"Keep DAB out of my library." Sincerly, Quinten (A Long Patrol and Salamandastron log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Crater

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

You are on the very top of the mountain of Salamandastron: a large, bowl-

shaped crater. The crater is not smooth, quite the contrary in fact.

Numerous boulders and large chunks of rock are strewn around randomly,

making the crater top just as craggy as any of the mountainside. The

crater provides an outstanding view of the surrounding country. The sea

sprawls off to the west as far as the eye can see, and north and south

along the endlessly rolling sand dunes. In the distant east, a tinge of

green is just visible from this height, marking the vegetation in the

foothills of the Western Mountains.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

[N]ortheast [M]ountainside [Down] to Third Level

Hares: Quinten, male. Felicity 'Lissie', female.

Felicity comes up the stairs to the crater, looking very stressed. The day is clear, and it's showing many of the signs of Spring. The haremaid drags herself over to a chair and collapses into it, staring at the blue expanse above her. "I. 'ate. every. flippin'. thing." She says to the cloudless vault.

Quinten is walking slowly around the top of the crater staring out at the clear horizon showing in every direction. He slows, ears perking up as he hears a voice and looks over, "Felicity what is up?"

Felicity looks down at the Recorder, whom she had actually not noticed way even up here. "Oh...'i. Sorry, I've just 'ad a rough day with my sistah and her DAB friends. They took over the dormitory durin' naptime, then escaped."

Quinten asks, "Your what friends?" he descends the side of the crater, "Do we even have Dibbuns against Bedtime in the mountain?" he looks amused and shakes his head, "I thought that was a Redwall group."

Felicity covers her eyes with a paw and groans. "My sistah Julia started the Dibbuns Aganst Bedtime group 'ere after I read 'ere a Redwall story. There's only about 6 of them, but they are like little monstahs...." She slides down in her seat and groans again. "'Tis like tryin' to 'erd crabs!! ....just messier, wot!"

Quinten says, "Well that does sound like your problem Felicity, just keep them out of my library. I have enough trouble getting dibbuns to sit still during classes."

Felicity smiles a tiny bit and peeks at him. "Well, it might make you feel bettah to know that Julia reveres the library as if it's a holy place. Books are 'er best friends. She actually asked if we could adopt a book to be 'er brothah or sistah. I don't think you'll 'ave to worry about them messin' up yer books." She sits up and rubs her face.

Quinten says, "Well that is something nice to hear, the dibbuns are generally a good bunch in my classes but sometimes they do tend to get a bit unruly"

Felicity grins and looks up. "Well, I doubt if Julia evah will. She sort of idolizes you; she calls you, 'Quinny who gives me stories'. I don't think she would evah cause trouble....and I would 'ate to be the leveret that caused trouble when she's around. ...on my days off, I'd be 'appy to 'elp ya with the Dibbuns in your classes." She stretches, looking surprised when her back pops. "But anyway. 'Ow's your day goin', wot?"

Quinten laughs, "Quinny? Gosh my sister used to call me that," he sits down on a rock and smiles, "And my day has been.... heavy and full of things not to trouble a youngster with, oh, and mostly paperwork."

Felicity smiles softly. "I'm not that young....if you need to talk, I'm willing to listen. Or, if ya need to laugh, I can tell ya about the time my sistah and 'er cohorts got themselves locked in a closet. I almost didn't let them out, they'd been so naughty." She's willing to do either thing. Or protect him on the way to Halyard. Whatever.

Short log is short DX I ran out of time :(

Thanks for reading!
