12.06.08 - Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Part II (Dirt Road TP - Aftermath)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Location: Redwall Infirmary

Characters Involved: Zade, Darklett, Taye, Tameus

Zade finally trudges up the steps and into the infirmary, which is, predictably.. kind of cluttered. But he's got two officers with him, dammit. Someone come give them some attention.

Brother Miles does, of all people! The efficient Head Healer approaches Darklett, while an assistant approaches Zade and Taye. "Nasty bit of business this evening, hm?"

It seems that adrenaline is finally waning for the major, and that stab to his side really starts hurting. Darklett sort of leans towards the injury, both paws pressing on it. He's bleeding. Yes he is. The major looks up at Brother Miles with a grimace. "Yeah," is his answer.

Nasty. Sure. Let's call it that. Good word. ".. well we /won/," Zade points out, and lowers Taye onto a cot. "Y' still with me, Lieutenant?" A glance goes at Darklett. Yeah, they've both seen better days.

Taye nods, though he looks rather green about it. The pantleg is cut away to reveal the leg, which is swollen and just. Wrong. His knee doesn't look like a knee anymore. But he's not bleeding! ^.^

"Uhm," the otter says, brows up. Not something you see every day.

"Well, let's you, then," Brother Miles gestures at Darklett. "On your side." The, uh. Other one.

Darklett nods, laying down on a cot so his injured side is up. The major closes his eyes, sighing through his teeth. Frustration, pain, both! He does keep trying to glance over to see how Taye's doing. No real good view, though.

In through the noise and chaos of the infirmary, as things start to settle and the last of the wounded are tended to, Tameus creeps. He was shooed out earlier, and now returns to search for Harper - but before he can find the novice his eyes alight on Darklett and Taye, in adjacent cots, and he scoots over, ducking into the space between them with a worried glance at the pair. "Not gonn' die, are y'?"

Ew, Tam, don't look at his leg. The Brother's assistant glances up when Tameus speaks, hastily throwing a cloth over the lieutenant's leg. "No, Tam, m'not gonna die."

Zade settles himself in a seat near to the two hares. First transportation otter, now bodyguard otter.

Tam gets a peek at the leg before it's covered, and cringes. "'ll be righ' back," he mumbles, and scampers off.

Brother Miles gets to work, first cleaning and then sewing. A poultice will go next, but not yet. "How's the pain?"

"Imagine you're gettin' stitches, but instead of a needle they use a sword, and then do a terrible job. It hurts." Darklett grimaces again, biting at his tongue. "Sorry. Thanks." At least he seems to realize what a huge mean hare he's being.

Once Tam has gone off, the assistant lifts the cloth away. "This is going to hurt," he murmurs, while going to stand at the foot of the bed. He calls over another, who takes hold of the leg above the knee. The assistant takes it below the knee. And starts to haul and twist on it. Yeah. It hurts. Taye considers the pluses and minuses of passing out.

Tameus returns midway through the twisting and hauling of Taye's leg. He has Taye-doll in his hold, and worries at one ear with his teeth.

Brother Miles looks unfazed. "It's quite all right, young man."

Darklett nods, eyes closing. He takes a deep breath, and sighs out at least a little of his tension.

Tameus glances at the Brother, then at Taye again, as one of the helpers goes to get ice from outside. He watches as it's packed into cloth and this is pressed around the swollen knee. "Taye," the kit says quietly.

It's only by sheer force of will that Taye doesn't start yelling. His brow is soaked in sweat, but he does turn his head to the side at Tam's tiny voice. He grimaces. "H-hi."

"Y' don' look s' good," Tameus mumbles, edging closer. He glances down at the doll, then holds it out. "Y' can hold ont' Taye f' a while."

Soon enough, the brother is applying the poultice, the major sighing through his teeth as it's placed on his wound, and he's asked to lift up slightly so bandages can be wrapped around his midsection. He doesn't seem too bothered by this, and he's not grumbling and grumping, at least, anymore.

Taye takes the doll. Hugs it to his chest in one paw. Smiles weakly. "... Thanks, Tam." Whisper. "How's Dark doin'?"

"I d'nno," Tam mumbles, and looks over. He gives Taye a glance and then moves to Darklett's side, reaching to touch his hand. "Y' gonn' be arright, Dar'lett?"

Taye turns his head to the side, to watch the pair. He's shaking a little bit, and trying not to. "Be nice t'get back to the peace 'n' quiet of the Shore. Haha. Ha." He amuses himself.

Darklett looks over at the young hare... Forcing himself to crack a smile. "Yeah, I'm gonna be just fine, Tam. Thanks for askin'." He reaches over and ruffles Tam's headfur. The bandaging is in place, and he looks gratefully to the Brother.

Brother Miles nods his welcome before departing himself from the group. "Call if you need anything."

Tameus edges up to perch on Darklett's bed, facing Taye but turning his muzzle to look at the Major. His face shows a bit of a smile, hand on top of Darklett's. "Was 't th' same vermin that 'urt y' a few days ago?" he asks.

"No, not the same ones." The major shakes his head, propping himself up to sit upright. "Different ones. But we chased these ones off." He glances over at Taye, curiously.

"Who were th' ones las' time?" the leveret asks.

"I'm not sure. Seemed like just some robbers." Darklett shrugs one shoulder. "Not the same kind of bad beasts as this group."

"So y' went out t'day 'cause y' knew th' vermin were there, righ'?" Tameus asks. His slips his fingers under Darklett's hand and holds onto it.

"Yeah, we didn't want them causin' any trouble." Darklett sighs, leaning up against the wall and staring up at the ceiling. "So, we brought the trouble to them, and now they'll probably think twice about it." Well, that's the aim.

Indeed it is. Took out a nice number of them, too. Taye grunts, sounding pleased.

Tameus smiles a little at this, nodding. "Three times, e'en." He taps at Darklett's hand, and glances at Taye - then back to the Major. "So why were y' out las' time?"

"There's 'nother place near 'ere, isn' there?" the kit follows up.

Darklett dips his head a little. "Oh, we were out on a scouting patrol. I guess that's what was supposed to happen, is we get attack and take care of troublemakers. So maybe we'll get more bad beasts thinking tw- er, three times about causin' trouble, right?"

The healer has returned. And is wrapping Taye's leg up, to help keep the swelling down even moreso. He'll no doubt be splinted, too. But Taye doesn't seem very aware of any of this, just now. He seems to've fallen off into a dazed sleep.

Tameus nods. He's less concerned about asking questions than making sure the guys are okay. They're His Officers, anyway. "Dar'lett," he mumbles, "can I sleep 'ere with y'? 'Arper's busy."

"...Yeah, yeah you can." Darklett scoots and pats the bed next to him. "Just as long as you don't snore." He unprops himself, sliding his pillow back down and resting his own head on the one edge of it. "I'm just about ready to get some rest anyway."

"I won' snore if y' don' snore," the kid mumbles, smiling a little. He reaches to gather up a blanket from the foot of the cot, pulling it up and tucking it carefully around Darklett, then crawls over next to him and lays down. He pulls the blanket over them an nestles in, head on the other part of the pillow, muzzle tucked against Darklett's shoulder.

Darklett is asleep soon after this. Worn /out./