Bandit gets a new look

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Just a simple scene in the great hall. While warlords terrorize the countryside, while the Militia recover from their wounds, and while a giant snake sets his sights on Camp Willow, Bandit enjoys a day of peace and rest in the abbey.

It's a cold night outside at least as far as bandit can tell with the wind howling against the building. There are a couple of travelers trapped here in the abbey tonight due to the weather and abbey beasts trying to find them places to sleep. Other than that the great hall is realtivily quiet. The young brown fox Bandit is sitting near the fire place eating from a bowl of stew.

Flicktail Walks in and his eyes bulge "GUARD! Guard! there is a straneg beast in teh hall" he seems notto be joking as 3 otter guards seize Bandit "State yer buisness ere!

"Wha...waht?" the fox gasps as he is siezed by the guards. Bandit has indeed gone through some changes. His diet has worked for one. While he still has a layer of flesh to his body he is looking healthy, sleek. He is also sporting a new grey tunic and brown vestment along with blue trousers. All acquired with his meager earnings from a traveling merchant, "Oh ha ha, very funny guys, now do you mind calling the guards off Flicky?"

Flicktail stalks up "how do you know my name"his eyes narrow "you a spy?" the Fox says completely serious

The younger brown fox gulps. He had forgotten that behind all the fluff and nonsense Flicktail can be a pretty intimidating beast when he wanted to be. "Come Flicky...You know me! It's your pal...Bandit!"

Flicktail says, "thats it were locking you up... your HALFteh fox that Bandit is.... not a very smartmove on YORU part...take im to th Cells and he only gets Lettus"

The fox gives Flicktail a 'you have got to be kidding' look. "Flick. This is Redwall. We don't have cells. And why are you all feeding me lettus to get me healthy if you only send the guards out after me when i do!"

Flicktail blik blinks "hos muzzle open "'s...YOU?

The two guards Logan and Carter exchange glances with the third otter. Logan sniffs the brown fox, "It certianly smells like least clean anyways." Bandit rolls his eyes and shakes off the otters. "Flicktail. The first day I met you was almost a season ago, I was trying to steal from the larder and you all convinced me to stay...then sent me out on some hair brained scheme to spy on a fox named Leftear." He raises an eyebrow, seeing if this jars the crazy vulpine's memory

Flicktail looks horrified "BANDIT! yer STANRVIN ta death! we haveto get you more Lettus!

Bandit pats his not quite so fleshed tummy, "Finely someone agrees with me!" He then adds, waving a finger under the other fox's nose, "But I've had enough lettus to last a life time. "

Flicktail says, "no no lettus is GOOD fer ya.....I cango get ya look GOOD"

Bandit narrows his eyes at Flicktail, "Flick...I've been eating lettus for the last three weeks, if you show me just one leaf of lettus the Abbey will be minus one redwall champion." Bandit crosses his arms

Flicktail chuckles and throws his arms around Bandit and hugs him "Look i can getme arms ALLAWAY around....would you prefer celery?

Bandit leans back as he is hugged by Flicktail. He rolls his eyes and pushes him off with a laugh, "Yes yes, I get it. I dropped a lot of weight." The brown fox pauses to examine himself, "And man do I FEEL good. I havn't felt this energized since my pirate days."

Flicktail says, "i'll build you a pirate ship if you like.. I mean it i will"

The otters roll their eyes, especially Logan. "Looks like we arn't needed here..." Carter raises a paw, "I would like a pirate ship ow ow ow my ear!" The plump otter shouts as logan drags him back to duty by his ear. Bandit for his part lets out a loud cackle in laughter, "Arrrr! We can be land pirates me maty. And sell the vast plains of Mossflower, terror of the woods! mwahhahahahahah!"

Flicktail says, "I'm serious Bandit..I kin build Pirate ships...."

Bandit pats the fox on the shoulder, "No worries there. But maybe you can forgo the ship and make a for two." The fox looks around then whispers to Elena. "I'm thinking of proposing to Elena..."

Flicktail blink blinks"Proposing...wot?

Bandit rubs the back of his neck and laughs, "Well I've been dating the vixen for a while. I mean know...she's a nice gal and..." he shakes his head, and a panicked look over comes his face as said vixen walks down the stairs. Bandit quickly whispers to Flicktail, "Don't breath a word of this to Elena!" then waves to the vixen. "Elena! How are you doing!"

Flicktail asks, "Flicktail says out loud "Don't tell Elea wot?"

The white furred vixen mimics Flicktail's question, "Don't tell me what?" She says as she leaps into Bandit's arms. He spins her about and kisses her before setting her back on the ground. "Er...nothing important. Like the new clohes?" The vixen laughs to Bandit's question, "Over those rags you wore? Why wouldn't I? You look more like a propper woodland fox!" She snuggles the brown fox then looks to Flicktail, "Oh! Sorry Flicktail didn't me to cut into the conversation like that. How are you doing?"

Flicktail says, "well.. it woudl be a lot nicer if I got a hug liek that"

Elena chuckles, "Well then come here ye old rug." The vixen gives the other fox a bear hug. Bandit laughs and says, "Hey now...i might get jealous."

Flicktail sticks his tongue out at bandit as he hugs Elena.

Bandit rolls his eyes as Elena lets go of him. "So are we going to stand around chatting all night or should I get someone to bring us up some dinner? You want some cake bandit?" The brown fox chuckles, "Hey now, don't want to break the diet you had Lacota put me on." Elena however looks confused, "Diet? What diet?" Bandit narrows his eyes, "The all veggie diet that you put" When he is given a blank response the fox pulls at his ears, "I'm gonna hurt that squirrel!"

Flicktail says, "you two enjoy the fire..I must get back to me dibbuns"

Elena waves the departing Flicktail off. "Now you be good Bandit." Bandit begins to protest until Elena silences him by placing a paw on his muzzle, "Is it really such a bad thing that you finely got healthy," she adds with a sly smile, "For me?" The brown furred Bandit looks taken aback then grins back, "Meh, I suppose I can forgive him..." he leans forward to kiss Elena again and instead gets a face full of her tail as she walks away. "Good night bandit. See you tomorrow." Bandit laughs then throws himself into a chair by the fire. Life really is good...