Batsicles and Vulpines

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

The flat, open area between Great Hall and the main gates of the Abbey has been kept neatly cleared of the snow which otherwise piles up in drifts about the walls of the ancient building, and the steps leading up both to Great Hall and the ramparts have been painstakingly freed of ice, to avoid sprained paws that might otherwise slip. Pathways through the snow have also been made for the more well traveled routes of Redwall, most especially to the open grounds and the pond. The gatehouse roof is bristling with icicles. It's quite cold, and your breath is visible in front of your face.

There is a bustle of activity here, and you can hear the occasional murmur of a passing conversation. The sun is high overhead, and shadows are small. All is bright.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Beasts involved: Sharpclaw, Gwennythe, Flicktail, Lark, npc healers

Even in the face of such cold, Sharpclaw has always been one to try to keep himself active and healthy. As if the duties of a Novice aren't enough for the vulpine, the onset of winter hasn't stopped his daily jog about the Abbey's entry grounds. With the owl out of the way now, he's free to pursue his routine. Jogging for the fox not only is a form of exercise, but a way to escape worries as well. Particularly, his 'missing' friend Gwennythe. He hasn't heard the bat in some time, and it's been weighing on the usually chipper fox. Thus, he's running, trying not to run himself even more ragged than usual. He really needs a good day's rest, but between his duties and fears hasn't yet had a good day off. The fox is just passing a wide open portion of ground near the main gate of the Abbey, an ear perking in the gate's direction.

Gwennythe has actually fluttered in, over the wall, during the night, and lays, shivering in the snow. Off to the side, and quite small, it wouldn't be too surprising that nobody has found her yet. Her large ears barely note the sounds of the fox, but they try to twitch anyway, which makes the bat try to look up, through blurry eyes. She's absolutely not dressed for winter, in one of her dresses, which is now a little worse for wear. A pitiful cough escapes her quivering muzzle, yet still manages to wrack the little bat's frame; beginning to become emaciated through a few days of no food.

An ear twitches, the sound of a cough reaching his ears. The vulpine stops mid-run. Something about that was familiar...his nose is soon sniffing away, hunting about for a scent. "Hello? Is anybeast about?" he calls out as he makes his way towards the sound of that cough, the fox's breath coming out in puffs as he slowly comes down from his exercises. Whoever it is, that cough didn't sound good, and the fox's pace isn't too much below the one he was moving at while running.

"Ahff'mble..." It doesn't make any sense and it very nearly didn't get past the tiny bat's lips. She stays, shuddering in the white, her eyes unable to focus properly on the fox and her ears delivering a swirling picture of nonsense and more snow. Her wings sprawl limply, and her head lolls to one side, left ear amongst the snow.

The fox bolts over to the bat, that voice instantly recognized. He reaches down to pick up the shuddering form, not taking long for the Novice to place a paw about the bat's stomach, checking for hypothermia. "Gwen! Stay with me!" he says to the small thing, wrapping her in his coat that he'd thrown on for the run. He's then starts to move her towards the Abbey, and hopefully soon, the Infirmary. He chokes back fear and panic, instead running through what he'll need to do for the small bat in his head.

Gwennythe shudders more and peers bleerily. "M'rf... M'bby?" Her temperature is very low and her fur is risen a touch. She doesn't object to being wrapped in the coat, and remains terribly limp. Her eyes narrow, fighting the sun glare from the snow, dull as it may actually be and she lets out another tiny cough.

Sharpclaw is a blurr as he passes the grounds leading to the Great Hall, the fox not at all showing his normal caution when moving about. Any objects in his way will get trampled at this point, all of his concern on the batling in his arms. The little bat /has/ to get warm, and he intends to see the small one to live through this. He throws open the doors to the Great Hall before running in, not bothering to close the door behind him.

Gwennythe can pretty much do nothing but violently shudder and lay there, wrapped in the coat. A squeaky whimper sounds from the coat, as the bat manages to register movement and banging doors, though she's unable to note the change in temperature from outside to inside.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]


Gwennythe arrives from the Middle Dormitory..

Gwennythe has arrived.

( Sharpclaw doesn't dally once he reaches the Great Hall, snatching up a still mostly warm cup of tea from before he started his exercise. Then, he's up the stairs in a rapid fashion, only just slowly enough to not trip himself. Then, he's at the infirmary with his bat charge in tow. He sits down on the cot amidst the startled beasts in the room, gently hugging the bat to him. He gently puts the cup of tea to the bat's lips. "Drink this, Gwen. It will warm you" he states, clearly and urgently. Hopefully the bat isn't too far gone to drink. Either way, he lets both the blanket and the warmth from his own body slowly warm her up. )

The tiny bat squeaks weakly, perhaps a protest, but the tea enters her mouth and, though not right away, she swallows. Her eyes are closed now, but she still shudders. She remains cold to the touch, for now, not seeming to warm up at all, and still limp.

Sharpclaw slowly continues to give the bat tea until it's drained, his free paw checking for any other symptoms. At least she's responding, a good thing in the fox's mind. He resists the urge to rub the bat, knowing what kind of damage that might do. A Healer is soon at paw, and leaves quickly to fetch more warm liquids for the half-frozen bat.

Some of the tea doesn't make it into the bat, spilling onto the furniture. She'd apologise about that, were she aware it had happened. The tea finished, the limp, frozen bat gives another, pitiful cough and opens her eyes to peer at the blind fox. "W'mble... 'M"

Sharpclaw can do little more than stay near the bat and keep her warm, that mumble drawing a concerned smile. "Gwen. You'll be alright. It's me, Sharpclaw" he reassures the pitiful chiropteran, no hint of accusations in his voice, though he can hardly keep the worry out of his voice.

Gwennythe ear twitches. She's incredibly slow to gain any warmth and remains cold to the touch, but seems just a little less limp. "'Mf 'bbey?" Quiet, exhausting for her to get the tone right enough for it to sound like a question. There's a momentary glimpse of comprehension on her face.

Sharpclaw nods to the bat slowly. "Yes. You're at the Abbey, Gwen. You're safe" he replies, the fox's tail soon wrapped gently about most of Gwen excepting her head. The Novice remains attentive, checking for signs of her getting worse or better, free paw gently keeping tabs on her heartrate and general warmth. Then, the Healer is back. The vulpine waits a moment, not immediately giving her the warm tea for fear of warming her too quickly.

Gwennythe peers. She seems confused, still cold, even all wrapped up. Slowly, with some effort she turns her head away, as if embarrassed, and to look at the rest of the room. "M'ds'n?" She remembers, though haphazardly, the events of the past few days, and what she's done. Everything seems to be an effort for the bat at the moment, though.

Sharpclaw wiggles an ear. The mention of the banished squirrel gets a shake of the head. "She...she's gone, Gwen. I'm sorry."

Gwennythe makes an odd little snuffle noise, turning her head back. "C'n'... f'nd" She manages to huff out. It might be noticed that her shivering lessons, though hardly at all. Her breathing remains shallow and her temperature is hardly changed. She seems to be trying to compose herself, as best she can, to try and utter more.

Sharpclaw soon places the tea near the small bat, offering her some of the warming liquid. "...You...went to look for her...oh, Gwen..." He shakes his head. "Just...keep with me. Worry about yourself now. That squirrel is strong, she'll be fine. Trust me." The fox rubs his eye-cloth closer to his sockets, phantom tears invading the sightless fox's senses.

"M'.. K'lya... T'm s'rry..." She slurs and shudders a little more violently for a moment, soon returning to a lesser shiver, though. She is warming up, at hardly any rate and barely noticeable, but still. She remains quite limp, still apathetic and a little confused.

Sharpclaw shakes his head, the fox giving her a gentle hug. "You've done nothing wrong. Looking for a friend, that's all you were doing." That shivering is worrysome, and prompts the fox to add on another blanket and offer Gwennythe another sip of tea. "The best thing you can do now is get warm."

Gwennythe isn't shivering as much as when the blind fox first found her, which might be good. And she seems a little more alert too, though there's still much confusion. Everything is still more effort than it should be. "C'dn' f'nd..." She responds to the first part, with clear despair. Her eyes wander the ceiling. Harsh breaths and then "W'r 'm?"

Sharpclaw keeps his efforts up, trying to radiate as much heat as he can. She's semi-talking at least. "You're in the Infirmary. You were outside, in the Entryway, on the ground" he explains to her. Her despair gets a sympathetic look. "She'll be fine. Don't worry" he reiterates. "She has supplies, and warm clothes no doubt." Unlike the little bat that went after her.

Gwennythe frowns. Again, she's confused. "'M 'n... 'bbey..? D'd bad..?" A sniffle and the shivering continues. "P'don... 'S w'ndy. Bl'n 'way... C'dn' f'nd..." Slightly panicky now, mingled with the confusion. The little bat whimpers and tries to shrink herself into the coat.

Sharpclaw smiles a little bit. "Yes, you're in the Abbey." The bat shakes his head. "It's rough out there, I'm...I'm made it back" he admits, a hint of worry peaking into his voice. He's kept relatively calm until now, but worry for the bat in his arms is growing. "Don't's alright..." the fox soon coos to the bat. He starts to quietly humm a tune, hoping to calm the panicky bat.

Long ears twitch, and amongst her confusion is a pang of guilt at that worry. "..'m s'ry... s'n'r" Comes the almost predictable mutter. She does quieten at the humming though, listening. Her shivering remains the same, though she is not, now, quite as cold as before. She is still far colder than she should be.

Sharpclaw shakes his head again at her mutter, instead continuing on humming his tune. The blanket he has about the both of them is soon replaced with a freshly warmed one by one of the Healers on duty. The fox himself pants slightly in between hummings, rather hot himself. But, he endures it for the bat's sake.

Gwennythe falls silent, shivering and listening to the humming. Her confusion is beginning to die away, replaced by an increasingly powerful fatigue once more. She watches the blind fox with fuzzy eyes, warming more and more, though gradually.

That worry of his slowly lessens as the bat warms up. Sharpclaw is soon smiling at Gwennythe fully, simply glad to see his friend once more in a safe place. He's soon out of hum, and silently sits with the bat. Every now and then blankets are switched out as they cool.

Gwennythe sniffles and yawns. And then whimpers. The warmth abates numbness and she suddenly feels the searing pain in her wings, though her the tips are still numb. She doesn't stop shivering, though she is less limp.

Whimpers. That means the bat is actually feeling things now. The vulpine is thankful for that. "Where does it hurt, Gwen?" he asks at her outburst of pain. He's fairly certain she'll be okay at this point, but he's certainly not going away. It'll take a Badger Lord to keep him away from the bat at this point.

Gwennythe mumbles and winces, closing her eyes while her shivering continues. "Mnn... M'w'ngs... M'legs..." Still laden with effort, but the words come easier, squeaked with pain. She, again, tries to huddle away, trying to hide. "'M warm..." She complains, though her skin is definitely still in the region of being far colder than it should.

Sharpclaw starts to check over the bat's wings and legs at her mention, hopefully not finding any breaks or anything of that matter. Her complaining gets a shake of his head. "You're staying right here. You have exposure, Gwen. I know it's really warm, but you could get in a really bad way if I don't keep near you and wrap you up." The fox's hold is firm, but gentle.

Gwennythe hmmphs, a little squeakily. There are no breaks to be found, though her legs and wings are even colder than the rest of her, and a little discoloured. "B' 'm too warm, s'nh'r..." She blinks at him, that confusion once again presence. She doesn't understand why she needs to stay all wrapped up when she thinks she's warm.

Sharpclaw will have to do something about those wings and legs, but for now he's best served in making sure the bat doesn't wander away prematurely. "I know you may feel that way, but trust me on this. It's not any better for me, either. It'll be over soon, I think."

Gwennythe nods her head, blinking blearily at the fox, still shuddering. "...'m sorry..." She mutters again. The bat slowly moves her head to look at her sore wings. Her ears are sore too, the last things to lessen in numbness, but she doesn't mention them. They would also seem a little odd in colour though.

With the bat finally in territory that the fox can consider safe enough, he shifts a bit with his charge still in his arms. He unwraps those wings and legs of hers. "No, no. No apologies." A Healer is soon by, and after a few glances concludes the same thing the fox has gotten into his head: frostbite. Warm water containers are soon brought. "Alright, Gwen. It seems you have frostbite, my friend. We're going to have to put those wings and legs of yours in this water. Will you put up with that for me?" he inquires, already moving to place the bat's extremities in the water.

Gwennythe huhs? And eyes the water with a sleepy suspicion. She doesn't object though, nodding heavily at the fox. That shivering isn't going away, though it seems to vary in severity. She winces a little at being moved, rather than being dipped in the water. "'s... help?"

( Sharpclaw soon has the bat's limbs dipped in the water, the Novice's efforts watched over by a Healer or two. The scrutiny isn't really a bother for the fox, he hardly even notes their presence. "It is. It will warm you paws and wings. You'll heal in time, though there might be a little loss of feeling. You seem to have been out there quite a while. You're lucky. When frostbite gets bad enough, it can require amputation." )

The young bat blinks, ears falling just a little at that last bit. She's not too keen about all the fuss and the healers about, but is far too worn out to object. She is very regretful though, that still the fox seems worried, or at least, from what he says. "..'m sorry." She offers, again. To all of them, this time.

Sharpclaw sighs a little bit. Another apology. He needs to teach this bat some confidence! "It's alright..." he states yet again. His worries still do plague him, but at least they're /mostly/ foolish ones from one friend to another. He does his best not to let on, as much as the emotional fox fails at that. He occasionally lifts the bat up as the water cools, the Healers helping where the blind fox is out of limbs for the entire process, the new water switched in.

It's, perhaps, a pity that Gwennythe isn't in more of a position to appreciate this. Almost like the beasts are helping her to bathe; she'd feel like those beasts who are able to obtain luxury and visit those hot spring settlements that are so popular with their ilk. A heavy sighing breath finally triumphs over those little shallow ones. "...Th'nk..y'.. s'nh'r..."

Perhaps the fox should open himself a spa in the Abbey! He's certainly gentle about things. He grips just hard enough to make sure the bat can't flap away if she gets the wild urge, yet still keeps her well supported and warm. He confers with the other Healers every now and then about the bat's coloration, hopefully that horrible purple starting to go away. "It's my duty, as both a Healer and a friend" he replies to the bat.

Flicktail comes out of the Recovery Room...

Flicktail has arrived.

Flicktail says, "ello"

Gwennythe tries to smile, as appreciative as she might. She still looks disorientated, somewhat confused. There is no wild flapping, allowing herself to be dipped in the water still. The discoloration remains, though, perhaps, not as angry, and so does the shivering. "...'m glad..." She manages. Not too much aware of anything else.

Flicktail asks, "wot appened?" Flicky asks curiously "Ello Gwenny ye are looking different today"

Sharpclaw doesn't immediately respond to Flicktail, the blind one lost in his caring for the bat he has wrapped up in his arms, blankets, and currently having her limbs dipped in warm water. He nods to the small one. "So am I, so am I." He can hardly think of what the outcome would have been had he not found her. Then, the smell of Flicktail, and the questions. "A little quieter, please, Flick. She's been out in the cold" he explains for the other todd's benefit.

Gwennythe has, indeed, been out in the cold. For a couple of days, in fact, and without provisions or proper winter wear. She's shuddering, despite being warm, is a little emaciated, and is somewhat discolored. She manages to blink, blearily, from Sharpclaw to Flicktail.

Flicktail says, "well whoy were se out ere, she catch er death o cold...arn't no insects out ere......"

Sharpclaw frowns briefly at the question, then shakes his head at Flicktail. "She was looking for a friend, and was blown about in the storm. Please...I know you mean well, but she needs to get well before any questions about all of that" he says gently, smiling tiredly to Flick. Gwennythe is once again lifted, Healers putting out new water for the bat.

Flicktail says, "Well don just holler at me Sharpy tell e ow Oi kin elp..she be me friend too."

Lark arrives from the Middle Dormitory..

Lark has arrived.

The bat blinks again, sleepily. Her temperature is much improved, her shivering, though ever present, is less and less. A yawn escapes her, everything starting to catch up. Her discoloured ears twitch, a little, at the two tods.

Sharpclaw improves his smile a bit at the todd. "Yes, yes of course. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be that way. There should be some fresh tea over on the table, near the door to the Recovery Room. Can you pour a glass for her?" he asks of the todd. Those ears of hers are soon gently warmed between paws of the waiting healers, the sighted ones picking out the problem the bat didn't mention.

Flicktail looks envious of Sharpclaw as he gets to warm her ears "lucky beast' he mutters as he pours the tea.

Lark appears in the door of the infirmary, still anointed with snow, though it appears to have been swept into the folds of her cloak and hood as if by hasty paws. She steps in, then hesitates, not wanting to disturb the activities in here. She looks over at the bat, then quietly heads for the Recovery room door.

Gwennythe squeaks, very softly, and still sleepily, as some beasts get ahold of her rather delicate ears. She squints her eyes closed for a moment, then blinks sleepily. There's a squirrel. Was that there before? Who knows. She watches the beast cross the room, a little dazed.

Sharpclaw seems to hear the muttering, the fox finally having concentration enough to care for the nice todd as well. "I'm going to need an extra set of paws, once you're done Flick. I need to check her for other injuries, do you mind getting her ears for a few moments? Just put your paws on them, but whatever you do, don't rub." he calls out, as softly as he can. Lark unfortunately doesn't get noticed, the Novice's attentions on the sleepy bat and Flicktail.

Lark gives Flicktail a small smile as she passes him, and a nod, but she prefers to just slip past them for now. It looks like she's not of much help, probably just in the way.

Lark enters the Recovery Room...

Lark has left.

Flicktail brightens like a candle..and trots over with the tea "oi yes yes" as he wants to feel her soft velvety ears with his warm warm soft paws.

Gwennythe is going to object of course. She's sleepy. And she's warm, but might feel cold to the others. In fact, she can barely stay awake right now. The constant warmth and the water; it's all quite relaxing and the little bat was already exhausted. "...'s nice..." She tells the ceiling in a slurred mumble.

Sharpclaw takes the tea off of Flicktail's paws, and tips it to the little bat's lips. "Here, drink some more of this. You should be fine now, Gwen." His sightless gaze is brought to Flick briefly. "Thank you, Flick." He's fairly confident the bat will be alright, and it shows in his voice.

Flicktail very gently and warmly warms the ears, curious as to how they feel as his muzzle comes close and he begins to very softly humm a lullaby.

Gwennythe was on her way out of the conscious world, even before the lullaby, though it certainly doesn't help her to stay awake. She just nods, dumbly, at Sharpclaw, blinking at the other tod, who appears above her head. Blink. Blink. Yawn. And then, with a soft huff, the bat drifts off into the first, proper, safe sleep she's had in days.

Flicktail says, " Oi mean isn't at noice Sharpclaw she be so cute sleepin in me arms loikes a dibbun."

Sharpclaw lets out a sigh of relief as he feels the young bat fall asleep. He shakes his head as he makes himself comfortable. He really doesn't want to move away from the bat, and it seems he's going to be pulling a long night of it. Then, Flick speaks, and a bright smile is given to the other todd. "She truly is...Gwen is a good beast, I'm just glad she's with us again. I was...worried for a while."

Flicktail says, "ye think it be o.k.'s to cuddle er some? Oi be moice an warm...."

Sharpclaw carefully disengages from the bat. "That will be alright, I think. Make sure you keep her wings and legs in the warm water. She has frostbite, she'll recover as long as she keeps those limbs of hers..." Yawn. The fox shakes his head. "in the water. Her ears need to be kept warm too, with your paws. Again, don't rub. That can cause damage." Gwen is given over to Flick gently. The Novice himself moves to a cot near the small bat, sitting down. He teeters briefly, the worry and stress over his friend almost causing him to pass out on the spot.

Flicktail climbs into the warm water with her so he may cradle her, and keep her ears warm and she can sleep and she can be comfortable, he's completely clothed.

Sharpclaw soon runs out of juice, the fox passing out on the cot. One of the Healers gives the exhausted Novice a blanket before moving to assist Flicktail with the bat, the vulpine heavily snoring away.

Gwennythe has disconnected.