Adventures in SCIENCE! Cheshire learns to fly

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No...its...what the heck is strapped on your back Cheshire and NO DON'T JUMP!

Today was an unusually warm day for the abbey. Dark clouds in the distance threatened to bring more snow later on but for now the abbey was bustling with activity as beasts scrambled to use up this rare sunny day. The cavern hole was alive with beasts eating their lunches.

Flicktail doems down, his fur pristine white after a much needed bath

Another white furred fox comes rushing into the cavern hole. Elena the vixen has a paniced look on her muzzle, "Come quick! Some idiot is going to jump off the abbey roof!" The vixen shouts loud enough to be heard by all.

Flicktail cocks his head "I wanna WOCH!

The vixen snaps her head around to Flicktail, "Well you better come quick. Cheshire is on the roof with some strange...gizmo strapped to his back!" A few abbey beasts start to flock out of the cavern hole. By now the mad inventor's antics are well known in the abbey, enough for others to stay away from him. But to toss himself off the roof? maybe he has finely snapped.

Flicktail moves withher "I wanna see im flop!

The air is chilled out side but still warmer than the last few days. A crowd of beasts have started to fill out into the area around the abbey. Up top on the edge of the roof A young black and white furred cat is standing near the ledge. He has a contraption strapped to his back. Made from wood and sparrow feathers it looks like he has a pair of wings strapped to his back. The cat himself is wearing a thick cloth jacket and a pair of goggles strapped to his fore head.

Flicktail asks, "Cheshire WOT are you doing?"

The cat leans forward and looks down on all the beasts assembled here. He calls down to them, "Don't be alarmed! This is just science!" The cat spreads out his arms, "Today we land dewlers take back the skies! Today you will see a cat fly!" He looks down at the ground far below him and gulps. "I hope..."

Flicktail looks up and prob does not consider his words well as he says "Cheshire get DOWN here!

Probably poor words in deed. "Oh don't worry! I will be down shortly!" He calls down to Flicktail. To be honest he is having trouble hearing their voices from here. "One small step for a giant leap for cat kind..." He looks out over the abyss before him again and begins to sweat, "This would be so much easier if I wasn't afraid of heights..."

In through the front gates walks Rorgan just in time to see Flicktail standing in the entry, looking up at a cat up on the roof. "Uh..." He looks quite confused as he walks over to Flicktail. "Wot's he doin' Flicktail?" He asks.

Flicktail says, "Falling I think..."

Cheshire puts his goggles over his eyes and grips the supports of his glider. "Ok...moment of truth. Either this works or I go out in a blaze of glory..." The blaze of glory part seems to keep the cat from actually jumping, "Come on Cheshire...don't chicken out now..." Down below the crowd is shouting to the cat. Some call for him to listen to sanity, others are sayings someone should grab the guards, and a couple of dibbuns out on the side are calling for him to , "jump! Jump! Jump!"

Flicktail says, "Cheshire... Darn it cat come DOWN ere!"

Rorgan decides to side with the dibbuns on this one, and he calls out, "Jump!" To the cat with his paws cupped around his mouth.

Cheshire takes a deep breath. For a moment it looks like the feline has fienly listened to reason. He dissapears from view but only to come back later. He needed a running start. Cheshire takes one last step on the roof and launches off of it.

Flicktail says, "CHESHIRE...NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Rorgan shouts out. "FLY!!" real loud for the entire crowd to hear. He may be a warrior, but he's still only around 9 or so seasons old.

The abbey beasts all gasp in shock, some scream, others exclaim, "He can fly! He can fly!" A sparrow in the crowd looks up and shakes his head, "Yeaaaaaaaah...he's not flying..." Up in the sky Cheshire opens his eyes to see the ground flowing past far below him. A single tear of joy streams past his cheek. "I did it! I can fly! I CAN fly! I...I am losing altitude!" Indeed the cat flies for several long breathless moments, then his glider begins to take a sharp turn for the ground.

Flicktail exclaims, "Quick Cheshrire FLAP YER ARMS!"

Flicktail exclaims, "and yell KILLIE KILLIE KILLIE!"

Rorgan looks on in absolute....excitement? He seems to practically burst with excitement as he watches the glider head towards the ground, whereas others are screaming and such.

What ever curse word Cheshire uses to signify the end of his life and sheer terror at seeing the ground pull him steadily back to the earth is lost in the up roar of the beasts as the cat collides with a tree, breaking nearly every branch on the way down and landing in a large snow drift. His paws stick out of the snow drift comically as do the broken wings of his glider. His tail is completely poofed out.

Flicktail Gras a bucket to "Put out the fire" and douses the cat's back side in icy water

Rorgan breaks out into laughter as the cat slams into the tree, earning him a few looks from surrounding beasts. "That's the way a cat flies!" He shouts.

The cat's foot paws flail frantically in the air as cold water is poured down his back. His head shoots up out of the snow with a horribly shocked expression. Then he breaths in, and realizes he can still breath, "I'm ALIVE! I did it! It actually worked!" then shivers, "GAH! why did you pour water down my back!"

Flicktail says, "to put outth FIRE" he says completely dead pan

Rorgan pushes past a few beasts to run over to Cheshire and Flicktail. "So that worked a slight bit!" He exclaims.

The cat practically yells, "I'm not on fire! ....this time." Then to the otter he grabs him by the shoulders, "I know! Its just a prototype but I never expected it to work so well! Did you see it! I flew I..." The cat happens to glance at the abbey behind him and for the first time it looks so...tall. The cat also notices that his glider is broken to pieces, his clothes are torn, but he seems to be alright. "I...whew..." Cheshire's legs buckle beneath him and he faints into the pile of snow.

Rorgan laughs yet again, watching the cat faint. He bends down to pick the cat's limp body up. "Flick, can you deal with this glider?"

Flicktail throws more ice water on the cat

Flicktail says, "sure, it willmake good fire wood"

Invention is 99% inspiration 1% knowing when to hire people to test it for you.