Beggar's Pass and Lizardy Ruins

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated April 02, 2014 in the category World Building and Coding by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 4 replies.

Wed, 04/02/2014 - 14:25

Hello all again. I've run into a bit of a dilemma concerning the underground ruins I built called Beggar's Pass.

Basically in a nut shell Beggar's pass (1 step north of the Blackgull, east 2 or 3 steps, south by one step) is the location of an underground fortress lost to the test of time. The ruins are extensive and run mostly by lizards. Icly events have made it possible however to let other beasts appear here as well as travelers or residents.

It's an open ended city made to be a sort of haven for alts on the run from the law, thieves guild members, or those simply wishing to make a life away from the icly chaos of marauding warlords and slavers and etc etc. Basically anything can happen there within the bounds of pg ratings and in game laws. It's possible to burn the place down, toss the local king into the scorpion pit and replace him with your own, pretty much there is no plot that can not happen there. It is also open to people to make alts there as well even though the place is still a bit under construction.

My problem though is what does the Pass it'self lead to? Set between Ferreval and Redwall would there really be a need for another village populated by woodlanders or vermin? And what should I put here that will not detract from rp IN the ruins?

So forum goers, what do you want to see most? Should there be a village? A tavern? A castle? Something completely different?
