Bandit's funeral gets inturrupted (A Ferravale Log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Meeting Room

his is a large meeting room. A large table lined with chairs sits in the middle of the room. The table is made of oakwood, as are the chairs.A couple large soft chairs are here as well. There is a large fireplace to keep one warm in cold months and the walls have pictures of varies village beasts. A door leads to the dinning hall , as well as one to the Chieftain's Office and one back to main hallway.

Exits: [C]hieftain's [O]ffice, [D]inning [H]all, [B]ack [H]all

With snow starting to fall out side the fire places in the Ferravale town hall were well stocked today. Even then the crowd that is gathering in the meeting room are dressed for winter weather.

It was a small gathering, Bandit's friends were few and far between in the last parts of his life. Most of the beasts here were guard beasts and his sister Inkpaw. The brown furred vixen wore a green dress and sat in the front.

In the front of the room was a large wooden coffin set against the wall.

"Did he really need an entire coffin?" Says a small foxbat in the second row. Another guard beast. "I mean, there wasn't enough left of him to fill an entire box let alone a coffin. If they wanted to go for realism maybe they should have made the coffin bigger..."

Grabbing the bat by the ear Markus leans close and shushes him. "Have some respect eh?" He says before releasing the bat.

The door opens, probably letting in a huge draft of freezing cold air. Blisa and all of her bodyguards enter, with the addition of Cerah the ermine. Valerie and the ermine go to sit beside Inkpaw, one on either side of her, and the vixen bodyguard goes to put a comforting arm around the mourning vixen's shoulders. Blisa heads to the podium set up at the front. She's wearing a black dress and a deep green cloak, with her ever-present belt and weapons at her waist, and her bodyguards have black bands around their upper arms, opposite the white band denoting their jobs. The young cat climbs up onto the step stool set there just for her and looks out at the small gathering. "Greetings." The rest of the bodyguards sits as close to their charge as possible.

"It's about time she got here," Mutters the bat again. A soft slap upside the head from Markus quiets the beast. "Oi! I worked the night shift last night. Forgive me if I'm tired, ok?"

Markus doesn't reply. Inkpaw meanwhile sniffles into a hankerchief. "It's s-so s-sad, he was so full of life, and, and energy and now he's...he's..." the vixen leans into the guard and cries.

Valerie lets the other vixen lean on her and goes to rub her back as she just lets her cry. Ferdinand stares suspiciously at both the bat and the quartermaster. Blisa pulls some paper with her handwriting (paw-writing? Whatever) on it and looks at it. "Today we are gathered here to remember the brave life of our Head Guard, Bandit." Waldo the weasel sniffles and gets whacked by Statler the stoat. "It is a tragedy that has haunted us for many, many weeks, made all the more tragic because of our empathy for his sister, Inkpaw." the young cat's voice is shaking; she is obviously nervous. She's never done this before, so she's kind of freaking out.

She shouldn't worry, it's only very noticeable. Markus sighs deeply, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. He had to admit, he never liked the guy, but after spending a month in his shoes, so to speak, he could understand him better. He was a fat, lazy loud mouth but he had a way with dealing with beasts that kept them in line at least. With crime on the rise and the guard force slowly dwindling the quartermaster's eyes were starting to grow rings from lack of sleep. His fur was starting to shed more from stress.

And then there was Wesly, who apparently went crazy and joined some group of doomsayers. That was a lovely feeling Markus had, seeing that happen. He glances over towards the swift fox Inkpaw and can't help but feel a twinge of pain for her. It can't be easy having a family member die...let along be ripped to shreds and eaten.

In the far back the door opens and a weasel steps inside. A sleek looking grey weasel with a blue cloth vest. He...fidgets nervously while standing awkwardly in the back.

"He did his job well, with dignity and honour. He...../Ferdy, I can't say that!/" the cat quickly whispers to her Chief of Bodyguards. Ferdinand just shrugs. "You athked me to help you write it. Thith ith what you get." Glaring daggers at the ferret, she turns back to the little group and fakes a smile. "He somehow put up with my temper tantrums /I'm gonna hurt you, Ferdy/ while managing to keep his cool." She spots the weasel and furrows her brow as she tries to figure out where on Earth she's seen him before. "He didn't deserve such a fate, but we can hope and wish and, for some of us, I'm sure, pray that he will forever rest in peace, and be honoured in the Dark Forest for his courageous acts as Head Guard." Waldo sniffles again and this time manages to duck Statler's paw. "He tried his hardest to protect me and my father, and for that we will be forever grateful."

The door opens again and a second weasel enters. An older, thinner weasel with a wooden foot paw. He steps out of the way to make room for the third beast to enter. While certainly a bit leaner from his adventures the heavy set fox still strikes a pear shape build. A brown swift fox with heavy bandages across his middle, back, and shoulders. The head guard of Ferravale. Bandit.

The fox stands at the back, despite the importance of his mission he feels no need to interrupt someone's funeral and so stands at the back in silence, rocking back and forth on his paws.

"Bandit will be remembered for his courage and hard wor--/Bandit/????" Blisa stops mid-word and stares open-mouthed at the (returning) Head Guard. All of her bodyguards turn and stare at him. Ferdinand is the first to react. Standing, he smiles, walks over to the fox, and holds out his paw. "Welcome back. You're jutht in time for your own funeral." "BANDIT!" the young cat jumps lithely off of the stoll, gathers up her skirts, and runs over to him. Forgetting basically everything, she goes to hug his arm. The rest of the bodyguards, except for Valerie, stand and move to the windows. It almost looks like they've planned something, although they are in shock at the sudden appearance of the Head Guard. Valerie goes to turn Inkpaw to look at her brother. "Hey, look!"

The fox raises an eyebrow, "Whaaaaa-" He takes a step back, overwhelmed by the sudden swarm of beasts around him. "H-hey! What are you doing? Let go!"

Inkpaw turns in her seat, twitching an eye she scowls, "" Before she can reply further there is a loud high pitched scream from the front. Markus is about to chastise the bat for over reacting until he realizes that HE is the one doing the screaming. He falls against the seat, clutching his chest, "Bandit? But...but...but" he points to the coffin then to the fox, then to the coffin again.

The bat stares at the returning fox then slowly falls face first into the isles and faints.

Blisa releases the Head Guard, then points angrily at the quartermaster. "ARREST HIM!" All of her bodyguards, excepting Ferdinand and Valerie, draw their weapons and starts to close in on the fox. Valerie stares suspiciously at the other vixen. She goes to grab her wrist as she says with false sincerity, "Isn't it /wonderful/ that he's back?" Ferdinand draws his sabre and turns to look at Markus. "You're under arretht."

The red fox's jaw drops. "Arrest WHO?" Leaning back he holds up his paws defensivly. "Have you all gone mad? What is the mean of this?" Meanwhile Inkpaw attempts to shuffle away towards the back office door while everyone is distracted.

"Hold it. Everyone just take a deep breath. Ok?" Bandit brushes those around him away. "What in the blazes is going on? What do you mean I'm at my own funeral? Why are you arresting my quartermaster and why in the blazes am I being buried in a pine box? Seriously? An ex-sea beast and you were going to plant me in the cold un-forgiving earth?"

"You're under arrest, Markus, for Selling of the Head Guard and, um, well, never mind that, and attempted High Treason against the Ruling Family of Ferravale," Blisa spits out. Ferdinand turns to the Head Guard. "We brought Wethly in for quethtioning and he told uth that Markuth had betrayed you." Cerah calls from across the room, "Yeah, he kept a-sayin' 'Markus said it would be okay' over an' over again. Ah feel sorry for 'im; 'is mind looks broken....." Valerie, meanwhile, is trying grab hold of Inkpaw's wrist and hold on. "Hey, where ya goin'? Don'tcha wanna say 'hi' to your brother....unless, of course, he's not actually your brother?" The bodyguards are slowly closing in on the quartermaster. "And my Father should technically be in charge of saying who gets to be quartermaster and whatever...." the young cat grumbles, crossing her arms.

The quartermaster's eyes bulge with fear. This, this can NOT be happening. "Wh-what? No, no no nonononono. I didn't betray Bandit!" The fox steps forward as far as the guards will allow. "Bandit you got to believe me. I would never betray you, or the chief. W-why would I?"

"What are you talking about?" Hisses the vixen, "Why of course I'm his sister. I'm just...overwhelmed with joy!"

Markus hardly gives the vixen the time of day. He has more important things to worry about, like himself! "I have a wife and two kits, why in the heck would I betray the head guard? HOW did I even betray the head guard? I thought he was eaten by an eagle!"

"I almost was." Bandit growls, "After I escaped the fur trader I was sold to I was attacked by one...and a snake..." He moves forward, standing close now to the fox, peering him up and down. "He's innocent." He declares finely. "I remember getting a good whiff of the, /creatures/ who sold me to that badger. There wasn't a fox among them. There was a weasel, a pine marten, and a squirrel."

Markus pauses, visibly relieved. Then a stern look crosses his face. "But there is only one pine marten named Markus in the guard..."

The heavy set fox nods, "Aye. And only one squirrel..."

Blisa claps a paw to her forehead and slowly drags it down her face. "Or I could start feeding beasts to Basil until someone tells me the truth--" "NO." Ferdinand takes a steps forward, his face and voice calm. "Alright, then. We'll jutht arretht all the creatureth named Markuth and lock them in the thellar." Cerah glances at the Head Guard uneasily. "Since when 'ave we 'ad a squirrel as a guard?" Clarissa sudden;y says, for no apparent reason, "Y'used to be a sea beast??" Valerie goes to drag the other vixen along with her. "Y'know, I'm gonna take you with me until Miss Blisa can question you...."

Markus WillowClaw was having such a good day too.

He was finally, FINALLY catching up on all his paperwork in the guard shack when a weasely guard beast bursts through the door. "Guys! Have you heard the news? Bandit is back!" The guard shack comes to stand still. "The fox is alive! He just came strolling into town! He went down to his own funeral even! You guys have got to see this!" And then the weasel was gone, running into town to break the news to others. The pine marten exchanges a quick glance with the red furred squirrel across the table.

Then in a flash the two are out the door. Markus glances to his left to see a large procession of beasts coming their way. "YOU!" Bandit hollers above the crowd. Turning the opposite way the scrawny beast tries to make a run for it down the road. The squirrel however has no intention of going quietly. "This...this isn't possible!" She says, beginning to draw her sword.

Blisa runs along at the Head Guard's side, her dirk and dagger drawn. Clarissa and Ferdinand take the lead, the former searat drawing a knife and throwing it at the fleeing weasel traitor. The ferret bares his teeth and finds his pace, trying to get to the squirrel. The rest of the guards, excepting Valerie, stay bunched around the Chieftain-In-Training, just in case.

"Ferraval will be free from tyrants!" The squirrel shouts. Short sword fully drawn she leaps Bandit, seeking to impale him with her blade!

Markus the fox steps in front of her, still drawing his sword...

Markus the pine marten screams in pain as the knife strikes him in the upper leg. He falls face first onto the ground.

Meanwhile, seeking to take advantage of the situation Inkpaw finally sees a way out of this mess. She turns quickly to bop the vixen dragging her along on her snout, trying to wrestle her way out of her grasp.

Valerie yells as her face is hit, but she still manages to hold on. Scrabbling, she draws her knife and goes to hit the other vixen with its pommel. She may be a Healer, dedicated to the mental and physical health of those around her, but she will defend herself if circumstances demand it. Ferdinand goes to try and stop the squirrel by engaging her in a fight, trying to block the shortsword with his sabre. Clarissa catches up to the pine marten, her bullwhip cracking the air above him. "Don't move, ye scurvy mutinous land lubber!" Blisa gasps and throws her dagger at the squirrel's throat. She seems to have been taking lessons from the former searat and, even though this was thrown with her off paw, she should hit her target if the squirrel doesn't move.

Markus [the fox] lets out a shout of pain as the blade begins to enter his stomach, and is then roughly deflected upward by Ferdinand's sword. She let's out a feral shout, bring back her sword for another attack when the knife strikes her in the throat. Her shout turns into a panicked gurgle as she stumbles backward, clutching at the blade in her neck. No, not by the kitten, not by the ...she falls backward, a look of shock forever etched on her eyes as her life drains from her body.

"Markus!" Bandit shouts, catching the other fox as he falls backward. He appears to be bleeding through his tunic.

"I'm fine, the chain mail caught it. I'm fine." The fox says, clutching his side. Behind them Inkpaw crumples like a light weight from the blow to the head, eyes spinning and tongue hanging out the side of her head.

As for Markus the pine marten he watches his co-conspirator die in a blaze of glory. His eye twitches. Not wishing to share in her fate the marten raises his paws high. "We just...wanted what for Ferravale." He whimpers.

Clarissa goes to yank her knife out of Markus-the-marten's leg, scowling. "They ya shoulda told Lord Scioto or Lady Blisa about yer concerns. Now ye'll be lucky to find yerself not fed to the snake." Blisa drops her dirk and stares in abject shock at the dead squirrel. "I....I just.....did I just.....she....." Cerah lays a paw on her little charge's shoulder. Valerie colapses beside the other vixen, breathing heavily. She holds her head and rests it in her paws on her lap. She's a bit unready to help anyone just yet. Ferdinand takes a deep breath and starts cleaning his sabre on the dead squirrel's tunic. "Well. That went well," he says sarcastically.

Thanks for reading! Whelp, there's the answer to most of our questions about Bandit's disappearance. What an unexpected plot twist O.o
