An Intresting Day In The Great Hall

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Leon walks down the stairs, he nods to one of the novices and walks over to a chair by the fireplace to rest a little while.

Lee waves to the mouse. "Good morning, sir."
Nickolas leaps over and tries to lay across Leon's lap silly fox dibbun, if anything he softly chitters his hello to Leon.
Leon nods, "Hello there, how is every beast today?"
The otter smiles. "Ah, well, I am fairly good, this is my first breakfast at Redwall. I had a good night's sleep last night, too."
Nickolas leaps back into his chair and curls himself up nodding as the sister mouse nods and comes over draping a blanket over Nickolas patting him as she grins, "See they curl up on their own, wore him out with chores this morning." she smiles.
Lee chuckles. "Chores are the universal cure for Dibbun energy.
Leon says, "Novices do chores around the abbey as well"
Lee says, "Aye, that they do, though I confess I'm not fully aware of all the day to day activities of the abbey. I only arrived yesterday."
Leon says, "Well we have gotten the harvest in already and now we are getting ready for the fall feast and winter of course"
Lee says, "Ah yes. Zork mentioned the fall feast last night."
Leon says, "I am not sure when it is, Benar and Lorimis would know"
Lee says, "I am not familiar with those names."
Leon says, "Lorimis is the abbot and Elder Benar is one of the top abbey beasts"
Lee exclaims, "Ah! Well, I would like a chance to speak to Abbot Lorimis, hopefully today. I have traveled far, hoping to make a home for meself here."
Leon smiles, "Life here is very good most of the time, we rarely have any problems"
Lee nods. "Flicktail extolled the virtues of Redwall last night. He was quite keen on gettin' another otter ta live 'ere.". He laughs softly.
Leon says, "Yes, Flicktail seems to becomes friends with otters easily, I had an otter as a friend once, he taught me how to swim"
Lee perks up. "Really? To be perfectly 'onest, I've never had much dealing with other otters meself..." He frowns slightly.
Leon blinks, "That’s a bit odd, seeing as you are an otter"
Lee looks at the floor. "Ah, I 'ave no family, I raised meself..."
Leon says, "I see, sorry to hear that, everyone needs family"
The otter looks up at the mouse again. "Aye, that's wot I tells meself, so I came to the Abbey, to 'ave a family!"
Leon says, "Well good luck with finding a family"
Lee smiles. "Thank ye kindly, dear sir! I 'ope to find friends, too!"
Leon says, "I have seen a couple otters around here and there is camp willow"
Lee asks, "Camp Willow? Where is that?"
Leon says, "I think it’s north of here along the river moss, camp of otters"
Lee nods. "I'll be sure to go an' visit." The otter looks around for another scone. "Pardon me rudeness, by the way, but I don't believe we've been introduced properly."
Leon smiles. "Oh sorry, I am Brother Leon, Master Healer of Redwall Abbey and you are?"
Lee says, "Call me Lee. That's wot I calls meself."
Leon chuckles, "Well it’s nice to meet you, if you had been here a week or so ago, I most likely would of been busy in the infirm"
Lee says, "Ah, a week ago I was lost in the woodlands."
Leon hmms. "That may of not been the safest place to be, we had some trouble with a horde week ago, all is clear now and they were defeated"
Lee looks a bit startled. "A...horde, ye say? How big?"
Leon says, "No worries, they are all gone now, it’s one reason I was so busy in the infirm..tending to wounds"
Lee nods. "I see. I've with foul vermin meself in that past."
Leon nods, "But just cause you see a ferret, may not always be evil, some are good"
The otter nods in agreement. "Aye, I've discovered that with Flicktail. A fine beast he is, I can 'onestly say I'd trust my life with 'im."
Leon says, "Flicktail is a good friend to all beasts"
Lee exclaims, "Aye, from what I've seen, he is! I got a good Redwall welcome from 'im last night in Cavern 'Ole."
Giggles can be heard from the stairwell as DoraRose exits it, smiling as she teaches some young Novices how to take care of babies by having them help with her children. The two squirrel maids leave the staircase and set the twins down, holding their wee paws as they try to learn how to walk. Caleb is chortling as he starts to clumsily head over to Leon, his father, while LilyMoore coos as she follows her mother. The Novices have steady paws and firm grips, and will /not/ let these little Dibbuns fall over.
Leon smiles “Sounds like Flicktail." He turns to the sound of giggling and smiles again as he sees the dibbuns.
The otter looks up at the source of giggling and smiles warmly. Dibbuns are a soft of his. "Why 'ello there, young ones!"
DoraRose turns and smiles warmly at her husband, Leon, then waves at the otter. "Good day. I'm helping these Novices learn to take care of young Dibbuns, and they're helping teach the twins how to walk."  LilyMoore turns to look at the otter, decides he looks interesting, and starts to head over to him. Caleb has reached his father and now let’s go of the novices' paw and reaches for the healers' leg.
Leon helps Caleb stay standing, "They will be talking soon, that will be interesting."
Lee smiles invitingly at the Dibbun. "'Ello little miss!"
Taran has had lunch and a quick nap and has yet to see a lot of the abbey, not that he is planning on stay, it’s mainly a place to rest before he heads on who knows where, the small crowd interests him but he stays by the stairs and just watches for now as he doesn't really know anyone at the abbey and he isn’t very social these days.

Lee looks over at Leon again. "Anyway, sir, I was wondering wot I must do to make an 'ome for meself 'ere."

DoraRose laughs. "That will be interesting! I wonder what they'll be interested in the most?" Caleb has started to climb up on his father's lap, smiling brightly. LilyMoore has reached the otter and is gazing up at him, smiling slightly.

Leon chuckles "It’s hard to say, ". He lets Caleb in his lap and has yet to see Taran by the doorway, he looks to the otter, "Well speak with Benar or Lorimis most likely Lee, they are the main ones to speak to about that."

Taran starts to head outside for some air but he stops and turns to the beasts in the room and decides to walk a little ways over to the group, he frowns a little towards the dibbuns, not cause he dislikes them but it seems to make him a little sad to see them.

The otter looks down and grins again. "An' wot is your name, little miss?". He glances back up at Leon, nodding. "Hmm, I don't rightly know where ta find either of 'em. I looked yesterday for the Abbot."

Leon shrugs, "Maybe they were both doing planning for the feast or helping store the crops and things for winter, I am sure one of them will show up sooner or later."

LilyMoore laughs at the otter. She thinks he's funny. The Novice helping her smiles. "This is LilyMoore. Her brother's name is Caleb. Her mother is DoraRose Strongheart." Caleb tugs on his fathers' clothes, to see what will happen. DoraRose notices Taran and smiles at him in a friendly way. "Good day."

Taran nods a hello back; he is quiet at first and then speaks, "You have very lovely dibbuns lass."

The otter nods. "Well, I'm sure I'll run into 'em sooner or later. I came 'ere with plans ta stay put." He glances at the Novice with a smile. "Well, they're fine children indeed." He looks down at LilyMoore, making a funny face to see if she'll giggle.

Leon smiles "Caleb be careful." He then becomes interested in the new voice in the room as he looks over at the doorway, or maybe it's not so new to him. He decides to give his attention back to his son for now.

LilyMoore does better than giggle; she laughs aloud, a full belly, rolling laugh. Caleb decides it would be fun to stand, and he does just that, accidentally getting a paw full of Leon's fur. Their mother nods at the older male mouse. "Why, thank you, Sir. They're growing up fast. I'm DoraRose Strongheart. I've never seen you here before. Welcome."

Taran speaks, "Nice to meet you lass, I am not from here I am from southern Mossflower or well..edge of it"

The otter laughs as well, finding the young mouse to be adorably cute when she laughs. "Yer a fine little miss, ain't ye? She's got a good laugh." He turns toward DoraRose. "How old are they, ma'am? They're wonderful Dibbuns."

Leon holds back an urge to scream and then carefully and gentle gets the paw off his fur and smiles faintly, "That hurt careful"

DoraRose glances over at her husband, absently telling Lee, "They're going to be a season old in a few weeks." Seeing that Leon is basically alright, she turns back to Taran and says, "I've never been to the South. I'm from far East of here. I come from Tuscani."

Taran says, "Sorry not heard of Tuscani, then I usually just stayed in my small village, well till little over a season ago..I left, different reasons, oh I am sorry my name is Taran."

Lee says, "Ah, the South. T'is where I am from, I guess ye could call it me old 'ome, though I never 'ad a real 'ome there..." He frowns slightly. "That's why I came 'ere, though."

Leon looks towards Taran now and a deep frown forms, and then the name is spoken and just confirms it, he looks back to Caleb and smiles a little, "Hey Caleb..hey, you and your sister going to talk soon...huh?" He decides to not pay attention to Taran at all.

DoraRose smiles. "Nice to meet you, Taran. Would you care to sit down?" she starts to move over to where Leon is sitting. "Tuscani is also known as the Eastern Plains." LilyMoore reaches for the otter, cooing. Caleb laughs and pats Leon's face with surprising gentleness.

Taran catches the look from Leon and sighs, "No I best not and I did just have a relaxing nap earlier, maybe another time is...better?"

Leon keeps Caleb close and he stays quiet right now also as he leans back in his chair.

Lee divides his attention between the adult conversation and the young dibbun before him. "Taran, is it? Aye, I ran into ye earlier in front of Martin the Warrior. Please, join us." He is oblivious to the look Leon gave Taran. "I'd like ta hear more of your travels."

DoraRose cocks her head to one side slightly, glancing between the two male mice curiously. "Perhaps. But I have been told that the most important time is now." Caleb pushes on Leon’s' chest, then snuggles close and fiddles with his father's cuff. LilyMoore is now crawling along on the floor, observing other creature's feet.

Taran answers the otter, "Another time lad, I need to do some things before I head on up the road, but that won’t be for a few days, I think anyways.." . He nods to Dorarose, "Sorry lass but need some fresh air." He looks like he is debating on saying anything else as he takes a quick look at Leon and looks like he wants to say something to him and sighs, "Later.." .He heads outside .

The otter watches Taran depart. "Hmm, that was odd...he was good company earlier this mornin'."

Leon listens quietly and hugs Caleb as Taran leaves, yeah he is still being a bit quiet.

DoraRose narrows her eyes and slowly turns to her husband. "I wonder what that was all about...?" .she says rather pointedly. Caleb gives a tiny yawn, fighting sleep as hard as he can. LilyMoore has found a rock that an older Dibbun had dropped earlier, and she is now looking at it as if it is the most amazing thing in the entire Abbey.

Leon looks up at Dorarose, "What was what about dear?", He asks, "Seemed like someone who had to go somewhere guess, wouldn’t worry on it"

Lee observes Leon and his spouse. "I'm afraid I'm confused." He decides to drop the subject, though. "Ma'am, I do not believe we 'ave been introduced?"

DoraRose glances at the otter, not meaning got be rude, but her curiosity is starting to take over. "I am DoraRose Strongheart. It's nice to meet you. You and Taran were giving each other funny looks," she says, turning back to the Master Healer. "I have the feeling that y'all know each other." Caleb yawns again and lays his little head down, his eyes closing. LilyMoore turns back to Lee and makes a demanding little sound, holding out her rock. She seems to be asking, 'What's this thing?'

The otter smiles. "A pleasure ta meet ye, ma'am. I call meself Lee. Tain't me real name, though." He glances down at the little dibbun with a grin. "Why little miss, that be a rock!"

Leon nods, "I know him yes, he probably won’t stay long and I rather not speak to him"

DoraRose smiles distractedly at the otter, filing his name away in her mind for future reference, and turns back to Leon. "Why not?" Caleb is asleep on his father's lap. LilyMoore goes to put the rock in her mouth, and the Novice leaps forward, pulling the rock away just in time, causing the Dibbun to start crying.

Lee shrugs. "He seemed nice enough ta me, though as a rule, I prefer ta not speak about a person behind 'is back, so whatever it is, I do not need ta know."

Leon shakes his head, "It's the past and why it matter, he probably don't want to talk to me either, why he is here no clue."

A large figure enters the great hall that has not been seen for some time, cleaned up and with the rips in his cloak now mended.

The more Leon avoids the subject, the more curious DoraRose gets. She is about to pressure him some more when she gets distracted by the cloaked figure. She smiles and nods. LilyMoore sniffs and tries to stand, leaning on Lee's leg with one paw and her rock with the other.

Leon glances the cloaked figure, he may explain about Taran but not just yet.

The otter looks up at the large figure curiously.

Lason nods and greets the newcomer, "Lason, at your service."

DoraRose relaxes slightly. Oh, yeah.....she thinks she's met him. Or at least heard of him. She turns back to Leon. "Well, your past has come to haunt you, it looks like, and as your wife I have the right to know, especially if whom-ever-it-is might pose a threat to my family. And how do you know he doesn't want to talk to you?" LilyMoore is now standing and gently tapping Lee's lap with her rock.

Lee frowns. "Hello," He says simply. He doesn't look as comfortable as he did before, only half noticing the dibbun now.

Leon sighs, "He...probably is not a threat dear, just don't want him to stay long, He's...". Ok mixed feelings but he doesn’t want to hide things so.."My father, me and him have not seen each other since I left my village, he said I wasn't welcome there anymore..I" .He frowns, " I didn't know much healing then and I got lost in the woods...he blamed me when sister died, said Get out and never come back"

Lason asks, "Do you want me to help with this, Leon?"

LilyMoore makes a demanding sound and tugs on the otter's clothes. Caleb stirs slightly in his sleep on his fathers' lap. DoraRose frowns slightly and lays a paw on her husband's knee. "Maybe he's changed. You should talk to him...maybe even when I'm around."

The otter looks up somewhat startled. Even though he'd only just met them, the revelation still surprised him. "He's your father? Leon, you have to talk to him. Believe me, it'll do you good. I would give anything to speak to my father again, but I can't, 'e's dead. Trust me, I may be a stranger to ya, but I speak that truth, don't wasn’t an opportunity..." He then falls silent.

Leon frowns "I don’t know, he was so..mean and yelled in my face, he said he never wanted to see me again, so I left didn’t even pay attention to where I went for a while, didn’t care really. I decided fine I would just be alone in life and.." He smiles up at Dorarose, "You saved me, helped me to care again, to know what love is again and if I didn’t ever meet you Dorarose, it’s hard to say where I would be now, probably dead cause of winter as I wouldn’t of had a home or anyone who cared about me, I never would of had a family...when I first came here I was..just had no emotion at all, I even hated Flicktail cause he was a -fox- but we became friends so he helped me too."

Lason paces back and forth listening, unsure what to say and feeling a little left out.

DoraRose smiles softly. "I love you so much, and that's why I have to urge you to speak with him! Please Leon, at least see if he's changed. If he hasn't, then you don't have to speak to him anymore, but please find out for sure." The pacing wildcat gets LilyMoore's attention and she smiles, waves and coos at him....the paw she is waving just happens to be the one holding a rock.

Lee remains silent, absently watching the little Dibbun. He doesn't say so, but the wild cat has made him extremely uncomfortable, though he tries not to let it show.

Lason frowns at Lee. He knows he's upset him, but not how or why. He goes over to Lily and kneels down, "What you got there?"

Leon smiles "I..I can try dear, I promise. Maybe with you with me , it may help "

LilyMoore holds her rock out and says something like, "Gah!" which is probably as close to 'rock' as she can get right now. DoraRose smiles and pats the other mouse's' paw "It might. And I'll hold you to that promise."

The otter remains calm as Lason approaches. ", sir..." He looks at the floor.

Lason smiles slightly at Lily, "That's a really big rock!"

Leon nods to Dorarose and leans back in his chair looking tried.

Lason looks up at Lee, "Did you want something?"

Lee goes to stand, looking startled. "Ah, no! Not at all...sir. Just, ah, greeting ye, sir..." He starts to edge away from the cat.

Lason raises an eyebrow and goes to pick the dibbun up and put her in his lap.

LilyMoore doesn't understand what's going on, so she starts to cry. The Novice picks her up and sighs, then takes her over to DoraRose, who cuddles her and watches the little interaction going on between he otter and wildcat. She hopes she doesn't have to intervene...

Lason removes himself from near the dibbun and says to Dorarose, "I'm sorry!"

The otter stands well away now. "You're a...mighty big cat...are ye friendly?"

Lason frowns at Lee, "Usually I try to be...but as you see, I am lacking in social skills."

Leon has fallen asleep in his chair.