"AstraAstra!" says the Chieftan's Daughter or It's Ferravale Recorder vs. Cheiftans Daughter!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Astra is sitting up in bed, its the first she has done much in a little over 3 weeks, she still has bandages but is healing nicely now.

The slight pads of running cat feet sound out from just outside the door, and said wooden article is thrown back to where it hits the wall with a resounding 'bang', and a white blur streaks across the floor, landing on the bed at Astra's feet. Oh, hey, it's Blisa. "AstraAstra! Ferdy is letting me visit you finally! He would't let me 'cause he didn't want me hurting you, but he just said we could, so I'm here, are you OK? How are you feeling? Wanna play? When can you get out of here? What happened? Why are in here? Oh, I missd you!!" All of this is said at aproxamatly 125 miles per hour, and is also said just as a gasping Ferdinand enters the infermary, having failed to keep up with his ecstatic charge.

Astra blinks as she sees the blur and then the kitten and smiles brightly "I am better than I was when first came to the infirmary, I am healig but have yet to walk around much and the wound on my collarbone needs a bit more time to fully heal"

Blisa's eyes widen slightly as Ferdinand slumps into a nearby chair to catch his breath. "Your collarbone got hurt? How? What hapened?" asks the kitten, scooting foreward a little as she adresses the adult cat.

Astra says, "It was a weasel if remeber right, attacked e up close so I lost...badly"

Blisa is siting at the end of Astra's bed, looking like she's about to cry and go punch through a wall or something, and Ferdinand is sitting in a nearby chair, panting like he just ran a marathon. "Is that bad weasel dead?" the Dibbun asks.

Simon scampers in with his writing materials fluttering wildly in the air around him. He sits down on a cot near the various gathered beasts and begins writing feverishly, trying to record everything that's going on.

Astra nods "Yes, been dead for umm...not sure, he tried to hurt a couple others also"

Blisa nods in satisfaction, then turns and stares openmouthed at the squirrel. Turning her attention from the dozing adult cat, she asks, "What are you doing, and why are you doing it?" she pauses, then adds, "Please?"

Simon scribbles madly as he says, panting, in one breath, "I-am-the-Recorder-of-the-Village-of-Ferravale-and-as-such-it-is-my-duty-to-diligently-and-accurately-not-to-mention-_vividly_-chronicle-any-event-or-happenstance-that-is-remotely-interesting." Ink splatters on his crystal spectacles as he says this, and he takes a quick break to wipe the lenses off with a small cloth.

Ferdinand stares at the squirrel, but Blisa understood every word he said. "So why are you in here?" she asks, tilting her head to one side.

"Because-I-thought-I-heard-an-allusion-to-some-form-or-variety-of-unusual-occurence-or-happenstance-during-the-course-of-the-discussion-in-these-premises-so-I-chose-to-investigate-on-a-whim," Simon rapid-fires as he resumes his writing, actually Chronicling his own words at the same pace as he speaks them.

Blisa frowns, jumps up, and goes to yank the pen out of the Recorder's paw...but is stopped by Ferdinand, who holds her close and glares into her eyes. She sighs, then crawls back onto the bed.

Simon keeps writing, regarding Blisa nervously as he can't fight worth a crap and frankly he doesn't feel like dealing with an annoyed cat. He carefully backs further onto the cot and moves his supplies a bit closer to paw. Then Simon decides, on the whole, that his materials would be far safer several blocks away, and scurries out to find somewhere where he can write uninterrupted.

Thanks for reading!
