A Good Trick Part Two

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Mayeul's mind hasn't been on that fox for a while, so he is slow to put 2 and 2 together... "Sorry to hear that, lad... you should get one of the healers to fix you a nice wooden one when you get back.. hear the polishing they do makes it look almost real..."

Skuld looks from Aikuen to Kentar. She starts forward, then stops. Clearly at a loss at what to do next. "Give it back!" She demands, again, her paw curling into a fist around the other pebble.

Kentar yawns. "Just stop throwing pebbles and I will give it back" he says.

The kitten frowns. But drops the large pebble soon enough. And wordlessly awaits the return of her bag.

Aikuen Sighs and sheaths his sword, he looks to Fira smiles some and rubs his head where the pebble struck.

Kentar watches. "Toss the big pebble into the stream then you get your bag back"

Mayeul eyes the kitten, and wonders what everybody else is up to. He leans over towards Skuld and smiles, "Hi there, I'm Mayeul, what's your name?"

Skuld shakes her head. "You won't give it back if I do that!" But, she does take a step away from the pebble. And then eyes Mayeul suspiciously. "Why..? You're with them..!" Back to the stoat. "Give it back!"

Kentar chuckles. "I'm not giving it back anyways" he hides the bag behind his back for a split second before tossing it into the fire. But remember, the slight of paw rule...He can't keep a grin off his face.

Mayeul hmms, and looks at Kentar, then back at Skuld. He goes back to his conversation with Will, "So this fox, he /kidnapped/ you? Can you describe anything about where he took you?" He's beginning to put things together...

Fira tilts her head faintly to Aikuen, looking at the lump appearing before she shoots a frown at the kitten. She's piecing things together somehow.

Aikuen eyes go to the bag burning, and cant help but chuckle. He looks back to Fira and grins.

Skuld doesn't know about the slight of paw. She sees the bag going into the flames and panics, distraught. "No! No... Why did...?!" Her eyes narrow; rage is so much easier and pain easing than sorrow. She darts back to the heavy pebble and lifts it over her head, wanting to hurt the stoat. But, she doesn't throw the stone at him. She decides to fling it, as hard as she can, at Garnet.

Will nods at the mouse, "Been t see th healers already. I'm /fine/." He turns his head to watch the others. "Garnet, watch out!" he calls over unable to stop the rock headed toward the stoatmaid.

Fira flinches slightly, like she couldn't see that backfiring. Doesn't really approve anyway but too late now.

Kentar Blinks and launches himself between the stoatmaid and the stone, getting there just before it hit her, getting hit himself instead of her, the stone clashing against his armor, making an extremely loud cling off it, as he flies though the air, landing on the ground. That impact seemed to hurt more then the stone did. "You little..." he growls. Garnet was on her footpaws by then, blinking and wondering what happened. "What?"

Skuld is running towards the fire, oblivious to the heat and the flames that lick and start to burn her paws, fur smouldering. She has to retrieve whatever remains of what she believes is her bag.

Kentar Blinks and launches himself between the stoatmaid and the stone, getting there just before it hit her, getting hit himself instead of her, the stone clashing against his armor, making an extremely loud cling off it, as he flies though the air, landing on the ground. That impact seemed to hurt more then the stone did. "You little..." he growls. Garnet was on her footpaws by then, blinking and wondering what happened. "What?"

Skuld is running towards the fire, oblivious to the heat and the flames that lick and start to burn her paws, fur smouldering. She has to retrieve whatever remains of what she believes is her bag.

Will wrinkles his nose at the smell of burning cat. "Should we let her kill herself?" he asks almost cheerfully.

Mayeul stares dumbly at the violent act, and looks relieved when it is prevented. He tries to converse again with the kitten, "So, you're /not/ with these other beasts? Were you traveling all by yourself?"

Aikuen looks just in time as the stone hits Kentar. He shakes his head and runs toward Skuld grabbing her up in his arms, and diving into the water. His fur is burned a bit, but its not like he hasn't done this before. He bursts from the water and holds Skuld by the scruff.

Kentar checks the dent in his armor. "I say its a good idea, or let me do it" he growls, standing up. Garnet goes over and checks him over a few times. "Are you alright, Kentar?" he nods some.

Mayeul is trying to have a conversation with her even as she's burning her paws to retrieve that bag? If she weren't so focused, she might find that amusing. The cat is a little preoccupied to answer, needless to say. And then she's being grabbed and plunged into the water, attached to an otter. "Nooo! My... my bag..!

Will frowns a little at Aikuen but letting the cat burn /would be/ kinda mean. "Kentar?" the rat asks looking over to the stoat, "Ya alright?"

Kentar looks at Will, nodding. "I'm fine...my armor is dented though, but I'm fine."

Mayeul is ignored as the kitten runs past and almost into the fire! He looks around at the pandemonium and almost protests the act of throwing water on the fire, but it's night and the smoke probably won't be seen. He starts to be reminded of the more petty, annoying drama of the abbey - which is /still/ better than the real kind.

Skuld hangs limp, finally, in Aikuen's grasp. Her eyes focus on where the fire was. Her expression is sullen and she's silent as she dangles there.

Aikuen walks out of the stream, still holding Skuld by her scruff. He shakes her a little bit and says, "Are you going to leaves us alone now? Your bag is now extra crispy..." He chuckles.

Kentar sits down and practically has Garnet hanging off of him. "Thank you for saving me" she says, giving Kentar's cheek a kiss, making him frown again. "Its a stone, even if I didn't, you would have been sore for a few hours. Nothing more."

Fira keeps hold of the pot, resting it on her shoulder, she's not sure if she has good enough reason to hit anyone with it yet but the option's there.

"...I'll kill you all." The kitten's voice is rather quiet. A mumble. And the only thing to change in her face is a narrowing of her eyes. She continues to hang, limply.

Mayeul shivers at the quiet determination of the kitten, and just sits by the fire... he looks back at Will, the only one he knows that isn't busy... "So! I'd like to hear about what you all have been through on your travels... where did you go? Were you successful in your mission? All that sort of thing..."

Kentar looks over to Skuld. "Go ahead and try! "

Aikuen shakes her again, "Oh thats not very nice... There is no abbey to protect you now! And what do you plan to do... throw more rocks at us?"

Skuld doesn't respond to being shaken. She huffs, quietly. Lost in her own mind. Plotting, perhaps.

Will smirks, "This isn't the Abbey, cat. So you might want to be careful about who you're threatening. If you don't behave you might get hurt." He's ears move to catch what Mayeul said, "We went to th Eastern shore and as to what happened .... nothing worth discussing really, except we'll have to tell Sister Mary that her mother is now dead."

Mayeul looks down at the ground, "Oh, well that's a shame I guess... nothing to show for your trouble but sadness and emptiness, kind of like how I feel leaving that nasty Ruingate place. The whole trip, not really worth much except to show me that my place may be at Redwall after all..."

Aikuen shakes Skuld again, "Nothing eh? That's fine..." He uses his free paw, and punches her neck to Knock her out.

Skuld was already limp and silent. But now has extra reason to be. She's no longer awake.

Kentar sits down on his bed roll. "I'm going to grab a nap" he says, closing his eyes.

Will turns his full attention to the mouse now, "Oh? Well Redwall /does/ need beasts there to take care of things. I may be around there a bit more when we get back myself .... a friend you could say strongly suggested it."

Fira sighs faintly "I'm starting to miss the weeks we don't have someone looking to kill us."

Mayeul nods, and stares into space... He hopes that Drago fellow doesn't change his mind and come searching for him... as for Odilo, he doesn't even suspect a thing...

Aikuen laughs and places her on the ground. Unwrapping his sling, he ties all four paws together. Then taking the cat he places her to a nearby tree, making sure she is face up so she doesn't choke or anything. He sighs and walks over to Fira, "First time in awhile I guess..."

Mayeul looks over at Aikuen and the new stranger, Fira. "Oh yeah? Well, I never miss it, because it never goes away for me. Some advice, /never/ swear an oath to /anybody/."

Will chews his lip realizing what he'd just done. The warrior mouse would not like this one bit. The rat closes his eyes feeling sick at what he'd done .... taking her bag had been /his/ idea .... of all the times for Kentar to listen to him ....

Fira never got in so much trouble before she travelled with them, at least she's smart enough not to point this out. She waits for Aikuen to get back, going to rest against his side and slip her free arm round his back, the other still holding the pot. She hehs to Mayeul "No worries. Not the sort of thing I'd like. Free beast."

Mayeul nods at Fira, "Mayeul, by the way... decided to wait until those two were done to introduce myself, hope you don't mind." He smiles and looks between Fira and Aikuen, "Are you two...? A traveling pair?" He grins.

Garnet lays down next to Kentar, figuring it wouldn't be minded. She just cuddles against him and drifts off to sleep and if Kentar was awake, he'd have moved.

Aikuen takes his arm and wraps it around her middle, he tilts his head and says to Mayeul, "You could say that, yes..."

Mayeul's grin turns into a full-on smile, "Well then! I guess your time spent escaping death was well worth it? Good for you, both of you!" He sighs, and looks at Garnet sleeping against Kentar. Should he give the rat a hug? Nahhh...

Will can't bear to look at the cat any more. He feels like he's going to throw up .... "Why'd Kentar burn her stupid bag anyway?" he groans to himself as he leans forward and unwilling empties the contents of his stomach all over himself. As he retches somewhere in his brain he wonders if this is the armored mouse's revenge on him for what they did to Skuld.

Fira waves her pot once to the introduction "Fira, don't mind at all, lot easier..." she aims a small smirk at Aik "Suppose we are now" her attention's slowly travelled over his shoulder to watch Garnet. Nosey she is. Right. She blinks and looks back to Mayeul again, missing close to everything he says. The distracted deaf apparently make for bad conversationalists "Yes, right" if it's the wrong response she'll likely find out in a minute. She just catches sight of Will though and flinches, straightening up a little. Not good.

Mayeul quickly scoots over as a reflex, to avoid any splashing stomach contents... ewwwww.... "You okay, mate? Something you had to eat perhaps?" He pats the rat's back, "You'll feel better after." He answers Fira, "What's that? Oh, um... yes. Right. So are you from these eastern shores Will was speaking of?"

Aikuen kisses Fira on the head and says, "Excuse me... Fatherly duties..." He sighs and lets go of her, going over to his pack to retrieve the medical kit. He pulls out a Brown Vial and kneels to Will, "Here, that'll ease the stomach..." Will is skeptical at first, knowing medicine that's been used in the past. but he takes and drinks a little bit of it. He vomits again, and falls to the ground. Aikuen becomes alarmed and sniffs the vial, "Right medicine... Just didn't like it apparently..." He picks up the passed out form of Will and goes to the river to wash off the sick.

Fira is distracted again, sorry Mayeul. She grimaces a little, watching Aikuen and Will "Probably one of those bugs he's been eating, he'll sleep it off..." she slowly looks back to the mouse with a small shake of the head "Sorry, apparently it's just one of those odd days...what was it you were saying?"

Mayeul repeats his question, "Oh, yes... are you from the eastern shores? Will was telling me about it."

Fira ahhs and shakes her head "No, I'm actually from Mossflower...just tagged along when they were passing by on the dirt road. Already met Will a couple of times before that and he just asked if I wanted to come along"

Mayeul nods, "I didn't get to see much of Mossflower outside of the abbey, unfortunately. It /is/ quite beautiful, though... I tend to miss out on the lovely outdoors for being locked up in places like Ruingate and Redwall, not to mention back home..." He sighs again, then adds, "But I do get to travel a lot, or at least did. As a scout and messenger, among other things..."

Aikuen returns with a now free of sick Will. He goes and places him on his own bedroll, then goes back to Fira and replaces his arm around her middle. He nods to Mayeul but remains quite to the conversation.

Fira smirks faintly "From the sounds of things you should consider getting out more, travelling" Aik gets a little glance as he returns and once more her arm circles his back. Soppy pair.

Will twitches in his sleep but otherwise seems to be ok.

Mayeul nods, is feeling sleepy himself, "Yeah, well I think this one outing has been enough travel for me, for a while... wouldn't mind a tour of the great Mossflower Woods, though. As long as..." He really doesn't want to talk about that right now, so he just trails off, "Yeah, I'd like that..."

Aikuen nods some, "A tour of Mossflower is great... up until the point that some bandit tries to kill yah..." He chuckles at his logic.

Mayeul is getting very uncomfortable with all the reminders of what lurks in Mossflower... suddenly he thinks about that owl that was killing everybody in the abbey... which reminds him of Turmal, "Yeah, I guess it's better to be safe behind stone walls... certain ones, anyway. Certainly /not/ the ones I've just come from..."

Fira smirks faintly "I'm not sure how many times on this trip there's been beasts trying to kill us. I really doubt Mossflower could be any worse" she glances back to Mayeul "It's a nice place to wander about. Generally I've never had much of a problem there before...it's a big place, not enough bandits to fill it"

Then some beasts just seem to be incredibly unlucky, Mayeul thinks... "I suppose you're right... but the area immediately around the abbey is particularly vulnerable I would imagine. How far from the abbey do you live?"

Will sits up with a groan slowly coming awake, "Ugh, Wot Happen? ... Not /too/ far, though Pa always gets lost in th woods."

"Near th river," Will adds to clarify.

Aikuen sticks out his tongue at Will, "Yes... I know... Stop reminding me..." He can't help it, his old home was mostly wastelands.

Fira shakes her head "Lot closer to the bridge over the Moss so half a day, maybe a day north and west a bit. Far enough out the way to keep things quiet" once more she's oblivious as Will wakes up, until Aikuen speaks to someone else anyway and she glances round, spotting Will "Feeling alright?"

Mayeul yawns wide, looking up at the moon... judging by its position it's a few hours to midnight yet... "Well, I think I'm going to find a nice spot to rest for the night... I wish us all better luck on our way back, if we somehow part ways before then. Goodnight!"

Will makes an effort to face Fira as he says, "I've been better but I guess I'm alright." Having said this he lays back down so his head will stop spinning.

Aikuen smiles and nods, "Goodnight to you mate!" He sighs and looks to Will, "Sorry about the medicine... didnt think it would have that effect... Heh..."

"Yeah," Will says quietly. "Pa, what's gonna happen to Skuld?" he asks regretting coming up with the idea for the prank that started this whole mess.

"If I give her back her bag, she'll be happy. that's probably what will happen with her" Kentar's voice says from the fire. He managed to sneak there without waking the stoatmaid or making any kind of noise.

The rat's eye widens, "What! You didn't burn it after all? You could have said something sooner ya know!" while he still feels a bit sick most of it has passed upon hearing the stoat's revelation.

Fira nods once to Will, feels a little bad for him, doesn't want to make him keep moving for her benefit. She offers a small kiss towards Aikuen's cheek "I'm going to go for a swim. See if I can find a fish" movement of Kentar causes her to give him a glance "It didn't burn?...Well, maybe we should just leave it with her in the morning if she's still out and just move on"

Aikuen looks to Will, "Im going to let her go... sort of...Im going to tie her forepaws together... so she will be able to escape eventually... and give us enough time to make our way... Respect the wishes of someone...and not kill her." He looks to Kentar, but Aik doesn't look surprised, "Switched it out huh?" He smiles to Fira, "Alright... Might join you later!" He winks at her

Kentar grins and places his paw behind his back, pulling out the bag from his belt. "I'm a stoat. A thief...So..." he laughs. "Haven't done the trick in seasons" he then nods at Fira. "Its a good idea, yes"

The rat lays back down tired rather than sick. "Don't do /that/ I thought you really burned it and then if she got free and it was gone, she'd hunt us down ..... and if she found out it was /my/ idea .... that would /not/ be good. I'm glad it work out though she deserved it for what she said and what she's said before ...." he settles back grinning up at the stoat, "It was a good trick though."

Kentar laughs. "I'd have killed her if she laid a paw on you Will" he smiles. "Thanks though, it was enjoyable."

Will laughs, "Shame she didn't then."

Kentar Grins. "That it is."

Aikuen watches as she leaves to the river. Sighing he goes to the fire and plops down, rubbing his eyes.

Will sits back up so he can see Aikuen, he's feeling much better already. "You ok, Pa?" he asks.

Kentar looks to Aikuen as well. "Yeah, mate, you alright?"

Aikuen sighs and nods his head, "Just... Fine..." He sighs again.

Will chews his lip, "Are you mad at me?" he asks figuring the otter had over heard him admitting taking the cat's bag was his idea.

Kentar tilts his head. "You don't seem fine Aikuen."

Aikuen chuckles and says, "Mad... why?" He tilts his head and looks to Kentar, "Well... To tell you the truth... I wanted to Kill Skuld... so badly... If i didn't leave...I don't know..." He rubs his eyes, "And im afraid that my killing instinct will come up later in life... and im going to regret it"

Kentar Sighs and goes to Pat Aikuen on the shoulder. "Mate, if you remember, I tried...to kill her. Fira moved her out of the way. It isn't just you..."

Will sighs, "You forgetting who you're traveling with or what? Or do you think /you/ enforced the all trespassers will be killed rule back home?"

Kentar again pats his otter friend's shoulder, "Look Aikuen. Your a fighter. A fighter always has a need to kill...always. Kill bugs. That works sometimes" he says, before looking to Will, and going quiet.

Aikuen looks to Will, "That was different... I didn't kill him because he was trespassing...He didn't care about Moledeep... I killed him because he was hunting me down..." He looks to Kentar, "Ill be fine... I could care less if the kitty died or not... Its... someone else who might not like it... if i did..." He takes a quick glance at the river.

Kentar tilts his head. "Who would not like it?" he asks.

Will rolls his eye, "Granted. But that old rat ... remember him? /He/ was killed for trespassing."

Aikuen ohs, He forgot about him, "That's true..." He sighs and looks to Kentar, "Do I really need to explain it?... It has something to do with..." He nods to the river again, "...Fira..."

Kentar shakes his head. "You don't need to explain anything if you don't want to."

"So you're not mad? Good," the rat doesn't know what else to say but if the otter isn't mad at him he won't give him a reason to /be/ mad at him.

Aikuen looks to them both, but decides to start with Will, "Mad? Why would I be mad?" Then to Kentar, "The reason I want to stop... She doesn't like when i kill and fight... I don't want her to go, because of that..."

Kentar nods. "I know Aikuen, I know. You've said it to me before" he says before yawning. He looks over to his Bedroll which Garnet seems to have taken for herself. "I suppose I'll be sleeping next to the stream then."

"No reason," the rat says figuring sooner or later the otter will stop asking.

Aikuen shrugs, "If you want too mate... bet she wouldn't mind much if you shared with her... Hahaha" He laughs for a good while, before sighing and shrugging to Will. He doesn't care enough right now, to continue to ask.

Kentar eyes Aikuen. "I would mind," he mutters.

Aikuen chuckles, "Okay... Okay... Go sleep next to the stream if yah wish..." He pushes a nearby rock with his paw.

Since the otter doesn't push the matter the rat figures it's too late to talk about it or it wasn't as bad a thing to do as he'd thought. He stands up and stretches walking off a ways to dig himself a burrow for the night.

Kentar eyes Aikuen again. "Why do you seem to be pushy?" he asks.

Aikuen smiles, "No reason mate... She does seem to take a shine to you though..." He chuckles and stands up, popping his back.

Kentar Eyes him more. "I'd take a shine to anyone who saved my life too."

Will chuckles softly to himself as he overhears the other two while burrowing.

Aikuen nods but cant help but laugh, "Well... Yah, but... that's one way to get started" He begins to take off his weapons and toss them into his pack. And he continues, "Yah... I know your not interested... But stuff like this doesn't come around every day..."

Kentar looks to the stoatmaid. "Well...I..." he pauses.

Aikuen nods, and pops his neck. He then says, "Just... think about it..."

Will pops his head out of his new burrow, his whiskers just brushing the sides of the opening. He cranes his neck out to see if the other two are still where he'd left them or not.

Kentar hrms. "Think...about what?"

Aikuen heads over to the stream, and dips a footpaw in, "Nothing..." He continues to go forward into the stream. He looks to Will and grins, "I'm going to go be all 'mushy' with Fira... I'll be back later tonight...Watch Skuld for me please..." He dives in without a splash, and is soon lost to the waters. Though a few minutes later, who can hear Fira eeping and Aikuen laughing.

Kentar was about to say something until Aikuen vanished. "I hate it when he does that" he grumbles.

Will grins a little, "Could have been worse. She could have come over here instead."

Kentar hrms. "not quite what I meant."

Will shrugs, "You could go after him if you want but I wouldn't." He sit outside his freshly dug burrow to watch Skuld as ordered. The burrow he dug is custom built for him and him alone so not much chance of beasts following him in there.

Kentar Shrugs. "Why would I want to watch him get...Mushy with Fira"

Will says, "You wouldn't if your smart, so if you want to talk to him you'll have to wait til he's not so busy. When do you think the cat will wake up?"

Kentar nods and shrugs. "I guess and I don't know really" he says. "I'm just wondering when Garret is going to wake up"

Will shrugs again, "Don't know. If you want you can use my bedroll, I wont need it."

The rat nods and points to the burrow he dug, "Warm enough in there as it is and no room for it even if it wasn't."

Kentar nods and smiles some. "Thanks then."

Will smiles, "Welcome. Haven't really needed to use it much except when we were at the sea shore." He slips partway into his burrow, laying half in and half out of it so he can watch Skuld, "Sand's not any good for digging in," he mutters for the hundredth time. The rat doesn't seem too eager to go to the sea shore again for a while.

Kentar nods and looks back over to Garnet. "Guess she now has a bedroll too" he hehs.

Will nods resting his head on his arms for a bit not taking his eye off the tree where the kitten is tied up. As always his ears swivel about taking in all the various sounds of the night.

Kentar hrms and lays on the empty bedroll.

"You ok?" the rat asks quietly, his ears move toward the stoat's direction though the rest of him does not.

Kentar hrms and tilts his head. "I'm just...never mind."

"Ok. ...... Good night," Will says, eye still fixed on the tree with the cat.

Kentar nods some. "Night" he closes his eyes and sighs.

The rat dirfts off sometime around dawn and crawls into his burrow to sleep.