Basil won't eat a cheese bun! :O (Redemption of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale: Chieftain's home

Ferdinand the ferret, Valerie the vixen, Statler the stoat, Clarissa the rat, Hank the fox, Waldo the weasel and Basilisk the whiptail snake. Bandit the fat fox.

Blisa's bodyguards are devastated. It's their job to keep her from getting hurt and kidnapped, and what happens? Irinevok, that 'crazy half-baked excuse for a warlord', as the young cat called him, snatched her away and left them with a warning to not try and find her or she would die. Valerie is the only one keeping her head. She has been trying to coax the rest into eating the past 2 days, but it's not working very well. Ferdinand is sitting by the fire, his left shoulder heavily bandaged from where he got shot, his left arm ina sling, and head resting in his right paw, eyes staring at nothing. Clarissa has her baldrics off, still holding her 13 knives and 1 bullwhip, and they are lying in a heap on the floor. Hank, Statler, and Waldo are sitting on the floor, trying to comprehend the severity of what happened. They are in such deep shock, it's really hard for them. Basilisk is curled up in a corner, his face buried in his coils. The vixen healer is trying to coax him to eat a cheese bun, but he ignores it and just squirms deeper into his coils.

Bandit himself has the opposite reaction when stressed. The fox tended to overeat, well, any time actually, but more so when he was stressed. And he was as stressed as any of them, maybe even more in some cases. Barely the head guard for a month and the chieftain had almost been assassinated...twice. And his daughter had been kidnapped. At this rate the portly vulpine feared for his own fate if he didn't manage to score a victory, if not for the village then for himself.

All he could do was send the guards to scoure the country side and hope for the best. He had to pause before knocking on the door to the chiefs home. But he did so anyways. He would have to face the cheiftain's wrath soon or later. He just hoped that he didn't decide to feed Bandit to the snake...

Valerie is literally tapping the snake on the head with the cheese bun when the portly fox knocks on the door. Sighing she puts the bread beside the reptile and walks over. Opening the door, she smiles thinly, obviously ticked off at everybeast for not eating. "Bandit, sir. Please, come in." Ferdinand closes his eyes as a pair of tears trickle down his cheeks. It's obvious to any half-witted idiot that they are all in the depths of despair.

The fox nods his head to Valerie before entering. He casts a glance around the room. He swallows his greeting when he sees the snake. Gathering his wits Bandit coughs politely then announces in a loud voice, "Well, isn't this a lively bunch. You all look like you are about to go to funeral." So this is what it's like to be on the other end of a kidnapping, the ex-pirate thinks to himself. "I came by to..." the fox thought again to himself, 'to at least look like I'm doing my job...or trying.' but said, "To see if anyone remembered anything else from the attack. Anything else that could prove usefull."

Swishing his tail back and forth the fox adds, "How are you holding up?"

Ferdinand looks up at the Head Guard slowly, golden eyes hard and filled with a sadness so immeasurable, it looks like it's about to consume his soul. "We've told you everything. I requetht that you bring the beathtth in from the woodth before that crazy mouthe getth it into hith head that it lookth like he'th being followed." Clarissa rests a paw on his arm as Valerie whispers to the fox, "Don't listen to him. I'm tempted to put him on Suicide Watch, he's so depressed." Baislisk just buries his face deeper into his coils, saying as his head vanishes, "I ssshould've eaten that mousssse when I had the chance..."

The fox rubs at his eyes. With a heavy sigh, "Listen mates. I know things look...bleak. But remember, no matter how we feel, remember what your chieftain must be going through. If nothing else, at least try to look strong for the poor beast eh? We will find Blisa, and punish the runt of a mouse that took her." The fox thinks for a while. "So if the guard can't go after her, well, maybe we can hire a few beasts who can. Maybe some mercenaries or...something. I sent a lizard named Dylan out this morning. He knows tha area pretty well. Is there anyone else we might know? There was a bird catching fox around these parts a while back...Xia or something? Beasts like her can search the area discreetly."

Clarissa looks sadly at the fox. "Oh, didn't you hear? Xia got eaten by a golden eagle that's hunting to the North of the River Moss." Ferdinand lays down on the couch and stares at the fire despairingly. Valerie nods. "That's a much better idea. Perhaps that group...what're they called? The Nightblades, I think? They're mercs, too, so maybe they can help."

Bandit raises his ears then promptly lowers them, "I...well...that, that is sad. She was a nice beast..." The fox whines softly to himself. His voice is a little cracked when he speaks again, "Well, there, that's the spirit. When in doubt, find someone to ruthlessly hunt down your enemies and destroy them." He turned away from the group, facing the door, "I'll...go check up at the tavern. There are plenty of vermin who pass through here, who can handle themselves in a fight and are always looking for a quick copper piece." He wiped at his eyes, "Yeah, I think I will go do that."

"I think the leader of the Nightblades is a fox named Darkwatcher," Valerie adds. Basil lifts his head and wails, "Blissssa isss gone forever and I'm going to die if sssshe doesssssn't come back!" He flops to the floor and makes sobbing noises. The vixen pinches the bridge of her nose as the rest of the guards ignore the reptile. "Shoot me now." she says half-seriously.

Thanks for reading! Don't they seem so sad? :'(
