An Intresting Day...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

(At Redwall's Gate)

Oz is on the wall top enjoying some tea and quiet time; he looks down towards the road.

Bloodclaw walks out of the gates and grins, he sees Oak and walks over to him. "'ello Oak, lookin for that Hare that saved the seadog and brought him to the abbey, 'ye seen 'im"

Oak shrugs. "Don't know what your talkin' about Bloody"

Bloodclaw holds one of his poison daggers at the throat of the squirrel. "Talk...or the blade slays 'ye"

Oak gulps. "If...If 'ye kills me...'ye won't find out nuthin'"

Oz happens to be on the wall top, he looks down and then starts to walk down and is soon outside with his staff in paw "Is there some..trouble here?"

Bloodclaw moves the dagger ever closer to the squirrel’s throat. "I don't 'ave to cut 'ye to kills ye. Ye know this be a poisoned dagger matey, now tell me or...". He turns to face the badger. "The Trouble is the trouble ye'll be in if ye messes with me business. Me business with the squirrel is none 'o yers...stripedog"

Oak is amazed; his eyes go wide as he listens to the rat insult the badger. "Umm...I'm 'jus gonna go eat a scone or sommat. Yeah, scones be good...I'm going now”

Oz gets a tighter grip on the staff, he tries to remain calm and counts to ten in his head before speaking, holding back his temper...."You will leave sir"

Bloodclaw pulls up his poison dagger. "If ye swings that there'll regret it later". He grins, seeing as he is making the badger angry. "Stripedog"

Oak picks up speed and runs from the confrontation of the badger and the rat.

Oz takes a very deep breath and grips the staff tightly, he doesn't swing the staff again, he does growl low and looks at the rat "I repeat...LEAVE!!"the last word is loud and a growl follows it, a loud growl.

Bloodclaw smirks. "Very well stripedog...I will leave". He places the poisoned dagger back into his cloak. "But the day will come when even you will fear the name 'o Bloodclaw the Terror!" He gets right up in Oz's face. "STRIPEDOG!", before the badger can react he swings his blade and slices down the badger's arm, and then he disappears into the shadows.

(A Few Minutes Later)

Oz comes into the entry now holding his side and growls, his side isn't hurt too bad but its bleeding.

Oak looks at the badger’s wounds. "Tis not a good side, mayhaps 'ye should go see a healer...'yer lucky t'wasn't 'is poison dagger, or ye'd be dead....very dead"

Oz looks at the squirrel "We need to serious talk...ouch" he holds his side "And I hate infirms"

Oak nods. "Tis a good idea to go 'eal your wounds, we can talk later"

Oz shakes his head "I think I will just find Silverfangs I trust him. He is a healer" he heads off but calls out "We talk soon...." he puts the staff in the gatehouse and heads to find Silverfangs.

(By the pond shortly after this)

Silverfangs is sitting by the pond, mediating quietly and looks to be almost finished maybe.

Oz walks to the pond, he is holding a rag on his upper arm and it looks like it has been bleeding, but not too bad or least as badly as it was, he watches the fox for a few moments before speaking "Silverfangs?" and then waits.

Silverfangs opens his eyes and looks to Oz, he frowns as he sees he is hurt and stands walking up to him "You are injured, what happen and should you perhaps of found a healer" He looks at the wound as he speaks.

Oz grunts slightly and shrugs "I...dislike infirms, and....I prefer if you tended to it instead, you’re a healer" He lets the old fox look at his arm, it isn't a deep cut lucky but is a good size one.

Morrax walks into the room, he looks around and shrugs. He pulls out a fishing pole and starts to fish. He waits.

Silverfangs nods understanding and cleans the wound, he applies a slave of herbs and bandages it...he steps back and frowns again "You are...tense, upset why is this?"

Morrax looks at Oz's wound. "What happened?"

Oz sits down after his arm is tended to and shakes his head "A rat...causing trouble, let’s just say called me...something rather rude" He looks at the hamster "I am fine" he closes his eyes to relax, get less tense and less feeling grumpy, then who wouldn’t be grumpy after a rat attacked you and called you...stripedog.

Silverfangs looks at the hamster and back to Oz, he watches him and speaks again "Hmmm, trouble...trouble is not good my son, but let’s not dwell on....troubling thoughts but rather...better ones"

Oz sighs deeply and nods "Right..." he says softly, his grumpy fading some now as he tries to enjoy the sunshine that’s out.

Morrax catches a fish, and places it in a basket, yah!, fish for the kitchens.

Silverfangs smiles at Oz, "It has been much time since we really seem to avoid me, or everyone after" he stops and nods "It is good to see you after so many seasons, I have missed you"

Oz chuckles some as he opens his eyes "Well...I don't avoid beasts so much now....well maybe if more than a couple are in the room I tend to" he smiles now "Be more comfortable around a large group of dibbuns,....children, and I am sorry for not speaking or going to Send for so long, sort of got further and further south "He nods “It is good to see you as well..."He then uses a word he hasn't in a long while, "Father"

Silverfangs smiles at the word father and hugs Oz "I will be, inside....this summer heat gets to me" He then heads inside.