Abby Champion, Making a Scene

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated October 11, 2011 in the category Chatterbox by Flicktail. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Tue, 10/11/2011 - 14:32

Holy Shnike...Flicky seems to be making a big splash, I am here, and the sights I am seeing WOW. It has been wonderful. Apparently I am making a rather BIG splash. For those that do NOT know what Flicky is doing here is, I had an Iraqi Solder risk his life for me when I was over seas, he and his family's life was in danger, and he asked for a letter stating so, in order to immigrate to the Netherlands where he would be safe with families. I did so, but the Netherlands Immigration keeps saying he can not PROVE I wrote it and want to deport him and his family. So I have a friend who helped me in need, and so on my own Dime I flew out here, hopefully to his rescue.

The attorney, has said this this is VERY unusual (to her delight) to have such a HIGH ranking Military officer, come to defend a common soldier (Obviously doesn't know the U.S. Army we do it every day) Apparently Attorneys from the Hague, and Belgium are coming to see me, likely talk WITH me.... Normally witnesses are not allowed at immigration hearings, it is all done on paper. so there is QUITE a flap going on.

If you have a Facebook account and woudl like to see pictures of my travels [1]
