Barfight? Barfight.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Vermin react in characteristic fashion to an otter in their bar.

With: Tristan, Sarnith, Kriskia, and several NPCS


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [Out]

Tristan is sitting at the bar, his face shadowed by his hood, having a drink. The wedding is currently the talk of the tavern, and he's trying to pick up any useful details. He's already had to push away one rather annoying rat trying to pick a fight, so he's not in the best of moods.

Sarnith Saunters into the bar rubing his right shoulder a bit as he enters, he avoids the roudier tables while makeing his way towards the bar, noteing the hooded figure as he orders a drink

Tristan glances sideways at the newcomer, sizing him up quickly before turning his attention back to the tavern chatter. His drink is mostly untouched, he's not too picky about his alchohol, but this stuff is terrible compared to the Halyard stuff he's been drinking recently. His longbow leans on the bar next to him, close to paw.

Sarnith grabs his fresh tankard of ale as he notices the hooded figure looking his way, after his own appraisal Sarnith sees that the figure is an otter and smirks a bit as he takes a sip of his ale, he then comments aloud " Seems dat river dogs are just fallin out o der sky round here. "

Tristan glances sideways again, "Strange, usually we come out of lakes and rivers, not from the sky." he says flatly.

Leaning back aginst the bar Sarnith throws another jibe at the otter " Well this will be der second time one o yew's river dogs has shown up here dis week alone. "

"Just passing through," he says flatly, without saying where he's going. If Sarnith was expecting a reaction to all the otter jibes, he gets none.

Sarnith Swirls the ale around in his tankard for a moment before speaking agin " Dat's probly fer der best, da chieften probly won't want ter see another one o your type for a bit after last night. "

Tristan considers his words for a second or two, then says, "Your chieftain's Scioto, correct?" He pushes his drink away from him, evidently not going to drink it. He glances over his shoulder at a table of assorted drunken vermin, including the rat he had to push away earlier. They're conversing in hushed tones, casting quick, hate laden glances his way.

Sarnith Nods after takeing a few sips of his ale and watches a few of the roudier tables for the time being

Tristan sighs as a ferret, two rats, and a fox get up from the table and start towards him. "Here we go again," he mutters, his paw moving towards the hilt of his knife. He turns to Sarnith, pretending to ignore the group, "Can I trust you not to stab me in the back if a fight starts?" he asks with an eyebrow raised.

Sarnith Pats the short blade seathed at his side while saying " Yew ain't drawin steel aginst me river dog so I's got no reason ter. "

Tristan gives Sarnith a curt nod before the fox, who appears to be the leader of this ragtag group, puts a paw on the otter's shoulder. "'Ello friend," he says in a raspy voice, "ah've 'eard ya been insultin' one a my mates, stream dog." he jerks a thumb at one of the rats over his shoulder. Tristan shakes his head slowly, not meeting the fox's eyes, "As I recall, I only pushed him away before he started a fight."

Sarnith Takes a sip of his ale as he watches the mob closeing in on the otter

"S'not tru it's not!" The rat says, nudging the fox in the arm. "Oi was just makin' a friendly bit o' conversation!" the ugly creature doesn't even have the decency to sound convincing. But it doesn't matter to the group of vermin leering at him.

The ferret from the group slides up towards Tristans left side his paw leaning on a wooden cudgel

The fox cackles, the rat behind him joining in, "Don't chew deny it. Ya been annoyin' mah friends. An' I don't like that. Not at all..." he grins wolfishly, and tightens his grip, trying to turn Tristan around on the stool to face him. Tristan calmly tries once more to defuse the situation, "Look, I don't want a fight, so why don't you just go back to your table and drink your cheap ale, and we can all be happy, alright?" He gives the ferret a quick glance, but dosen't react.

The ferret holds his position and tenses his left paw on the cudgel ready for a swipe either at a signal from the fox or a threatening movement form the otter

The fox shakes his head, pulling a rusty dagger from his boot, "Naw, I think we'll jus' kill ya dead an' loot cher corpse, whatcha think mates?" without waiting for a response he pulls roughly on Tristan's shoulder, trying to drag him onto the floor and finishe this quickly. Tristan's been expecting this however, and drives his elbow into the fox's face, knocking him back a few paces. The rat behind him staggers out of the way, drawing a cutlass for this fight. The otter's only move against the ferret is to draw his hunting knife to block any possible attacks.

The ferret pulls up his cudgel and throws a slight faint towards the otters head before bring the cudgel in a downward ark towards the otters knife hand

The other rat gets a knock in the face by the fox's elbow when he's knocked back. "Blasted!" He holds his nose with one claw as blood begins to spurt and draws a dagger with the other, lunging clumsily at Tristan.

The fox recovers himself and strikes out blindly at the otter, while the rat stands by, waiting for an opening. Skilled as he is, Tristan has a difficult time manageing all these attacks and getting off the barstool at the same time. His main weapon, the longbw, is useless in this close quarters fight, and his knife is knocked from his paw by the ferret's strike. He manages to avoid being stabbed by the other two, but now he's unarmed with four angry vermin surrounding him. He moves to one side, farther from the fox and two rats, and throws a hard right fist at the ferret, the closest threat.

The Ferret sees stars as Tristans fist connects with his snout, his free paw flys to his nose as he stagers back a few paces, he manages to hold on to his cudgel though

The other rat, Grip is his name, spots his opening and hunkers down, propelling himself forward towards Tristan's belly with claw and dagger and even open mouth. His teeth are like that of most unhygenic vermin, long and sharp by birth, and made more jagged by many chips and breaks, the product of countless fights. not to mention the bacteria that may be crawling on them.

Tristan sees that the ferret is momentarily out of action and turns back to the other three vermin, just in time to be knocked back into the bar by a charging rat, grunting as his head snaps forwards and his back hits the hard wooden surface. He gasps for breath and attempts to headbutt the rat, one paw searching for his knife on the tavern floor. The fox moves in closer, the rat right behind him. He kicks the first rat off and places a foot on the otter's chest, a victorious grin on his face.

The ferret has a small amount of blood leaking from one nostril and hes eyes are watering profusely so he can't realy see whats happening at the moment

Grip rolls off with an unceremonious squeal and lashes out at the footpaw, either not realizing or not caring the it is his comrade's.

Splitear, the fox, growls at Grip, narrowly avoiding a cut footpaw, before speaking to Tristan, in a very superior tone, "Well lookey here, water dog, ah'm gonna kill ya. An' i'm gonna use yer skull ta..." before he can say what he'll use his skull for, Tristan manages to find his blade on the floor and swipe out at the fox's ankle, causing a fairly deep cut, and resulting in the fox leaping back, giving Tristan the oppurtunity to pull himself up and back a few paces away, knife held in a backhand grip. He dosen't take any notice that the ferret is behind him, believing him to be stunned and out of the fight.

The Ferret is furriously blinking and rubbing his eyes to clear them as he feels something bump into his foot paws he kicks out with his right foot still unable to see clearly

At this point nobeast is paying attention to the door, so nobeast would really notice when Kriskia walks in, looking beat and worn, but satisfied. A few bandages on her fingers are speckled with red dots. Her work-dazed expression is quickly wiped away as it is called to her attention that there is some sort of commotion going on. Oh, is this really necessary? And they're blocking her from the bar, too.

Grip scrambles to his footclaws and pushes past the fox once more, insulted and with a bleeding nose, he no longer finds this fun. He's lost his dagger in the fight, but his claws are sharp enough and swings them straight at Tristan's throat.

Splitear moves forward, brandishing his dagger dangerously, but is quickly knocked back by grip, muttering some profanity at the rat whos keeping him from his kill. The other rat is slowly backing towards the doorway, seeking an escape route. Tristan stumbles as the ferret kicks out, and that's the only thing that saves him from Grip's claws raking across his throat. Unfortunately for the ferret, his knife swings backwards, straight towards the ferret's chest.

As the otter flails his fist also just happens to crack against Grip's jaw. Not the face, not the face! He's knocked of track and careens into a table, winding himself rather nicely.

Kriskia tries to pick her way around the fight, but she only makes it about two-thirds of the way before all options are blocked but the way she came. She folds her arms and waits, though not patiently. Come on, vermin. She's got things to do tonight.

Sarnith waves his tankard at Kriskia over the melee still keeping a careful eye on the fight

Splitear rushes forwards, intent on finishing this annoying otter. As he raises his dagger to deliver a killing blow, Tristan recovers himself in time to deliver two punches to the fox's stomach, causing Splitear to drop his dagger with a clank. He sends him backwards with a kick, nearly overturning some tables as he hits them. Back in control of the situation, Tristan pushes the confused ferret onto the ground, putting a foot on his back to pin him.

The ferret being unable to see for a good part of the fight now isnt sure whats going on but figures that the otter is the one stepping on his back, haveing droped his cudgel as he got knocked down the ferret reaches out with both paws , comes into contact with a table leg and gives it a heave towards himself

Splitear gets to his feet slowly, cursing as he sees the other rat brush roughly past Kriskia and flee the scene. Tristan feels the ferret move under him and presses his booted footpaw down a bit harder, "If you value your life you'll hold still." he says, sounding deathly serious. Splitear, not out yet, grabs a bottle from the bar, drains it of it's contents in record time, and smashes it, giving him a improvised weapon. As he advances Tristan eyes him warily.

Now that the ferret has a firm grip on the table leg he disreguards the otters words and gives it a hard yank towards himself sending it slideing at a good pace across the floor so that the table would pass straight over himself and smack into the otter if hes not paying attention

The table that the ferret pulls on happens to be the table that Grip is 'resting' on. As his support slips out from under him. He stumbles forwards and wheezes once or twice before turning and watching the fight, assessing when would be best to jump back in.

Tristan gives vent to a frustrated sigh and a curse before attempting to block the table, just barely succeding. He stomps on the ferret's chest, hoping to crack a rib or two, but is quickly knocked back by Splitear's left hook, which catches him in the jaw, and slashed by the broken bottle.

The Ferret lets out a groaning wheze as he tries to roll away hes not sure if ribs broke or not but his chest realy hurts and he can't breathe, but atleast he can see now

Tristan spits some blood out of his mouth and mutters, "I didn't want to do this," and slamming his knife into Splitear's chest. Any attempt to block the blow is unsucessful as the fox drops his bottle and grunts in pain. He slumps to his knees, and Tristan kicks him to the ground, where lies in pain, not quite dead yet, but well past fighting anymore. Tristan gives the ferret one last kick before turning to Sarnith, "Can you take care of him?" he asks, before moving over to haul Grip up by the front of his shirt, preparing to speak with him.

Sarnith Sets his ale down and looks at Kriskia while pointing to his mug, he then moves over to the fox and takes a quick look at the wound, after inspecting it for a moment he gathers the fox up and hitches him over his shoulders and starts packing him supriseingly quickly out the front door of the tavern

Grip has barely recovered from his doubled over state, his solar plexus just now recovering. And when he sees the otter advances he backs away, his claws scrabbling over the tables, searching for something, anything to grab as a weapon. and he gets...a candle. "Back off!" He growls, as if this somehow makes him more menacing while wielding wax.

Ah now see, good things come to those who wait. A clear path (if stained with blood), a warm stool and even some drink. Her goal reached, the polecat now watches the brawl as if it is entertainment, not amusement.

The ferret is whezeing away on the floor still trying to breathe as he rocks side to side

Tristan has no time to put up with Grip's foolishness, and knocks the candle out of his paws, putting the razor sharp knife against the rat's throat. "You listen up now," he says in a low, icy tone, "Get out, and if I ever see you trying to start a fight here again, you'll end up like your friend there." he gestures to the pool of blood where Splitear was. "Got it, or do need to drive the point home?" he asks, increasing the knife's pressure just slightly.

The rat's paws fly up, a gesture of surrender, and her nods fervently. He doesn't trust speaking with that knife so close to his Adam's apple. When he gets the first chance he gets, he turns and darts away, out into the night to lick his relatively minor wounds.

As Sarnith comes in the door he makes a bit of a grisly sight, his vest has a good amount of blood soaked into it and is still driping beads of carmine here and there as he passes the threshold he moves over to the ferret and prods him rather roughly in the ribs, the ferret squeaks out a whimper of pain Sarnith then Says " Disn's got a few broken ribs it looks like suppose ill get rid o this fool to. " as he shoulders the still whezeing ferret and starts another trip towards the infirm

Tristan sighs heavily, walking back over to the bar a little shakily, sticking the knife into the wood and letting it stay there. He nods to Sarnith as he leaves with the ferret, and resumeing his seat. He asseses his injuries, just a bruised jaw and a few cuts from the glass, and pulls his tankard from earlier over, downing it in one go now. His hood, practically a trademark of his by now, is still in place on his head, albeit signifigantly crumpled.

Kriskia watches the rat escapes with a bit of a smirk, although it is tinged with a bitterness. No matter what the consequences the city would suffer later, she was kind of hoping the vermin would win. Nevertheless, she tips her, or rather Sarnith's tankard, to Tristan. "Congradulations."

Sarnith Returns a short while later, the blood appears to already be a good part of the way dried on his vest, as he enters he makes his way towards the otter and says " I's almost say yew's own me a new vest, but I's spect it'll wash out. " as he passes him and gets a fresh tankard of ale

Tristan nods wearily, "They got what they asked for." he says simply. He takes a rag used for cleaning tankards and wipes the blood from his blade, resheathing it. Upon Sarnuth's return, he responds with a sarcastic, "Thanks for the help, by the way, couldn't have done it without you."

Kriskia's lazy smile turns sharply to a frown. "Hey, t'wasn' 'is fight. No beast with stuff between 'is ears fights 'is own townsfolk for th' life of a foreigner." She almost adds 'and a woodlander' but she holds her tongue a bit more than she usually does, aware of how well the otter fought. She then turns to the hob and licks her thumb, wiping a smudge of blood from his ear. Jeez, she's all pawsy with him today.

Sarnith Chuckes a bit before he downs an entire tankard in one go, he then says " Yew's looked like yew's was holdin yer own jus fine, Ifns it had got ter thick I's woulda stoped it, dat Scioto of ours still won't be a happy about what happend though " in the otters direction

Tristan shrugs, "You're right I suppose," he says to Kriskia, his gaze making it obvious that he understood the unspoken woodlander addition, but doesn't hold it against her. "You could say me and Scioto are old friends, but it'd be a lie." he chuckles dryly, "Either way I better clear out soon, that fox is a goner."

"Mmmm." Is Kriskia's reply. She buries her nose in her tankard and takes a hearty swig, taking a heavy breath in. She is determined to enjoy her break, no matter what obstacles beasts throw up.

Sarnith Remarks " I's dont know about dat fox time will tell though. " he then turns to Kriskia " I'sll be right back. " he says to her, he then heads towards the front door

The otter's gaze follows Sarnith as he leaves, then go back to the bartender standing with arms crossed in front of him, looking none too happy. Tristan gives him a wry smile before producing four gold coins, for his drink and the damages. The bartender snatches them away and moves off to tend to the next customer.

Kriskia nods to Sarnith, and continues drinking in slow, steady gulps until the tankard is empty. All the while watching Tristan out of the corner of her eye. Finally, she says "How does a traveler like ya get coin like tha'?"

Tristan chuckles, "For starters I don't spend all my gold on drinks. I also do various odd jobs for beasts. I'm really very interesting when you get to know me." he says sarcastically.

Kriskia raises a brow, her crooked, wry smile returning. "Oh 'msure." She swivels about in her seat so that she may watch him more openly, crossing her legs with a flourish of skirt. After the fight everybeast is giving Tristan a wide berth, and so Kriskia is closest to him by far.

Tristan gives a slight cough, holding a paw to his bloodied chest. "I guess after tearing up your bar i should at least introduce myself, eh? I go by Tristan, though i've been called many other things, most not very kind." he says with a hint of a smirk.

"Oh! 'msure!" Kriskia reapeats, the smile broadening into a grin. The beast may be a woodlander, but his skill in combat is enough to earn the jill's respect, and she thrusts a paw out towards him. "Kriskia."

Using his unbloodied paw, Tristan reaches out to shake the offered paw. "Good to meet you, I suppose. At the very least, you're not trying to kill me, which I can appreciate." he says with another half grin, his hood still mostly shadowing his eyes.

Kriskia winks. "As of yet. Jus' Don' drip any o' tha' red stuff one me, yea?" She then follows this with a giggle. Her left paw leans on the bar, a finger running along the rim of the tankard.

Sarnith Arives with a green pice of cloth that runs just short of his knees draped pancho style over his shoulders carrieing his spear witch he sets aginst the wall near the door before he continues to the bar and orders a fresh ale

"I'll certainly try not to," he says, and anything else he planned to follow up with is cut off as he raises an eyebrow at Sarnith. "The fight's over, you know, and I don't planon starting another one yet, you didn't have to get your spear..." he says, glancing at said weapon, "And what're you wearing anyway?"

Kriskia raises her own brow at Sarnith's appearance. "Did ya put tha' thing in water? If ya don' doak it immediately, th' stains'll set." Her fingers tap the mug's handle. "Ya really need some new clothes, Sarn."

Sarnith Replies " Der spear is incase any other beasts gets any funny ideas, and dis is just a bit o spare cloth I's had planed on gettin a shirt made out of some day. " as he takes a seat at the bar putting himself between Kriskia and the otter

Kriskia raises her own brow at Sarnith's appearance. "Did ya put tha' thing in water? If ya don' doak it immediately, th' stains'll set." Her fingers tap the mug's handle. "Ya really need some new clothes, Sarn."

Tristan shrugs acceptingly at Sarnith's response, and also assumes that him placing himself between him and Kriskia is a protective movement, and says, "I don't bite, you know. Stab, punch, and kick maybe, but I don't bite." he has no further comment on his clothes.

Sarnith Chuckels before he takes a sip from his tankard of ale " It's sittin in a barrel I's packed with snow n draged next to der fire place in me shop, an I's belive yew's do owe me a new set o togs. " he then turns to the otter and replies " Well after dat display I's figure me sittin here next ter ya may help discourage others. " his guard dose appear to be up however as he is sitting up straight on the stool and his free paw doesn't stray far from his scabbard

Kriskia nods, glancing at Tristan before continuing their seperate conversation. "So d'ya have an order, or do I get free reign over yar wardrobe?" She asks, her grin twisting onto one side of her face. "I warn ya, I'll force ya ta wear a tricorn hat like afore."

"As interesting as watching you redesign his clothes sounds, i'd better get going." Tristan says, rising from his barstool and grabbing his longbow and quiver from where they lean against the bar. "I've got a good bed over at the tavern. Not sure how long i'll be around, but i'll see you all later." he says as he heads to the door. In fact, he has a camp just outside the village, and he knows exactly how long he's planning to be here, but there's no harm in deterring any friends of the vermin group he fought.

Sarnith preforms a mock shudder as he says " I's don't know about dat, but I's don't see how it could hurt seein what yew's come up with. " to Kriskia he then turns to the otter and says " Well we will see yers if we see yers otter. " as the otter is moving to the door

Kriskia watches the otter leave and raises her tankard in an adieu, although that poke on her profession gets a frown from her. She then turns back to Sarnith and looks him up and down, for the first open about it. "Don' worry. I'll come up wit' sumthin' right smart.”

Using his unbloodied paw, Tristan reaches out to shake the offered paw. "Good to meet you, I suppose. At the very least, you're not trying to kill me, which I can appreciate." he says with another half grin, his hood still mostly shadowing his eyes.

As Sarntih notices her frown he quickly says " Ah now Kriskia twrent ment ter be an insult, twas just a playin a bit o fun, an dat otter had me a bit nervous ter be honest. "

Kriskia nods curtly, agreeing. "Mmm, playing th' mysterious type. I do not doubt 'is saying he didn' start the fight, but I thought stabbin' that fox was a bit too much. Could 'e not 'ave jus' conked 'im on th' head?"

Sarnith Nods as he says " It were a bit much, I's thought dat he were just gonna stick em in the arm at first, I's was sore worng der. " Sarnith takes another sip of ale beofre replieing " Fer all o der bleedin dat fox was a doin I's dont think anythin real major was hit, least he was still a breahin an not sprayin every wheres when I's left im in der infirm. "

Kriskia nods. "Well...that' good." There is a long pause broken by a large sigh. "Ahhh, hate ta leav so soon, butI got a ta get back ta work. Took me all evenin' ta get the tunic done. I've even still got a bit of a trim left ta do, my fault tryin' ta make it fancy looking. Flowery instead o' a straight trim." Another sigh. But after that, All I've got is th' hat. That should only take an hour at most." She slips off her stool and pinches Sarnith's arm lightly. "See ya in th' mornin', yea?"

Sarnith tenses his arm at the pinch " Well lookin at yew's hands I's say it'll look good, an I's might see yer's in der mornin I's still gotta get a spot o fishin done, figgured i'dd be a doin dat around sun rise se we's will see. "

Kriskia pouts at his contradiction. "Well. Definitely at th' weddin' then." She then waggles her fingers and turns away, strutting stiffly out of the tavern. Ah, work work work.

Sarnith Calls a " G'night! " after Kriskia and finishes off his ale before makeing his own way to the door and collecting his spear as he heads out the front door.