A chat about berserkers and vacation for Lee (A but Marek's Revenge TP, only because without it, Angela would not be temporary Master Healer of Redwall)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Abbey Infirmary

Lee the otter. Angela the mouse.

Lee wanders into the Infirm, looking stressed, like always. His shoulder is still bandaged, so he figured he should probably get it checked out again.

Angela is in here, like always, checking on patients and doing all the other 1,001 tasks the Master Healer of a captured Abbey must do. As the otter comes in, she glances up and nods amiably. "Well, 'ello, Lee. 'Ow may I 'elp you?"

Lee points to his left arm. "Well, it's been a while since ye checked me shoulder. I been so busy since then, I only just managed ta get back now... Just wanna be sure it be healin' properly, y'know..."

Angela nods and heads over to the examination table, grabbing the needed supplies as she goes. "Well, then, 'ave a seat. I'll take a look-see." She seems to be in a rather good mood for a change. Which is good. Happy Angela is much less scary than angry Angela.

Lee nods, stepping over to the table and taking a seat. "Ye seem ta be in a good mood today. Wish I were..."

Angela nods as she goes to help the otter take his tunic off of his shoulder and start checking his wound. "Aye, I am. So this is a good time to tell me why ye are in such a bad mood?"

Lee moves his tunic, then sighs. "Ev'rythin', Angela. Absolutely ev'rythin'. I'm not sure anymore that I am fit for this job. I couldn't even keep vermin out, much less make 'em all leave... When an' if this is all over, I'm tellin' Lorimis that I need a break. I just need some time wi' me fam'ly... I've missed far too much wi' me wife an' son."

Angela just nods slowly as she unwraps the bandage and starts examinign the wound. "'Twasn't yer fault that Marek had a battering ram. And pray tell me 'ow ye think you could've stopped it? As fer takin' a break...everyoen needs time off sometimes. Just don't go away, alright? We may 'ave an 'ard time findin' a replacement if ye leave permanatly." What she doesn't say is that she would miss his confidence and personality. And the practice to check on minor wounds...

Lee shakes his head. "I dunno... I just feel like I failed disastrously by gettin' meself knocked out very quickly." He glances at Angela, "Oy, I ain't leavin' forever. No, I figure a couple weeks in Camp Willow, wi' me wife Stream'eart, an' me children Konrad an' Starlight will do me wonders. Might do a little fishin' for pleasure. I don't think Lorimis an' the other Elders would begrudge me two weeks o' rest. An' don't ye worry... Per'aps I'll leave Emyuil as actin' 'ead guard in me absence."

Angela frowns at the first part of his response, then nearly stutters. "Me grandson as Head Guard?! But...but...'e's just a young 'un! I...wh...ah..." she looks at the otter, askance. "Why?"

Angela rubs the back of her head, then continues with her work, goign to smear a sweet-smelling salve on the the healign wound. "Well, no. I geuss it'd be alright. I just....I wish I 'ad been there to see my grandchildren growin' up. I geuss I still sort of see Emyuil as too young to do much because I want to be in his life from the time 'e was born." Her brow furrows as she sighs. "I geuss for 2 weeks would be alright. It'd probably 'elp 'im let off some steam, and DoraRose could 'elp 'im not become big-'eaded."

Lee nods, watching the mouse work. "I know Emyuil would do a good job. I'd feel safer leavin' on a little vacation with 'im an' DoraRose, too, on guard."

Angela chuckles, but her smile doesn't reach her eyes. "DoraRose is too much like meself; she doesn't like to be bossed around much. It grates on us after a while. She 'as told me that she is a Berserker--ye may know it better as the Bloodwrath--so that adds a whole different aspect to it, too." She goes to rewrap the wound. "Lift yer arm, please. But I'm sure my grandchildren would do a good job protecting the place they now call 'ome."

Lee lifts his arm, and seems to be mulling something over. "A Berserker, ye say? Aye, I know the term Bloodwrath... I've 'eard badger lords frequently 'ave it..." The otter frowns. "I need ta speak to 'er about it... Somethin' I need ta know..."

Angela starts to wrap the bandage around the otter's shoulder. "Oh? I don't know of it personally, but the father of my son-in-law was also a Berserker, an' 'e told me allot for one of my books. I may be able to answer yer question."

Lee blinks, then nods slowly. He seems unsure how to voice his thoughts, but after a few moments, he says, "Well, ah... I were wonderin' if bein' a... Berserker just sorta 'appens all at once, or if it builds up, over... the more ye fight, the more likely it becomes, so ta speak..."

Angela smiles knowingly. "Ah...'tis a good thing ye asked me, because I am quite confident that my granddaughter has not done much research on the subject." She finishes rebandaging the wound and goes to wipe excess salve off her paws. "From all of my studies, I 'ave found that Berserkers are born that way, and it tends to, although doesn't necessarily, run in families. DoraRose's descendants may never gain the tendency towards Bloodwrath that the warrior side of her family has. That being said, they might. Also, it is rather rare for a creature other than a badger to 'ave Bloodwrath. And then there are the beasts who become Berserkers because they feel that they either 'ave nothing to loose or they are trying to escape from somethin'."

Angela shrugs. "I'm sure ye'll be alright. I have to check on a petient, but come back later and we can talk more, and ye can tell me what ye are worried about." She pats his paw, then walks off, giong into the Recovery Room to check on the said patient.

Thanks for reading!
