Black Rose TP Update

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated February 13, 2011 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Evil-kitty. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Sun, 02/13/2011 - 03:56


The Black Rose TP will have its Big Last Battle soon. The forces of good will come to try and save the slaves. Will they win or lose? Want to help the bad side?Want to help the good side? Page mail Blackfur for info on helping the side of evil. The date for this will be between

Feb. 25-Feb.26th.

Either that friday or Saturday night. Not sure on which day or time just yet,that will be talked over with some people involved. Please leave ideas or if want to help good or evil side place notes on that too. Who can can people contact to help the good side, a couple to page #mail to help good side would be Jake and Flicktail,you can page #mail them. So alot should be happening over next 2-3 weeks with the Black Rose and the woodlanders who want to see it fall.

I know the long patrol is getting involved to help fight agaist the Black Rose but not sure to contact for info on this, so if someone could leave note on that,thanks. :)
