
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Taye & Audri

Salamandastron: Underground Spring

It's been another long day of training and apprenticeship for Taye. He sits against the wall around the pool, wincingly removing his footwear to reveal a bandage-wrapped ankle. He begins the slow process of unwinding the wrapping. A bucket of water sets beside him. When he's ready, the foot is submerged into the bucket with an audible hiss of relief. His head thunks back against the stone wall behind him, and he closes his eyes to rest them for a moment.

Still keeping to herself, Audri wanders the lower floors of the mountain, popping into the kitchen for a quick snack. Two tufted ears appear in the doorway, the squirrel lass peeking into the room curiously. Audri grins when she spots Taye, walking her way towards him. "'lo Taye. Been out training again?"

If his head wasn't already against the wall, he'd likely have hit it at the sound of Audri's voice in the echo-y room. As it is, he nearly knocks the bucket of water over. "Ah! Audri - ah, hey." Eh heh. The buck grins as he manages to put things to rights, and looks somewhat abashedly at the bucket and the odd set-up with his foot. "Ah - yeah. Trainin'. Little sore, 'n' all." He gestures vaguely at the offending foot, then seems to forget about it. "So how're you?"

Audri giggles, stuffing a half eaten scone in her pocket. "I'm alright. Just wandering around like always." Her eyes drift down to the offended foot, quirking a brow. "If ya footpaw is buggin' ya, ya should probably see yer da about it. Sure he could help ya with it..."

"Ahhh, no... Just needs a soak 'n' t' be wrapped back up. I'll ease up aftah the exams." He rests his head back against the wall again, and stares up at the ceiling. Then, after a thoughtful pause. "Audri, what sort of things do ya do while yer wanderin'?"

Audri nods, taking one last glance at the footpaw before sinking down beside him. She shrugs, fingers toying with her braid idly. "Just look around mostly and think. Sometimes I go into the library to read the old journals, or snitch a bit of a snack from the kitchen. Taye, what exams are you talking about?"

Sound like good things for wandering to him. He nods, satisfied. At her question, he turns his head just enough so that he's looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "Didn't I tell ya? Huh, guess not. Well, the best o' this season's recruits will be picked t' take final exams in a few days t' decide if they're ready t' be inducted int' the patrol. I don't know if I'll be picked, but I want t' make sure 'm ready eithah way." His head returns to its former resting position, and a yawn takes him. "'Tis jus' - 'tis just a bit tirin', is all." Slight grin.

Audri sighs, ears flicking back in thought. "I guess, but I'd rather be doing other things." Audri oohs, nodding slowly while she drops her paws to her lap. "That's great Taye. I hope a get picked and everything. Just be careful with that footpaw of yours. Ya don't want to hurt it or nothing."

"I won't, I'll go easy on it," he assures her. One eye flicks open, and he again peeks at her, what with the sighing and all. Poor thing. He reaches out, and tucks an arm around her shoulder all big-brotherly like. "Whatcha think? Aftah the exams're ovah, we celebrate." Pause. "Ya know - with lots o' pies 'n' pastries 'n' stuff."

Audri instinctively leans on Taye's shoulder when the arm goes about hers, a small grin creeping onto her muzzle. "That'd be fun. Have our own little feast. Ooh, maybe we could do it like a picnic or something."

"That's the best idea I heard all week." He gives her a little squeeze-hug. "You think of the place 'n' I'll make sure there's plenty o' food. Sound good t' you?"

Audri nods, smile remaining for the moment. "I'll scout out for a place to have it. Hopefully it won't rain on us when we're celebrating."

"I'll bring two cloaks, just in case..." The wall is surprisingly comfortable, for being stone. Or perhaps he's just exhausted, but either way, Taye is drifting off whether he wants to or not. "Make sure t' tell me what yer... what yer favorite flavah o'... o' pie... is." He might've had more to add, but after a moment of silence, his breathing evens out, and it's fairly obvious what's happened - the dear boy has fallen asleep, his arm still around Audri's shoulder.

Audri nods again, ears flicking when his speech grows funny. She tilts her head, smirking at the sleeping buck. Audri rests her head down against his shoulder, curling her tail to where its resting over them like a blanket. Breathing another sigh, she stares off towards the spring, looking thoughtful.