A lesson Interrupted Cause of A Fight!!!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

      • This first part is in the woods beside the abbey, just off the dirt road*****

Zee has decided to give a lesson and since this lesson can’t be given in the abbey he chooses to go outside, to a small wooded area right by the abbey. He has on his nephew Zork’s armor as he is playing it safe after his quick walk to Ferravale, that and he had meant to remove it at the abbey but forgot. Then saw Xander and told a guard to let someone know they were out for a walk as he grabbed his cloak and after some thought the Blade Of The Northwinds Storm as well.

Xander was more than happy to go into the woods. His main reason to get a closer look those really tall trees and maybe get to climb one. He looks at the large blade “I see that before in sleep once.” He states quietly as he walks beside the older badger.

Zee slows and turn to Xander “You have lad? When was this and do you know who had the blade, what did they look like?”

Xander smiles as he says in fairly good detail “Two but the much older one held it” He describes the badgers Soot and Zork. “And they said it was passed down to oldest son, maybe younger if older died or like a daughter or something.”

Zee nods as they stop “The older badger was Uncle Soot a very very old badger, he lived a lot longer than most badgers do and he made this sword.” He draws the Blade Of The Northwinds forth and holds it up and the sunlight catches it just right, “Made with Soot’s very own paws as you see he was a Blacksmith and the best in the land. He made it fer his bother Darien and he passed it ta his son Powell…who passed it ta is son Zork, the other badger you seen.” He frowns now and goes quiet.

Xander walks forwards and lays a paw on the other badgers paw “What wrong?” He tilts his head “Mama calls you Uncle, that means you my Uncle too so your Uncle Zee” He smiles as a smile cheers anyone up, right?

Zee manages a smile “Yes I am Uncle Zee and I am just a little sad…..Zork was your mama’s father, he adopted her and so makes him your grandfather. He was the last to truly wield de blade. Even though Uncle Soot and I did save it for a short time after Powell died and I have it for now since your Grandfather Zork died. See he would of passed it on to your mother, but she is an abbey Sister and has chosen to stay an Abbey Sister, which means next in line is you”

Xander looks at the blade and whoas, he tilts his head “Why not go to other badger, to..ummm..Papa Oz, or cause he in order as well?”

Zee answers “Oz’s path was another, he does know the staff though and very well in fact. His path was not of the warrior. He is a protector of dibbuns though and watcher of them. He never was interested in wielding blade, even when he and his brother Zork were growing up. Zork was the oldest and Oz is the youngest of the two. So..and Oz never had a dibbun…well one that was able to grow up but that’s another story for another day young Xander.”

Xander smiles as he listens to the history of the blade, “And one day I will be a warrior and wield the blade my grandfather held. I will be strong and skilled like him one day!”

Little do they know tis history lesson is about to get ruined as traveling silent as he can in the woodlands and climbing a tree with the skill of a well-trained beast is a red furred ferret. But wears dead brown leaves over a brown and green hooded cloak and has his daggers and longbow with arrows with him as he watches both badgers every move.

Zee does a couple swings of the Blade and asks “So..Xander what is a blade for?” He asks and listens for a reply.

Xander blinks “To protect? “

Zee nods “It can be used for that correct, but tis main purpose lad is?

Cayson watches and loads an arrow onto his longbow and draws it back as he mutters to himself “Little…to the left please old fool, just a little to the left. I can wait all day” And he can as he is a trained assassin and he is following orders from his boss, go and kill the old badger..the dibbun he could capture, a gift for Zurrgg and maybe a future threat to good beasts if raised and tortured by evil beasts enough, a powerful weapon in the wrong paws you could say.

Xander thinks and kicks some dirt before he answers “To…make someone get dead…” He says quietly after a long pause

Zee looks surprised a beast this age can answer this that fast, in the first lesson as it took Zork by the 3nd lesson to get the correct answer of a weapons true purpose as no one was gonna tell him the answer, this is a figure out on your own thing “You are correct. It contains no secret spell, nor holds within its blade any magical power. This sword is made for only one purpose, to kill. It will only be as good or evil as the one who wields it. I know you will use it for good and never evil. “

Xander nods and reaches out to maybe touch the blade, “When can I start to learn to use it?”

Zee answers “When I feel ya have earned the right. You will likely learn to wield other weapons first, your grandfather did and there is other lessons to learn not just using the blade. Also strength be needed to hold and move the sword with ease and let it be an extension of ya self” He backs up and shows how to move it, it’s like a dance sort of. He made be slowing in age but he is still a skilled seasoned warrior. He walks a little to the side and shows a couple more moves and twirls the blade slowly.

And that’s the movement the ferret needed, the arrow is released as it sails towards its target in a deadly path ”Goodbye Zee Winters.” Cayson says with an evil smirk.

Xander watches him with great interest, not knowing the arrow that’s so close.

Zee is hit in the chest and falls backwards, the arrow catching on his thick winter cloak and clanking loudly onto the armor he forgot to take off, armor that had it not been there he would have far worse than a bruised chest, he would have an arrow in his heart as that’s where the dent is. The shock surely startled him and he falls backwards onto a pile of snow that’s still around as not all the snow has melted, a good deal is still around. His sword was griped tighter and the breath was still knocked from him. The armor hidden under his robes makes it hard to see breathing, there is a gash of red but it’s not blood. The arrow also hit a packet of red pepper and bright red ink, why red ink? Well an order beast wanted it for something and so he got it and now it’s ruined and most likely ruined the cloak that has soaked most of that blood red ink up.

Cayson smiles as he sees victory and jumps from the tree line, right away heading towards the most likely now scared dibbun ”Your mine now brat!”

Xander screams loudly as he sees Zee fall and then screams again when the ferret comes out of nowhere, his brief time not paying attention has got him caught by some ferret as he kicks and screams and even goes to bite if a paw is where he can reach it.

Zee is still on the ground and slowly his eyes flutter open as he had fallen backwards and left him temporarily knocked out from a tree root and the wind knocked from him as well. He hears the cry of the dibbun and something gives him the energy to get up, to hold the Blade Of The Northwinds Storm, no not blood wrath….but a force to protect, a force to stop the crying, a force to fight as he is up on his feet and very angry “Let…HIM..GO!!!”

Cayson kicks at the dibbun as the teeth connect to his paw “Shut up brat your caretaker is dead…he is…” His eyes widen in shock as he sees Zee, in what looks like blood standing there..alive!!”That’s not possible!!!!!”

Xander whimpers as he is kicked and shivers in fear. To make matters worse it looks like storm clouds are forming, he hates storms. He notices Zee and reaches a paw towards him “Uncle Zee…Uncle help me!!!” Tears go down his face.

Zee is not giving the ferret a chance, he angles the blade and snarls “ It’s possible ya poor excuse for a…..” Well it’s not the best word for dibbuns to hear, “Not…release him and then hold still and die!”

Cayson shoves the dibbun aside and draws his daggers” You will die, this will end quickly old fool and one who lives gets to keep the brat..too bad it won’t be you!” He flicks two daggers at the old badger and draws a last dagger out if needed.

Xander tumbles and yelps as his knee slams into a tree root and he whimpers in pain and covers his eyes not wishing to see death.

Zee keeps oddly calm as he slices at the ferret, one dagger misses and one enters his arm where the armor is not, he yanks the dagger out and tosses It aside and keeps coming at the ferret. Not speaking just slicing and slashing. Blocking when it is needed.

Cayson eyes widen, he gets a good size gash to the side and blood forms, he slices at the badger with his last dagger and backs into a tree.

Xander hides behind the tree and watches the fight wide-eyed.

Zee gets a cut on his cheek and then stabs forwards with the blade, his eyes narrowed as he pants a little starting to tire some.

Cayson sidesteps and the blade hits a tree, blood still pours from his side. He flicks the last dagger at Zee’s throat

Zee blocks it just barely with the blade and slams the hilt into the ferret’s shoulder.

Cayson yells out as his arm is broken in two places and yells “I surrender I surrender I will leave Mossflower and..and tell Lord Zurrgg to as well, he listens to me”

Xander stays where he is, not moving till he is told it’s safe to.

Zee nods and turns to pick up Xander if he can, “If you return you die” He says calmly.

Cayson at first looks like he will listen and then his eyes narrow and he grabs the dropped dagger with his good paw and jumps up to stab down at Zee’s unprotected neck, the armor doesn’t cover that!! It would be instant death!

Xander eyes widen in fear as he whimpers and points behind Zee and looks ready to bolt as he quickly tries to wiggle free just as he had allowed himself to be picked up.

Zee holds the dibbun close and with his other paw he swings the Blade Of The Northwinds Storm in an arch backwards as he spins around, he closes his eyes and keeps his other arm protectively around the dibbun, if he dies he is making sure the ferret has a hard time getting Xander free from his arm.

Cayson is just about to stab down when the badger’s blade meets his throat and he seems to freeze, he then falls sideways and his head is clearly apart from his body…the assassin is dead, very very dead.

Xander clings onto Zee tightly and hides his face in his fur.

Zee pants and shivers some, he looks to the dead ferret and Xander and takes a couple shaky breaths…”Lets..get to…abbey” He says and just starts walking, he is there in a half-hours’ time.

Xander never lets go of Zee till they are at the gates, even then he stays right at his side.

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

Coolness has swept into the air now, bringing with it the autumn leaves of the orchards. Coating the trails that lace and move through the dying grass and flowers. Regardless of the death of plants, the area is beautiful in its gold and orange season. The abbey is sporting the colors in full pride.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

So much for a simple walk, a quick lesson in what a sword is for, some ferret just had to interrupt the lesson in the grasslands. Zee walks in slowly, a little more slowly than he usually would and makes sure the smaller badger is following him and then the old badger leans on the wall and slides down to pant and finish catching his breath. There is some blood on his cloak, a cut on his cheek and his snout bleeds a little. No other visible wounds can be seen. He still holds the large blade that guard frowns at, yeah ONLY a badger could lift that as it sort of slips from his paw to rest beside him, it’s clear this fight worn him out pretty badly.

Xander whimpers, he is a little shaky and didn't want to see fighting that close up. He stays close to Zee looking worried and also is in no way letting one of the guards go near him, they are still strangers to him after all.

LilyMoore and Angela exit the gatehouse. One of the guards rushes over to them and whispers something to the old mouse, then the trio hurries over to the badgers. "What 'appened? Lily, go get my 'erb bag, and 'urry!" The young mouse nods and runs off towards the Abbey building as Angela goes to check the old badger for injuries and stuff.

Zee has yet to fully catch his breath before he speaks "Other beast....looks worse than I do lasss...." Other than the cut to his cheek and a bloody nose, no other injuries are found that’s serious. He does have a small gash on his arm. Moving the cloak shows...armor, he grunts.."Yeah..forgot ta..take that off...good thing...toooo"

Xander stays beside Zee and just stays quiet. He does trace the blade some but he doesn’t try and pick it up, he knows he should most likely not try to do that.

Smiling grimly, Angela nods. "I'm sure ye did justice. Catch yer breath, and don't worry, ye and the little one are safe now." LilyMoore comes running back as fast as she can (which is very fast, indeed), carrying her great-grandmother's healer's bag. "Here," she says a little breathlessly. The old mouse takes it with a grunt of thanks and, digging out an ointment, goes to dab some onto the big badger's little cuts. The young mouse looks anxiously at the Dibbun and says, "Are you okay???"

Zee nods slowly, "Deep...red ferret interrupted a..talk." He lays a paw on the large blade as he speaks again, "He be an .....an even deeper shade of red now and de..decided ta not listen and lost his head....so...yeah" He then breaths in and out slowly as he mutters"Too...old..for this......"

Xander frowns, he then nods, “Bad ferret try and hurt me. He fired arrow before he jumped from the tree and attacked. He was gonna take me away...then said he and Uncle Zee had fight and winner...would get to take me where..ever.." He is still a little freaked out from the fight.

LilyMoore offers the young badger a hug. "That must've been so scary. I'm sorry that it happened to you...." Angela hears the old badger's grumble and smiles. "Aye, we're both of us a bit too old to do much of anythin' adventurous. I'm glad that ye both made it back to Redwall safely. Do ye think ye 'ave yer breath back now?"

Zee nods, but only after a couple moments but stays seated. "Still..tried. The ferret works, or rather...worked for someone, this was not some random attack"

Xander lets the hug happen and nods, “Fights are bad and should not happen, but do still...and some are scary"

LilyMoore nods as she listens. "Yeah......some are really scary. But I'm glad that you're okay." Angela purses her lips and puts away her ointment, now that she's done with it. "Oh? Who was 'e workin' for? Do y'think 'is boss will send more beasts?"

"I don't know lass.....that was his main assassin and trust me his boss be worse" Zee goes to slowly stand if he can “Wildcat named Zurrgg and he has a crossbow, but tis not his crossbow as he stole it"

Xander nods, he goes to try and lift the large blade,"Yeah..." He says as he repeats something from a lesson earlier, "Blades are made to kill...and only one who has it choose if use it to help good or bad beasts and ferret was helping bad beasts." He gets it lifted and then falls backwards onto his bottom with a frown. It may be best if like 2-3 otters put that blade away now. He also luckily doesn’t cut himself with it.

Zee watches Xander lift the Blade Of The Northwinds Storm and blinks. “Well...careful with that lad, ya best wait a few seasons to fully hold that"

LilyMoore goes to gently try and help the Dibbun get out from under the sword and oofs as she suddenly gets an idea of just how heavy it is. 4 otter guards go to grab it from them and put it away with the rest of the weapons. Angela stands and lets the old badger try to stand on his own. "Zurrgg, hmm? One of that cat, Blisa's, guards came and told us that 'e 'ad been causin' problems and that they're searchin for 'im. I 'ope ye can catch 'im."

Xander watches as they take the blade away, he knows some of its history even if he never meet who held it before, he knows who it was "Grandpa sword is...heavy some" He stands up and dusts off his pants. He stays close to the adults.

Zee does get up and watches the guards put the blade away and nods. He frowns, his staff is in his room..wonderful..He clears his throat to talk" I do as well..I need a nap. Ya can tell Blisa and chiefy that de red ferret is dead and yeah I be fairly sure ya can’t live without a head..unless of course he be THAT good of an assassin that he not be needin' a head ta fight." He then turns and slowly walk to his room without another word.

"Well, that was pleasantly morbid," Angela mutters with some admiration. Lily watches the otters put the sword away and nods. "Yeah, it did look pretty heavy. My mother's axe is super heavy, too...." and she trails off. Will she ever be allowed to become a Warrior? Will she ever be allowed to ring the bells again? She hopes so.....maybe someday. The old mouse smiles at the Dibbuns and asks, "Did ye get 'urt in the fight, or are ye okay?"

Xander shakes his head "Not hurt..much" He does have a skined knee where he was shoved sideways. He frowns "Not want mama to find out wot happen, she might get mads"

Angela nods solemnly. "I'll make sure to not tell 'er. But I think ye should tell her eventually, okay?" She then goes to lead the 2 young ones to the infirm for a while. Unless he doesn't follow them, after she's checked the badger over, he can go wherever.

Zee meanwhile took off the armor and took a good long nap!! He then woke up in time for a late dinner.