A Good Day For A Reunion-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Log

A short but very nice role play in the abbey

Those Involved:

oz-Papa Oz and dibbun caretaker of Redwall

Kiara-Hare and Guest of Redwall

Cynthia-Mouse and Redwall Resident

-Spoofed Dibbuns

-Spoofed Sister Ginny

-Spoofed Sister Belle

Oz was having a little trouble with the dibbuns this morning, they didn’t want to sit and eat breakfast and seemed more restless than usual, one main reason being the circus as coming so he cleared his throat “There will be no fun today if you do not calm yourselfs and have breakfast, and there is still lessons to be learned, we can go to the open ground in the afternoon as they are not here just yet”

Cynthia was here and just smiled “But they are here soon though Papa Oz, I may not being my dibbun season but it will be fun still none the less and Oswald is with them.”

Oz nods and smiles “Yes a good day and a lot need some fun and enjoyment after the past several weeks of trouble here and at Camp Willow”

Cynthia sighs “Yeah heard about Camp Willow and luckily missed any trouble with that wildcat and marten that had Ferravale and some of the road and woods under control for a while, glad that is all in the rightful paws now”

Oz answers “Yes so is a lot of beasts.” The dibbuns had calmed down with their hopes of being able to have a fun filled afternoon. They did eat more slowly than usual, but they were quiet and sitting still…for now.

Cynthia nods “I am gonna go find Caleb, and maybe practice my singing and harp playing, see you later!” She waves and heads out to the entry.

Oz waves and starts to sit down “Now lessons today will be shorter I promise as does Sister Ginny” The hedgehog sister nods “yes just a short review in reading and writing class and Papa Oz has a short lesson on counting and a story to tell of a time Martin the Warrior meet a traveling circus group” There was cheers after this and then the badger calmed them down.

The entry of one Sister Belle was about to maybe change plans for the day, least a little as she walks up to the badger and taps him on the shoulder “Oz…your needed in the guest quarters its important”

Oz raises an eyebrow and tilts his head “Why what is the matter Sister Belle?” He does get up, and this after he has sit. The dibbuns frown as he gets up “I will be right back.” He walks over to the doorway with the sister “What is the trouble?”

Belle frowns “The hare maid guest, she is having a nightmare or something and refuses to talk to anyone, but your name was mentioned as a beast to talk to as she seemed to mutter your name when she was having a nightmare”

Oz hmms softly and nods “We can skip math today” Yep that got a large cheer and a chuckle from Oz” Just today my dibbuns, tomorrow is a longer lesson” And now sad sighs,”But dibbun day is the day after that and a from lessons” A cheer again as he smiles and leaves Sister Ginny in charge and follows Sister Belle to the guest room and walks in.”Hello?”

The guest room is somewhat clear, all are eating breakfast now except a hare maid and this is just so out of place it’s insane. A hare refusing to eat? Maybe the world is ending or this is more serious than one thinks. The hare maid is Kiara, she looks up at the familiar voice and wipes away some tears as she rushes over and just hugs him tightly, burying her face in his robes and lets herself have a good cry for a few moments. She finally speaks after a cough to clear her throat “Papa Oz…your alive, I..I though never see you again but you’re here and you’re alive and I am glad!”

Oz manages to stay balanced as he is suddenly hugged and gets a look of curious surprise, he tries to work out just who has suddenly hugged him, then a question “Kiara?”

Kiara nods “It’s me. I…I missed you and though after that day you and the others were surely to be killed by that insane fox Stormfeather.” She leans back to better look at him, “Don’t you recoize…..”She stops mid word and gasps, noting one change that’s new, well to her, “Your…you are... blind”

Oz lets the hare maid talk and nods to the blind question “ Yes, about 3 seasons after that time…came on slowly. I do recognize you by voice and there is footpaw steps that I will learn in a day or two but one’s voice rarely changes much, a voice change happens mainly from dibbun to teen and on to adult in some.” He then returns the hug “I am glad you are here and found your way home Kiara. Me and other were deeply troubled when you disappeared and after a time thought you dead. You can tell your tell at a later time, not now as I do not wish to see one upset during a week when one is to be full of life and happiness”

Kiara smiles at the hug “Yeah..later is good and I am glad to be home also Papa Oz”

Oz smiles “Come Kiara, the circus will be here very soon, this very day…let us be among the ones who greet it” He then escorts her on to the open ground, after breakfast of course.