Aclidia Blues - Crescendo Part 2 - Finale

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Round and round we go, the party never ends. The long await (at least for players involved) conclusion to the Aclidian Thieves Guild Arch. Will Sibyl and Abel rescue his master Flavious from Korudon?

Sibyl is NOT having a good day. Everything was so perfect, hiding out in the flavius mannor. ALl the food she could eat, soft beds, and waited on paw and foot like a queen. Then Maffeo came...and appearently got knocked out by Galyn. Oh and Korudon is here as well. It looks like its curtains for the lizard who in all sensibilities should be running for her life. Her freind however, Abel seems to have a death wish of rescuing his master. Darn taht slave! He is going to get her killed!

The portly lizard peeks her head quickly around the corner of a hallway. The staff is being held inside the dinning room down the hallway. She knows there is at least one fox and one hare inside the room, and that ferret of an assasin is running around looking for her. Whispering to Abel she states flatly, "So, any ideas on how to break out your precious master?"

Abel shakes his head. "Not really, no. Gotta think of something, though, because my life depends on his survival... Seriously, this was a bold move, your old boss must really hate your guts."

Sibyl pounds her head against the wall, "THat's just it. I don't know /why/ Maffeo is trying to kill me. It, it just doesn't make sense! I was always a loyal employee! He...he was like a father to me." The lizard looks around the corner once again, "Is there another way to get inside there? I know there are windows on the outside, but maybe if we...if we caused a distraction..."

Abel peers around. "There is the servants' entrance from the kitchen, the main door from the entry hall, and the windows out to the garden... What have you got in mind?"

The pot bellied lizard takes a deep breath. She can't believe she is going to say this. "I...I will create a diversion using the window. When they come after me you go untie your master and lead the staff out of here." Sibyl rubs at her arm, "If, if I don't make it. I just wanted to say...thanks." She pauses for another moment then dashes off down another halway, leaving the Squirrel alone.

Abel gulps, and nods... Then the lizard is gone. He peers around, glancing around the corner into the dining room, looking for signs of Sibyl's diversion.

A long moment passes. Then a longer moment passes. An eternity goes by before there is a shout from inside the dinning hall. A red furred fox with a cross bow comes running out of the room followed by a brown furred female hare. Both dash down the hallway shouting, "Kor! Kor! We found Sibyl! She's outside!" The door is left wide open.

Abel does not hesitate a moment. He dashes into the room, and immediately sets about freeing his owner. "Master! Are you alright, sir? We have to get out, sir, the house is not safe! We must hurry!"

The entire staff is indeed here, tied up in the corner of the room. The fat golden furred weasel is bound and gagged for posterity. Once the gag comes free Flavious nearly shouts, "You think?!" Remembering where he is he whispers, "You think? What in the blazes is going on?" Flavius stands shakily to his feet. "Abel who are these beasts? Why are they here?" The young master looks on the edge of panic, just like the staff.

Abel frowns. "Sir, please remain calm. I don't know who these beasts are," he lied, "but I think they may be associates of your tailor, sir. I think he may in reality be a dangerous mercenary."

"Oh you don't know the half of it kiddo." Flavius turns his head to the entrence of a grey furred ferret from the door Abel came through. Korudon's smile can be seen even under his red cloth mask. "But don't worry, Maffeo won't be much of a problem for very much longer." The ferret has a small gladius in his paw. He takes a joyfull step forward towards Abel, "I was hoping to find Sibyl here but...I guess you will do. Where is that scaley feind anyway?"

Abel puts himself between Korudon and Flavius. "I don't know who you're talking about, but you are not to lay a finger on my Master. You are breaking the Laws of Aclidia, and Master *will* prosecute to the fullest extent of the law!"

The ferret runs a claw down the center of his blade. "Yeah...about that. Let's be honest. The moment Sibyl entered your home you were all dead. The question many do you think I can kill before she finely gets the bravery to come save you." Korudon strides over swingin his blade back and forth through the air like he is on a stroll through the park. "You seem the more outspoken one...tell me, who should I start with, the cook? The butler? the fat weasel cowering behind you? Or should I just kill you first..."

Abel narrows his eyes, but he quickly realizes bluster is useless in this situation. Still, he plays dumb. "I do not know a Sibyl, sir, and neither does my Master Flavius."

The ferret tilts his head to the side, "Then what use are you of to me." He raises his blade to strike him down. "WAIT!" The ferret turns behind him to the hallway entrence. Sibyl is pushed roughly into the room at sword point. Galyn steps in after her. "Don't hurt them caught me." The lizard hisses, Galyn grits his teeth, "Correction, /I/ caught you. Now if we can please get this over with. I really, really don't want to explain to the others why we are really here." The ferret nods with his head, "Stall them. I'll take care of Sibyl." The stoat twitches an eye but turns with out hesitation, leaving the lizard here with what he very well knows to be a monster."

Abel is left with little to do but watch. He get's as far away from the ferret as he can. "And what about us?"

Sibyl gulps as the ferret approaches her, "Take the beasts and go for all I care. I finely got what I wanted." The lizard feels her tail brush up against the wall behind her, "Just...just tell me why Korudon. Why is Maffeo trying to kill me." The ferrets laughter is sudden and quick. "You poor deluded fool...Maffeo never order your death. I did." Sibyl eyes widen slightly but only replies with, "Why." Korudon yells, "You know why! You were Maffeo's little prodigy, his little pet. He always gave you the higher paying jobs while the rest of us have to scrounge by on side jobs. Well...I'm tired of having you in the way..."

Sibyl raises an eyebrow...if she had any, "And?" The ferret blinks, "And what?"

"Oh come /on/ you can't seriously expect me to believe you upset my entire life, tried to kill me...even went so far as to make me deliver my own death warrant, out of petty jealousy, can you?"

Abel starts to shuffle the other servants out. "You better watch your back ferret, you invaded my Master's home, trespassed on his property, and tied him up... That is several laws right there, broken. Master WILL prosecute, won't you sir?"

"Er...that's right! I'll have you thrown in jail for the rest of your life!" The ferret turns his head around to give them both a disbelieving look. "Then I guess you will just have to add murder to the list..." The ferret stabs towards Sibyls fattened belly with his short sword. Dispite her weight she is faster than she looks, gaining a cut to her side for her trouble but gratefull to have the blade embed itself in the wall rather than her gut. "Run! Time to run!" She shouts, dashing towards Abel.

Abel literally shoves his Master toward the window, to exit by the garden.

The lizard helps the weasel out by simply pushing him through the open window. Thankfully neither Sibyl nor Flavius have grown too fat in their decedence to not fit through. Once outside Sibyl grabs Flavius by the paw and literally drags him along. At the far end of the garden at the alley gate there are three beasts. A fox witha cross bow, a hare with knives, and Galyn the stoat. The fox catches sight of Sibyl first, "Hey! Sibyl! Over here! We are here to rescue you!" He shouts. Galyn looks like he is about to blow a casket. This plan has so backfired. The only way he can save his hide now is to brutally murder each of his allies...faced with this problem he turns tail and opens the gate, exiting this madness and shutting the gate behind him.

Abel grips his Master's other paw as well. "Come on, Master! I must save you! Your tailor wants you dead!"

Korudon turns out to be much faster than them all, leaping onto Abel's back in an effort to pin him to the ground. The fox and hare merely watch this display of aggression with a confused look. "Hey...where is Galyn going?" The hare shouts, "Forget him! Sibyl's in trouble! Shoot the weasel!" The fox shrugs, "You da boss Honey." He raises his bow ready to loose a deadly bolt at Flavius.

Abel goes down heavily, unable to move. "Get off me! Get off me! I must protect Master! Master!" He tries to kick his enraged tormentor in the stomach.

Korudon makes an oof sound as the squirrel's kick catches him off guard. He still comes after him though while Sibyl throws herself infront of the fleeing weasel waving her arms about yelling, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

"Annoying beast...any last words before I gut you like a fish?" The ferret shouts happily. He is really enjoying the prospect of slaying the squirrel. "He may not, but I do have some /words/ to have with you." The ferret doesn't even bother to see who he is swinging at before he strikes at the source of the voice. His paw is caught in mid air by a vice like grip of a wild cat. Maffeo Stands there, free paw behind his back, and then shoves Korudon away. "For starters, someone can tell me the name of the beast who BASH ME OVER THE HEAD."

Abel tries to crawl away, then yells, "Master, it's that tailor! He wants you dead! He wants us all dead! We must flee, sir! Please!" He continues to crawl toward the gate, to get to his Master.

"E...NOUGH." Maffeo doesn't yell but his voice carries, making all beasts stop dead in their tracks, even Flavius. "I didn't come here to kill any one. Which makes me wonder why three of my top thieves are here trying to slaughter beasts. Gil, Shari? Why are you here?" The fox and hare gulp, the former being the first to reply, "Er...YOU told us to come here, that Sibyl was in trouble and we needed to rescue least that is what Korudon said..." Nodding his head the wild cat turns to Sibyl, "Hey! You ordered me least I thought you did but..." she points to Korudon. "He tried to kill me! He had me deliver an job order to kill me under YOUR orders!"

Maffeo's calm, placid eyes fall upon the ferret. Korudon pauses for a moment then shrugs, "Heck with it." He strikes at wild cat. Or at least tries. Maffeo side steps to right, inside Korudon's swing. His large furry paw wraps around the ferrets head and he forces him to the ground. Rather roughly.

Abel stops dead. "B..but, you w..want Sibyl dead, and invaded my Master's home, and tried to kill him! How can trust you..." The squirrel pales, suddenly realizing he has a lot to answer to Flavius for... This won't be good...

"Oh course I was going to try and kill him, well at least threaten him." The cat still has Kor pinned by the face. He catches one of the ferrets daggers aimed for his belly by grabbing the ferrets paw, "I thought you were holding Sibyl captive!" He begins to disarm the ferret, tossing knives and poison darts this way and that onto the ground. "Um...I hate to interupt this interesting tale but...what the $#$#@! is going on!?" Flavius yells at the top of his lungs.

Abel stands and bows his head. "It is all my fault Master. I am to blame. I helped Sibyl. She is my friend."

Sibyl cringes, her friend is about to get into SO much trouble because of her. She launches herself at Flavius, "Please! It was my fault, I forced him to do it. Please its-" The weasel holds up a paw to cut her off. Maffeo sighs and lets korudon up. but not before leaning close to the ferret and whispering something too softly to hear. What ever it is when the ferret gets up he bolts for the gate, dashing between his friends and leaving with all haste. "Come now...Flavius was it." The wild cat dusts off his paws, "I'm sure that we can find a sutible way to-"

"Quite you. I'm am many things. A crooked business beast is not one of them. I don't care who you are or why you are here. Just take your beasts and go." The weasel demands, for once not soundingly like a total wimp. With a curt nod of his head Maffeo gestures to his beasts to leave for the gate, "Come Sibyl...we have things to discuss." Sibyl watches the wild cat begin to leave, before following him she runs forward and hugs Abel tightly. It's about all the thanks she can give him for the trouble she caused.

Abel is hugged by the lizard, but he remains rigid. "I'm glad you're alright. Be safe..." His voice is dulled, listless. "I need to see to Master now." He turns and shuffles toward the house slowly.