Bolts of Chaos Update 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated August 10, 2013 in the category Roleplay Discussions by CharlieMouse. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 1 replies.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 17:14

I've been told by people to provide as of what's going on. Even those people who read the logs know what's going on

IC Info (As of Present)

Scioto has been captured by whom, the characters don't know. Search Partys are looking for him

Marek is presumed dead after Artitor and Shadowfur claimed they buried him.

This TP has nothing to do with the Black Tunic Hares or the Slaver TP

IC Info you can say you found out because it happened before.

1. Marek came to Mossflower, hidden killing beasts with a Crossbow.

2. Marek sent Jax to poisin the abbot, it failed. Jax was found dead on the dirt road, killed by Marek for failing him

3. Marek blew up the Ferravale Tavern, Scioto was presumed dead

4. Marek was presumed dead after Shadowfur said he was, so Scioto returned.

5. Scioto was captured and a search party was sent to look for him

OOC Info ONLY (There is no way you know this, because Marek is secretive and makes sure no one is around when he plans stuff)

1. Marek is not dead, he is simply waiting for the moment to surprise attack Ferravale. Shadowfur and others are involved and Ferravale will lose the batle.

Future Events (Also OOC only, only Nightbreath can tell the future people, and even he can't tell everything)

1. Marek will suceed in taking Ferravale, but important people will flee to Redwall

2. A Few days later, Scioto will escape with help from others who find him

3. Marek will attempt but fail to take Redwall

4. Back in Ferravale, Marek will plan another assault on Redwall, but before he can do so. He will be attacked, Ferravale regained, and Marek's Horde Defeated.

If you have any other questions. Page #mail me.
