A short talk

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Oz walks into the infirm and scans the room before finding the ferret and sits down in a chair beside him.

Desotoe arm is tightly bandaged and in a sling, his upper back and side is bruised, he then notices the badger and grins, “Need something?" He asks.

Oz answers, "Yes, to know what happen to you, your injured I can see as one cannot fake an injury"

Desotoe smirks, "So true, yes I was attacked by someone, one of those slavers and it was horrible. “He frowns it was horrible but maybe not like he said, he watches the badger, “So why are you here stripe dog?"

Oz narrows his eyes, "You will refer to me as Oz or if not I am a badger, not...what you said." He keeps his temper down, "And I came to check on you and Flicktail seems to think you need help, I don't trust you and never will, I have reason to believe you lied about what really went on between Dorarose and you, you threaten her and I believe it as I think you threated me too, your muttering the other day what was that about?"

Desotoe growls low, "What I mutter is my business, stripedog, and be wise not to try and be so nosy, tis not nice to listen to other beasts whispers."

Oz raises an eyebrow, the guard is by the door and for now stays outside the room while Oz is here, "It is my business, I am in charge of the abbey defense when needed, I protect the beasts here and it’s my duty to keep an eye on possible trouble makers and I was told to do as I felt right, I feel it’s right to keep a close eye on you Desotoe, I have heard no news of the slavers, but I know who may have and can always go find some info, from Ferravale, and I also know you are banished from there by the chieftain himself."

Desotoe glares, "Yeah, and he will pay for it too." He then cusses as he lets that slip, he then shrugs, "Yeah I want revenge, but can't get it the fool banished me."

Oz stays as calm as he can, "I can banish you from here if needed, but you have done nothing to need that and it would look bad on me to just say it was a feeling for the need to."

Desotoe smirks, "I have done nothing to harm a beast in these walls, my weapons are at the gatehouse like supposed to be, you only have the word of a dumb mouse maid and who knows she could of been lying cause she is scared of me"

Oz calms "Yes I know you have done nothing wrong, you have not yet but I will be keeping an eye on you and being injured you may seem like less of a threat but I am not so sure of that."

Desotoe says, "And Flicktail said you be my friend, guess not"

Oz says, "No, I am not your friend unless you prove yourself to not be evil anymore, beasts can change as I have seen but not always."

Desotoe chuckles, "I figured, so sad I will have to tell Flicktail you said no and, hurt my feelings, he so trusts me."

Oz closes his eyes and reopens them, "Yes he seems to and that’s not a good thing, so how many slavers were around to get you that injured?"

Desotoe frowns, "I rather not remember, it was so horrible the sudden attack on my life." Part is true as true feelings are shown but he is still nervous around the badger and that slips out some.

Oz watches him" I repeat again, do not stay around Flicktail so much, there are other beasts to talk to in the abbey if you want friends, you want to gain possible trust and yet its Flicktail your around most of the time and that bothers me greatly."

Desotoe chuckles dryly, he seems to like brothering the badger, “Well I have not laid a paw on him to harm him, have I?"

Oz shakes his head, "No you have not but if you so much as put a small scratch on him, you’re gone from here."

Desotoe rolls his eyes, "Whatever you say"

Oz says, "You harm any beast within these walls, you’re gone."

Desotoe says, "Of course, I promise no beast inside the walls will be harmed."

Oz says, "If you harm anyone within these walls I will throw you out, Flicktail won’t need to"

Desotoe says, "No worries, I will harm no one within the walls of the abbey" He seems to be telling the truth, “Promise"

Oz asks, "I plan on keeping an eye on you, if needed maybe tag along with you on one of your hunts for the slavers, I am curious myself where they are and with your broken arm, your need help am I right?"

Desotoe smiles at the idea, "Of course, more than welcome to come along, just you and me been just me but, you and me, be some surprises in store then, hats for sure."

Oz stands "Then its settled, maybe if you can prove you’re really looking for slavers I will believe you more, if not then I report you as the liar and trouble maker I think you are." With that he leaves the ferret to think.

Desotoe watches him go and hides a smirk as he mutters to himself, only he hears, "Yes perfect idea, come with me one day stripe dog sure to be a day your remember."

Oz is long gone by then, luckily for Desotoe and the guard was in the hallway, no one else in the infirm is awake and healers are yet to start the daily checkup, lucky indeed.