Adventure Tales- To Slay a Dragon

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Yep, you heard right. Thar be Dragons here. This is a OOC (non cannon) story between my alts and several of Rorgan's. Don't worry, no alts were harmed ICly in the making of this story...oocly all bets are off.

"Gather around one and all and heed my tale." The movement of the fox's paws are highlighted with the fireplace behind him. The black furred vulpine has his listeners completely enthralled by his story, even making shadow puppets on the far wall. "This is a tale of adventure, of acts of courage against deadly foes...of beasts and monsters." Wilks grins as he speaks, "Now sit back, relax, and let the story begin..."

Like all good adventure stories our's begins in a Tavern. The Laughing Hare Tavern to be exact. The tavern was a cleaner place of business than other taverns, but in the end, it was still a tavern. It was crowded that fateful stormy night. The doors to the pateo overlooking the valley below were locked tight to shut out the rain.

A tavern it was, most certainly, and taverns almost always tended to attract interesting fellows. Most of these interesting fellows could be seen all around the tavern, but some looked a bit more warlike than others. In one corner was a group of four beasts. Two of them were twin black otters, another was a quiet arctic fox, and the fourth was a brown furred otter that looked around slowly, though they all conversed rather freely.

Not sitting too far away there was a lizard. The reptile was a bit shorter than the other beasts, with red scales across her body which was clothed with simple garments. She wore a buttoned vest across her shoulders, a long flowing sash across her waist. The majority of her belly was left exposed, either through design or simply because the reptile had trouble finding clothing that could cover her portly, well fed middle. She sat eating her very own feast dreaming about all the money she was about to plunder, and it would be hers! All hers!

The doors to the tavern swing open, and in walks Radion, looking like death incarnate. The pitch black fox is followed into the tavern by two ferrets and a weasel. The four don't seem to make much of an attempt to look particularly frightening, but they seemed to exude an air of evil as they go. Finding a table, they all sit down. However, their entrance had posed a problem for one of the patrons of the tavern. Specifically the brown otter over in the corner with his friends. The moment the fox enters, he stiffens and looks away, though his companions don't seem to notice.

And neither does the pudgy lizard. She watches the fox and his minions enter with a warry eye. Nope, they are not the beasts she is running from. Sibyl shrugs and turns back to her meal. Unfortunately for her while distracted a trio of foxes also enter shortly after their fellow foxy brethren. They fail to generate the air of evilness that the previous group exhibits but they are no less threatening. There are two vixens, both wearing similar midriff baring style clothing and holding onto halberds. The grey fox Rioko wears a vest made from squirrel leather while her brown furred and plumper counterpart Xia wears cloth. The vixens stand to the left and right of a muscular gold fox in a chain mail tunic with a cutlass at his side. They see the lizard and begin to make a bead line to Sibyl...

Several of the patrons had looked over when Radion and his beasts had entered, but now was a time for Rorgan to remember a time that really wasn't all that long ago. He stands, his eyes wide, as his eyes lock onto the golden fox. "Dale..." He says, his voice barely above a whisper. Standing as well, his companions look with him towards the three beasts. "What is it, Rorgan?" Asks Toran. Being around beasts that called him a friend had really done wonders for his social awkwardness, though the concept of having friends was still strange to him, he quite liked it.

The lead golden fox pauses in mid stride, preforming a double take at the otter, "Rorgan?" The lizard looks up from her meal at the mention of the fox's name. "Dale?!" She gasps. "Sibyl!" Dale growls which is followed by the grew furred vixen behind him shouting happily, "Rioko!" The lizard looks paniced. Oh blast, they caught up with her. The tavern only has one exit, two actually, but one leads to a deadly drop at the bottom of a valley, the other exit leads to death via bounty hunter. Think fast Sibyl think fast.

Saved by the bell. Or in this case Dios Ex Machina...or is it Dio Ex otter? She dashes under a table as the mercinary fox draws his blade, "Sibyl! There is no where to hide! You are..." He turns his head back to the more pressing matter of beasts charing towards him and his fellow bounty hunters.

The twin otters aren't willing to give up the advantage of the surprise hopefully caused by their sudden charge. Rorgan goes straight for Dale, swinging one dagger at the fox's face. Derrin heads straight for Rioko, throwing a punch at the vixen's jaw.

"Rioko is knocked out cold with out a single eep. She falls flat on her tail with out stiring, Dale drops like a rock clutching his newly formed scar between his eyes and letting out a dreadfull howl. Xia readies her halberd shouting, "Whoa! Whoa! WHOA! Easy there mates! No need for violence! Honest!" Sibyl in the mean time escapes from her hiding place and make a wide dash around the room to escape the commotion. She dashes by Radion's tail to accomplish this task."

In the spirit of mischief, Mogat sticks out a footpaw to trip the lizard simply to get a good laugh out of it. Rorgan drops to one knee, pressing the edge of his knife against Dale's neck. Derrin growls as he turns to face Xia with raised fists. "Drop th' weapon lass. I'd hate t' hurt a pretty face." The way he speaks is slightly humorous, but his tone carries zero humor.

Sibyl trips and falls flat on her face, or at least wound had instinct not taken over, forcing her to duck and roll back up to her feet, and into the arms of a large blue scaled lizard. One of Radion's beasts Zee is wears an iron shoulder pad over his left shoulder, and a cloth sash at his waist for armor. "What isss the hurry lasss?" He pulls up a chair and forces her into it where a pudgy pine marten leans forward, resting a knife blade on her shoulder, "Yeah? Any beast who has three bounty hunters on her tail is sure worth enough to us to at least by a drink. It will be like dinner and a show!"

Meanwhile Xia smirks, "Oh, I wouldn't be too worried about that, not if you let up my boss. We will just collect our bounty and be on our way." She keeps her Halberd at the ready. The other woodlander patrons have mysteriously vanished from the tavern.

Radion and the others snicker as they turn their attention to Sibyl. Now this was their type of fun. "Yes..she should get us quite a bit of money for us.." says Radion, giving his trademark creepy toothy smile. "Tell us miss, what might your name be?" Meanwhile, Rorgan hisses at Dale. "Now, mayhaps ye'd like t' explain everythin' that happened last time." He knew he was being vague, but he also knew Dale would definitely understand what he was talking about. Derrin, standing there watching Xia, sneers. "Yore not goin' anywhere lass." Just in time, Toran and Derean rush over, their daggers drawn as they quickly begin to surround Xia. )

Great, thinks Sibly, now she needs rescued from hooligans! Xia isn't in much less dire straits. She doesn't want to test her metal against three different beasts at once. Dale merely growls and even hisses, impressive feat for a fox, at Rorgan in reply. It is here that Sibyl yells at the top of her lungs, "I know where a lost horde of gold is!" Knowing tavern beasts prehaps /this/ will get their attention/ prolong any ideas that involve her demise. Hopefully. Xia face paws, "Oh boy."

Literally every beast in the tavern looks over at Sibyl, eyes wide and curious. Radion, however, is the only one aside from possibly Bushtail and Zee that can maintain his composure. "And where might this horde be?" He asks soothingly, taking full advantage of the smooth bass of his voice.

The reptile chuckles. She taps the side of her head, "Only I know where it is, and how to get to it." She says smuggly while inwardly hoping that no one searches her belt for the actuall map to the place. Xia sets the but of her halberd onto the ground, "Really? THAT is why the Aclidia Theives guild paid us so much to find you? You have a treasure map?"

At hearing this, Radion stands from his chair along with Mogat, Montag and One-Eye. "Zee, would you be so kind as to search this lovely lizard?" He asks politely, though his eyes shine with ideas.

"Dang it!" Sibyl shouts. It doesn't take long for Zee to search his fellow reptile. He soon produces a rolled up peice of partchment. "Zee found treasssure map." He shows it to his boss. It is indeed a map complete witha dotted line leading across drawings of forrests, up mountains, and past the drawing of a dragon. "This is where I would like to point out that I'm a master thief and...also know about all the deadly boobytraps." She adds hopefully, "I'm still turnin you in for a bounty lass." Xial says, "Assuming of course these gents would be happy enough to let me retrieve yonder map...

Taking the map, Radion chuckles softly, making a signal to the three bowbeasts by him. All three of them draw their bows and one arrow. Soon enough, the three arrows are all aiming straight at Xia. "Good work Zee," says Radion, slowly turning around. To Sibyl, he replies, "You may claim to be a master thief, but I'm thinking that I can get quicker and much better thieves if I flash promises of a horde of treasure."

The pudgy fox grits her teeth. "See Dale, this is why I don't help you with jobs. You're jobs always seem to throw me into danger." Sibyl sighs, all that gold, all gone! Zee picks the thief up again and shoves her towards the party of otters and foxes. "Zee will be pleasssed with 10% finder fee."

The group of four that Sibyl is shoved towards growls at Radion and his gang, with Toran catching the lizard before she hits the ground. "And I'm sure that by the time we get all of this treasure, we'll be able to afford a lot more than that if you do well, Zee." He holds a paw up, signaling for the archers to draw back. "Anything else you would like to say?" He asks Xia rather politely.

The fox takes a step away from the tavern's only exit and their death dealing archers. Xia could make some kind of witty retort, something about 'enjoy this victory while you can scum!' or 'You won't get away with this!' Instead the fox simply shrugs and chuckles, "Nah, I think you made your point...several actually." She says gesturing to the bows and arrows. There isn't much Xia can actually do with out dieing...and she isn't foolish enough to try.

The black fox smirks. "Well good. I do love to make a point." With that, his paw drops, and the arrows are let loose at the other fox. Everybeast in the tavern can do nothing but watch as the arrows shoot through the air towards Xia.

The fox makes a terrified eep as the arrow embeds itself into the staff of her halberd. Once in a life time shot, never is she going to be able to block an arrow like that.

Mostly due to the other two arrows that sink deep into the fatty flesh of her explosed midriff. The fox's weapon clatters to the floor, she can only stare in shock at the shafts portruding from her belly button like marks finding their way to a bulls eye. She collapses first to one knee then falls backward onto her tail, "Mother...always said that...I should wear plate...mail..." she gulps. The fox can feel her life slipping away with each pained breath.

Radion's smile can be seen as very genuine, and he walks slowly towards Xia, drawing one of his daggers as he does. "Well well...I don't expect that you'll be getting any bounties, now will you?" He snickers, kneeling by the dying fox, and without another word, he thrusts the dagger straight into her chest. A moment later, he wipes his dagger on the fox's clothing before standing and sheathing it. Signaling the beasts of his group, he begins walking towards the tavern entrance. "Now let's go get some gold."


Standing over the body of The fallen fleshy fox Rioko places a coat over what was once Xia. It is of course stolen from some long departed patron. No matter how much they searched the black fox has alluded them. "Pitty Xia, you still owed me that duel." The second fox returns angry and snarling, "She still owed me gold..." He says with out looking at the corpulant corpse.

The four beasts standing there simply watching Rioko, though Rorgan keeps an eye on Dale. No doubt the fox would have problems with the new scar that he had been given by the otter. "Well..." Begins Derean, looking at his companions. "I don't know about you three, but I'm interested in that treasure."

" am I..." Dale looks crossly to the Sibyl. They may not have caught up with Radion but they didn't let the lizard go free either. Rioko tied the ropes around Sibyle her self. Now the reptile sits in a chair with her arms tied behind her. She gulps, " stuff." The she eeps when the fox takes a step closer, "And before you ask I know where to find it. I...I memorized the map. Just in case something like this happened." She adds hastily.

Rorgan steps over, watching Sibyl closely and with a critical gaze. "Well I think we should go fer th' treasure." Derean nods in agreement. "If anything, t' spite Radion," He says, though he says 'Radion' as though the name is a curse. "Anythin' t' make him suffer."

The bounty hunting fox nods his head, "Aye, for once we agree. Thieves Guild can keep thier bounty, I'm going after the gold." Rioko raises a paw until she gets attention shouting, "Oh! Oh! Can I eat the lizard!" She pauses at Dale's and Sibyls horrified looks, "What? I havn't eaten all day." She rolls her eyes, "Hello! Horde beast here. I eat steak." Crossing her arms she pouts, "Vegans..."

The four companions gather in front of Sibyl, and Toran looks curiously over at Dale. "So who all are we taking with us?" He asks. Derrin in turn, steps forward to untie Sibyl from the chair. "Well if we're goin' anywhere, we need t' bring Sibyl wid us."

"So...I don't get to eat her?" Rioko asks hopefully, "No! No one gets to eat me!" Sibyl hisses, "And thank you otter, at least SOMEONE has some common decency around here." claws on her hips the lizard shifts her weight to one side, "And you are darn right I'm going along! I stole that map fair and square!" The fox's both add their two cents. Of course Dale is coming for the gold and Rioko is coming for, well, gold.

Derean smiles, and he steps forward, saying, "Well, I think we've got ourselves a nice little group goin' here." Rorgan nods in agreement, looking around at their group. "Well then, mayhaps we should get goin' then."

"Yes! Get going you lazy lay abouts!" A grizzled old hare shouts from behind the counter, "Ye come in, cause a ruckus and old Bob has to clean up the mess! Adventuers, hrmph!" Dale rolls his eyes, he tosses the hare a few coins, probibly not enough to cover the cost for a decent funral but hey, its the vixen's own fault. If she had just went on a diet she could have easily dodged those arrows. "Then what are we waiting for?" The mercinary walks forward towards the exit and heads out.

The other four look at each other for several moments before heading after the fox, with Derean reaching into his vest and pulling out several more coins and placing them on the counter. "If we can get this treasure, I'll make sure t' come back an' give you more fer all this." With this, he continues walking after his companions.


Dylan's Alts




Xia Pin-cushioned



Rorgan's Alts





Radion plus gang