"...though death's shadow claim us."

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated July 08, 2012 in the category Art and Fiction by Wanderer. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Sun, 07/08/2012 - 13:06

The Seer makes a plan for the future.

NOTE: This is related to the n00b TP, or, as it has now been named, the Thorns of Steel TP. Check out the forum posts with n00b TP in the title for more info.

Dark were the skies outside, and dark were the thoughts of the Seer. Incense wreathed the black ermine’s form as he slipped into the darkened void beyond, the mental realm known only to those who follow the paths of the supernatural. Nightbreath sat there, slowly weaving his head from side to side in time with his rising and falling chants, until at last the world fell away around him, and he entered into the black spirit-realm beyond this world.

His chants trailed off, and he sat there motionless. At length, he began to speak.

His words sounded like many voices at one time, everywhere, yet nowhere.

“The skies are darkening. Soon the hour will come.”

In his own voice, he replied, “But what new horizons will reveal themselves then?”

The voice spoke again.“That remains unclear. More importantly, what will our role be?”

“That remains unclear as well. Is it our fate to take part in the coming struggle?”

“Perhaps. But when the future remains veiled to the Inner Eye, it sometimes falls to the Seer to take the initiative.”

“Agreed. But it is also the Seer’s duty to refrain from interfering with the flow of time. It is not the station of mortals to try to catch the sands of time on the wind; always it will elude their grasp.”

“Ah, but you forget. If it is revealed that we do play a part in the course of events, it is our duty to do so.”

“But how will we know, brother?”

“Perhaps not at all.”

This was illogical. How would he know what course to take if he was unsure whether to act at all?

“Then how will we choose a course of action?”

“The Seer’s Creed, brother. The first duty of a Seer is to uphold the right at all costs.”

“But sometimes the right is unclear.”

“True. Then it falls to the Seer to choose.”

“It is not the place of mortals to decide what is right or wrong," Nightbreath replied.

“Then what would you have us do, brother? Sit idly as the land burns beneath a victorious tyrant?”

“No. But still it remains unclear whether it is our fate to act at all.”

“Think, brother! The Seer’s Creed! The creed you live by! Recite it now, every line.”

Nightbreath opened his eyes in indignation, scowling. “Do you seek to mock me?”

“No. But do so, that you may understand.”

“Very well.” The Seer closed his eyes and recited the Creed from memory.

“The Seer’s Creed, as was laid down by Melkor the Darkfinder in time immemorial.

“I, the Seer, the voice of Starcaster upon this earth, swear on my name, my life, the stars above, the darkness below, and the Starcaster himself, he who made them be, that I will, first and foremost, uphold these duties till I leave this world, or Starcaster come again and this land disappear once more ‘neath the Sundering Seas:

“First and foremost, I shall uphold the right at all costs.

“Second, I shall be the guiding light for those lost in the endless shadows of life.

"Third, I shall uphold the law of Starcaster to the last, even if death takes me for doing so.

“Fourth, I shall use my powers for the greater good: Ultimate defeat of the Shadow.

“I shall—

The voice cut him off, speaking passionately and agitatedly.

“I shall be counselor regarding the arcane in times of war.

“Last, as a final resort, I must be a warrior of Starcaster in the final battle against the Shadow!”

He drew in a long, slow breath, and after a moment, nodded agreement. “Very well. It is decided. We are resolved to act?

“Yea, brother, if you are indeed a servant of Starcaster. If thou hast any loyalty to thy master, thou shalt act!”

The Seer took another slow, deep breath, and nodded. “It is resolved. We shall fight to the last, though death’s shadow claim us for it.”

“Good. Now go! Bring the fist of Starcaster upon the servants of darkness!”

After a long, slow minute, the trance faded, and his eyes unmisted as he opened them. He rose from his seat, refreshed, feeling reborn and ready to take on the Shadow’s minions, down to the last being.
