?" Dagda remains seated.

Quinten looks down at the younger hare. "The carpet for one or the stone if they are off it. Many of these tomes are fragile. You also shouldn't stack them so. It adds pressure to the text-block in a manner they are not accustomed too. Especially if you build a big stack. The ones on the bottom get squashed

"That's why 've placed the older volumes on a separate low-level stack, sah." Dagda indicates with a charcoal stick.

Quinten nods, "So i see, i'd still prefer it if you kept them on the desks Dagda. Besides it isn't healthy sat hunched up on the floor. But I won't press that issue. I'll be happy if the books are kept on the tables."

"So if I stack the books on a desk, it's alrigh'?" Dagda begins to get to his feet, closing the book in his paw.

Quinten nods his head, "It is ok with me if you keep them on a desk but" he takes down some spare book ends and lines the books upright as if they where still ont he shelf, the wooden stands at either end keeping them in place. "But do them like this"

Dagda pauses. "Can't I do tha' on the floor?"

You say, "I'd rather keep the books off the floor Dagda, there is less dirt and dust on the tables then just stacking them on the floor.""

Dagda asks, "What if I sweep this section?"

Quinten frowns and taps a paw on the floor, "On the desk please Dagda, I don't want to start a trend."

"Alrigh'." Dagda gets up, steps around Quint, and begins casting around for a proper desk.

Quinten points to a desk a short way down the aisle. "You can move it closer if you like Dagda. Just put it back when you are done."

Dagda walks down to the desk and lifts it, moving it down to where he had been. "Aye, sah."

You say, "Welcome" he turns and pushes the window open. "I'll leave you to your studies, thank you for listening.""

Dagda stoops to transfer the books. "Aye, sah." The buck releases a small sigh.

Quinten tilts his head, "Why the sigh Dagda? It's not that onerous is it?" he chuckles softly, "Or is something proving difficult studies wise?"

Dagda chuckles without opening his mouth. "It's that onerous, sah."

Quinten shakes his head, "Ah well call me protective, but it is my job to look after the library and I still say sitting on the floor is bad for you. You're a healer student no?"

"Not a student, sah." Dagda eases himself into a chair. "And health rules are for m' patients."

Quinten laughs, "Oh right sorry way you where tucked up with all the books I figured you where studying something. And really stop calling me Sah. You make me sound like i'm old and grey. Quint will do." he shakes his head, "And it is true, Healers make the worst patients."

Dagda shares a smile with the recorder. "Jus' because we know better th'n whoever's treatin' us."

Quinten grins back at him and winks, "Just like I know whats good for my books." He glances over as the door opens and excuses himself to go deal with a recruit quickly.
