Lorimis Log:Even the Abbot needs a day off

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

- - Lorimis, Silverstorm, Leon in the abbot chambers discuss stuff- -

RW Abbey: Abbot's Chambers

The Abbot's chambers are a warm cozy set of rooms on the ground floor of the Abbey. The main chamber has large airy lead-lined windows that look out over the Open Ground of the abbey and beyond that the fields were they grow their crops.

The furniture in this initial chamber consists of a large desk and two bookcases by the windows. There are a pair of comfortable arm-chairs set up before the snug fire-place and a couple of chests tucked beneath an expansive side-board.

There are two doors off this central chamber, one leads into the Abbot's simple yet comfortable bed-chamber. Large well made wooden bed, wardrobe, pegs for hanging items on and a small chair positioned by a small fireplace with a wash-stand in one corner. The other door is always kept locked and the Abbot likes to keep it a mystery as to what is in there.

Exits: [Hall]way


Lorimis is sitting at his desk looking over papers; he has been staying indoors due to the cold outside and looks to be busy.

Leon knocks on the door and waits on a reply.

Lorimis looks to the door and smiles, "Brother Leon, hello." He clears his throat as he speaks. "Come in, come in"

Leon enters, "You look busy. How are you feeling today Abbot Lorimis?"

Lorimis answers, "I was just finishing up some paper work." He stops to cough once, not a bad cough just one, may have with a cold. He shakes his head, "I am starting to dislike this weather, makes up stopped up at times and my old bones hurt a lot more than they use to, but there is always a warm fire in the fireplace. Did you need anything Brother Leon?"

Leon says, "Not really" He frowns at the cough and walks closer "I could give you a quick check up if you like and I know how the cold effects bones like Oz's knee seems to brother him more in cold weather.”

Lorimis smiles "I am Brother Leon, just a small cough and a little bit of a cold, herbal tea is good for that."

Leon says, "Still, at your age checkups are very important."

Lorimis chuckles softly as he stands and grumbles some as he rubs his back, "We all one day get old Brother Leon." He will allow a checkup as he is due one and may even be late getting one.

Leon checks his pulse and breathing and even reflexes. All in All you’re normal healthy checkup.

Lorimis vitals are fairly good for his age, his heart rate may be a little slower but other than a slight cough and just a little bit of a stopped up nose he is fine. “I heard, there is a wildcat in the infirm. Is he a concern?"

Leon shakes his head "I do not think so Abbot Lorimis." He steps back "So far he has behaved..for the most part." He then speaks of the checkup, "I think I will make you something for the cough, just to make sure it doesn’t get any worse, you seem to be doing fine otherwise. Sadly can’t do much against the cold making bones hurt...wish I could"

Lorimis nods "It is alright " He adjusts his glasses, taking them off to clean them and places them back on, "Age seems to also make one need better glasses"

Leon says, "I am sure Zork could make you a stronger pair of glasses, he make glasses for Lacota and still has some of the lenses stuff left I think"

Lorimis nods "Yes I may ask him when he stops in soon, he had wanted to speak to me or Benar."

Leon blinks "About what?"

Lorimis says, "He did not say, just that it was important"

Leon says, "I know he is doing better now with his heart health, I mean he could still be in the wheelchair but not as soon as I had thought before. Unless he is having pain in his legs and didn’t tell me..again"

Lorimis chuckles "Brother Zork does seem to not always share whats going on with himself, but also when he has something important to tell us...he will tell us. He has matured a lot since he used to be a fighting beast."

Leon nods in agreement, "That’s true..If a beast had told me Zork would be a brother one day I would have been like..yeah right, but he does good as an order brother."

Lorimis smiles "Yes he is good, also as blacksmith. He has the apprentice who I have spoken to a couple times, she does good with her lessons and had some lessons with Kadar before his passing I know. Lessons that were best done outside the abbey as it dealed with weapons and armor..though those are important to know for the trade but not in the abbey grounds"

Leon says, "I think that’s why she had some lessons with Kadar and at the time Zork was told not to do anything with the forge, he did however make Flicktail and Rayen's rings"

Lorimis nods and coughs once again, "I told him he could make the rings and to lay off the forge for..for winter."

Leon nods, "Alright"

Silverstorm pokes her head inside the room, "Ello?"

Lorimis nods to the sea otter "Enter"

Leon waves to Silverstorm “Hello Silverstorm"

Silverstorm walks in "I..umm, I was told to remember the charter to maybe be a novice...could I say it maybe or another time?"

Lorimis smiles "You may say it now" He leans back in his chair and listens.

Silverstorm says, "To be Brothers and Sisters of peace and goodwill, living together in harmony under the protection of Redwall Abbey, forsaking all unnecessary forms of violence, not only to Mossflower, its trees, grasses, flowers, and insects, but to all living creatures.To help and comfort the dispossessed, harbor orphans and waifs, offer shelter to all creatures alike, give clothing, warmth and food to any beast or creature that is deemed in need of such. To educate and learn, particularly in the healing arts, comfort the sick, nurse the injured and help the wounded.To take our food from the earth and replenish the land by caring for it, husbanding crops and living in harmony with the seasons always.To honor and protect our friends and brethren, only raising paw to do battle when our life at Redwall is threatened by treachery and the shadow of war; at these times every Redwall creature should show courage, fortitude and obedience to the Father Abbot. Albeit the taking of another life must always be justified and never "

Silverstorm says, "never carried out in a wanton manner."

Leon listens as he sits down

Lorimis smiles "I say that’s...very good, Novice Silverstorm" He rubs his forehead a little as he stays leaned back and then speaks “Brother Leon can get you some novice robes."

Silverstorm smiles "A novice..thank you Abbot Lorimis. I will do me best"

Leon watches the abbot, "You ok Lorimis?" He asks a little concern as he stands ,he nods to Silverstorm “I can get the robe yes, it’s green for novice and when you become a sister its brown like mine."

Lorimis nods slowly "I am fine Brother Leon, just a small headache and a little tried, perhaps my old age as I do find myself taking naps more often. In fact going to take one now.." He stands slowly and heads to his bed chambers “I will speak to you all later"

Leon nods still looking concerned

Silverstorm watches Lorimis head into his bedroom and frowns at Leon “Did I upset him?"

Leon shakes his head "I don’t think so, let’s go let him rest the abbot does have busy days sometimes."

Lorimis meanwhile lays down for a nap. Maybe he will take a day off..even the abbot needs a day off.