01.05.09 - Match A King's Price? (Part 2)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters Involved: Braxton, Nidlorf, Odilo, Anba_Hor, Mayeul, Zen, Kelia, Nicodemus, Flicktail, Demmer

Redwall Abbey: Cavern Hole

Nidlorf looks at Odilo, rubbing his forehead, "Odilo, you know what to do... see that that dibbun doesn't ruin everything for us. He'll probably be downstairs with the others..." He looks at the fire as his soldier slips away.

Odilo nods, he's having a lot of fun with this one, as annoying as the dibbuns here are. He chuckles to himself as he climbs the stairs into Great Hall.

Odilo has left.

Braxton arrives from the Great Hall.

Sure there's a plague going around, but there are a small few who have not contracted the virus. And this small few, is a rather Big one! A badger in fact. Brax has not even gotten sick once in his time here, and Currently, he seems a bit happy. Not happy that he's not gotten it, but happy enough that he's not gotten it, and is not afraid to get it. He's even been Helping out in the infirmary...secretly of course. Badgers with a soft side are often not found Scary..

Nidlorf is sitting by himself and thinking about what his soldier might be up to about now. That pesty little dibbun, sneaking around and ruining everything! He doesn't know whether he's more annoyed by this one or the one that keeps putting crickets on him... he sits, gripping the arms of the chair and deciding when to meet again with the fox from yesterday. He notices the badger and simply nods.

Braxton slowly looks over after the nod from the squirrel. "Good afternoon" he greets quietly with a small but friendly smile.

Nidlorf sighs and looks up, giving what can only be called an upward-turning-of-the-corners-of-the-mouth, not quite a smile, and replies, "Is it really that good? It doesn't feel like it, from where I'm sitting - I heard seven of yours have died already... one of mine is missing." The king isn't wearing his helmet or armor; he is currently in a plain surcoat and a long-sleeved tunic instead of the chainmail and crested surcoat.

Braxton hms and frowns. "Missing?" He asks. "That is not very good. May I ask how he went missing?" The badger asks, tilting his head a bit.

Nidlorf's smile evaporates and the king squints, as if trying to read the badger's mind, but his eyes relax and he relates what happened, "I'm afraid I may have been harsh on my old friend... he wanted to stay here; I denied him - and ordered him to be at the ready outside the gates the next morning. When my men and I woke up, and went outside, we were met by a fox who claimed to have abducted the mouse, his name is Mayeul. A good scout, good tracker... valuable to me as a subject and a friend."

Braxton ahs. "Ah..yes...I've heard about a nabbing" He replies. "So. have you any idea why they would take the beast?" he asks.

Nidlorf nods, "I am a king, I have valuable assets to trade - I am deciding now how I must bargain with the vermin, or if I should bargain at all..."

Braxton hms. "If you ask me, and i know you've not, but I would suggest not bargaining and just taking him back..." he suggests.

Odilo arrives from the Great Hall.

Odilo enters the hall and waits for a moment of silence before addressing the king, "Sire, it is taken care of." The younger, gray squirrel stands, waiting for a reply, eyes only briefly turning upon the badger before back at Nidlorf.

Nidlorf listens to the badger's advice, and gives an amused sigh. Turning to Odilo, he nods, "That will be all - sit, Odilo, at ease for now." He introduces himself to Braxton, "I am Rayuwil Nidlorf, and normally I'd have my subjects introduce me, but this seems informal enough an occasion to dispense with that. My people and I occupy the lands south of here, near the Great Inland Lake. This is my soldier and loyal pikesquirrel, Odilo."

Odilo sits and nods as his name is given, he's quite surprised at how informal the king is being, though... All no doubt for a reason, he assumes...

Braxton hms and Arches an eye brow at the squirrel who has just arrived before nodding. "pleased to meet you both" He stands...boy he's tall. even for a badger o.o he gives a sort of bow. "Braxton Bowstripe. Most beasts just call me Brax" he introduces himself. "Perhaps, If I may offer, I could help you take back your missing beast?" He asks.

Nidlorf hmmms, certainly would be better than the lot he hired yesterday, he thinks... The badger doesn't know him, and it seems doubtful that he would be as hostile as the stoat... "Hmm, well these are dangerous adversaries we are up against my friend... if you are willing to help us, you would be a great asset in returning my scout to me. I could offer payment, perhaps? If we intercepted Mayeul, we would probably go straight to my camp a few days march from here - there I could pay you and we could leave for home?"

Braxton hms slightly. "My friend, I used to hunt vermin for a living...Very few live after an encounter with me" he smirks very slightly. "Payment, would be a welcome thing, but not needed. As there are vermin about who mean harm to others, I work free...My axe has not had a battle in sometime...payment or not, i will help if you wish"

Odilo smiles, so /that's/ why the king was being so friendly... he wonders if the badger will ever figure out the truth, but he assumes the king will want to act immediately, both to prevent a leak to their new mercenary, and to beat the others who want Mayeul back at the abbey...

The king nods, "If it is your wish to work for free, I cannot argue. I only give you my deepest, sincerest thanks, and hope that that is gratefully accepted in exchange. I think if we are to rescue Mayeul without the exchange, we must act quickly, before my intended meeting with the fox, which was to be later tonight. It must happen before then, or he will surely realize we are there rescuing him..."

Braxton nods. "But...There is something i must ask first" he says. "Did you say this Mayeul fellow wants to stay at the abbey?" The badger asks.

Nidlorf must now tread lightly, "Ahh, yes... I am perfectly happy to grant this of him; it is in fact the dying wish of his late brother, whom I hold in the highest regard... my only concern for now, though, is to keep him safe - he would not be safe at the abbey, needless to say, until we know all the vermin who are in league with this fox are eliminated." He appears to deliberate for a moment, "No, the safest place for him I think would be our camp, with other members of our ranks densely surrounding him. This you must understand, right?"

Braxton hms a bit. "Perhaps, if he wishes to stay at the abbey when he is free of these beasts, I could take his place instead? it would be his choice to stay during the sickness..and to be honest, I have been looking for a job for some time" he'd love to be employed somewhere...no matter who employs him.

Odilo tries desperately to hold back a grin, and manages to do so, but inside he is applauding the king for his treatment of the delicate situation. At the badger's stubborness he frowns, wondering what the king will say.

Nidlorf looks almost indignant, but holds back, "I assure you, it would not be a wise choice for our friend to stay here at the abbey, /especially/ during the sickness..." He thinks a bit - having a badger at his side could be useful, and he may even yet be able to salvage Mayeul and keep the badger, "If he decides to stay, I have no choice but to grant him this - he is no slave to me... if not, there is still a place for you if you wish, and I would be delighted to have you, Braxton."

Braxton gives a nod. "It sounds good to me..." he smiles a bit before sitting back down, almost forgetting he had a chair there. "Would be nice to have a job again..." he chuckles a bit.

Odilo almost lets out a scoff, thinking 'if he makes it out alive.'

Nidlorf nods, "Well you are most appreciated for your services, no matter what you choose to do after our rescue... Now... I am thinking that there should be some sort of diversion, once we track where the fox might have gone - I only wish we had Mayeul to begin with, he's excellent at this sort of thing..." He pauses, thinking, "I think the fox had to make a hasty retreat the other day, so he'll not have covered his tracks - they may still be there in the snow in this relatively calm-winded weather." He looks at Braxton, "Would you be willing to be the diversion while we locate where Mayeul is being kept?"

Braxton thinks for a few moments before hming. "I doubt I'd make a good diversion. I am more an attacker than a diversion. However, I could help set up a Diversion with out you needing to send away any of your beasts"

Odilo would stake his life that there's some sort of trail - on purpose... He nods, wondering what the king will do with Mayeul once he is found... Certainly he wouldn't have a disgruntled and unwilling member back in the ranks...

Nidlorf answers the badger, "Well, that is to be assumed... you would need to draw the fox and any others away from Mayeul, so he could be safely extracted. This is very dangerous, Braxton, are you /sure/ you are willing?" The king doesn't honestly expect the badger to live - he's planning on letting the fox know he's coming, in fact.

Braxton laughs. "You see...I'm a very good fighter...in fact, they could know i was going, and I'd still go" he says...In fact, he's only saying that because he's sure that the band of beasts are only small..four or five. "So how many are there exactly?"

Nidlorf smiles at the bravery of the badger, "You are very confident, and that is a good thing to have in the light of battle... there should only be a few I should think... it would be very easy for you, I think, provided you are a well-trained fighter. And I shouldn't think they would be aware of us until the very last moment, so no need to worry about that." He's a little nervous at the badger's guess, wondering if he knows anything at all about the situation... "We should go as soon as possible..."

Braxton nods. "I am ready when ever you are" and he knows...he's been hired to get Mayeul...just not by the king..

Odilo is just as oblivious to any secondary purpose the badger serves as Nidlorf is. He nods to Nidlorf and smiles at the badger, "Pleased to have you on board, Brax!" He holds out a paw for the badger to shake.

Braxton hms a bit. "if you would for give me, Master Squirrel, I would rather not shake your paw in worry of braking it" he chuckles a bit. besides..it may be lased with poison!

Odilo looks rather confused at this hesitation... couldn't the badger just be delicate? He's seen his share of badgers, most of them know how to be gentle with those smaller than themselves... He looks at Nidlorf.

Nidlorf takes note of the hesitation and just says to Odilo, "Odilo, there is sickness going around the abbey - you wouldn't want to give our friend anything should you have contracted the illness, now, would you? And vice versa, no offense." He smiles at Braxton, standing, "Let's be on our way, then."

Redwall Abbey: Main Gate

Braxton sets his huge battle axe on his back as he always does, before walking along with the Squirrels. "So...Exactly where is this beast you are supposed to be meeting?" He asks.

Nidlorf has donned a thick, wooly cloak and his sword, and heads outside with the others. In the calmness of the winter afternoon, he doesn't need to shout, and in fact doesn't want to alert the guards at walltop, "Okay... now, I think the fox made his way to the ditch with the others that were with us... let's check things out there..."

Mossflower: Ditch

Odilo points out to the king, "Sire! Pawprints in the snow, over there... farther along the ditch."

Nidlorf answers the badger belatedly, "Sorry, I was looking for where our foe might have made his escape... he would be on his way here in a few hours, if I remember his demands... We should keep moving, and it looks like Odilo is right. He must have climbed out farther down, about here..." He walks to the spot and points.

Braxton nods and slowly pulls his axe from his back, walking behind the squirrels. "Perhaps he wanted to be found" he suggests.

Odilo is getting the creeps from this badger, and eyes the huge axe warily... he holds his pike closer, just in case.

Nidlorf shakes his head, "Not likely, but we should be careful anyway... he was making an escape, I think, the others had him trapped, so he would have been desperate - perhaps we should climb out here, but I suggest staying off of the road, even if the tracks should follow it."

Braxton would loved to have taken his armor but he left it in the gate house. The badger smiles at Odilo. "Do not worry friend, my axe does not harm others unless i tell it too" He chuckles a bit before nodding at the king. "I agree"

Nidlorf climbs out near a shallow part of the ditch.

Mossflower: (by the side of the Dirt Road, outside the Black Gull)

Nidlorf follows the trail where it stops outside the tavern... "It looks like this is where our fox ended up... sure looks like a good place to keep our friend, too..." He watches and when nobeast enters or leaves he looks back at the rest, "Let's wait here..."

Braxton nods. "Sounds good" he says, slowly leaning on a tree that's to the side of the road.

Anba_Hor walks outside from the tavern, and looks up at the stars. He wonders where that employer of his went to, and how long he should wait before expecting his arrival. He throws a dagger into the ground on the other side of the road and laughs, picking up a small baby toad and crunching a leg as he slides the blade out. He hears a noise and looks in the direction of the three others, but doesn't see anyone yet.

Nidlorf looks at Braxton, "Okay... on my signal, make your presence known to the fox... but be careful, friend! We will try to sneak inside..."

Braxton nods and grips his axe tightly. However...he's not aiming for the fox..his job was to get the Mouse..and that's what he's going to do. "how about this...You two go for him, I'll get the beast...I can last longer inside than you two can" he says.

Nidlorf stares blankly at the badger, instantly knowing who had sent him... The king's mind races, trying to figure out what to do, and finally saying, in a loud whisper, "No! No! You... you would create too much commotion inside, the fox would know something was up. I don't want to have Mayeul injured - we would try to be as inconspicuous as possible."

Braxton looks at the fox then to Nidlorf. "No...i'm going in" he replies quietly. "I must ensure your safety" he says. The badger hms and picks up a fair sized rock before Chucking it to the ditch on the other side of the road to make it seem like they were over there instead.

Anba_Hor definitely hears something now, and walks over towards the others, just as a rock is thrown... but it's too late, as the fox sees the rock, pulling a dagger out of his belt. "Who's there? Y'd better show... ahh... it's the king and his cohorts..." He holds the dagger above his head, "I wouldn't move if I were you... tell the badger to hold still..."

Braxton Doesn't listen. he grips his axe and Jumps...he jumps out of the Ditch and Grins. "Go on..kill them...I'm not Here for them anyways" He says. "I'm looking for you actually..." he grins, actually, lowering his axe..but he keeps a good hold on it.

Odilo smacks a paw to his forehead, pretending to hold his pike up in defense. True they had hired the mercenary to keep Mayeul, but the king was hoping he'd be able to take Mayeul without paying, and the badger was their key to that... He shouts after the badger, "What are you doing, fool! Keep your weapon on guard!"

Nidlorf pulls at Odilo, "Odilo, come, now! We have to get Mayeul!" He grabs him by his collar and pulls him up onto the road, past the fox, calling to him, "Have fun with that one! We'll be going inside now!"

Anba_Hor is completely confused and looks from the badger to the others racing inside... he scowls and realizes that he's been set up too, and throws a dagger towards Odilo.

Braxton Quickly aims a swing to the fox as a distraction before jumping in front of the King. "Not so fast.." and he doesn't warn about the dagger..haha...

Odilo is caught by the dagger and falls; the blow isn't fatal, but it will be soon. The dagger is poisoned and Odilo feels sharp pain coursing everywhere through him.

"You idiot!! You are working for that brainless stoat, who fouled up our last attempt to stop the vermin! Would you like to give him another chance to escape with Mayeul?! He's already inside - look behind you!" The king fumes and draws his sword. "Out of my way!"

Anba_Hor avoids the swing from the badger and makes an escape inside the tavern - that stupid king, thinking he could bring that great big badger over here and force his will without payment... no chance, especially not with the danger he'd been through already. He quickly darts inside and the door swings wildly behind him.

Anba_Hor enters the Black Gull Tavern.

Braxton raises his axe and Grins. "You think you can take me on squirrel? one Part brave, two parts fool" he goes and gives one hard swing before Dashing into the tavern.

Braxton enters the Black Gull Tavern.

Nidlorf motions to Odilo, "Odilo, come on! Odilo!" He sees him on the ground and runs behind the tavern anyway, leaving the other one to cope with the poison himself.

Inside the Black Gull Tavern

Anba_Hor races up the steps and grabs Mayeul, pointing a dagger at his back and trying to be casual with him, hiding the dagger from sight, “Okay, mate, let’s go out the back then… hurry now!” He pushes Mayeul out the door, seeing the badger at the last second finally spot him.

Mayeul ouches, “Okay, okay… I’m going, fine! What’s the rush?” Suddenly the fox pushes him and he flies out the back door.

Behind the Black Gull

Braxton comes out before stopping. "Let the mouse go, fox, or Taste my blade!" he says in the badger like way. he raises his axe and watches.

Nidlorf heads off Anba and Mayeul as he runs around the back from outside. He holds his sword point to the fox, "So, fox... looks like you can either make your escape with me or with the angry badger who doesn't care if you live or die, behind you." He hates himself for not seeing past the badger, though, and silently curses the situation.

Meanwhile, Anba_Hor is holding a poisoned blade to Mayeul's throat, as the older mouse gargles and struggles. "Nobody is taking this mouse while I live... He figures he's safest if he faces the badger, so his back is currently to Nidlorf, as he eases Mayeul and himself farther outside the tavern, Nidlorf backing away with him.

Braxton hms. "I'll make you a deal fox, if you wish to hear it" he says. "I think its fairly reasonable"

Nidlorf warns the fox, "He has no deal with you, fox. He told me himself, he's out to kill vermin - he didn't even want to be paid... I will still pay you, if you leave with... me." He was going to say 'us', except he isn't sure how Odilo is faring with his poison dagger wound out front.

Anba_Hor now drags Mayeul with him around the side of the tavern, out from between the two adversaries, and now both Nidlorf and Braxton are in front of him... "Make a move towards me and he dies /instantly/. Right to the heart. No games." He backs away, around towards the front. That other squirrel has got to be dead by /now/..."

Braxton hms. "Give me The mouse and the Antidote for the squirrel around front, and I'll give you...Six hundred gold coins...enough to set you for quite a long time" and he has it too as he slowly takes out a big pouch and jingles it.

Nidlorf wonders where all that money came from, but safety maneuvers away from the badger so the angle between them is wider... "Do you think he'll follow through? He's a badger - as soon as you get your money, he'll be after you. I promise you much more than that, and in a much safer circumstance. Certainly not with an axe at my other paw."

Braxton grins. "actually, I will not be after you...You have my word...and a badger's word his his life..." he says. "Alright...Six hundred gold, and my axe" he says.

Mayeul gargles and wants to speak, finally he manages, "If I may... I would like to go with... Nidlo---" He's gagged by the blade, which pinches in tighter on his throat.

Anba_Hor looks at the badger, "If I give this mouse to you and you give me my payment, then this king here will want my head... He'll kill me, and he has a much bigger force than you do... the mouse /says/ he wants to go with his king. What do you say to that?" He hears something behind him but doesn't hazard his eyes to look.

Braxton Hms. 'I say, i dont brake my word to any beast and will bring him back to the abbey. Besides, its not exactly what he wants.." He smirks. "Want the payment or not? Take it, I'll keep the king off you for you to make your escape" he says.

Nidlorf can't believe it! Did he just hear Mayeul /say/ he wanted to go with Nidlorf? "Yes, Mayeul! Yes, I knew it! We missed you... wouldn't you like to be out of this mess and back /home/? Besides..." He looks distainfully at the badger, "There is a dreadful epidemic at the abbey, and it has already killed dozens of abbeybeasts..." Okay, a /slight/ exaggeration.

Braxton Growls. "It only killed seven. Most Elders and Babes of the Abbey...and you know it Squirrel" he growls out, still waiting for the foxes reply.

Odilo crawls slowly from the front of the tavern, and finds himself at the back of the treacherous fox who threw the dagger at him. Mustering the last of his strength, he stabs the fox in the back of the leg, as high as he can reach from the ground, and falls down on his chest, exasperated.

Anba_Hor howls and drops the dagger holding Mayeul, turning around in instinct, "You! Ahhhhhh!!! He pulls another dagger from his belt, ready to throw down at the other squirrel.

Braxton hms and takes the chance to attack the fox. he aims his Axe for the fox's neck to behead him if he can...God he wants it to work!

Mayeul quickly grabs the fox's dropped dagger and stabs him before the badger can get to the fox. He dodges the maddened badger and falls on his back to the ground, clear of the axe he's swinging like a madbeast!

Braxton misses. Awww. "Drat, its been so long since I've beheaded any beast..." he then drops his axe and starts to look for the antidote before finding it. the Fox is moved as Brax attempts to apply it to Odilo.

Anba_Hor falls to his knees before the axe gets to him, but the axe cuts into an ear. He howls and fumbles for an antidote for himself, dropping the others before he gets to one - and with that, the fox takes it out and decides 'to heck with this' and runs off into the early evening as fast as his limp will allow.

Anba_Hor heads out into the grasslands.

Nidlorf watches as his plans crumble. Odilo no doubt hates his king, and the badger will probably take them both back to the abbey. He sheaths his sword, calling to Mayeul, "Mayeul... You... You didn't mean what you said, did you? I don't blame you for hating me - but you are the only one of my men I would have gone through all this trouble for, realize that if anything."

Braxton still attempts to apply the antidote to Odilo.."you'll be alright friend" he says...he hopes. The Mouse gets a look. "are you alright?" He asks. "Who do you want to go with? Abbey or King?"

Odilo looks at the badger and smiles, "Well now, thank you there... I don't think Nidlorf over there was doin' anything to help me, anyway... Maybe you aren't so bad!" He allows himself to be helped up, feeling the antidote working. "I suppose with all this antidote lyin' around, the fox won't be as effective..." He cringes as he realizes which side he was on just moments ago.

Braxton nods and helps the squirrel up. "its no problem really" he looks to the king. "You know, If i weren't hired and payed to double cross you, I'd have really wanted a job under you...." He chuckles with a small smile before looking to mayeul. "So what is it?"

Mayeul answers, "Yes, I'm fine. Odilo, how are you managing... been a while since I've seen you." He looks at the king first, "No, I meant what I said at the moment because there was so much going on... but I think.." Looking at the badger, "I'm going to be going with him."

Braxton smiles. "Ah..I was right..anyways..." He goes to Give Odilo to Mayeul. "Take care of him for a moment will you?" He asks, looking to the king and hms. "Do you want the six hundred coins?" he asks.

Nidlorf nods, and looks at Odilo, "Odilo, I would have gotten to you sooner... I was concerned, well, for..." He doesn't have an excuse, "I feel like a terrible king. I am, aren't I? Odilo, thanks to you we are all alive right now." He looks at the badger, "No, I don't suppose that will help me any - I have no need of the coins."

Braxton nods. "Alright then" he ties it back to his belt. "Once i complete my task, I am open for hire if you wish" he says. "I may not like you...but you do have...the badger will to fight" He smirks a bit...Did he just compliment the king? Yes..no matter what Nidlorf thinks he means, Thats what Brax did...odd badger. He turns back to Odilo and then to Mayeul. "we need to get you to the infirmary" he says to the Squirrel, going back over and helping.

Odilo replies to Mayeul, "Hey there, scout! Yeah, actually I wasn't as concerned for you as I was getting revenge on that horrible vermin... You really can't depend on a fox these days." He laughs, coughing as the antidote still goes to work.

Mayeul nods, "Yes, let's get back to the abbey..." He whispers to the badger, "I really can't imagine why the king went through all of this for me... I don't think he's given up, even now..." He frowns, still very worried. "Watch your back, I think."

Braxton picks up his axe and nods to Mayeul. "I agree...He cant be trusted" he says before peering over his shoulder. "My offer of service to you is still open when i am done" he says, before going with the mouse, axe at the ready just incase.

Redwall Abbey: Infirmary

Braxton comes into the infirmary, carrying a wounded squirrel. "Any healers here?" the badger calls out quietly but loud enough as he goes to head for a cot so Odilo can rest.

Mayeul thanks Braxton one last time, before heading back outside, "Thank you... er, what was your name? I owe you a lot, badger, I should leave you to care for him, I'll be right outside..."

Braxton looks to Mayeul. "Braxton Bowstripe...Just Brax will do..and no, you owe kolya for he was the one who hired me" he says, waiting to see if anyone healers are here.

Mayeul departs for the hallway.

One of the healers, a female mouse, comes in from outside bringing fresh linens, and goes over to Odilo, "My goodness, what has happened to this one? Stabbed? Was there any poison?"

Odilo looks up and sighs, "I actually feel... fine, really. I suppose I could rest awhile, though. I am tired after... having... crawled all that way..."

Braxton nods. "Actually. Yes...there was poison but i have already applied the antidote" he replies. "he should be fine if I'm right, but I'm not the healer.”

The healer shakes her head, "I'll need to find Bottlebrush, he's a better expert than I at these types of things... if he did indeed crawl and exert himself as much as he says, then the poison has probably spread faster than normal - sometimes an antidote... well, tell him to rest so that the antidote can catch up with the poison."

Odilo answers her as best he can, but he's soo tired... "Aye... I did, an' it wasn't... easy...." He feels /something/ happening, but isn't sure anymore if it's the antidote. The room is swirling. He takes her advice and leans back, closing his eyes.

Braxton looks at the squirrel. "Are you alright?" he asks, nodding to the healer.

The young mouse nods back and lets him sleep, "I'll let Bottlebrush know as soon as I see him. I have to go tend to the others... many are still sick." She frowns, the last part almost drowned out amid all the coughing in the room.

Odilo falls into a deep sleep, nodding to the badger even while he falls into it.

Braxton departs for the hallway.

(Meanwhile) - Redwall Abbey: Great Hall

Mayeul comes downstairs from the infirmary and looks at the king, sitting, distraught. He had a feeling the king was up to something, but he feels safer now face to face with him than waiting to be abducted, "I know you were behind all of this, king. I have to admit, I don't have a fraction of the respect for you I once had." He waits a moment, and asks, "Why? Why all this for... for /me/?"

Kelia comes into the room and quietly sits down with a sigh. She gives a quiet nod to the beasts but is not saying a thing.

Zen walks into the room from the kitchen. He doesn't seem to have anything with him this time though. He doesn't glance around but moves strait to the fireplace, ploping down and closeing his eyes for a second.

Nidlorf exhales and doesn't bother looking behind him, "Mayeul... I thought you understood our peoples' dilemma... I could not risk having the same vermin who are after them after /you/, trying to get to them. They would stop at /nothing/ to know where we are hiding - and thanks to that stupid badger, now they probably will find out. We must move back home immediately. If you stay here, you remain a threat to us all..."

Mayeul is shocked and remains firm, "If you mean that fox, then /you/ were the one at fault for that, not the badger. He did what he could to save me, and I thanked him... he isn't your subject, and he isn't bound by the same secret I am."

Zen glances up just for a second, then his eyes widen. With a soft tremble, he slowly scoots a little closer to the fireplace, eyes locked on Nidlorf.

Braxton arrives from the Staircase.

Braxton comes down the Stairs and goes up to the two. "I sure hope that you both have settled your differences" he says, sitting near them.

Nidlorf paahs, and chuckles, "If you think that badger was acting in your best interest, then you really /are/ a threat to us... We have stayed hidden for more seasons that I can remember, the vermin threat is just a memory... but now I see it coming back to us, very realistically. If that fox finds out that you are staying here, Mayeul, /he/ will tell others where you are, who will force you to tell them where /we/ are." He looks at the badger, "Hardly. You don't understand our dilemma, perhaps Mayeul should tell you what I'm telling him."

Braxton hms and glances. "The problem was explained to me in detail...I'm aware of most everything...but I can not understand why you do not let him stay at the abbey..." he says, yawning.

Mayeul instead eyes Zen, "Hey there, little one... you're over by the fire, why are you shaking? Isn't it warm over there?" He gets up and goes over to the dibbun.

Kelia has left.

Zen blinks and flenches, curling up, "Ughn.. I.. wh... what... do you want... with me?!? I... I didn't... see anything.. i... bad stoat.. er... something, I... don't know... I..." He blinks and stares now at Mayeul frightend...

Braxton looks to Zen and hms. "Are you okay little one?" the badger asks.

Nidlorf shakes his head, "Let the little one ramble on like that, he saw our little fight the other day to get you back... he's gone insane, I think..." He waves his paw, "You are /aware/ of everything? Hah! What could you possibly know?! The fate of our entire people rests in Mayeul, and you want me to just leave him here?"

Nicodemus steps in from the entry.

Braxton looks over before standing and going to the king. "Look. I know that if he gives away the location of your kingdom, could be a problem. I'm fairly sure he would not do that..." he says before going over to the little mouse. "Are you alright?"

Nicodemus enters the hall, nodding to Martin's tapestry. He looks very harried, though his eyes are clear and he's showing no signs of illness.

Zen blinks and rubs his eyes, tears streaming from then, "I... he... I saw... them... they... were fighting over.. something... I..." He slowly tries to make his way over to Braxton, being careful and cautious.

Mayeul looks up from the dibbun at Nidlorf, "No, he's not alright! You got to him, didn't you? Didn't want him to say what he /really/ saw.... I /know/ you, better than you know yourself! Explain what has happened to this dibbun, the truth!"

Braxton looks at the dibbun and then looks over and going back. He spots the abbot and hms. "good evening sir..I think we may have a problem" He nods at the king and Then to the dibbun.

Nicodemus looks at the badger. "I'm stunned." He's obviously exhausted.

Braxton stands and goes to the Abbot. "Are you alright?" he asks. The stunned comment gets a small frown.

Nidlorf breathes in and out, and sees Nicodemus before continuing, more confident now that the Abbot is here, "Ah, the Abbot of Redwall, hello. I merely told Odilo to explain the context of what was going on... that 'stoat' had turned violently on both me and my soldier, and was going to cost us our lives and the life of that other squirrel who was with us. By the way, abbot, didn't that stoat, Kolya I believe, quit your order?"

The abbot brushes aside the question and takes a deep breath. "What can I do for you?"

Nicodemus looks from the badger to the squirrel. "Kolya has resigned his novitiate, yes. Are you saying after doing so that he's attacked you, sir?"

Braxton hms. "The Squirrel there" he points to the king. "I'm afraid has perhaps done something to the dibbun there" he points to zen.

Nicodemus looks back to the badger, then to Zen, then back to the squirrel.

Zen sniffles and rubs his eyes. He remains with his arms folded over his chest tightly, shivering. "I.. he... t-told... I-I... I.. can't... I didn't see... see anything... I..." He tears up more, rubbing at his whiskers a little nervously.

Mayeul knows what he's trying to do and interrupts, "Kolya was assigned to protect me, and while he may have failed at that, he was intent upon getting me safely back to the abbey, while you were intent on making deals with that evil fox of yours!" He looks at the abbot, "Abbot, listen to nothing my king tells you. He is trying to mask his own guilt."

Nicodemus glances at the tapestry.

Braxton goes back to zen before kneeling once more. "its alright....your safe...dont need to worry about what ever that squirrel did" he says, extending a friendly paw to the dibbun...

Nicodemus turns to Mayeul as he says his piece.

Zen takes Braxton's paw and quickly makes his way to lean into him. "I.. ughn... please.. don't.... l.. let... don't hurt me... please..." He squeeks in a very soft voice.

Braxton goes to give the mouse a hug without hurting him. "dont worry...i wont" he says, looking back over to the Squirrels.

Nidlorf sits back comfortably, confident he has done only what has been necessary, "Your abbotship, the dibbun is of no concern of mine... if he had not been allowed outside, then he would not have seen what he had seen... as for Mayeul, I must take him with us back home - he is a liability to the secret of our peoples' location."

The abbots eyes narrow. "Let me get this straight ... Your Majesty, Zen saw something and you consider it your prerogative to ensure his silence?"

Braxton hms. "i doubt that greatly. I doubt Mayeul would do anything to put your people in danger...with respect of course" he says. Then the badger goes quiet when the abbot speaks.

Mayeul is done saying what he has to say, and watches the king get himself out of blame.

Nidlorf chuckles, "/You/ doubt that? I doubt very much you know who is after me and the royal family, or what they would do if they found out from that fox that /you/ let escape where Mayeul was residing. He isn't safe if even one vermin outside the abbey knows where he is."

Braxton replies, since its to him. "I didn't kill him for a reason..." he says. "Because I dont kill needlessly" The badger attempts to pick zen up so that they can be off the floor.

Nicodemus waits for Nidlorf's answer to his question.

Zen sniffles and is easily picked up, finding some comfort with the badger. "I... th... thanky... I..." He clings to Braxton the best he can with his small paws.

Braxton nods. "Its no problem little one" he says, slowly going over to the group and sitting down in the biggest chair, just incase.

Nidlorf finally answers the abbot, "Your abbotship, I say again... the dibbun's silence was not my prerogative, merely that he not demonize me and my soldier."

Nicodemus asks, "And what did you tell him to 'merely' ensure that silence?"

Zen Squeeks loudly, frightend, "That.... bad stoak... bad.. he... he turned on..p.. p-porr... King Nidlorf... I... I.." He tears up and gitters more, glancing at Nidlorf, "See??! I... I said... jus.... what.. you told... told me to, right?!?! I.. did? Right?"

Nidlorf stands, appalled at the way he is being treated, "Abbot Nicodemus, I respect the abbey you serve, and I do not claim to have authority over it, but I /do/ have many things over a dibbun, not the least of which is wisdom of age and experience. I told my soldier to tell him what he was to tell others. Whether or not my soldier scared him with his appearance is of no concern to me!" Nidlorf nods at what the dibbun says, "See? Even in the safety of the badger's arms, he tells the truth!"

Braxton puts a paw on Zen's back quietly before looking over, watching the king and the abbot.

Zen squeeks and breaks down crying, "I.. I d... said.. it.. just... don't hurt me... please..." He burries his head in Braxton's fur a little, sobbing and shivering still.

Nicodemus says, "Actually, you have no authority over anybeast here, dibbun or non-dibbun, sir."

Braxton looks to zen. "he wont hurt you, i promise.." he says, before going back to Glaring at The king guy.

Nicodemus looks briefly at Zen, then back to the king. "So, you have command of a soldier, but are not responsible for that soldier? Is that what I'm hearing?"

Mayeul has had enough, "Nidlorf, you are no longer my king... I renounced my service to you... but you must give up this fight. I do not swear never to give away your location, even if I would not do it by what is good and right, because I no longer owe you that. Why not stop hiding? Why not fight for the right to exist? You never suggested we do that!"

Braxton looks to Mayeul and gives a slight smile with a shake of his head to say /let the abbot handle it/ or something close...just a shake of the head.

Nidlorf is no longer worried about the dibbun, but looks at Mayeul, stunned at what he has said, "So you would have innocent blood on your paws because you don't feel you owe me anything? This is nonsense... you aren't acting out of the good of our people, but in your /own/ interest... tell me /that/ is good and right!"

Flicktail arrives from the Staircase.

Flicktail enters into the Great Hall with a flourish of his tail

Nicodemus nods to the fox.

Braxton looks to the in coming fox. "Good evening" he greets.

Flicktail brightens immediatly and bounds over to the Abbot "ello Father Nick!" he pats the ancient squirrel on the back.

Nicodemus says, "Your majesty, I think you're trying to eat your cake and have it also."

Flicktail turns as he hears the other voice, that of Braxton, smiling happily and then see's badger belly...his file fades as he slowly looks...up...up...UP, into the Badgers muzzle..then his fur stands on end, he squeels and plasters his back to the wal!

Zen sniffles and rubs his eyes, slowly glancing back at Nidlorf and then the Abbot. He hugs Braxton tighter, slowly starting to calm a little.

Braxton looks at flicktail. "Sir, the abbot is a bit busy...can you leave him be for a few moments?" he asks politely, before returning Zen's hug, only very softly.

Nicodemus says, "You freely use force to dominate others and then demonize any who claim the right not to be so treated."

Mayeul shakes his head, "I don't claim to make the best decisions for a whole people... you are the one responsible for that; I must do what is right for me, now." He listens to the abbot and nods.

Nicodemus says, "I'd just like to be sure I have the facts straight. Zen "improperly" witnessed something and you commanded a grown warrior to ensure that he would never speak of it to expose what he saw. Am I missing anything?"

Flicktail is currenly plastered to the wall of the abby, fur all a friz staring at the badger with a terrified expression.

Nidlorf eases his anger a bit and closes his eyes, then opening them and addressing the abbot, "Abbot. I would never wish our circumstances to be those of this abbey... although I see you are having tough times yourself. I admit that I was acting in /my/ best interest toward the dibbun, but what right does a member of your abbey have in putting myself and others in danger outside the abbey? I have done nothing to him, yet he turns on me and promises death upon me..."

Braxton looks to Flicktail. "Are you alright Mister flicktail?" he asks before watching the king and hming.

Nicodemus says, "If you have a complaint about an Abbey beast, I'm quite willing to hear it. But, I'm currently attempting to understand the issue here."

Flicktail shakes his head no very stiffyly when the BIG Badger addresses him...somehow impossibly molding himself even more to the wall.

Zen sniffles softly as his hug weakens a little, seeming that he calms down a little.

Braxton Hms. "Mister flicktail, didn't we resolve that i wont hurt you when we first met?" he asks with a quiet chuckle, before going totally quiet and watching the Abbot mostly.

Nidlorf explains, "The dibbun was told the truth of the matter, which was simply that we were defending Mayeul's best interests, and that Kolya was serving to kill both the fox and myself. I had my soldier tell him nothing but the truth, as I saw it."

Flicktail slowly squats down, his arms out to Zen, he REALLY wants to have the dibbun in his arms when there is a badger present.

Zen blinks, "Uh... but.. wh... what about the.. the..." He rubs his eyes a little, staring at Niflorf.

Braxton Hms and looks up. "The way Kolya puts it, you were putting him and The others at risk" he says.

Mayeul speaks up again, "Best interests? No, perhaps the interests of people a season's march away... /not/ mine."

Nicodemus says, "OK, I think this is easily enough settled. Tell Zen that he's free to say whatever he saw, and we'll hear what he says."

Nidlorf huffs, and sits back down. He'd not have to explain himself a dozen times back home - and the dibbuns would have a lot more respect and discipline. He adds, "I think we would have to have Odilo tell him that... and he is currently upstairs, wounded, because of your badger over there."

Braxton goes to seat Zen on his Lap properly, waiting for the king to say what the abbot said...Or was it Directed to him? would be bad. before he speaks. "I saved his life after you left him to die..ask him yourself..and Mayeul also was there..ask him too"

Mayeul nods, "I didn't see him wounded, but I would wager the badger is right. It was he, not Nidlorf, who went to him when he was in the midst of death."

Nicodemus sighs. "You know, I'd always thought when I grew up and left the abbey that adults wouldn't behave so. I was shocked to discover I was wrong."

Zen squeeks softly and rubs his nose, "I... I just... was watching and... they were saying something... I.. I think the... the one named Kolya was trying to find... find someone... he promised to protect but..." He pauses, fidgeting with his paws.

Braxton smiles softly at Zen. "go on...tell the abbot what you saw.." he smiles a bit.

Nicodemus turns to Zen. "I'm all ears lad." Nicodemus sticks his ears straight up.

Nidlorf grinds his teeth together at the general defiance from Mayeul, and looks at the abbot, then to the dibbun, as calmly and soothingly as possible, "Okay, then, little one... I promise nothing will happen to you if you tell them what /you/ saw... I won't be angry, just tell me what it was you saw /yourself/."

Flicktail stays as far away from the Badger as he can but is torn, Zen is a dibbun NO one upsets a dibbun when flicky is about

Zen squeeks softly and tears up a little, "I... there... was a fox and... they... were.. talking about money.. or something... looking for... a beast.. uh...a... I forgets... but... Nidlorf... wanted money and.... I.. don't know who... the fox was but.. he... had... poison darts or... something.. I...." He sniffle softly and blushes, glancing back at Nidlorf nervously. "Will.. the other... one hurt me?"

Braxton goes and hms. "Dont worry, you'll be safe from him or the other while i am here...go on" he says quietly.

Nicodemus ponders while Zen speaks...and mutters, "wanted money..."

Mayeul hmms? The other one? Him? "Zen, you remember me? We played that word game... you have nothing to fear from me! I'm your friend!"

Flicktail slides down the wall to hug his knees, whimpering softly himself as he watchesthe Badger carefully

Braxton glances to flicktail once and gives a small friendly smile but pays very little attention to the Fox.

Zen sniffles, his voice getting a bit weaker, "I... I think... Koyla.... got... angerd at something and... nex thing.. I... I knew they... were fighting.. I... I saw someone... get hurt and.... then.. they ran off.. but... the King and his gaurd, were still there.... then... someone else came and..." He blushes red and pauses again, then nods at Mayeul, "I... you.. you are? I-I mean.. I.. just... kinna... scared..."

Nidlorf laughs, "You see? None of it makes sense... I believe they were poison daggers, and the /fox/ wanted money... what would a king want with more money from a mercenary fox? The lad is useless when it comes to his version of things..."

Braxton looks at Nidlorf with a very stern look that only a badger can give..and anyone else who tries but says nothing.

Nicodemus turns to the king. "Ah, dibbuns are very poor liars, your Majesty. They don't know how to maintain lies consistently, and they don't understand the implications well. Of course, they also don't report their tales clearly. But ..."

Nicodemus asks, "Your highness, would you be so kind as to show me a purse with a large amount of coins?"

Flicktail nervously says "Me..me Zen don lie....

Nidlorf points to the badger, "That badger has a large sum of treasure on him, but I have no need to carry my own with me... I have valuables on me, yes, but no coins or any currency. Why do you ask?"

Nicodemus says, "Well, currency would be needed to hire a mercenary; my wife is one, and she's very bad about credit. On the other hand, if you were selling something, a mercenary might indeed be willing to buy. "

Nicodemus turns back to the mouse, "So, Zen, did you hear what the fox was being asked to give money for?"

Braxton hms. "Father..if i may say something?" he asks.

Nicodemus says, "Sure."

Zen sniffles a little, nodding his head a little, "I... I think so... they could find out where... someone was.. but.... I.. maybe the person Kolya was looking for... The fox.. said that if he.. he was to die.. the other... um... beast would too."

Demmer arrives from the Staircase.

Braxton looks at Nidlorf. "From what I saw today, The same fox that Took Mayeul in the first place, Was the hired by that king" he says.

Nicodemus asks, "And this is the fox upstairs in the infirmary?"

Mayeul is even getting confused in the midst of all this... did Nidlorf buy the fox's services? Or was he going to pay him for getting Mayeul back? If the fox and the king were in league, wouldn't it be easy just to go retrieve Mayeul themselves, without need of a badger?

Nidlorf chimes in, "Your abbotship, the payment was in exchange for Mayeul's return... to suggest I had prior arrangements with him is absurd!"

Nicodemus hears the click.

Braxton Hms. "I dont get then, how such fox Seemed to know you better than meeting a day before today?" he asks.

Nicodemus says, "So, you hired a fox to kidnap Mayeul, were witnessed by Zen, and had Zen terrorized into silence."

Zen nuzzles into Braxton, his muzzle just hanging open slightly.

Nicodemus taps. "And Kolya, who left the order so he could fight in Mayeul's defense, in fact did so.

Nicodemus says, "And in so doing, injured the mercenary, who is in the infirmary upstairs."

Braxton gives Zen a small smile before glancing up and listening.

Nicodemus puts his paws out, "That's about the most I've gotten out of this story so far."

The great hall doors permit the wicked winter wind and a sea otter. Demmer quickly closes the doors behdind himself. He glances about, his cloak dripping from snow. He notes the beasts in the room, remaining by the door but does not interupt.

Braxton hms. "And this morning, Kolya hired me to help get Mayeul back after he had fallen ill."

Nicodemus says, "So, Kolya has gone from bodyguard to broker in a single week."

Braxton hms. "Actually, he would not have hired me if he had not fallen ill with the sickness in the abbey. He's in the infirmary if you wish to inquire into how i became involved"

Nicodemus shakes his head. "Frankly, I'm not sure why most of this is my problem. The affairs of kinds, mercenaries, bodyguards, etc., is not my business. The safety of Zen is."

Nidlorf becomes frustrated, "No, abbot, you are letting the others confuse you... let me explain - I had demanded that Mayeul meet me at the gates the next morning so he could leave with us... in the night, he was abducted by a fox who had an agenda all his own, and who demanded in the morning that I pay him for Mayeul's return... that's when I unwittingly let Kolya and his friend help me in taking on the fox, and attempting a rescue."

Nicodemus looks at Mayeul, "You were abducted by a fox and rescued, or ransomed?"

Demmer watches the goings on just a moment, before walking quietly to the fire.

Mayeul explains, although he doubts Nidlorf is telling the /entire/ truth, "Yes, I was taken by the fox, and kept at a tavern a ways up the road. Nidlorf came later with Odilo his soldier and Braxton."

Nicodemus asks, "And, Braxton, are you 'the friend' of Kolya's he's referring to?"

Braxton hms. "Not that i know of..there was another one with him yesterday, who's also in the infirmary...I think so anyways"

Nicodemus says, "Kidnapped from this Abbey and taken to the Gull."

Nicodemus says, "So, it's Odilo who's in the infirmary."

Mayeul nods, "Yes, abbot. I heard nothing from the vermin there of any plot, but that doesn't mean it wasn't arranged."

Flicktail trembles and wishes He coudl hold onto Zen.

Braxton nods. "Right. Who's currently sleeping as i remember correctly"

Nicodemus asks, "Now, how is it that Zen got involved in this mess?" Nicodemus says, "Zen certainly didn't wander up to the Black Gull Tavern."

Zen sniffles softly, "I... didn't.. know what was happening so.. I... I followed a little outside the.. the entrance... gates and... they... started to fight... a little... ways out..."

Braxton shrugs a bit before looking back to Zen and smiling a bit, waiting for Zen to say how he got involved.

Nicodemus asks, "The gates of the Abbey?"

Nidlorf explains that, "Zen was outside the gates watching the first encounter with the fox. That same morning, at the gates, yes."

Nicodemus says, "The encounter where the fox basically said, "I have kidnapped your friend, pay me at the Gull."?"

Zen nods his head yes, "I... thinks so..." He rubs his nose a little, then glances at Flicktail.

Nidlorf nods. "I would have made a solid bargain with the fox, a safe one, if Kolya hadn't been so brash..."

Nicodemus chuckles. "Kolya, brash? I'd never imagine it."

Braxton looks over. "Since when was it alright to pay beasts holding another Captive?" he asks.

Mayeul has a problem with that, "Yes, but he wanted my return to the abbey! You wanted to take me back to camp, and who /knows/ what else... Silence me forever, no doubt. That /is/ what you do best, your majesty."

Braxton says, "you'd have no garentee if you were to pay them they'd not hurt Mayeul anyways, And get away before you could do anything" "

Nicodemus says, "The thing is, snatching beasts from the Abbey is terribly rare ... we have no means to ransom."

Demmer turns from the fire and makes his way toward the stairs, but stops at Nic's word: snatching.

Nicodemus says, "So, it's an amazing coincidence that the beast snatched happend to have a wealthy king ready to ransom him."

Nidlorf throws his paws up, "Well, that is what happened. He must have known there was a king here, no doubt one of your own told him... no doubt told him also that Mayeul was one of my own."

Nicodemus says, "No doubt; the very day you were going to leave, if I'm understanding you properly."

Demmer turns slowly and swatches a moment.

Mayeul chuckles, thinks it's not looking good for Nidlorf, no matter if he hired the fox or not.

Nidlorf exhales and leans back, "Yes, it all looks very suspicious - blame me all you want. Why would I want a vermin to know about any of this? He's out there, roaming about now, probably giving the whereabouts of me and my men. I'm sure it wouldn't be long before one of the vermin looking for /me/ finds him, and learns that one of my own has deserted me." He looks at Mayeul with emphasis.

Nicodemus says, "As I said, the affairs of kings and such are not my concern. I'm a carpenter turned Abbot. The terrorizing of my dibbuns is my concern."

Flicktail stares at the Badger, thats one terrorized fox ;)

Nicodemus ponders Mayeul. "And you ... are you seeking asylum here?"

Braxton looks to flicktail and gives a small friendly smile. "you dont need to be afraid of me, Master fox" he smiles a bit before looking back to the Abbot.

Nidlorf finally snaps at the abbot, "Then perhaps letting one of your dibbuns wander into a warzone should be another! You're lucky Odilo was there by the gate to /protect/ him, if anything!"

Flicktail's eyes widen each time the Badger smiles and shows them sharp TEETH

Zen squeeks softly, closeing his eyes and fidgeting with his tail. He breaths in deeply, then slowly sighs to let the air out of him. His cheeks light up red. "He.. sc.. scared.. .me. though.... and.. he..."

Mayeul cringes at Nidlorf's fury, for Nidlorf's sake, though... "Um, yes Abbot... you may not have to ponder hard as to why..."

Nicodemus says, "This isn't a prison, it's an Abbey. Zen isn't a slave; he's a dibbun. It's sure safer in here than out, but good beasts don't need to terrorize dibbuns or force them to silence should they wander into harms way."

Braxton looks at zen and hms a bit. "Would you like to go over and See flicktail?" he asks.

Nicodemus nods to Mayeul. "You are welcome to stay here. Please respect any honorable secrets you acquired in his service, of course."

Nicodemus says, "Your Highness, since you have grave cause to doubt our security, I suggest you flee before those we can't protect you from breach our walls again."

Demmer turns back to the stairs and resumes walking toward the stairs.

Braxton looks to the Otter he missed. "Good evening Master Otter" he greets with a small smile.

Nidlorf has the abbot exactly where he wants him, though, "Not a prison? I sure am ready to leave the place, what with death all around me... you hide from the outside here almost as much as we do at home - but at least we don't have to worry about vermin /there/. If one comes within a day's march of my home, I slay it. I don't take chances, good or bad."

Zen nods at Braxton slowly, "I... I would like to see.. Flicktail... please?"

Braxton nods. "Alright..." he goes to set Zen down on the floor so he can go to flicktail.

Nicodemus says, "Very well. Please talk to the kitchen beasts and you'll be able to leave with provisions this very evening."

Nicodemus turns to Zen, "And you don't need to fret about what you saw. Nobody will harm you over it.

Flicktail opens his arms to zen, looking very scared and nervous himself.

Mayeul sighs and bows to the abbot, "Abbot, thank you for granting it to me. I shall, although I certainly don't feel indebted to him any longer..."

Zen slowly makes his way over to Flicktail, glancing up shyly when he makes it to him. He then nods at Nicodemus slowly, "But..I... are... you sure? I.. I mean.... I... I know... th.. they... will do it..." He then accepts Flicktails affer, nuzzling in closely.

Demmer heads over towards the Stairs.

Demmer has left.

Flicktail nuzzles Zen holding him firmly "Oi..oi won't lets nuttin appen either....

Nicodemus says, "Flicky, you're a strong shield-otter, ensure Zen knows you'll not let anything happen to him."

Zen nods his head and sniffles softly, closeing his eyes and leaning into Flicktail, "T.. thanky.. I..."

Braxton continues to watch mayeul and the king. "Master Mayeul, before you leave the room, I'd like a word with you?" he asks quietly.

Flicktail says, "oi..goes a whole camp will o otters, wots keeps ye safe...w..will ye protek me from at Badger..e be all big and scary lookin...."

Nicodemus turns back to the king. "Of course, we'll be sure to take good care of your soldier until he's better. You need have no fear of that."

Nidlorf points at Mayeul, "If I so much as hear a rumor that we have been betrayed by you, I will come for you. I will /wait/ until you come out of this abbey begging to be taken dead or alive. You are no longer one of my own. Do you hear me?"

Braxton looks over at Nidlorf. "enough of your threats squirrel" he says with a frown.

Nidlorf looks at the abbot, "I will take him now, whether he is ready or not."

Nicodemus says, "If he wishes, of course."

Mayeul is shaken up a bit at this, and sits in a chair, staring in front of him. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Braxton steps forward a few, but stops short of Mayeul. He's in protect mode now..so he stands there, frowning..frown frown frown

Nicodemus says, "Oh, Mayeul, you might consider writing up the location and any other secrets of importance and leaving them in the care of our recorder." Nicodemus smiles. "It would be a right terrible thing, but a will to go with them would be most wise too."

Zen sniffles softly and nods his head slowly, his ears splaying out more. He squeeks very softly at Flicktail with a weak voice, "Do... you.. has... a-any.. candied nuts?"

Nidlorf fumes, "For your sake, Abbot, you had better be in a joking mood..." He goes quickly upstairs to pack his things. "I, however, would bet this is not the last you see of me."

Flicktail tugs at a money pouct at his aits and opens itto show many candied walnuts

Nicodemus says, "Oh, with a mercenary for a wife, I've learned all about wills and secrets."

Braxton looks to Nidlorf. "You'd better hope this is the last squirrel" he says, before returning to kind mode. He looks at Mayeul and hms. "are you alright?"

Nicodemus says, "She's still alive, as far as I know. Dirty things, secrets."

Mayeul shakes his head, "I don't... know. He takes all of this very seriously, I'm afraid. He's right - he doesn't take chances, any. Not with his familiy and people."

Zen sniffles softly and smiles, gently taking a few candied walnuts and nibbling on one, "Th-thanky Flicktail.. I..."

Flicktail's ers perk "you was so brave to be so close to at Badger" he says to Zen "were...were. he nice?

Nicodemus shrugs. "Mayeul, your life is yours, not mine. My suggestion was to honor the secrets. Insurance is a wonderful thing though."

Braxton looks to mayeul after a glance to the abbot. "do not fear Master Mayeul...I'm sure that the squirrel will not make good on his threats while you are under the Abbeys protection...or mine for that matter. I still have a contract with kolya you Protect you" He smirks a bit before looking at the abbot.

Zen sniffles and nods his head at Flicktail, "Y.. yea.. he was. He... kept me all.. nice and safe.."

Mayeul looks to the abbot, "Nicodemus, I would /never/ want to jeopardize your abbey... but if Nidlorf's security ever is jeopardized, whether it is because of me or not, he will seek to avenge it."

Nicodemus says, "The Abbey has faced grave threats in it's years of existance. It's not hear to cower in fear, but to offer help and kindness in a world that desperately needs it."

Nicodemus says, "To say, "Oh, we'd help you, but since it's dangerous, forget it" is contrary to that mouse in the tapestry."

Flicktail nod nods "e...scares me" he says with a tremble "e as big teeth and claws don e...

Flicktail takes a cloth for Zen to blow his nose in

Braxton hms and looks to the Tapestry before back to the Abbot, still standing there quietly.

Zen nods a little at Flicktail, then smiles softly, grinning a little and showing his teeth, "Hehe, I.. I has big teethts too..." He blushes and reaches his paws out for the cloth, sniffling a little more before blowing his nose.

Mayeul looks at Martin and feels better. Wow, that was strange. He sighs, relieved both by the image and the abbot's words.

Nidlorf heads over towards the Stairs.

Nidlorf has left.

Flicktail looks to Zen "be e yer friend then?" nodding to Braxton "does ye..wont's me to meets im?

Braxton smiles a bit. "So...I take this matter of the king is settled for now then?" he asks in his normal polite tone.

Nicodemus sits down. "I have no idea."

Mayeul shrugs, "Well, my former master is leaving, so yes... for a long time, I imagine."

Nicodemus points to the mouse, Mayeul. "You better be a very fine friend to Kolya given what he's gone through on your behalf."

Zen blushes and nods at Flicktail, "He... he's my friends... You don' has to meet him.."

Flicktail says, "Well..Mebby Oi could..if ye takesme over and protects me from im...."

Braxton nods slightly to the mouse before adjusting his position in the room before facing the abbot..he waits until everything is done before he speaks.

Mayeul nods, "I owe him a lot, most of all in the face of Nidlorf's accusations. He really can be ruthless, even to a dibbun."

Zen squeeks and nods at Flicktail, gently sticking his small paw out, "Okie..." He glances back at Braxton and smiles, "H-Hi... I.. gots someone... for yas to meet."

Flicktail takes Zen's paw, andlooking much liek a scared Dibbun himelf lets himself be led up to Braxton.

Braxton looks down. "one moment little one, there is something i wish to ask the abbot before he gets too Busy.." he smiles a bit, smiling a bit more at flicktail.

Flicktail stays close to Zen and waits for the Badger politely

Braxton looks back to the abbot, waiting for the go ahead to speak.

Nicodemus leans back. "Braxton, what can I do for you?"

Zen nods and smiles, waiting patiently for Braxton.

Mayeul sighs, and decides he's been through enough for a day... "I am ready to retire... sorry for the trouble I have brought with me... sometimes I think it would have been better for me to have never met Turmal, to have kept going up the road."

Nicodemus turns briefly to the mouse, "Should you find a way to undo the past, let me know. Otherwise, don't play that game with yourself or you'll lose every time."

Braxton smiles a bit and gives a polite half-bow before speaking. "I was Wondering who I would half to speak to, or what i would have to do to take up a guard position at the abbey? I know its not the best time to ask, but with the sickness, I think you'd have your paws full for a while, want to get it out of the way.." he says.

Mayeul nods, "You would think an older mouse like myself would know it by now... but.. well, sometimes we all grow in different ways." He looks at the stairs Nidlorf ascended a moment ago. "Goodnight, all."

Nicodemus says, "The Long Patrol has a few hares here, and of course Flicky from Camp Willow. We don't have a Warrior at this time. However, you are certain welcome to share in our life here. Should the need for weapon-play arise, we'd be grateful for your presence."

Braxton looks to Mayeul. "Good night Master Mayeul" he greets before bowing a bit. "Remind me to talk to you about something when we meet next" he says before nodding to the abbot with a smile and giving another semi-bow. "Right..sounds good to me...thank you" He smiles before standing properly and going to zen and flicktail. "So, young one, you wished me to meet some beast?"

Zen blushes and nodnods, pointing at Flicktail. "Yup! Him..."

Nicodemus holds out his paws to the fireplace, grateful not to have a crisis at this instant.