
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Rothal, Zeraph, Jarril, Taye, Keita, Nagia, Slain, & Jarsune.

Halyard Village: West Square

Rothal appears to have survived the battle on the beach, although after being passed by for dead by the healers, he spent most of his time trying to recover enough to drag himself to the village gates. He stops here, sweaty, and covered in sand and whatnot, slumped against a pile of debris. Bedraggled hare. :P

Zeraph is moving about the village, seemingly bored now that the action is over for the time being. The fighter makes his way through the street, sword returned to the sheath on his back and ears lowered back. Suddenly the buck notices Rothal. Oh crap, he'd forgotten about him! He moves towards the wounded runner. "Oh, Roth!"

Jarril, however is right at the front again where the makeshift barrier is. Siting down and leaning against the wall, the major yawns slightly while rubbing an apple over his uniform top and takes a bite. "Bad show this. Fight and then bally well get boring and all that, wot." Peering through a crack at the empty centre of the village. "Hmmm, be nice ta stretch the legs but don't know what they're up ta over there..."

Rothal glances up at Zeraph, putting on his 'yeah, it's me' grin, though it's a little more messed up than usual. His face is cut pretty bad, after all. He doesn't talk, exactly. More of a groan.

Zeraph cusses under his breath and feels bad about forgetting the runner. He kneels to help him up, so that Rothal can use him for support. The buck clenches his teeth slightly. "Roth, I'm sorry..I should have come and got you.." The fighter sighs deeply.

Taye appears with a small gaggle of other runners with an armful of driftwood piled high in his arms. Apparently the lot had been sent off for supplies, and since one always needs wood for burning, they have returned with this. Moving over to one of the buildings, they deposit their loads there, with the usual black-slapping and so on.

Rothal struggles up with Zeraph's aid, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "No problem, 'Raph. h'I've been forgotten before, and h'it'll happen again, with mah luck. Have any healers around here?" His voice is a little more hoarse than usual, and a thin trickle of blood dribbles down the corner of his mouth.

Jarril getting up once more, the major moves back to his duties, leaving the guard to keep an eye on the wall as he heads off elsewhere.

Zeraph has to pause as the runners move past with the driftwood, ears lowering further against his skull. The fighter helps Rothal move along, in search of Keita perhaps. "..you shouldn't have to talk like that.." He has a slight limp himself, though it is from the previous dagger wound. "K should be around I think.."

Rothal nods. "Great.. h'I could use some help. Just get me someplace where h'I can sit down, first..." He wipes blood away from his mouth, glancing at the now bloody paw, then wiping it on his tunic.

Zeraph bobs his head understandingly. "Of course.." The buck maneuvers the other towards the empty home that they were using earlier, letting Rothal sit down on the bed that Jarsune was layed upon. "There you are..I'll be /right/ back." The fighter runs out of the house to find some help.

Rothal nods once more. "Thanks.." He sits down slowly. Not much else you can do in a situation like this. So, he sits, staring unhappily out a window, periodically wiping blood from his face while he waits for Zeraph to come back. His ears twitch once or twice as he just hears beasts moving around outside, but none are Zeraph, at least for the moment.

Zeraph hurries along in the direction of no other, but the tavern, figuring that the doe will be hiding away in there, doing something or other. The buck knocks on the door a few times, before calling out. "K! Need yer assistance." Hm..

Taye has left.

"Comin! I'm comin'..." This comes muffled from the other side of the door, and the door is rattled for a few seconds, until finally it is poked open. Keita peers out squintily into the sunlight, and finally she focuses in on Zeraph. "What's up, 'Raph?" She steps outside, closing the door behind her.

Zeraph knew it. He would smirk if it were any other situation. The buck nods in the direction of the vacant house. "It's Roth, K. He needs medical attention.." The buck leaves out the part apart..leaving him outside of the gates..without remembering to go and get him. Or the fact that Keita should have found him at some point.. >.>

Keita blinks and moves to look past Zeraph, looking towards the vacant house. She then turns back to the tavern. "Righ'. Got t' run in get m' supplies." She ducks back inside and is gone for no more than two minutes before she reappears, with a pack loaded up with various things. "Take me t' him."

Rothal is attempting to stop the flow of blood, which starts at his cheek, runs inside his mouth, then out of his mouth down his chin. He's not very successful at what he is trying to do, as he can't get his paw inside his mouth. All he can do is cover the outer part of the wound.

Zeraph runs back towards the vacant house that he left the other buck in, quite fast when he wants to be, though not as speedy as the runners. ;) The fighter soon re-emerges in the doorway, stumbling a little as he goes inside.

Nagia wanders into the western square, seemingly rather randomly, looking to either side of him. He adjusts his hat, and clears his throat. "Ahoy, Long Patrollers!" He calls, awaiting a response.

Zeraph perks his ears and looks back out of the door, his curiosity taking over for the moment, pushing aside his feelings of worry and concern. The buck blinks in confusion, then glances back to make sure Keita is coming. The fighter moves out of the doorway. "Ahoy!" He calls back, though a little more confused sounding.

A few of the Patrol hares gathered around a fire look up at Nagia's greeting and wave cheerfully enough. Keita, on the other hand, is too busy bolting across the square after Zeraph. When he reappears outside the house, though, she side-steps him and inside she goes, to find Rothal. She does so quickly, and drops her pack beside him. "Roth'... aw, geeze, ya nevah got that fixed...?" She winces.

Rothal glances at the doorway, and the fighter standing in said doorway. Still with his paw pressed against his face, he tries to look out to see what's happening, but to do so would mean getting up, and he has to little strength for that. As Keita rushes in, his attention turns to her. "Nah, h'I didn't... h'Is that a bad thing?" So much for a joke, because the look on his face clearly states that he -knows- it is a bad thing.

Nagia looks in Zeraph's direction, and smiles. "Ah! Was worried y'all cleared out already." He jogs in Zeraph's direction. "Cap'n Nagia Squirrel of... aw, y'all look too young to remember me. I was told there was a scuff about here lately. Anybeast wanna let me in on what went on? That's a lot of bodies. One corpse'd be bad enough, but it looked like a great battlefield out there, an' that bothered me a bit."

Keita tries a small grin, but it's rather weak. "Well.... not if'n ya don't /mind/ havin' a big gapin' hole in yer face." She rummages through her pack and comes out with a clean cloth and some water. She pours the water on the cloth, and begins dabbing at his cheek, to clear it of blood as best she can.

Zeraph watches Keita move into the house and his one long ear turns in the doe and Roth's direction, to listen to what is going on, until the squirrel actually moves towards him and he nods a greeting, managing a light smile, though his arms are crossed over his chest now and there is worried behind his eyes. "Aye....There was indeed a battle. We finally met with the Bloodthirsters..drove them back into the eastern square of the village." The buck gazes towards the barricade that has been set up on the border of the two squares. "Right now, we're in the middle of a cease fire."

Nagia nods a little. "Alright... are you tryin' to work out some kinda peaceful meeting and agreement?"

Rothal moans as Keita begins to dab his cheek, clenching his teeth so that any possible sound of pain is silenced. One paw holds tightly to the edge of the bed, as he listens to Keita talk, not chancing speaking on his own part.

Zeraph scowls about this one. "No. I don't think so." His eyes return to rest upon Nagia. "I'm sorry..My name's Zeraph, Fighter under Major Jarril."

Nagia seems perturbed. "I see...That's a shame. When's th'Major coming about?"

Zeraph turns to gaze about in the immediate area, as if just now thinking that himself. "The Major was just here..Perhaps he had other duties to attend to." The fighter nods.

Once she's content that the wound's as clean as it's going to get, she sets the cloth down and goes rummaging through her pack again. She comes out with a small packet. This is ripped open, and the powdered contents are dabbed gently onto the wound. "That ought t'.. stop the bleedin'." Though how it's kept bleeding all this time with Rothal still alive, Keita has no idea. By her thinking, he should be dead. She then goes back to rummaging, and out she comes with a curved needle and some thread.

Nagia nods once. "And you're certain there's to be...MORE combat?"

Rothal watches Keita silently, thinking to himself that the bleeding stops on its own, it just starts again anytime he talks. :P When the needle comes out, he frowns slightly. Still, he can't complain, as it has to be better than bleeding to death. His ears go back just a little. "h'If ye need me to do anythin', just tell me."

"Aye, ya c'n do somethin' - stop talkin'." This isn't said unkindly, however. Keita threads the needle and sets it to his cheek, ready to begin. "An' don't move."

Zeraph had his attention on Keita and Rothal again for a moment, until he is asked another question. The buck looks back to Nagia and nods. "...I am very certain.."

Rothal almost nods, but stops himself in time. "Aye, just stop talkin'... Yah allowed to talk, but h'I can't..." Still, he shuts up, perhaps because he can feel the needle against his cheek.

Nagia visibly deflates. "More bloodshed then. Mind if I ask what it's all about?"

Keita rolls her eyes at these last words, and waits until he seems thoroughly done. She then presses forward with the needle, and in it goes. She moves quickly but carefully, trying to finish the job as quickly as possible.

Zeraph chews on his bottom lip. "Aye..Halyard. The Bloodthirsters took over this village and took all the beasts here captive. When we were sent on a Diplomatic mission to speak with the vermin, they attacked our group and I was one of those taken prisoner and chained in a tavern for weeks." The buck scowls and then points to Rothal. "He was one too..They did /that/ to him while he was chained and defenseless..And I will forever have a limp from /my injuries..The time for negotiations is over."

Rothal winces just a little as Keita begins to sew him up, mentally reminding himself that when this is all through, he needs to give Keita a tip when he drops by her tavern.

Continuing at a neat clip, Keita is done sewing him up in no time. The thread is tied, and then cut off. And there's a sewn-up, but still not pretty, gash in his face. She steps back, with a satisfied nod.

Nagia holds up his paws. "Now, just wait a sec an' consider somethin'...the matter can likely be resolved without killin' any more. I mean, the less you kill off, the better." He pauses for a moment. "But really, that's none of my say. I ain't involved in this apart from my simple passing. Jarsune, the lass I'm escorting, was here, and she slew somebeast who was marked for death in central mossflower. I wanted t'know if she did anything else."

Zeraph sighs and nods rubbing his ears back. "..I know..I see your point of view, of course.." Then he glances up at the name. "Jarsune? Oh..the marten jill? Yes, she was. We brought her in to be healed and she got into a fight with a monitor lizard. I think his name was Slain."

Nagia erghs. "...Slain? That boy... meh. Alright."

Keita returns to the front door after giving Rothal something to help him sleep. She peers over Zeraph's shoulder at the squirrel. She grins. "Hullo, again."

Zeraph bobs his head. "I hope I was some help to you, though.." The buck turns to look at Keita as she speaks to the squirrel.

Nagia nods. "Aye.. Where'd you say these Bloodthirsters were?"

Keita gestures up towards main street and beyond. "Up eastern square way... We managed t' push 'em back from here."

Nagia nods. "Mind if I step over there and see what I can't figure out? I'd really like to stop th'fighting. I know one aged squirrel can't do much, but I've seen my share of enough bloodshed and heartbreak that I might be able to depress 'em outta the fight."

Zeraph gestures with a jerk of his head towards the eastern square, just as Keita answers for him. The barricade that serves as a border is made up of everything that the hares could get their paws on.

Keita eyes Nagia incredulously. "They ripped yon bucks /cheek/ open," she gestures back into the house in the direction that Rothal is. "Ya crazy?"

Nagia shrugs. "Maybe. I'll run if they get hostile. Or beat the hell out of 'em, if there's just a couple."

Zeraph raises a brow, then shakes his head. "I don't know about you being able to go over there..Especially not without the Major's permission, and /definitely/ not without an escort.."

Nagia nods. "Alright. Just askin'."

Zeraph smiles reassuringly. "But you can ask him when he comes back around."

Nagia nods. "Think I will, although I'm heading back to Redwall soonish. I'd just like to do something productive before I go."

As usual, Keita defers to Zeraph in all things patrol-like.

Zeraph has now sunk back into silence as he looks in the direction of the barricade, seeming to ponder something.

[A small pause in RP...]

Halyard Village: West Square(#93069RJA)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Village ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Surrounded on most sides by short, squat buildings, none any higher than two

levels, the main square of this small, sea-side village is covered in a fine

layer of dirt, which mostly covers the old cobble stone beneath. Many of the

buildings lining the square are homes, though some are places of business -

and, of course, there are the obligatory pubs. However, pubs are not the only

staple of a small village, especially not this one. Scattered here and there

upon sidewalks and in front of stores, various fishing nets and traps lie

about, most considerably worse for wear. It's obviously a fishing village.

Beyond that, a dirt road runs north and south from the square, with a small

scattering of homes, and behind these, a backdrop of trees. Meanwhile, beyond

the trees lies the shore.


Visible Exits:

[A]ntique [S]tore [S]outhern [R]oad

[H]alyard [T]avern [N]orthern [R]oad

[K]nick-knack [C]at [S]hop [M]ain [S]treet

[B]ack to [D]irt [P]ath

Contents: note.

With: [IC] Slain and [DYN] LPFighter (Zeraph).

Zeraph has gotten his way back up onto the roof of one of the houses, gazing out over the village area and pondering..Pondering's good, ya know. ;) The buck is sitting 'Indian-style', arms resting upon his legs and his ears turned backward, though not pinned. The fighter looks at peace. For now.

Nagia meanders back into the western square, heading for the building he saw Keita and Zeraph in last, paws in the pockets of his long jacket, and his hat tilted over his eyes.

Slain wanders into the square not too far behind Nagia, this in mind he of course spots the squirrel quickly and calls out to him as he approaches him "Master Nagia."

Keita is sitting outside of the house that they were in before, having as of yet not disappeared back inside her tavern. Perhaps waiting around for Rothal to wake up?

Zeraph turns his ear as he hears the monitor lizard call out and he shifts around to observes what is happening down below, leaning forward a little and his audits perked up.

Nagia stops, and turns 180 degrees on one heel, looking back at Slain. His muzzle twists, and he tilts his hat up. "...Ahoy there, Slain."

Slain catches up the squirrel and bows his head as his way of showing respect "I had heard you were in the area sir, would you mind if I walked with you?"

Keita lifts her head from where she had started to doze, eyeing the unusual pair. She then inclines her head up towards the roof, where she can see Zeraph peaking over the edge. The doe smirks.

Nagia crosses his arms, and tilts his head upwards, letting his hat fall back on his ears a little. "Depends. I'm gonna see if I can't find the Major, an' if I can't, I'm goin' home."

Slain nods "I wont be too far behind you I'm sure of master Nagia, but there are a few things I wanted to talk to you about if I could."

Nagia nods. "Aye, alright. I've got some time, what's up?"

Slain questions "Well, have you ever been forced into a fight you didn't want to be a part of?"

Nagia hmms, and shakes his head. "No, lad. All the fights and battles an' skirmishes I've participated in were of my own free will, because I believed in the cause I was fighting for. I've been faced with those choices, and turned many more away than I've accepted. Sure, you can wish for an alternate resolution, but that's the diplomat's job. A soldier's duty isn't to sit and think and be profound. I fought for what I thought was right."

Slain nods as he turns all this over in his head before adding "I ask because, I may be forced into a fight I do not want."

Zeraph just stays upon the roof, maybe just watching over those and making sure nothing dissolves into arguing and/or fighting again, as it seems to do when Slain is around. This is a pattern that the buck has observed..He feels Keita's gaze and glances down at her, then smiles.

Nagia asks, "How so?"

Keita winks up at Zeraph, but quickly returns her gaze to Nagia and Slain. Yep, they have... an audience.

Slain continues "Well, on my way west I met a beast along the road, an assassin of my brother's..."

Nagia says, "Obviously, not a very good assassin."

Slain replies "I've had very good teachers. But this only shows that he is intent on me either joining him or dying."

Zeraph turns his ears back now, though he continues to listen, whiskers twitching. Hmm..Brother trying to kill him? Doesn't make one feel very safe with family, now does it?

Nagia asks, "What's the logic behind that?"

Slain lets out a tired sigh "I've stopped trying to understand Xin's logic, when I think about it, it makes my scales crawl."

Snicker. "Ahhh... the old brothah's assassin joke, now that'un's a classic..." This Keita murmurs, fortunately, to /herself/.

Nagia says, "Okay, then just ignore him."

Slain asks "But what if doing that only causes him to hurt others, or worse..."

Nagia asks, "Well, why would he do that?"

Keita listens to the two for a teeny bit longer, but soon enough she disappears inside the house. A few seconds later, she appears next to Zeraph on the roof, and sits. Her legs dangle over the edge. "'Ey."

Slain replies "Because he's a sick twisted beast, he thinks he change the world by bathing it in blood, he wears our family name like a badge of honor while he drags our father's name and ideals through the mud. He's a warmonger with the force of beasts who blindly follow him to back him up, if he can't have something he wont hesitate to crush it by any means."

Zeraph straightens up a little as he looks back, hearing someone get up on the roof with him. A smile reforms when he sees it is only Keita and he nods. "Hey." The buck gives another glance down to the others.

Nagia says, "Sounds like a selfish child to me."

Slain nods "You have no idea..."

Vansinnig enters the square from the dirt path.

Nagia asks, "So why don't you want to fight?"

Keita returns the smile and nods down to the two chatting. "What d'ya make of those two?"

Slain looks at the ground "I... I... I know he's a terrible beast... and that it as his brother it is my duty to do something about him... but I feel so weak, he's bigger, stronger and a better fighter, not to mention he has an army, how do I stand up to that?"

Jarsune pads into view, moving at a slow pace, with a slight limp to her left side. She's got a long, straight stick in her paws, the end of which she seems to be scraping at with a small carving knife--not one of the ones she had before. Those are nowhere to be seen.

Nagia raises a brow. "An...army?"

Slain says "It might as well be, I'm out numbered greatly either way."

Zeraph shrugs a little, shaking his head. "Not sure..." He murmurs. "But I'd kind of like to see this brother.." The buck smirks, a crazy glint in his eyes.

Nagia says, "Nooo, an 'army' is a very large group of militantly organized individuals. A brat can't raise an army."

Nagia says, "It takes a beast of brilliance to raise an army."

Nagia says, "It takes any idiot with coins to raise a horde."

Jarsune stops next to Nagia, and flicks a faint, somewhat tired looking frown toward Slain.

Nagia says, "And the way those work is rapid succession. The biggest, meanest hordesbeasts kill the leaders and take over."

Slain shakes his head "This is no horde, they are organized, I do not know their exact size, but I do know that he has hypnotized a number of strong powerful warriors to his side with him words and promises of a new world."

Jarsune snorts loudly. She bends over the stick, and continues to scrape away the end into a gradually sharpening point.

Nagia says, "I'll tell you, from the sounds of things, your brother isn't as nasty as you say he is. What he could use is a good talkin' to, and if he wants to be a brat and not listen, then he just needs the stupid slapped outta him. When he gets his arse kicked by somebeast a lot more skilled than he is, he'll wise up. Your brothers problem, it sounds like, is that he's never gotten his butt kicked before."

Nagia says, "Bigger and stronger doesn't even matter anyway. You're far bigger and stronger than I am."

Slain nods "But you're a better fighter then I master."

Keita eyes Zeraph for a moment. "Ya want t' meet /his/ brothah? The one's a'ready crazy 'nough, now ya want t' meet the othah?" The doe snorts, kicking her heels absently as she peers down from the roof.

Nagia turns his head, spotting Jarsune. "Hey, didn't know you was awake, lass." He tilts his hat up farther, and stuffs his paws in his pockets.

Zeraph laughs a little, grinning at the doe. "Well why not? He may be some fun.." The buck then returns his attention to the beasts on the ground. He notes Jarsune's presence now.

Jarsune nods slightly. "Are you ready to go?"

Keita leans forward at the sight of Jarsune. "Ooh, mayhaps they'll get in anothah fight, 'n' this time the squirrel c'n jump on yon lizard's back 'stead o' me." She smirks.

Zeraph shrugs his shoulders and swings his legs down off the roof as well, taking a seat once more. "I guess, though I'd help to break it up again..Can't have folks fighting in the camp, ya know.."

Nagia nods. "In a little bit, I wanted to talk to the Long Patrol Major. I'm gonna try my paw at meddling." He looks back up at Slain, and smiles. "My daddy always used te tell me, 'Kids will pretend to be warriors until they get real life beat into 'em. My dad's a wise old beast -- he's a smith, so he knows lots of fighters."

Slain nods "Do you think I can beat Xin?"

Nagia says, "I think my -mum- can beat Xin."

"True, I s'pose... Y'know, unless some of the fightin' beasts're vermin, in which case it's totally fine t' fight with 'em in the camp." Keita smirks and looks off towards the eastern square.

Nagia says, "Dad smithed her a real nice frying pan. Heavy as hell. That'll knock some teeth out, and some sense in."

Zeraph chews on his lip as his attention is drawn back to the eastern square. Oh yes, there was a small war going on, wasn't there? The buck nods. "Of course.."

Slain smiles a bit "Thank you master." He then proceeds to bow in the same respectful manner as before "I will not keep any longer sir."

Jarsune's ears flick to either side. "Can we do it soon?" She flicks another glance toward Slain--this one much more plainly filled with dislike.

Keita squints thoughtfully as she tries to see what she can see. "D'ya suppose they've got any more captives ovah there?"

Nagia asks, "You really wanna go that quick?"

Slain says a bit playfully "I seem to have that effect on lady Jarsune sir."

Jarsune says, "There's no more reason to stay here. I want Father to know that Mother can--" she stops abruptly as Slain speaks, and glowers at him."

Nagia snorts. "Lady?" He grins and looks down at Jarsune and nudges her. "Ain't much of a Lady, is she? I think she can spit farther 'n I can."

Slain tries to stifles a laugh at Nagia's comment.

Jarsune says, "We could find out."

Nagia says, "I dunno, Jar. I'm a seafarin' type. Only the manliest of men can manage that. You think you can do it?""

Slain grumbles "I think she's looking for an excuse to spit on me."

Jarsune says, "I don't need to make an /excuse/."

Zeraph suddenly clears his throat loud enough to be heard by the others. "Let's try and keep it at least a /little/ civil, please.." The buck is smiling though.

Nagia raises a brow. "Why's that?"

Jarsune says, "Because he's annoying."

Slain sighs "I'd apologize but that seems to annoy you too..."

Jarsune says, "You aren't sorry."

Nagia raises a brow. "Something happen?"

Zeraph turns his attention away from those below to glance to the side at the vermin territory. "I'm not sure..they may.."

Slain adds on to Nagia's question "That's what I'd like to know, what is it I've done that has made you hate me so much?"

Jarsune curls her lip. "You're a self-righteous arse."

Slain replies "And you're angry harpy with an attitude problem."

Jarsune asks, "/I/ have an attitude problem?"

Zeraph coughs to try and get their attentions again. Sigh..

Nagia bites his lower lip.

Keita's ears flick back in the direction of the conversation, as things apparently heat up. How surprising. "Well, then..."

Slain nods "Yes, I feel that /you/ have an attitude problem."

Jarsune says, "/You're/ the one who acts like he's the only one who knows /anything/ about /anything/, and who bosses everyone around, and who acts like he's the greatest warrior ever."

Zeraph shakes his head and goes to climb to the other side of the roof to get back down inside and then go out to try and keep them from ripping each other's heads off, which is pretty much inevitable.

Keita stands up with a sigh, and follows Zeraph down to the street.

Slain replies to this "Telling you that you should rest instead of running around and making your wounds worse does not count for any of that."

Jarsune says, "That's not all you were saying. And that's not the first time either. And you weren't just telling me, you were ordering me."

Nagia takes a step back, crossing his arms and listening to the conversation.

Zeraph soon enough moves out of the vacant house, with a heavy sigh and his ears laid back. The Long Patroller stays a bit away from them for now, though, maybe trying to give them a chance to settle this without having to intervene. He glances towards Nagia, silently.

Darklett steps into the Western Square, returning from a brief scout run he decided to make for himself. At first, he doesn't even realize anybeast else is there, but his ears perk at the little altercation happening there. Hrm. For a moment, he watches, but when he looks at the beasts involved, he simply chuckles, shaking his head and walking towards the next group he notices, Zeraph and Keita.

Nagia looks back at Zeraph, holding up a paw and shaking his head.

Slain says "I admit to having been self righteous and blinded by my pride, but at least I'm able to admit when I'm wrong and accept it."

Jarsune says, "So am I. But what would you know about it?"

Zeraph's brows furrow a little, but he nods and seems to get the message, glancing off in the other direction, where Darklett happens to be moving from. The buck straightens and salutes to the Lieutenant, though he smiles a little crookedly. "Evening, sir." The fighter nods.

Slain replies "All I know from /trying/ to talk to you is that every word and every breath out of me seems to annoy you to no end."

Jarsune exclaims, "That's because your every word and every breath is so stuffed full of self righteous stupidity that it makes the air smell!"

Darklett smiles at Zeraph, nodding. "At ease, private Zeraph." He looks like he's about to continue, but he cringes, and casts a gaze over to Jarsune and Slain. Shaking his head, and looking for all the world like he's holding back, he turns to the fighter. "How're you feelin'? Saw you were a little ill yesterday."

Zeraph lowers his arm from the salute, with a glance to the squabbling as well, raising one of his brows, then looking back to his Lt. He bobs his head a little. "I'm doing better now, the fight just wore me out, sir." The smile has returned across his muzzle, even as his ear flicks back in Slain and Jarsune's direction.

Slain replies "Maybe I am self righteous but at least I can control my anger, all I ever see you do is either explode on me or some other beast."

Jarsune snorts loudly. "Is that all you can say? 'Maybe I'm this but you're worse, nyah!' Why don't you go home and stop trying to play hero? No one cares."

Slain replies "You're the one who started this whole childish game of one up."

Jarsune says, "No I didn't. I just wanted you to leave me the hell alone."

"They jus' keep goin' 'n' goin'..." Keita shakes her head veeeery slowly, whilst watching the two bickering kiddies. She glances at Darklett, and nods. "Oh - evenin', Dark."

Darklett turns his head towards Jarsune and Slain, then at Nagia, then at Jarsune, Slain, Nagia for a long time, then to Zeraph. "Uhhuh. Well, we can talk somewhere else, away from the dibbuns, if you don't mind, private?" He bobs his head in greeting to Keita as well. "Evening, I was just saying to Zeraph how nice it would be to tear ourselves away from the habi-" He cuts himself off. "From the otherbeasts for a little."

Zeraph grins and bobs his head in agreement. "Of course I don't mind..shall we go into K's tavern?" He turns to look at Keita questioningly as he asks this, ears perking in her direction and the grin fading away for the moment.

Slain says "That's your answer for most things isn't it, get angry and yell at it till it goes away."

Jarsune exclaims, "If I want it to go away, /yes/!"

Keita nods towards the tavern at the mention of it. "Aye, sure... sounds like a plan. It's still a bit messy, mind."

Slain sighs "I really did want us to be friends, but all you ever do is throw all your hatred and anger at me, I'm tired of this stupid game of yours, find someone else to throw it all at." With this he turns and starts to leave the village.

Darklett grins. "You know, a bit of a mess might be nice." The hare leans his head towards the tavern, then starts his walk towards it. "Besides, I think we all need a little calming of the nerves right... now." The lieutenant eyes Slain, shrugs, and continues towards the pub.

Jarsune snaps, "Good! /Finally/." She turns sharply back to Nagia, huffs a little, and asks, "Can we go talk to whoever it is you wanted to talk to now?"

Nagia asks, "Depends, is your problem with Slain resolved?"

Jarsune says, "He's leaving."

Slain calls back towards Nagia "Master I'll see you at Redwall."

Jarsune prickles slightly.

Darklett jumps. "Ah! Uh, Slain!" The lieutenant hare starts digging into all the various pockets on his uniform. "Wait up, uh, you said you were on your way to Redwall?" Finally, he pulls out a folded piece of parchment, and, upon catching up with Slain, holds it out. "Could you give this to a hare there named Keiran? He's my brother..."

Slain stops and looks back at the hare "Of course sir." He replies taking the parchment.

Nagia says, "Obviously, he is, but I want to know if you intend to resolve anythin'."

Darklett smiles, nodding and turning away. "Thanks, thanks a lot." And, he goes off towards the tavern again.

Zeraph just follows the Lieutenant towards the tavern without complaining. "Oh, yes, I agree.." The fighter nearly runs into Darklett though as he stops suddenly to give Slain the letter. His ears shoot up in surprise for a moment, then he glances in between the other buck and the monitor.

Jarsune gives Nagia a curious look. "He's leaving. That's all I wanted."

Nagia says, "That's a good way to avoid your problem, not fix it."

Jarsune says, "My problem was that he wouldn't leave me alone."

Keita stops at the door to the tavern and after opening it, she looks back. A nod is given to Darklett and Zeraph. "Aftah you two."

Slain continues out of the town.

Nagia sighs. "NEvermind..."

Jarsune asks, "Can we go?"

Darklett reaches the tavern, and smiles in thanks to Keita, before stepping on inside.

Zeraph goes to step into the tavern as well, with a slightly sarcastic bow to Keita, though his smile is genuine enough. "Thank you, my lady.." The hare moves inside as well.

Keita glances to the remaining creatures in the square before she, too, disappears into the tavern. The door closes behind her.