Bandit's Day Off

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Bandit’s day off

A log between my own alts. It kicks off a plot line I've been wanting to run for a while but, kind of lacked players in the right places to do so XD Enjoy!

Bandit didn’t know how he got here, or rather even where here was. When he woke up all he could see was darkness. A wave of panic over came the fox when he could not see. At first Bandit thought that maybe he had drank some bad ale. It was possible, as much as the fox had been consuming lately.

It took only a short moment to realize that he was not blind, but had a cloth over his eyes. This…was not comforting. Neither was the feeling of having ones paws constrained behind their back.

“Oh, look who finally woke up.” The fox twists his head to the source of the voice.

“Took him long enough. Told you that was too much powder you slipped into his drink.”

“Hey, I had to compensate for a lot of weight, ok?” The third voice snaps at the second. Bandit yelps as a boot connects with his midriff. It’s by far the most padded section of his body but it still sends the fox reeling. Unable to clutch his tenderized spot the fox scrunches up and whines. The fox opens his mouth to shout out a rather nasty, rather cruel insult but founds his muzzle bound as well.

He’s being kidnapped. Him, the head guard, and they didn’t even have the decency to let him even speak.

“Easy mate, don’t want ta damage es’ hide too much…” There was a forth voice. Very gruff, had an accent. “I’m going to need that ya know.” Bandit gulps. This…may not just be a kidnapping.

“I’m telling you, this is a bad idea…” The third voice, female, certainly female, has a bit of a nervous quality to it.

“I actually agree, we should just kill him and be done with it.” The second voice quips. This one sounds excited. Bandit can feel something sharp and pointed pressed against his chest and his heart races.

“Yeah, an’ then you lot will all be hung for murdin your boss, or fed ta a snake, or whatever dem Ferrevalers do ta thar prisnonars these days.” The forth voice replies.

“And we won’t be for dealing with the likes of you Slade?” The third voice snaps back.

“Enough.” The first beast finally responds. The blade is still pressed against Bandit’s chest, right below the rib cage, and it presses deeper before being drawn away. Bandit, in his current condition cannot tell if he is bleeding or not.

“We should have just killed him.”

“And then we would have Scioto baring down on our backs.” Responded the first beast. The beast grips the fox firmly by the muzzle, lifting him up to peer at him. “This way, Scioto will be hunting /you/ Bandit.” He chuckles darkly before releasing Bandit. “You brought this on yourself you know. Too many guards died on your watch…think of this as…justice. In its odd sort of way.”

The beast replies again to the badger, “Here is your fee, Slade.”

Slade grins so wide that Bandit can almost /hear/ it. “Mighty heavy fee…don’t you worry about your foxy fiend troub-els. Next time he runs into someone its goin ta be as a coat,” the badger looks over the tubby vulpine, “Possibly multi-ple coats…”

“Turn him into slippers for all I care. Just, make sure he doesn’t come back to Ferrevale…or we will make sure you hang right beside us.”

“No need for threats lad. You paid mai too good to turn on ya. Far as anyone is concerned Mr. Foxy hearin is living high on the hog in some beach house, living off ta spoils he looted from yer office.” The badger snorts. “Dat’s what you get for higherin a guard with da name of /Bandit/, right?

“Just…get it done.” The voice says in exasperation. To the fox he says, “I’m sorry Bandit. But you gave us no choice. You can…you can take comfort in knowing that Ferravale will be in good hands now.”

This comment only makes the fox angrier, as it sounds like the beast actually believes it. Nothing is more insulting that a beast who knows they are doing something wrong enough to apologize for it but not enough to actually NOT do the crime. The fox growls from where he sits, hopefully glaring at the beasts whom he can not see.

“Come on den, on your feet.” The fox is pulled upward with a grunt of effort, “Mai, you are a big un, all dat soft city food eh? Don worry mate, we will be slimming you down shortly. You can say we will be cutting the fat.” The badger laughs at his own joke and Bandit just sighs. A rope is placed around his neck and for a moment Bandit is worried that he is about to be hung. Instead the badger pulls forward, leading him through an uneven terrain.

Bandit’s mind is swamped with mixed feelings, and confusion. Who was doing this? WHY were they doing this? What did they mean when they said Scioto would be hunting /him/?

The most predominant question on the fox’s mind however was, how does he get out of this mess?

Behold! The beginning of a mystery! Who sold Bandit to Slade the fur trapper? Will anyone care that Bandit is missing D: such questions will be answered later on! Hopefully through rp :D