Amarro and the Abbot

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Lorimis is sat in the big armchair by his fireplace dozing, paws resting atop the book laying in his lap. His door is open though a sign to anyone resident that he is open to visitor even if he is snoozing away with a blanket draped over his knees.

There is a slight tap, tap, tap on the doorframe as Amarro approaches the abbot's chambers, hoping dearly to get an audience with him to ask for advice and help. "Father Abbot?" She says, in a regular voice, hoping it'll be sufficient to wake him.

Lorimis jumps a bit and mrrffs and raises his head, the elderly mouse blinking some at Amarro, he paws his glasses onto his nose and blinks, "Oh... Miss Amarro.. .come inside. come inside and sit down"

"Thank you, Father." Amarro ducks her head and enters the room, taking a seat in the chair opposite Lorimis'. "I was wondering if I could ask you a question perhaps? I may have made a mistake and would like to hear what you have to say about it."

Lorimis asks, "Mmhmm of course," he motions her toward a seat and smiles as he sets his book aside and re-arranges his blanket on his lap "What is it you would like me to hear?""

Amarro is silent for a moment as she contemplates where she should begin. "A few days ago I allowed a fox to enter the abbey. He had been rather insolent about having to give up his weapon but eventually he did after I refused to allow him to enter with it. I didn't see too much of him after that until three days ago when he got upset and began to threaten a young mouse that lives here in the abbey. I mediated the situation and warned him that if I ever saw it again he would not be allowed to stay here. The day after that I came across him near the abbey pond with the same mouse whom he threw into the water. Had it not been for the hare, Rue, I'm sure he would've died." She pauses, figuring that she's given enough details. "My question to you is this: should he be allowed to remain in the abbey?"

Lorimis sits up and blinks, shaking his head "N.. no not after two incidents and then doing that... no that fox may not remain in the abbey any longer. He has rejected our hospitality by acting in this manner. He should be escorted outside politely and told he may not return for at least a season."

Amarro sighs and stares into the fire. "I tried that. After he threw the mouse into the pond I told him to collect his things and leave immediately but he ignored me, citing that I had no authority to order such a thing. Then he was bashed on the head with a training sword and I didn't feel it would be right to abandon him on the road in such a state."

Lorimis says, "Oh dear... well i guess in those circumstances it really was not appropriate to throw him out. But yes.. .you have the authority to remove those who reject our hospitality from the abbey. Normally you would need to find myself or a member of the Elder Council or the Champion and ask them to do it. But if they are clearly a threat you are right to remove them yourself and then let one of us know to back your judgement up. As soon as this fox is healed he shall be politely asked to leave.""

"Oh he is fine now. He was back in the library last night doing research on a rather..interesting topic." Amarro relaxes in the comfy chair. "I hate to push this further, Father, but would it be possible for you to write a letter for me to show this fox so that he knows it isn't just myself who is asking him to leave? And, to be quite honest with you, he may still refuse to leave even then. What do I do in that situation?"

Lorimis asks, "Call the guards and have him ejected," he reaches for pen and paper, "What is this fox's name? I shall write a letter at once giving you the authoirty to have him escorted off our premises.""

"His name is Caddock." Amarro responds. She thinks for a few moments. "What if he were to apologize and to agree to live according to our rules? Would he be allowed to stay?" She is obviously conflicted here. "The only reason he is here is to do research in order to support his family. His story is really amazing. I've never heard anything like it before."

Lorimis says, "Ok then let me see... I am glad you brought this to us.." He looks up and frowns, "After threatening one of our residence and almost killing them? Hmmm no... I think not... not this season. I must be fair to all but had it simply been words and threats I would give him a third chance. But as he has almost killed someone I do feel he should be asked to leave and not return until he can live with us in a civilized manner""

Amarro nods in agreement. "I agree. Just thought I'd ask." She sits patiently, waiting for the letter to be finished and thinking about how she's going to go about delivering the edict to the fox. "Was it a mistake to allow him to enter, Father? Should I have refused to let him in?"

Lorimis says, "I am afraid I do not like having to do such things but... well" he shakes his head and sighs, "No you where not wrong to let him in Amarro. All are welcome here if they come in peace and quiet and offer themselves at our doorstep in friendship. His actions since he enterred are what has caused this but it is not your fault for letting them inside to begin with.""

Amarro nods. "Thank you, Father. I still feel badly for it though. My first instinct was to not allow him in due to..." She pauses. "Well, I'll be honest. I didn't want to allow him in because he is a fox and they are typically considered to be 'vermin'. But, seeing as how Flicktail our champion is also a fox..."

Lorimis says, "Not all creatures you may class as Vermin are vermin. It is never wrong to let someone inside if they offer a peaceful entry and surrender their weapons.""

"With all due respect, sir, most vermin behave themselves as vermin eventually. Flicktail may be our one exception." But Amarro did not come here to get into a fight with the abbot and she stands up with the letter in paw. "Thank you for this, Father, and I hope to be able to give you a good report in a few days."

Lorimis sighs and nods and picks up his book, "Thank you Amarro, you have been a great help since you came back to us. How are you getting along with your son?"

Amarro rolls the letter up and taps her left palm with it. "It is nice to have him back, sir. I didn't think I'd ever see him again and to see him grown up and with such a position as he has..." She smiles slightly, a secret proud look, "I've been very blessed."

Lorimis says, "I am glad, he is an asset to us all Amarro, I think we'd be lost without him... ou should spend more time together. He was always talking about you and kept your name, Benar Amarroson.""

Amarro ducks her head respectfully. "Then with your permission, sir, I will take my leave and go find him."

Lorimis says, "Of course, see you later my dear" he raises a hand and lets the squirrel leave"