Anba Hor Returns to Help Kill Anba Hor!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters Involved: Kentar, Anba Hor, Orph, Aikuen, Sister Mary, May, Brother Jullian, Z'Fingo

Redwall Abbey: Great Hall

Kentar is walking into the room from the kitchens, a pack slung over his shoulder as he sits near the fire and goes though his supplies, double checking everything.

An interesting creature appears from the entry, a /red/ fox, as far as it's discernable. He is wearing a black cloak and a black sleeveless tunic, and the 'red fur' on his arms and legs covers what would be tattoos. He stops just inside the door and looks... searches around... casting his eyes across the room and frowning. He'll have to ask somebeast.

Kentar yawns to himself and goes though his supplies before looking up to see a fox. "Hia" he smiles a bit before going back to his packing checks.

Anba_Hor looks down and hmms, squatting down to meet the stoat's eye-level. "Nice day for a camping trip, yes? How nice... but who will you enjoy the beautiful out of doors with, may I kindly ask?"

Kentar hms a bit and looks over, giving a smile. "Oi'm gonna untin', Norra campin" he replies. "Sorra, by mahself, yep" he smiles.

Anba_Hor almost says 'awww, how cute' out loud at the slow-sounding stoat... but he keeps the line of conversation going, "Ah, hunting. I am tempted to go with you in that case, if it were that I wasn't occupied with some other matters... I guess the question is, then, /what/ or /who/ are you 'untin'?" He tries unsuccessfully to hold back a grin.

Kentar's shoot up quickly. "A fox...going after a fox..." he says, placing his items back in his pack. "To kill him..." he then shakes his head once. "Gonna go, lone, yepyep" he smiles a bit. "Yeppers, the big baddah fox gonna die, yep"

Anba_Hor's smiles suddenly finds itself fading. Interesting... "Oh, I see... so you're not hunting for dinner I take it. Well, /that/ I would have gladly participated in - tell me, is there a /bounty/ on this fox? Wouldn't want to just /kill/ the thing without knowing such an important detail as that..."

Kentar glares up again and sighs. "It hurt a friend, and now I'm going hurt it back" he says, tying up the pack, nodding.

Anba_Hor takes pity in the simplicity of the plan, and wonders if this poor stoat has any idea what he'll do when he encounters 'this fox'. He looks straight into Kentar's eyes, following them as he moves around and packs. He puts his paws together, drumming his fingers together, "Well, good luck friend... seems like a better idea to let a mercenary type deal with such an emotional matter... a fine price would bring his death quickly..."

Kentar glares. "Why...would I pay somebeast to do my work? hm? I don't care. I used to be a good fighter, so I'm fairly confident I can kill it" he says, sitting down. "and when I kill it, i'm going to take its skull and smash it.." he growls slightly before shrugging.

Anba_Hor visibly winces at the 'skull smashing'... still, it's so primitive-sounding he has to chuckle a bit. "Well if he could die again, I'm sure he would at that." He sighs. "Well be careful, if he's the dangerous type. Wish I could help. Do you know where to look for him?"

Kentar shrugs some. "I'll be careful. Don't need to worry" he says, thinking for a few moments, yawning a bit.

Anba_Hor finally takes a seat, near the stoat, nodding, "Well just the same. Never know who knows /what/ about what's going on around here. I hope you haven't told anyone he may know? I've been privy to many a snitch while here..." He leans his head back and smiles up at the stained glass. Who he's told indeed.

Orph has arrived.

Orph makes his way down the stairs to the Great Hall very slowly, still bandaged up and wearing a borrowed habit a bit too big for him. Most of his bandages are hidden under the habit save those around his ankles and the large one over where his left eye once was. His head is turned a little to the left to make up for his lessened vision. He see a new fox in the room and watches him suspiciously. Foxes have been added along side hares as species he doesn't care for anymore. Flicktail is the only fox he considers an exception to this. "Ya talk with Abbot Nic or Benar yet Kentar?" he asks seeing the stoat, hoping his advice to /not/ go alone against that black fox was completely ignored as he thinks it wasn’t.

Anba_Hor swivels around at the voice, and spots the rat out of his peripherals, stopping as soon as he does. Slowly and carefully, he turns back around. The disguise works extremely well for those who've only /heard/ of him, and only moderately well for those who have seen him, especially up close. Hmm.. Kentar. He stores the name away in the back of his memory. He still hasn't figured out what his new name should be; Val simply won't do with that old squirrel still probably hanging about.

Kentar hrms and was about to reply but looks over to the rat slowly, shrugging. "Not yet, don't plan on bothering them with it either. I really don't want to bother the abbey with a...vengeance...mission type thingy" he says with a sharp glare at William before looking back to the fox. "What's your name again?"

Anba_Hor thinks as he always does; quickly. Never skipping a beat, his mind works in 'survival' mode and simply hands the name over to his tongue, "Feddin. I heard you are called Kentar... it is nice to meet you." He smiles.

Orph rolls his eye at the stoat. Figures he'd befriend one of the few beasts stupider than Kip. "Well I'll be in th kitchens ... you want anythin?" The rat cocks his head at the fox for a moment before making his way towards the kitchen. /Thet fox sound familar ... hm ... eh ... probably nothin' but .... eh ... get soup first then think about things./

Kentar hms and ohs at the rat, hming a bit. "you should sit or something and let me get it" he says before looking to the fox. "Yeah...nice to meet you too I guess" he says before shrugging again. "Uh...So...would you be interested in helping me hunt the fox? I leave sometime today"

Orph looks upward .... it doesn't help. He looks over to the tapestry instead. Yep it's still there, mouse in armor oooh scary, not. /Yeah you can smile cause yurr dead an th Abbey's just fine ... or your planin somethin but if ya are I don't want no part of it./ He ignores the stoats protests and goes into the kitchen.

Anba_Hor may have thought of the name quickly, but he's on his toes now, and his heart is beating just a tad faster. He could be trapped and brought down quickly in here, and his visits are few and far between for that very reason. "Vengeance, true; it is something that wears on the soul - it can quickly turn dear ones against you, fuel paranoia, even be the bringer of another's wrath. How certain are you that we would not be walking into an ambush? I know nothing of this fox - and while it has been an... enlightening... conversation, I'm not sure I'd be willing to die for you or your friend." He takes a small canteen out and drinks from it. "Unless you have that bounty I was talking about, perhaps?"

Z'Fingo has arrived.

Kentar Eyes the fox and sighs at Will but doesn't say anything as he thinks it over, looking down slightly. "I have a bit on me I suppose I could offer what I have for your help or something" he shrugs. "But I'm not sure I want to pay a fox to help me find a fox to kill"

Z'Fingo is an emotional wreck, but no matter how much he wants otherwise, his body is getting stronger now every day. He is able to walk the stairs without (barely) having to hold onto the wall, and does so, until he's in Great Hall. He doesn't bother nodding, just sits across from the others. He coughs twice, holding his sleeve up to stifle them.

Anba_Hor shrugs, "It's your decision, of course. I will not do this for you without compensation, but what little you may afford to give I am happy to accept. Seems to be very little if it is to avenge a dear friend..." He looks over and sees the coughing mouse arrive, thinking what a pitiful group this is looking to be. Is anything in this abbey /not/ injured in some way? "Hello." He ventures to say to... it.

Kentar Eyes the fox some more, not even noticing the other coming in, shrugging some. "I don't have much but I guess we could give a fair price..." he nods some. "You in?" he asks a bit quieter then usual.

Z'Fingo listens a bit, although the hood aids in directing the sound to his ears... he ignores the fox's greeting, but doesn't think the beast looks that evil... he's been wrong before, though. He turns and glaces at the fire, fixing his tail behind him and settling into the chair.

Anba_Hor nods... this could be fun. He's not worried in the least once they get outside the abbey. He might even let the stoat live a while and get more information about who else may be after him... "I'm in. You're lucky to have me I think - it may be unwise to do this thing alone, although I am more of a hunter of game than vermin."

Kentar hms slightly and sighs, nodding. "Yeah, I guess" he shrugs. "Just glad I have the abbey to come back to when we're done. Learned how to talk properly" he smiles a bit. "But oi stills loiks tah talka diz' vah' yepyep" he chuckles, seemingly straying off topic a bit.

Anba_Hor eyes Kentar out of the corner of his vision as his head turns to the thus-far ignorant mouse. "Hmmm, I think perhaps that one isn't feeling well. Does he always hide himself thus?" The fox looks back at Kentar for the answer.

After finishing five bowls of hotroot soup and sitting by the door for a /long/ time, the cooks finally got sick of him and shooed the rat out of the kitchen. He scowls at the door to the kitchen briefly before taking seat far from the fox, but still in hearing range.

Z'Fingo has the sneaking suspicion they're talking about him and his patience for it starts deteriorating. Whispers have always made the mouse confrontational, but he avoids this kind of reaction for now. He sees Orph coming out of the kitchen and wonders what the scowling was about. Rats, ughh... horrible - even worse than foxes he thinks. This one has an otter for a father, too, if he remembers correctly.

Kentar glances to Will then to the other beast he just noticed. "hm. Dunno...never sah 'em before" he shrugs before eyeing the fire. "So...Uh...What were you thinking of taking with you on our hunt?" he asks. "I can get some more supplies, I suppose" he shrugs a bit.

Anba_Hor huhs, and ohhs, remembering the hunting trip, "I need nothing except the element of surprise... which is why I ask if there is anybeast else who knows of your plans? Besides, uh... your rat friend." He coughs, slightly trying to disguise his voice... enough for the rat and not too much that the stoat thinks he's changing it.

Kentar yawns and stands up. "Gonna getta few more thin's fora dah' trippa" he says before heading up the stairs.

Anba_Hor watches the stoat go and wonders if anything could possibly foul up this perfect situation... he looks over at Z'Fingo, "I suppose maybe you didn't hear my hello? You are under there, in there? Somewhere?" He leans over to try and see what's under the hood. He waves his paw in front of the mouse, to test him. The fox chuckles, leaning back in his chair, "Maybe deaf. Yeah, deaf it is..."

/Yeah we're all deaf here .... speak as loud as you like and about anything you like./ The rat thinks, still watching the fox distrustfully.

Z'Fingo finally has had it, and speaks in his usual way, albeit a bit less raspy than before, "Enough, fox. You wont my attention? Poke fun some mo'uh, maybe I won't hea'uh you... and maybe I won't stuff you'uh tongue through you'uh ea'uhs..." He coughs right in the middle of the sentence, the wrong place if he had wanted to sound tough - right between 'tongue' and 'through'.

Anba_Hor stands up and opens his cloak so that only Z'Fingo can see... he simply shakes his head, to signal to the mouse that doing so would be a /very/ bad idea. "Who do you think you are, eh? I've never been or felt threatened by the /infirmed/... and it's likely I never will. You're awfully rude, whoever and whatever you are." He doesn't want to threaten the mouse any more, lest the rat become more suspicious...

Kentar comes back down with another pack around his shoulder, the stoat muttering to himself before handing the pack to the fox. "Thinka everythin' be inna der, yep"

Z'Fingo ignores the fox again, turning to the fire. He's completely helpless in his current state. Huh!! Infirmed! "Infuhmed...", he mutters... the mouse feels outnumbered by the vermin in the room and decides to keep quiet the rest of the evening.

Good. The way it should be... Anba Hor turns around and smiles to Kentar, "Ah, very well then... certainly more than enough for one fox, eh? Surprise is a valuable asset. I assure you... we will use it to our advantage tonight." More like, /I/ will use it to /your/ disadvantage. He almost said it, too!

Kentar nods. "Yerp, yepyep" he nods, some before looking around at the other two with a bit of a smile

Z'Fingo doesn't notice any smiling from the stoat... he just sits and wishes the walls crumbled down around this horrible place. He feels trapped, and the first chance he gets better, he's leaving. This time, no daring rescues to maim him and slow his departure...

Brother Jullian comes in from the kitchen carrying a bowl of soup in one paw and a thick book under his arm. He takes a seat at the table giving the other beasts a polite nod, as he sets his soup and book down. He opens the book and adjusts his spectacles before beginning to read while occasionally eating his soup. He is only in here because it was strongly suggested that he should be by other order members ... and his wife.

Anba_Hor can barely contain himself. Easy as pie. He walks past Kentar, turning him around and confiding in him, "Be wary of that one with the hood on - seems highly unstable, snapped at me in the most unusual way... uh... shall we?" He gestures a paw, palm out, toward the door.

Orph watches the fox and glares at him past Kentar's head. "Ya sure ya don't want t talk with Benar or Pa before ya go off who knows where?" he asks the stoat. He'd thought he was safe enough with Kip some time long and he knew Kip much better than Kentar likely knew this fox. Side it was a fox for cryin out loud!

Kentar hums and nods slowly. "Righto" he nods, looking at the mouse a bit then shrugs, the stoat pulling over his pack before looking to Will. "Just tella wherea yous were taken, we'll starta there..." he then nods. "dunna worry...Been wantain' ta traval mahself anyvays" he smiles.

Orph pastes a fake smile on his face, "No idea ... guess ya can't go then ... if ya want t travel wait a while an we'll go somewhere ... later. Much later."

Anba_Hor looks past Kentar at the rat, all the smiling gone, "So... you were taken by this beast? It must have frightened you a great deal, such a little one as you... probably can't remember for the sheer terror you were in, hmm?" He smiles inwardly - if he can get to the rat and /make/ him tell this stoat, they can be underway. That smile wasn't fooling him - the rat had to have /some/ idea...

Kentar shrugs and goes to gently...gently...ruffle the ratling's headfur. "Dunna worry. We'lla travel somewhere latah" he smiles. "We'lla be back zoon, yepyep...widda foxy's head" he nods before looking to the door. "Letsa go?"

Brother Jullian doesn't want to know what new mess the rat is getting himself into or has gotten himself into, but he pays attention anyway, while keeping the appearance of being deep in his book, an art he's perfected over the years, knowing he'll likely be the one that has too help the lad out when he gets in over his head.

Finally. The farther from the rat, the better off... "Oh, oh, yes... after you, sir." He smiles back at the rat. "Oh I hope you are okay, after all that that terrible fox did... see you soon!" Anba Hor virtually skips along behind Kentar, waving back at the mouse and Brother Jullian.

Orph stands and walks over to the stoat and takes a swing at him yelling, "Kentar, yurr a /idiot/ fer trustin an goin with some /fox/ ya /don' know/ t hunt down a vermin fox ya /can't/ win against on /yurr own/ an I told ya so already!"

Z'Fingo looks back at the fox and is visibly angered by the playful wave goodbye... then he sees something through a part of the fox's disguise, something that looks black... he doesn't know what to think of it - he remembers another encounter, or thinks he does, with a black fox, some time ago. Seemed like ages. He's too angry at the moment to think about it, though. He huffs and turns back to staring at the flames.

Kentar yelps a bit as he's struck, the stoat, jumping a mile a before turning to the rat. "Norra dumb" he says, frowning. "Needa tah go 'ome, killa foxy getta me 'ome, yep" He says before heading to the door. "Mea be backa, yepyep"

Anba_Hor turns back around, "You should respect what your friend is doing for you... I'll make sure he's safe; worry not, young one..." He goes ahead and opens the door for Kentar. "We won't have trouble moving quickly to intercept the fox, if weather permits."

Orph actually slaps himself in the face hearing the stoat's response. "Not that /you'll listen/, but a stupid otter once said ... not that he followed it himself, but he said the something aren't worth fightin for or gettin killed over ... so get back in here an stop it already an we'll think up another way ya can get t go home that don't involve vermin foxes." The rat is close to hitting the stoat again or worse. Jullian has risen from his seat to stand behind the rat should he try to do something stupid.

Kentar pauses by the door, eyeing the fox for a moment. "Just how dah ya know we wont have trouble? We gotta looks for 'em first...or a trail..." Ken turns towards Orph and shrugs. "Gotta bringa backa deady beast 'ome tah go back...norra gonna missa mah chance" he smiles. "Dunna worry, Will be back in a few days" he nods.

Orph hits the stoat again harder, "Not if yurr dead you won't!" he swings to hit the Kentar a third time but Jullian catches his arm and stops him.

Z'Fingo looks maybe once or twice in the rat's direction - huh, let the vermin fight amongst themselves... maybe the problem will fix itself, as unlikely as it seems. He continues staring into the fire. That fox, though...

Kentar ows and frowns, looking down at the rat. "Lemme go, will yah? Oi can take care o'meself" he says. "'sides you aint' got nuttin tah lose" he says before finally proceeding outside.

Anba_Hor wants to hurry the process as much as possible, before any other run-ins with familiar faces. "Okay, well we should be going or we'll soon have to make camp inside the walls." He smiles again at all, cheerfully stepping out with the stoat.

Aikuen arrives.

Aikuen comes form the entry, carrying with him a 1/4 of a bolt of sharkskin leather. He bumps into the stoat, and smiles at him, "Ufff sorry matey! Where you off too in such a hurry?" He looks to the Fox... And smiles at him... Not recognizing him.

Kentar oofs and almost falls over as he's bumped into. "Wha? oh...Norra be sorry" he smiles. "Gonna go 'unta a foxy, yep" he says, before slowly, going to walk around Aikuen, just wanting to go now.

Anba_Hor's heart-rate just went up about |---------- this much ----------|, and he has a deer-in-the-headlights look about him as he stares at the otter. The mad otter, with no fear of him whatsoever. The fox calms himself quickly, though, after the initial shock, and nods at Aikuen, pushing Kentar as subtley as possible... "Evening, there, sir..." is the only thing he says. What's wrong with this stoat? It isn't going fast enough!

Orph is being restrained by Jullian as he yells after the stoat, "Though I had you! Stupid stoat worse than an otter! Gonna get himself killed for nothin' by some vermin fox!"

Jullian doesn’t take kindly to the rat's behavior and half leads half draggs him to a chair and sits him down. He's about to give the dibbun a good talking to and mayhaps a switching as well when he notices the otter. Ah the rat's father is here. Good. He can deal with his own kid. "Aikuen, this lad of yours is up to his old tricks again," the mouse gives the rat a warning look should he even think about leaving the chair he'd put him in. The rat ignores the mouse Brother to glare over at the fox and Stoat again. He nearly sure that's the same fox, but the last time he was nearly sure no one'd believed him and he'd gotten in big trouble ...

Aikuen places a paw on Kentars shoulder, "Hold your boat matey, do you even realize what you are going up against? Do you know where he is? Have you thought this through? He has poison daggers... Did you think of that?" He looks to Jullian, then to William, "Whats Will been up too?" He asks Jullian, keeping his paw on Kentars shoulders.

Z'Fingo hears poison daggers, and this, in combination with the presence of another non-vermin encourages the mouse to stand, slowly, "Poison? Daggahs?... Hold on a second - you said poison daggahs, right?" He walks towards the group, hidden as he is, glaring at the fox the entire way...

Kentar sighs. "I know bout the daggahs, I think...oi 'ave an Ideas bout' where tah look..." he frowns. "Used tah be a soildah, so dunna worry!" He says. "Willa do vell...Side's Oi 'as elp...justa dunna worry, okie?" he smiles.

Anba_Hor shoots Z'Fingo quite a look back, wishing he hadn't been so threatening after all to the mouse? earlier. It was minding its own business too, and if he hadn't... all that's passed. He directs his attention to Kentar, "You mentioned nothing of poison. This will affect the fee, of course."

Brother Jullian gives the rat another exasperated look before answering the otter, "Nothin as bad as he's done before considering his condition, mostly just trying to start a fight with this other lad," he nods at Kentar, "and generally acting hateful toward our fox visitor here. He only hit the other lad twice before I was able to intervene." The Brother eyes the fox and stoat briefly having only just met them.

Kentar frowns and eyes the fox. "fine fine, Willa changa pricah, yep...lettta justa go already, yep" He nods, wanting to get away from those that try to change his mind.

Aikuen nods to Jullian, then turns back to Kentar, "If it was me... I do the same thing... But i cant go anywhere in my current condition, But i must say that, you will most likely not to survive the attack. Who are you?" He points the last question at the fox. Something familiar about him...

Anba_Hor looks at the mouse, glad that his question hadn't been answered... at Aikuen's question he replies, "My name is Feddin, I am this stoat's hired paw in the business of hunting this fox. And... who might you be?" Although he knows who the otter is, already.

Kentar rolls his eyes and sighs quiet loudly as he frowns some, eyeing the otter as he waits. "Dah longah we wait, dah lessa chance we 'ave o'leavin!" he shouts a bit.

May has arrived.

Z'Fingo is trying to yell over all the dialogue, but he's coughing more than speaking, "List... ten to wha... wot I'm sayi-- ing! The fox...!" He trying to get Aikuen's attention, especially.

Sister Mary comes in from the kitchen having finished her shift, carrying her daughter May in her arms. She looks over the beasts in the room and quirks a brow, "Something going on in here, Jules?" she asks the brother.

Aikuen Eyes the fox, but sticks out his good paw, "Im Aikuen, Pleasure to meet you... Mercenary huh?" He doesn't much like 'kill for money' types of beasts. He looks to Kentar, "If you must go... I wish you the best of luck... Eh? What? Whats wrong Z'Fingo?" HE tilts his head.

Kentar pats Aikuen on the shoulder, nodding. "Willa be careful, The foxy willa giva' dah 'ead whena Oi gets backa, yep" He smiles, nodding before he finally heads outside.

"Apparently," Jullian replies to May's question, cleaning his eye glasses on his habit sleeve. The rat dibbun has had enough sitting and despite what the Brother or the otter may do he walks over to the stoat and fox clearly angry and also decided on his course of action. "Wasn't sure before, but I am now. That's the fox from before, I'm sure of it!" He points at Anba_Hor.

Z'Fingo is out of breath and coughing more than saying anything intelligable. He bends over hacking after having yelled so much, holding his abdomen, spitting droplets of blood onto the floor. Still, he tries speaking between all of this, pointing to the fox the entire time. He feels dizzy and starts stumbling backward while he's still bent double. "He...'s...."

May wiggles around in her mother's arms unhappily. "Whats goings ons? Whys they yellings Mama?" Mary softly hushes the babe.

Anba_Hor is at a fatal juncture. Either he brushes the accusations off and risks being caught unprepared, or takes the proper precautions and ruins any chance of returning to the abbey, at least in this form. He risks the former. "I have no idea what they're accusing me of, and I don't like it, to be honest. You haven't found this scoundrel yet, and you never will if we don't move on him soon. That's all I have to say." He folds his arms.

Orph agrees with part of what the fox says the 'move on him soon.' part that is. "Pa, you believe me an won't let that vermin fox get away. He killed Ehko an we can't let Kentar go with him or he'll get killed too or near as bad." /Please believe me and please let me be right this time./

Sister Mary doesn't like where this is heading and hurries up stairs with her daughter.

Brother Jullian watches the blurred figures of his wife and daughter disappear up the stairs out of the corner of his eye. Orph looks at the otter pleadingly for his support against the fox.

Aikuen looks to William, Then to Z'Fingo, then to the Fox. He squints his eyes. The Fox has completely disguised himself, And it just looks like a normal fox. He kneels down to William, and whispers, "Are you sure that this is the fox that did that to you?"

Kentar decides to poke his head in. "Canna be dah foxy...dis one red, 'de ottah blackfurred, riiiight?" he frowns. "Canna be 'em! Canna we go now?"

Anba_Hor nods at Kentar's astute observation. "It's very plain to see, isn't it? And perhaps that mouse is a more pressing matter than doubts about my identity?" He points at Z'Fingo.

Orph whispers back, "Yes. Wasn't at first, but I am now ... I know he's not black right now but it /is/ him. Did say so right off cause last time I said some like this I was wrong an Corbyn an the others didn't believe me anyhow. I know it's him Pa. Do somethin' for Ekho if for nothin' else."

Jullian give the fox a stern look, "If he were we would be dealing with him and not you, sir."

Z'Fingo, meanwhile, is coughing up the red sea on the stone floor, and on his knees. His arm is going limp, but it's still pointed at Anba Hor. "Daggahs... da... ha..ha.haggahs..."

Aikuen sighs and nods a bit, "I hope you right..." He clenches his right paw. He quickly get up and does a quick jab at the foxes face, hoping to knock him out in one fell swoop.

Anba_Hor ducks the jab and defends himself, pushing back at Aikuen. "Kentar, friend! Help! Let us leave before they kill us both!" He pulls on Kentar's shoulder. "Don't believe it! Come on!"

Orph backs away from the others, being injured he though upset he isn't likely to make it though another fight with the fox. He kneels by Z'Fingo partly out of concern and partly to become invisible to the others. "You ok? Need t go t th infirmary Z'Fingo?" he asks looking over at the other from time to time since he doesn't have an eye to spare.

Z'Fingo is still having issues, but at least they've figured it out... he's not coughing as much now, but the dizziness is still there. He tries to get to his feet but stumbles back down again. He holds out a paw, "I'll... I'll be f..fine."

Kentar yelps and squeaks out as he sees the punch, putting himself between the fox and the otter. "your insane!" he shouts out. "Stupid otter...he's the only help I have! Your so stupid" he growls. "This fox is red, the other isn't!" he shouts, trying to get the fox out the door. "Let us go so we can get back already!" he growls, baring his teeth this time.

Anba_Hor /pulls/ Kentar with him out the door and to the abbey entry to escape. "No time to ask permission, friend, they have it out for me now too! We /have/ to go!!" He flees, with or without Kentar, hopefully with.

Jullian reaches out to grab the fox or the stoat, either will do, with an archer's speed. For he was one once and still practices when able and despite his usual behavior he has been in more than a few fights in his time.

Kentar stays. "I'll be der' in a moment" he says, staying behind but shutting the door quickly.

Aikuen just stares at the retreating figure, Paws still clenched. He doesn't make after him, still doesn't know who the fox really is... Just going on what Z'Fingo and William had said. He shakes his head, and looks to Kentar "If that was truly Val, you wont live the night with him”

Jullian failed to catch either beast, but it appears the stoat has returned on his own. The Brother looks over the young beast again, "Do you have a plan for what you will do should you find the beast you are seeking or if you do not find him?"

Kentar frowns. "Look..." he says. "I doubt its him, seriously. You saw his fur, was red, not black...on the off chance it is him, my guard couldn't be higher after all of me. I'll keep an eye on him...I did used to be a soldier so...don't worry" He doesn't mention how bad a soldier he was. "Aye...gonna take his skull and smash it against the ground" he nods. "If I find him. And if I don't, I'm gonna come back”

Aikuen sighs, "Alright matey... if you must go... Be careful... Here take these... Might need them... " He pulls out a healers pouch from his pocket. After digging it if for a few seconds he pulls out two vials, One green, the other purple. He holds out the green one, "This is the Antidote to Vals daggers, had an alchemist make it for me. And this one..." He holds out the Purple Vial, "Is essence of Nightshade, Kills faster then you can imagine."

Jullian nods, "And I was once a honorary horde member of sorts," it's hard to tell if he's being serious or not. Wait he always sounds serious, very hard to tell. "Being a solder doesn't not keep a beast from making mistakes. Have a good plan of whatever may lie ahead and be willing able to adapt should things not go according to your plan. Think fast on your feet and all that other training you may already have ... trust no one unless they have earned your trust by hard work and actions and even then be wary ... I won't stop you, but it is only a fool hearted beast that goes off to on a quest half cocked. Despite /Orph's/ opinions, you do not strike me as a fool, not entirely anyhow." The mouse sighs and cleans his glasses again, "It is late and I have to be up early to take my watch on the wall in the morning. Try not to get killed," he says the last almost jestingly. /Jullian/ making jokes? The world is ending! The mouse nods a 'good night' to the others before he departs up the stairs.

Kentar takes them and eyes them a few times, nodding, stashing them away. "That fox, will not know I have these. At the first hint he's the one I'm after, this nightshade will kill him" he nods before going to give the otter a hug. "Don't worry. I'll keep my eye on him...don't worry" he smiles.

Orph has gone back to the chair Jullian had put him in. "You better come back Kentar .... you owe me a sparing match remember." he tries to smile at the stoat, but he's not up to it right now.

Aikuen Hugs back with his good arm, "Good luck matey... please Come back... alive..." He nods a bit, before going to pick up the Leather he had dropped on the ground. He goes over and sits next to William, He has said his part... He is done.

Kentar looks over at William and smiles, slowly going over. He goes over and kneels down a bit to be ratling hight. "Don't worry, I'll be back. wouldn't miss a chance at winning" he grins. The stoat takes off a silver pendant of a sword, slowly handing it over to Will. "Here. I'll be back for this, okay?" he smiles, standing up. "I'll be back. With a fox head" he nods.

Orph smiles a little, "Don't be too sure about winning. I won't be as bandaged up by then."

Aikuen doesn't say anything, but gives a smart salute to the Stoat.

Kentar hehs, and smirks. "No, I guess you wont. But I'll still win" he grins, turning to Aikuen and returning the salute before heading for the door. "Next time I see you, otter, you'd better be all healed up too" he smiles before heading out the door.

Aikuen has taken out his skinning knife, which everybeast assumes is just a regular knife, and has begun to cut a long strip from hide. He looks to William as he works, "Aye matey, Don't want to find him laying in a ditch somewhere... " He shakes his head, then continues, "Hopes he gets to that Fox..."

Orph says, "Shouldn't be hard since he's followin' him ... He talks like that fox an has th same eyes ... all white. What ya makin?"

Aikuen says, "Im working on your sling. Here, stand up. Need to get a height adjustment." He holds the long piece of cut leather out in front of him.

Orph stands not sure about this, "Kip did show me how t use one .... but I wasn't any good with it ... you sure ya want to make me one?"

Aikuen shrugs, "Sure.. why not... im only making you an Infantry Sling... Just used to ward off beasts... Most you can do is knock somebeast out... or break a bone or something." He holds the leather at one end, down on the floor, and pulls it up to about to about the waist of William. He then folds it over three times, and cuts off the excess. He then cuts it into three strips and begins to wove them together.

Orph shrugs, "Well. If you want to," he doesn't mind having a sling. He had wanted one to spite the tree-rats and get back at them the next time he met them or to use against that fox ... if he should meet him again. Personally he preferred a blade to anything else, but beggars can't be choosers ... usually, though stranger things had happened since he'd come west. He looks over the otter slowly and thoughtfully, yes a very strange thing had happened in at least one case. " ... I mean, /thanks/, Pa."

Aikuen winks at the Rattling, and hands him a finished sling. Solid black with tri wove leather, with a small hammock to hold the stone to be tossed, "Here yah go! Told yah i could make one quickly! You Welcome... I better take the leather back to the gatehouse before they get angry at me! Hehe!" He gets up and picks up the leftover leather, and heads out toward the entryway.

Orph follows the otter out, "Hey, weren't ya gonna make me a patch for my eye with that? You said you were!" the ratling nearly whines ... it's been one of those days. Up and down. Happy then enraged then not so enraged and so on

Aikuen palms his face, "Oh oops, i forgot... Ill make you one when we get to the Gatehouse" He laughs and exits through the door.
