
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Ender & Zoe_Lang.

Salamandastron: Infirmary

There's some sounds of mild upset in the passage leading to the infirm, mainly with a few vague insults being thrown at whomever is dragging another beast along. Rounding the bend, it can be seen that Ender's the insulter, and two recruits are the insult-ees. The rabbit is deposited on a bed, where he still mumbles, but doesn't seem willing to get up and do anything about his situation. Ugh. He's clutching his right paw tightly, grimaces of pain evident every time he shifts his weight. ...now what's going to happen? Eek.

Both strange and fortunate, Zoe has decided to make an appearance in the infirmary, today. She is seated at the healer's desk, working on some paperwork when Ender is drug in. She looks up with surprise, her lips parting silently. Huh. Standing, she steps around the desk and comes forward toward the bed, eyeing the older rabbit. "... Welcome back, End." Eh heh.

Old/er/. Not old. XD The rabbit is looking nervous, having a deep suspicion of what may be coming, not willing to actually surrender himself to his fate. Ender eyes Zoe back. "Zoe." He lets his right paw down, gently, to his lap, his left beginning to slowly unwind the bandage.

Well, he seems calmer. Unfortunately. Zoe remembers the state of his paw, so before she takes a seat on the stool before his head she turns her head aside, murmuring a few things to them. They look at her, look at Ender, and then head for the supply cabinets. They start gathering some items onto a tray. "... So. How ya feelin', then?" Heh. Small talk, innit great?

Ender knows something's coming, and still has a suspicion as to what it is. Oh, please, lordie, no. No, no, no! 'Miserable?" This is said with a slight hope that she'll knock him out before going further. One of his legs shakes slightly as the bandage finishes coming off. Eww!

When the younger healer approaches with a covered tray in paw, Zoe nods her thanks to them, setting the tray down on the end table. She turns back the cover at the corner, revealing the tip of what looks like a very sharp blade, a basin of water, a cloth, and a packet of herbs. It is the packet of herbs which she picks up first. She tears the end open and holds it out to him. "Knock 'em back, End."

Aww, it's like they are friends again. Yet, not really. Ender eyes the herbs. "Er. What'll they do?" All the fight's out of him. He's not stupid enough to not see what's coming.

"They'll make ya not care," is her slightly ironic answer. She smiles slightly, though it's kind of grim and sympathetic and amused at the same time. "Knock 'em back." She then turns back to the tray, flipping back the cover a fraction more. She finds what she needs - a length of cord.

Right. Knock 'em back. Without anything to drink? Gosh. The service here isn't very good. "Right, then. O'course." Ender eyes the mix before dumping it into his gaping mouth, immediately gagging and barely managing to keep it in. A few loud lip-smacks later, and he tries to smile. Grossss!

You understand, they're a little short on hospitality just lately. XD She watches impassively as he struggles with it, then dips her head in a satisfied nod ashe finishes. Without waiting for the injured paw to be offered, she reaches out, slipping the cord under his arm and just beyond the wrist, going to secure it rather tightly. "Ya want somethin' t' bite down on?"

OH, GODDDDDDD! This is only screamed inside Ender's mind, as he tries to appear brave, or something. Zoe's handling him a /bit/ roughly. But. That's to be expected, most likely. "I think"-gasp, pant-"I'm fine, for now." Well, he's not. But.

Sure he is. Zoe is apparently of the opinion that there's very little one can do to soften the blow of, "Hey, I need to cut your paw off, now," and that it's better to just get it done. All the same, she does not heed his words. She turns back to the tray, plucking up a small, flat piece of wood. She sets this on the bed beside him before she turns to pick up the sharpened blade and... well, /another/ block of wood. This one's larger, though, and appears to have indentations from a blade already in its surface. Hm. She sets this upon the bed beside him, as well, then nods to him. Her tone is considerably softer, this time. "... Ya'd do best t' lie down, End."

Ender's gaze flicks from knife to block of wood. And then back and forth several more times. And several more times again. Well, may as well ask. As he begins to lie back, the rabbit murmurs; "You sure it can't just heal?" Everything's going to be changed by this. Let it...oh, please, no. Ender /likes/ his paws.

Zoe_Lang watches him as he lies down, and this time when she smiles, it is /all/ sympathy. She offers the smallest shake of her head that is necessary to get her point across, the paw which holds the blade resting upon her thigh with the sterile blade hovering in the air. "'Tis infected, too much t' risk the rest of yer arm." Her gaze then strays to the paw, her ears flicking back. "... Trust me, End, if ya nevah do again. I wouldn't unless I thought I had t'."

Ender's eyes would pop open, but he's feeling the teensiest bit woozy. Trust her? Oh, Zoe. "Jes'...do it. Do it now. Please." He clenches his eyes shut now, readying himself for the worst. "Get it over with."

Moving quickly now, Zoe repositions Ender's arm over the block, positioning his wrist /just/ so... The blade then goes into position, and without any further words, she applies pressure. The blade is almost impossibly sharp, and the flesh gives way beneath it as she slices. It is not what might expect, though, one quick chop and it's done. There's a certain precision to it, and Zoe is sure to get all of the infected tissue. All in all, it is a process of about twenty seconds.

Ender's scream is cut off as he realizes he's not actually feeling all that much. He almost sits up. /Oh/. There's the pain. Tears blur the edge of his vision, rolling down his face as he bites his tounge in an attempt to stay silent. Ender looks down at Zoe. He doesn't have two paws any more. /She has one of his PAWS/! This realization is enough for him. His eyes slowly roll back into his head, and he's out like a light.

That will make things easier. Once the paw has detached, she deposits it rather unceremoniously on the tray. And at this point, there's only a little left to do. As if on cue, the assisting healer reenters the room and returns to Enders bedside with a strange implement. It consists of a long metal handle which ends in a curved metal surface, almost like a cup. This surface is glowing a dull red. It is handed off to the Colonel, and this she presses to the stub that was his wrist. The flesh seals, and her job is done.