"Do you believe beasts deserve a 2nd chance?" (Tiny little bitty bit Redemption Of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Here's what the room usually looks like...

FV:Chieftain's Home:Main Room
The inside of the home is large, a door leads to the sleeping quarters and another to a kitchen area. This room has a large window looking outside with nice navy blue curtains on it. The floor is wooden and a large fireplace keeps the room warm in those cold months.Above the fireplace is a large painting of the Chieftain and his mate.In the room also is a table and a few chairs to sit in.A large bookcase is by a far wall with many books of all kinds on it.
Exits: [B]ack, [Bed]room, [K]itchen

Scioto the cat. Blisa the cat, Ferdinand the ferret, Clarissa the rat, Basilisk the whiptail snake, a male fox with a battleaxe, a vixen healer named Valerie, a weasel, and a stoat.

The main room of the Chieftain's house is in chaos. All the furniture has been shoved back to the walls, the painting of Scioto and his mate has been taken down from the wall and hidden behind a chair, and a wooden board with a life-size painted silhouette of a non-descript beast has been hung in front of a window. It has 11 knives sticking out from it at various lethal places. Blisa and her rat guard, Clarissa, are jousting in the middle of the floor, the rat giving the cat tips on how to fight with her dirk and dagger better. Ferdinand and a huge, hulking male fox are mock-fighting in front of the painted board. A vixen is standing in front of the fireplace, painting Basilisk, who has a lampshade on his head and is complaining very loudly about it. A weasel and a stoat are arguing in the kitchen about what to cook.

Scioto steps into the house and looks like he needs a serious rest, he then sees what's going on and groans loudly as he frowns. "What in the seasons!?" He asks raising his voice slightly as he closes the door leading outside. It seems so far his day has been not so great and then he walks into this.

All activity ceases at the entrance of the Chieftain, then Blisa smiles calmly. "Hi, Dad. Clarissa is training me and everyone's guarding me. We decided it wouldn't be the best idea for me to be training outside." The vixen, who is more of a healer than anything, points her paintbrush at an armchair in a corner that the painting is stowed behind. "You can sit there if ye'd like, Sir. It's the safest spot in the room." Basil takes a deep breath and whines, saying, "Whyyyyy do I have to have a lamp on my head???! Make them sssstop!"

Scioto looks over at Basil and does fairly well resisting the urge to laugh, he glances at Blisa "Well, I do not...we have not seen any danger outside or in the village. There was some trouble by the river but it was taken care of." He does sit down and rubs his forehead "My morning has not been the best, had to deal with an annoying talk to much.." He sighs," Lets just say we have a new resident and some dislike it, then again they may dislike someone else even more so"

Clarissa smiles, turns and, with barely a glance, throws her 2 knives home, hitting the painted beast in the chest and neck. Ferdinand and the fox don't even flinch; they know she doesn't miss. As she goes to collect her knives, Blisa sheaths her weapons and goes to sit at her father's feet. "Oh? Do you want to talk about it?" Basilisk suddenly shakes the lampshade off and slithers over to the young cat's side, ignoring the angry insults of the vixen. "Do you need me to eat ssssomebeasst?" he asks hopefully. The stoat and the weasel in the kitchen starts arguing again, but they do it in quiet tones.

Scioto looks at basil, "Knowing this beast he just keep talking while inside you and make you go insane. I mean he basically finds an empty hut and oh he will live here he says." He shakes his head, "He isn't a threat, though feel sorry for anyone who would try to attack him, he has this large staff he carries around."

Blisa giggles slightly. "So....Ferdy should never hang out with him." Ferdinand glares slightly at the cat, sheaths his sword, and comes and leans on the all by the Chieftain's chair. Clarissa, who has gotten all 13 of her knives back in their sheaths, and the fox with his battleaxe, head out the front door to do a perimeter sweep. The vixen puts down her painting supplies and goes to check on the bedrooms. The weasel and the stoat are now chopping vegetables, still 'debating' at full speed. Basil is silently wondering how his prey could be talking in his stomach... The white cat scoots closer to her father and goes hold his paws. "That sounds stressful. But you're here now, and I want to listen, not speak. So. What happened at the river? And who's the someone else that some may dislike more than an overtalkitive creature with a big staff?"

Scioto chuckles, "I will just mention the talkative one, he is an old badger. And there was some bandits by the river causing trouble but like I said they were dealed with and things went fairly well and we got back to Ferravale ok. It seems the bandits have left the area so that's a good sign or least no one has spotted them the past few days."

Blisa is slightly frustrated that her father isn't telling her everything, but she doesn't press, much as she'd like to. "That's good. I hope they stay away. Or get eaten by that big golden eagle Xia was going after. By the way, have you heard anything about it?" Basilisk inturrupts now to say, "how could he keep talking in my sssstomach after I hug him? Nobeasssst hasss ever sssurvived my hug." "Blitha and I both have," Ferdinand retorts. "That'sss not what I meant, you ferret-faced twig who can't ssspeak properly." "That'th wath uncalled for!" "OH MY WORD!" Shouts Blisa, glaring at the 2 of them.

Scioto blinks as he looks at the others and back to Blisa "I have not heard anything of any eagle, hmms could ask.." He still seems uncertain weather to mention anyone as they are not staying at the house but a guest room used for usually special guests upstairs at the tavern, he sighs again as he asks a question, "Do you believe beasts deserve a 2nd chance?"

Basilisk and Ferdinand settle down, glaring sullenly at each-other as Blisa turns back to her father, rolling her eyes. "They're always doing that. Oh, yeah, that's right, you had left the room by the time we learned about the eagle and I made that deal with Xia..." She listens to the question and hesitates. "Well..." The ferret gives her a searching look as she thinks. "Um....well...I try to, but....sometimes I'm so mad at them, I don't want to. Ferdy says that the makings of a good leader is to not hold grudges and to forgive those who hurt you should they truly change...but I'm a long way from being able to do that."

Scioto nods "He is right, it does make a good leader to know this and I found it hard at first as well when someone showed up 2-3 weeks ago. He willingly let himself be placed in a cell and only stayed a day as I talked with him and listened and returned his weapons. I also talked to him a few days later when he...well seemed to have a mental breakdown and was ...well crying, real tears not fake ones and no beast can fake a breakdown, nor one that is usually calm and well in control of things to be slightly jumpy, not that he is as jumpy and it was only when he was helping to put a fire out. The bar keep house burned down and it was later found to be a damaged chimney as the cause."

Ferdinand smiles softly as his boss agrees with him. Blisa nods. "I heard about the barkeeper's house. I heard he had died. I really liked him..." She sighs, then smiles slightly. "So...you think this beast has really changed? You think he is forgivable?" "I can eat him if he isssn't..." Basil offers, then he shrinks back slightly as the ferret lays a paw on his sabre hilt threateningly.

Scioto looks unsure weather to tell whom it is, "I...think so, Flicktail changed. Now this beast has done alot but not as much as some and he did help make sure I wasn't taken away by those bandits."

Blisa stares at the floor for a few minutes, thinking, then she turns her green-eyed gaze to her father's face. "Well, if you think so, then I'll try. I tried with Astra because you said you loved her, so if you think this beast has changed, then I'll try to give them a second chance, even if I don't like him. Because you're my Dad and I love you."

Scioto smiles a little, "Yeah...Astra.." He says softly and then clears his throat, "Well this isn't Astra we are speaking of it's...well....He mentioned losing a lot and, not that he lives in the village now but he is staying in the village for now and maybe he is staying I don't know yet." He takes a deep breath, he will not hide important info from Blisa, "Marek..."

Ferdinand growls slightly, and the stoat and weasel in the kitchen stop talking so they can listen. The vixen, who had been about to come into the room anyway, zips through the door and watches the unfolding scene anxiously. Blisa starts stuttering, her green eyes widening as she poufs up all over, her tail looking like a white bristle-brush. "He--Mar--wha---DO WHAT?!" She collapses to the floor, yowling and kicking the floor in frustration. "WHY DID IT HAVE TO /HIM/?! WHY WHY WHY?!"

Scioto watches as his daughter kicks and stuffs and frowns unsure what to do, "I..do not know." He says calmly "But he has changed I believe and is to be trusted. I have decided to trust him but I know some don't trust him very much"

Blisa has bitten her sleeve to keep from yelling anymore. When her father stops talking, she buries her face in her arms and lies still, struggling to regain control of herself. "Grrr....like me! I don't trust him! But now I have to give him a second chance!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY LIFE?!" Baislisk has a disappointed look on his face as he says forlornly, "Thissss meansss I can't eat him, right?"

Scioto lays a paw on his daughter's shoulder" It may take time but try at least, he may not be perfect but then no beast is. There is many things your need to learn to be chieftain some day and I hope I am able to be around to teach you, and some your need to learn on your own" He looks at Basil "No, it's one of the reasons he isn't in the house"

Blisa nods, stands and goes ot hug her father tightly, blinking back tears. "I'll try. For you. And I wish you could be around for always and always and always and never, ever leave me!" Basilisk flops to the floor, whining. "I'm sssso ssssick of thisss! Whyyyyy can't I eat sssomebeassst?!" Ferdinand growls and kicks the snake in the jaw, which makes the reptile start howling. "Murder! Murder!" The cat goes to bury her face in her father's shoulder, a little worn out and way beyond frustrated.

Scioto hugs her back "I will not be around forever, no beast can be around forever"

Blisa nods as a tear trickles down her cheek. "I know. But be careful so you can stay here for as long as possible, okay?" Basilisk continues to whine and complain as Clarissa and the male fox come back inside and the majority of the guards go back to what they were doing, although Ferdinand stays by the Chieftain and his daughter, trying to ignore the annoying snake.

Scioto nods "I know to be careful and may for the time being wear some chainmail armor under the tunic when I am out and about. I don't usually leave the village and when do its very rarely"

Blisa nods, then grits her teeth as the snake's whining raises in volume. Growling slightly, she plops down on his nose, at which Basilisk emits a muffled grunt of surprise and irritation. His tail starts moving, but he knows better than to flip the cat off...

Scioto looks at Basil again, "Besides, your on a diet. Maybe if a bandit breaks into the house you can eat them, but only then"

A tear courses down the snake's cheek as he tries to win pity from the Chieftain. Blisa eeps as Basilisk's tail whips around and knocks a chair over. Rapping on his head, she growls, "Stop that!" The reptile whimpers slightly as the cat looks at her father. "Why is Marek here, anyway? One would think that he would avoid this area, since so many beasts want to see him dead."

Scioto answers "He came here to help stop some beast named...oh forgot the name now and he was helping keep the bandits out of Ferravale."

Blisa cocks her head to one side as she thinks. "What does this beast look like? I might've seen him and not realized he was an enemy." Ferdinand sits down, pulls an almost-finished woven grass belt out of a pocket, and starts weaving as he listens.

Scioto asks, "What does what beast look like?"

Blisa smiles. "The one that Marek is here to help stop--the one who's name you can't remember."

Scioto says, "Well I have yet to see him, but there is a ferret named Coldclaw." He describes him best he can "I got a clear view of him and his goons"

Blisa raises an eyebrow as Ferdinand whistles low. "Scars, missing finger on left paw, basically no ears. It'd be kind of hard to not recognize that guy. He probably won't come into the village...unless he's a complete idiot."

Scioto says, "I do not think he has entered that I know of and guards are keeping an eye out for him"

Blisa nods, then stands and taps Basilisk's nose with her foot. "Okay, you can get up now. Go and let Valerie paint you somemore." The snake slithers off, whimpering about how he hates wearing a lampshade. After putting the shade back on his head, Valerie the vixen begins painting again.

Scioto asks, "So why is she painting him anyways?"

Blisa goes to sit on the arm of her father's chair as she watches the snake. "She's never painted a snake before, and she wanted to try. She's a healer, not a fighter, by the way. I put the lampshade on his head 'cause I think it looks funny."

Scioto chuckles at this and smiles, "Well we do need healers and artists as well. That reminds me we have a new Master Healer in the village now."

Blisa grins. "Yes, we do. Valerie is amazing. She knows almost as much as Leon." She glances at her father. "Oh? Who? Is it Oakenpaw?"

Scioto says, "No a stoat named Reseda, she is Master Healer and Oakenpaw is a healer also but she is his boss now"

Blisa nods thoughtfully. "I don't think I'vemet her. I'd like to so I can welcome her to the village. I'm glad we have another Master Healer. We need one, especially if there are any fights or another war."

Scioto says, "I do not want to think of war and there is always fights in the village, mostly at the tavern and there was on in the market place earlier, two rats were fighting over the last pie this one stand had, guess the pie was very good and both wanted it, neither got it as it fell to the ground and then the two punched each other further making the pie get all over the ground...and them"

Blisa shrugs, then giggles, then starts laughing at the mental image of the rats, covered in pie as they fight. She is laughing so hard she falls of the arm of the chair, but she continues laughing to show that she's fine. Ferdinand chuckles a little, too, as he puts the last finishing touches on the belt he's making.

Scioto says, "Some fights are in the fighting pit also and they don't always end too well"

Blisa sighs and wipes tears of mirth from her eyes as she stands and perches on the arm of the chair again. "Yeah, I know. I've been in there sometimes when they have to carry one of the combatants out. It's sad."

Scioto nods "Yes and I should go check on someone, I will be back for dinner"

Thanks for reading! :)
