Afternoon To Learn and Then Relax

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale Tavern

Scioto is here siting at a booth so he can look over paper work and he has an ale beside him.

Astra enters the tavern, she has just gotten off duty, she looks around and spotting Scioto walks over to him, "Hello Scioto, may I sit here"

Scioto looks up as he hears the voice, "I suppose, almost done with this..." He reads a little more and then neatly places them in a pile and hands them to a guard to take to his office. “Need Something?"

Astra shakes her head as she sits, "No, not really just seeing how you are doing."

Scioto says, "I will be better will beasts stop asking that all the time, makes me want to avoid them"

Astra frowns, "I can sit elsewhere if you want me to"

Scioto says, "I did not say you had to leave"

Astra nods "Ok, sorry, so.” Ok talking to him is hard and then she smiles as an idea comes up, "I have an idea, what if I taught you to dance and in return you teach me something?"

Scioto raises an eyebrow, "I do not dance and for sure not now...or ever, no reason too"

Astra smiles, "A spring feast, one here or go to one at Redwall, your allies right and maybe you could teach me to better use a sword not so good in close rage fighting as I am in log range with bow and throwing knifes"

Scioto sighs softly, "Just cause we are allies doesn’t mean I want to go over unless it’s important."

Astra thinks, "Well..then something here...oh stand up" She stands and goes to gently get his paws and have him stand up.

Scioto glares at this and pulls his paw back as he stands, "Excuse me..why stand?" He looks around, very few here thank goodness.

Astra mutters, "Sorry...but, look just..a small lesson, before gets crowded in here"

Scioto frowns, "Fine" He as a guard temporally close the tavern, the couple rats here are drunk and one ferret asleep, a couple stoats leave.

Astra smiles, "Good..ok." She goes to try this, slowly and explain as she goes, "Side step left, right, left left. Then side step right, left, right right and you turn."

Scioto tries the moves, he is catching on to it fairly quickly, a very small, small hint of a sort of smile is there a brief moment and then is gone again.

Astra nods, "You’re a fast learner I guess, then this is a simple dance." She does the dance, if he allows a couple more times.

Scioto shrugs, "I...suppose, it is simple." He lets go of her paw and steps back, "But not really into dancing it’s for another time."

Astra frowns as he backs up and nods "Ok, fair enough. What of your small sword lesson, if not its ok"

Scioto looks at her, “Well...fine, but not in here...orchards" He gets up..hope she follows.

Orchards of Ferravale hour later

Scioto stands ready, his sword at his side and held in his paw, “The one by the tree is yours."

Astra walks over and gets the sword, feeling its weight and testing a grip, she nods as she looks over, " what?"

Scioto asks, "What is a sword for?"

Astra tilts her head, “Protection? Protect others...why are you asking that?"

Scioto asks, "If you wish lessons you need to know, a sword is used for that, but its main purpose is what?"

Astra sighs, "I just said"

Scioto stands quiet, "No you did not..answer"

Astra thinks hard, the turns, "Yes they protect, in the right paws, but all in all...they kill"

Scioto nods and slowly smiles, though last only a few seconds, he nods “Good job..yes a sword main purpose is to kill, it wounds and it’s up to the owner of the blade if it kills, maybe you’re a fast learner as well."

Astra smiles, well a small smile it seems she got out of him, "Yes so..lesson?"

Scioto nods, "Ok...try to block my sword" He slowly angles and moves the sword to the right side.

Astra watches ad goes to block and does so just barely.

Scioto nods, "Now, I block you."

Astra frowns and shrugs, she goes to raise her blade up, a little too high and goes to swing at him at a sort of odd angle.

Scioto watches and goes to move flat end of his blade at her, "Over extended, you’re off balance and thus..." He lays the sword flat on her chest, “The enemy has now killed you congrats" he backs up. "Your learn over time"

Astra blinks and about falls, she frowns at what he says and pouts, "Yeah yeah...wait, I will learn? Does that mean more lessons?"

Scioto nods "If you so choose, yes..for now we stop this lesson is done"

Astra sits and lays down her sword.

Scioto sits looking around, "Spring will be here soon, and planting season starts."

Astra smiles “That will be nice, less cold and more warmth, flowers all over and colors"

Scioto says, "Spring will be nice, yes"

Astra nods, "I cannot wait" She smiles softly.

Scioto watches Astra as she smiles, he nods slowly, "Well it will come soon, color could be nice, less dull too"

Astra chuckles, "Course less Dull Scioto." She goes to hug him, “you like spring...right?" She leans back ad looks at him.

Scioto doesn’t pus her away but doesn’t return a hug either, "I like spring, dislike winter, tried of the snow"

Astra smiles, "That’s good, that you like spring"

Scioto speaks, "You smile a lot, why?"

Astra answers, "Like to Smile and I am happy, going to learn to get better with a blade and maybe you’re a little longer one day and try a few other steps"

Scioto asks, "Other steps?"

Astra smiles and nods "Yeah but another day"

Scioto says, "you are odd"

Astra blinks, "Odd?"

Scioto says, "I am sorry, just odd in wanting to me to learn more of.....dancing"

Astra says, "Well that’s up to you"

Scioto says, "Yeah..course"

Astra chuckles,"So..lunch? Or not hungry"

Scioto says, "oh...sure, where?"

Astra gives an answer, "Right here be good. simple lunch of cheese, apple and pear slices and some water, and salad"

Scioto says, "sounds nice"

Astra lays out the items, onto two plates and water in two glasses and sits them down.

Scioto watches and nods his thanks, cannot hurt to have small break

Astra smiles as the two have lunch

Scioto tries to enjoy this, the sunny day is calming him and he is starting to slowly enjoy the day as he eats lunch. He watches Astra quietly and after lunch yawns, a nap may not hurt either and so he lays under the tree.